JMeter understand Thread Group / Throughput and INCLUDE - jmeter

I have a few question to clarify on my understanding of how JMeter works.
a. Thread Group determine the number of users but it does not determine how many HTML requests are generated per sec ? By default, I notice that every user will send a HTML request at a rate of 2 RPS.
b. If I want to change the RPS per user, then I need to use the Through Put Timer. But the Timer can only lower the request rate from 2 RPS to a lower number. It does not increase the RPS.
c. In order to increase the RPS, I need to add more Threads.
d. Does this mean we are limited to 2 RPS per user ? I see some website have links to many other websites so a webpage refresh would make many requests.
Is this the way JMeter works ?
I have a load test which has 8 transaction (eg CRUD,...). I intend to create a overall Test Plan and I want to use INCLUDE to add all the 8 txn. Do I just record the website and INCLUDE ? What should I include, only the HTML requests ?
I'm also thinking of adding Think Time and Add Variables in the 8 scripts before I INCLUDE.
Do I add the Config Element (eg CSV Dataset Config) in the 8 scripts or the overall Test Plan ?

By default each JMeter thread (virtual user) executes requests as fast as it can. If you want to slow JMeter down to mimic a real user which doesn't hammer the server non-stop and needs some time to "think" between operations - use Timers. More information: How do I Correlate the Number of (Concurrent) Users with Hits Per Second
If you want more RPS - add more threads (assuming that the system under test can give you more RPS)
You should INCLUDE everything which is related to your website (images, scripts, styles, fonts, sounds, etc.) but in the same manner as your browser does, i.e. don't record these requests and instead configure JMeter to download embedded resources and use HTTP Cache Manager so JMeter would request these resources just like browser does. Any requests to "external" websites should be excluded (unless they're also developed and supported and in scope for testing)
That's a good approach, if you use a value more than once it makes sense to declare it via User Defined Variables so you would be able to amend the value only in one place
You add it according to your scenarios, be informed about JMeter Scoping Rules


How to set the 4000 users and 1 hour duration using JMETER

In Jmeter I have a scenario like
Load tested with 4000 users and 1 hour duration
759965 requests made and out of which one request failed on an average 18894.13 requests made per second.
This was the earlier scenario and I want to make the same scenario again with the above information. Can someone guide me how to set up the environment and also the results. I have designed my script using Co-relation with the help regular expression extractor.enter image description here
For the normal Thread Group the configuration would be something like:
It would also be a good idea to use some ramp-up period so the load would increase gradually and you could correlate increasing load with other metrics like response time or transactions per second.
You might also want to use one of Custom Thread Groups which can be installed as JMeter Plugins, they provide easy visual way to define the number of threads, test duration, ramp-up, ramp-down, time to hold the load, eventual spikes, etc.
Once you define your desired workload you should run your test in command-line non-GUI mode, with regards to the test results the easiest option is to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard

Is there a specific way to achieve the below scenarios in JMeter ? if yes how?

Can someone guide how can I achieve below scenarios via JMeter
1.Check if system is able to process 1,00,000 random searches per hour
2.Check if system can accept 1,00,000 transaction's per minute- this is more like form submissions
First of all you need to implement your test scenarios (search and submitting forms) using HTTP Request samplers
The HTTP Request samplers can be:
Recorded using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Recorded using JMeter Chrome Extension
Created manually basing on your application/endpoint specifications
Once you have test project skeleton and perform necessary correlation of dynamic values and parameterization of dynamic parameters like usernames you can start defining the workload, i.e. see Building a Web Test Plan user manual chapter
Add as many virtual users as needed, run your test and see whether your application can handle the anticipated load.
Suggested scenario:
Increase the load gradually, i.e. start with 1 user and increment the number of users till the projected amount
Look at Transactions per Second chart and Active Threads Over Time chart. On well-behaved system the throughput (number of requests per second) should increase as the number of users increase.
If you detect the point when you increase the load but the throughput doesn't increase - it means that the system reached the maximum performance. If it is sufficient - you can report the test as passed, otherwise you will need to investigate the root cause and either report or fix it if you're capable of doing this.

how much requests are made for 100 concurrent users on 5 page application on Jmeter load test

I am running jmeter tests with 100 to 1k users successfully,
But I suspect if response time is higher than expected.
My test plan include: get login and post login, get test page , post test page, get search page, post search page....
in total 5 get and 5 post forms.
For same number of users if I reduce number of pages the overall response time decreases
so should I run test for pages separately?
Should I reduce number of users for realistic numbers (5 pages*20 users=100 concurrent users)--for performance test?
Or should I be using distributed system?
What is the best practice?
Current Setup: i5, 8GB Ram, One windows machine with Jmeter 3.1
You load testing should be realistic, otherwise it does not make sense. You need to simulate anticipated users behaviour as closely as possible, only this way you will get the real life picture.
So you need to implement your test scenario to match the way, your site will be used in the real world. If it is alive already you can use Access Log Sampler to replay the traffic. If it is not, you can think about "user groups", like:
50% of not authenticated users will be browsing the site
20% of authenticated users will be browsing the site
5% of users will be in login process
3% of users will search for something
You can use different Thread Groups to represent different groups of users and Throughput Controller to control the frequency of samplers execution inside the Thread Group. See Running JMeter Samplers with Defined Percentage Probability article for more information on how to distribute the load in a realistic way.
There are N number of factors that will affect the overall response times. number of users / pages etc are also few of them. Do you have any specific requirement for performance test? If you are not sure of non functional requirements, then I think all your questions will be clarified in these posts -
I think you could be running into jmeter issues. What is the JVM heap and GC algorithm that you are using? How are you measuring the performance of each page? If you are using "Transaction Controller" to measure the performance, any slowness in jmeter will affect your transaction controller values.
Have you correlated with the application logs to really understand that the application is indeed slowing down when you decrease the # of pages? If your application response time is constant, I think jmeter is the culprit here. Move all your measurements to the sampler level instead of transaction controllers and update the results

jmeter calculate page load time, the which type of thread to be used to observe the maximum load in which server is stable

I am new to jmeter and scripted for login authentication. Project requirement is to see the load for 10K concurrent users.
Script is working fine but to enhance I need suggestions on how to do the following thigs:
How can I see that how much time/average time the server takes to load a page.
which thread grp (studied Ultimate thread group but it is not very clear to me), should be used to see the maximum load the server can sustain in a particular time, for that rampup time need to be adjusted (correct me if I am wrong).
Please tell how to adjust the rampup time with respect to users/waiting time etc., in short how to do incremental/proportional observation to see the server performance(there is no Gateway error etc)
If you're looking for your server capacity boundaries I would rather stick to "requests per second" rather than to "concurrent users" as users may work with different applications in a different way.
For instance, if it is image gallery - the majority of users will be browsing images and do this rather frequently, for instance request next image i.e. each 2 seconds. Given image load time 1 second it will be an image per 3 seconds - 20 images per minute. In this case 10000 users will create the load of 3333 requests per second.
If your site is articles collection, users will need some more time to read an article, i.e. 2 minutes. In that case 10000 users will create 83 requests per second load.
JMeter provides Constant Throughput Timer out of the box, you can set desired target throughput in requests per minute using it. And once you're already aware of JMeter Plugins project, it offers Throughput Shaping Timer - more advanced test element with extended functionality.
If you go "throughput" way, no matter which Thread Group you choose as the load will be orchestrated by aforementioned timers.
See What is the Relationship Between Users and Hits Per Second? article for more detailed explanation.
Once you design your test scenario run it in non-GUI mode (as JMeter's GUI is very resource intensive) as:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/resultsfile.jtl.
When the test finishes, open JMeter GUI, add Aggregate Report listener and inspect min/max/average response times per requests.

jMeter Multiple HTTP Requests

I want to test a fully functioning website for load using a constant, known number of users - to that end I'm trying to recreate the "Retrieved All Embedded Resources" functionality for a web-page, only manually, because I really don't know if it fetches all resources grabbed by JS. So the first question is - how do I check to see what these subsequent fetches retrieve?
Second question is - how do I make the multiple requests atomic, like "Retrieve All Embedded Resources"? I need to use "Constant Throughput Timer" for making sure the number of vusers is constant, but:
When using "Retrieve All Embedded Resources", this counts as one request, and one thread handles it right (hopefully, again - can't tell what goes on beyond the scenes)
When using a recorded session with numerous elements, each element is one action and occupies the queue (counts as 1 sample for Constant Throughput Timer). Therefore, it's not atomic.
I guess I can count the elements and define them as number of samples for throughput per minute, but this won't do in the long run.
First of all, jmeter does not execute any javascript in the pages retrieved. Clicking "Retrieve all embedded resources" does the following if you check the documentation:
Tell JMeter to parse the HTML file and send HTTP/HTTPS requests for all images, Java applets, JavaScript files, CSSs, etc. referenced in the file.
So it will check the current sample for any references and retrieve those, but it will not run any scripts that are retrieved.
If you want to check which resources jmeter is actually retrieving you could run for example Fiddler to check which requests are being made.
You can use Transaction Controller to consider all embedded resources requests and master request as one sample, aggregate time will be logged and reported.
