How to remove href="x-default" from Joomla Website? - joomla

I'm doing the SEO for my Website and I found that all the pages of my Joomla Website have beside the hreflang="en" tag that I set also a hreflang="x-default".
Is there a way to deactivate the x-default hreflang tag from a Joomla Site?
Thank you.

Under "Extensions" -> "Plugins", search for "System - Language Filter", click on it, and then choose "No" next to " Add x-default Meta Tag", save the plugin, and then clear your Joomla and your browser cache. This should do it.


joomla html editor on the frontpage

I was wondering how one would go about implementing an editor like tinymce so that registered members of a joomla site can post articles, edit them, and get paid when someone downloads them
like thisenter image description here
This functionality is already built into Joomla.
All you need to do to enable this is to add a new "Create Article" menu option with Access = "Registered".
You will probably also need to enable a login module if there isn't one already so users can log in to the front end to see the new menu option.

Joomla - Article not showing up

I have published some articles on Joomla and added theme to module at homepage. But when i click a link, it just show up home page, not article content.
My website here and i use template JD Chicago. Example:
Can anyone help me ?
You have to use the menu link:
Capabilities does not have this item

How do I change the text "There are no articles in this category" in Joomla 3?

I am looking to customize the wording that displays when there are no articles in a category for a category blog. Right now, Joomla displays "There are no articles in this category. If subcategories display on this page, they may contain articles."
I know how to turn this message off, but I can't seem to find where I can edit the text, or override it. I've searched through all the Joomla files (Find phrase in Dreamweaver in all files) and nothing came up.
Thanks for your help.
You should utilize the Joomla Language Manager under Extension Manager in the Joomla Administrator. Just select Language Override, click New, and search for your phrase.
Here is the Joomla docs for this:
This will ensure that when Joomla core is updated you don't loose the change. Otherwise you would need to hack the Joomla core files which is a very bad idea.

How in Joomla create article and open it from the browser by alias?

I have created a material assigned him his alias.
Try to open this page at and 404 error occurs.
Generaly, To access Joomla Contents as :, you should check below things for your Joomla site:
You need to Enable "Search Engine Friendly URLs" from "Global Configuration" section of Joomla Site Administrator.
If it still doesn't work, you should create a "Menu Item" in any "Menu" from Joomla Menu Manager from Joomla Site Administrator. But, you must assign this menu item alias same that you want in you
I am sure this will work...

Joomla multilanguage website redirect to corresponding page when click on flag

I developed a Joomla! multi language website and working fine. But my problem is
Languages are English and Russian
When I was on an article in "English Page" and if I press that "Russian Flag" then the page will redirect to "Russian Home Page" other than "Russian ".
I am used "joomla native multi language facility" not any third party plugin.
The problem ruining my day
Please anyone help
Thanks in advance
Enable the option Menu Associations in the plug-in "System - Language Filter" then you'll see a tab/slide in the menu items to associate menu items of other languages. (This page can be useful)
