Joomla - Article not showing up - joomla

I have published some articles on Joomla and added theme to module at homepage. But when i click a link, it just show up home page, not article content.
My website here and i use template JD Chicago. Example:
Can anyone help me ?

You have to use the menu link:
Capabilities does not have this item


Can Joomla has a custom excerpt like WordPress, Drupal?

Both WordPress and Drupal have a custom excerpt, it's very useful, but Joomla seems doesn't have one.
Does someone know which extension can enable Joomla's custom excerpt function?
Thank you!
You don't need any extension, Joomla can do this out-of-the box using the native readmore functionality.
Add a readmore to your article, custom excerpt before the readmore.
In article options, set 'show readmore' to 'no'.
Now blog pages will show your custom excerpt text but it will not be shown in the article view.

How does one change Fishpig blog description/title?

Where do I need to go to change the /blog/ description? I noticed that Fishpig isn't using WordPress's blog description and that there also isn't a setting for changing this within the Fishpig settings page under Magento admin panel.
The description that is placed directly under the blog title is taken from the Settings > General page of the WordPress Admin.
The best way I've found to do this is to install the Yoast SEO plugin which allows you to manage that right on all posts including the blog listing that you referenced.
It's a good plugin to have in general for SEO anyway so it's win-win.

RAXO All-mode PRO instead simple article on home page JOOMLA

HI I have problem to change content display into my homepage. I need change simple articles categories display to something like RAXO All-mode PRO. But I don't know how to insert this module into content on home page. I using Joomla 3.x
If it's impossible, maybe somebody know about component which show articles categories better than conventional.
To insert any module of Joomla x.x you can use this tag into the content of an article: {loadposition MyModulePosition}. Then in the module you set the position to MyModulePosition and in the menu display option mark the menu item that point to the article.
However if the home page menu item point to "all featured article", you can set the article as featured and the module apears in the home page.

Articles not showing in joomla 2.5

I am trying to use joomla with the yoo catalyst theme. And i was trying to have an article on my page. But the problem is that article is not showing in my theme. But when i choose default theme it is showing the accurate results. Is there any setting that i am missing with this theme?
Please Help.
Think the answer if fairly simple. The link your provided:
is to a dummy component, hence the "option=com_helloworld&view=helloworld" and not to an actual article. When I went on to the website, I clicked on the "Privacy Policy" link which directed me to the following page:
and the article is showing fine on here
#user1929236 This is not an actual problem, it was actually caused by template configuration.
Since you have set hidden content on homepage in the template config, the content in the url was also hidden (an url without itemid will use the same template profile with homepage).

Joomla: How to include a second article content area on front page

Joomla newbie here. I understand how to build a "front page" using a menu item with the Front Page Blog Layout so that article content appears on the front page. But I'd also like to include article content (from another section or category) in the left column area. How is this done?
any sort of module that displays content--you can find many content showcase galleries in the extension directory
I suggest checking out this brand new extension:
