changing size and position of color bar - colorbar

I want to change the size and position of my map colorbar. When I try to change the size and location of the colorbar, it is distorted in shape, I don't know why. Can anybody kindly help me. Please guide me why the set command distorts the clorbar? The location of the color bar should be 'southoutside'.The code is as under:
clear all,close all,clc
ax = worldmap('world');
load geoid
R = georasterref('RasterSize',[180 360],'Latlim',[-90 90],'Lonlim', [0 360]);
levels = [-70 -40 -20 -10 0 10 20 40 70];
geoshow(geoid, R, 'DisplayType', 'contour','LevelList',levels,'Fill','on','LineColor','black')
coast = load('coast.mat');
geoshow(, coast.long, 'Color', 'white', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
cb = contourcbar('peer',ax,'Location','southoutside');
caxis([-110 90])
set(get(cb,'XLabel'),'String','Geoid Undulation in Meters')
a=get(cb); %gets properties of colorbar
a.Position %gets the positon and size of the color bar
set(cb,'Position',[0.10 0.20 0.80 0.08])% To change size and position


matlab plot data over an image

I would like to plot a scatter plot over a background image. But the origin of the image is at the top left corner. I need the bottom left of the image to be the origin so the bottom left = (0, 0.75) and top right (14, 1.25)
So I need to scale the image to my data from pH 0 - 14 (This is the x axis) and Eh 0.75 - 1.25 (This is the y axis)
Eh = [327.06 561.34 506.82 602.58 745.02 745.04 ...
693.96 682.9 648.46 468 412.18 522.94 459.74]./1e3; % V
pH = [6.4 4.51 5.08 4.98 3.63 4.31 6.24 6.22 4.94 6.44 7.05 5.09 4.63]; %pH
xImg = linspace(0, 14, size(I, 2));
yImg = linspace(-0.75, 1.25, size(I, 1));
image(xImg, yImg, I, 'CDataMapping', 'scale');
hold on;
plot(pH, Eh,'*','LineWidth',2);
grid on;
Suppose I Need to flip the data? The below image is what I need is the x and y I need to produce to overlay my data

Format Data Label as Percentage and Move it next to the other Data Label

I'm new here and also a beginner Python user. In this chart I was trying to make, I just need to format the blue labels into percentage with 2 decimal places and move them right next to the values at the end of the bars.
Here is the code:
index = np.arange(6)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2))
list1x = list(dict(train['Outlet_Location_Type'].value_counts()).keys())
list1y = list(train['Outlet_Location_Type'].value_counts())
ax.barh(list1x, list1y, alpha=0.7,
# width = 0.5,
color=cm.Blues([i / 0.00525 for i in [ 0.00808, 0.0045, 0.00281]])
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10})
rects = ax.patches
for i, label in enumerate(ii / 8325 * 100 for ii in list1y):
ax.text(label, i, str(label), size=10, ha='left', va='center', color = "blue")
for h, label in enumerate(list1y):
ax.text(label, h, label, size=10, ha='left', va='center')
ax.text(0, 1.02, 'Outlet Location Type Count', transform=ax.transAxes, size=12, weight=600, color='#777777')
ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors='black', labelsize=9)
I think there could be data type issue causing the blue values to stay at the left side. I can't find the formatting solution to change them into percentage.
Thank you so much in advance!

Overlaying MATLAB Scaled Image to Grayscale Image for selected pixels

I am new to MATLAB Image Processing and currently I have two images - one is a grayscale image of my object and the second is the scaled image generated from MATLAB using imagesc function. I am trying to overlay this scaled image on top of my grayscale image to get a spatial resolution for easier observation. Attached are the two images:
A) Grayscale Image:
B) Scaled Image:
There were a few difficulties that I encountered. Firstly, the scaled image is not saved in the same pixel dimensions, but I can get around that using the imwrite function:
im = imagesc(ScaledDiff);
However, doing so will result in a loss of colorbar and the colormap. Secondly, even if I manage to shrink the scaled image to the size of the grayscale image, overlaying it is still a challenge. Ideally, I would like to set the transparency (or 'alpha') to 0 for those pixels with < 0.02 in scaled image value.
Any idea on how to do this will be greatly appreciated! Sorry if I was unclear!
Thanks to Rotem, I have managed to overlay the grayscale image and a particular region of my heatmap:
However, I need to display the colorbar corresponding to the heatmap values, because otherwise the information is lost and the overlay will be useless. How should I do this? Below is a snippet of my code, where ScaledIntDiff contains the values from 0 to 0.25 that is displayed on the heatmap:
Brightfield = imread('gray.jpg'); % read background image
I1 = ind2rgb(gray2ind(Brightfield), gray); % convert indices into RGB scale
scale = 1000;
ScaledIntDiff2 = round(ScaledIntDiff.*scale);
I2 = ind2rgb(ScaledIntDiff2, jet(256)); % this is for the heatmap
threshold = 0.02;
I2R = I2(:,:,1); I2G = I2(:,:,2); I2B = I2(:,:,3);
I1R = I1(:,:,1); I1G = I1(:,:,2); I1B = I1(:,:,3);
% Replace pixels in I2 with pixels in I1 if the value of ScaledIntDiff of those pixels is below the threshold
I2R(ScaledIntDiff<threshold) = I1R([ScaledIntDiff<threshold]);
I2G(ScaledIntDiff<threshold) = I1G([ScaledIntDiff<threshold]);
I2B(ScaledIntDiff<threshold) = I1B([ScaledIntDiff<threshold]);
I2(:,:,1) = I2R; I2(:,:,2) = I2G; I2(:,:,3) = I2B;
I know that the code above is highly inefficient, so suggestions on how to improve it will be very welcomed. Thank you!
Check the following:
I = imread('CKbi2Ll.jpg'); %Load input.
%Convert I to true color RGB image (all pixels R=G=B are gray color).
I1 = ind2rgb(I, gray(256));
%Convert I to true color RGB image with color map parula (instead of using imagesc)
I2 = ind2rgb(I, parula(256));
%Set the transparency (or 'alpha') to 0 for those pixels with < 0.02 in scaled image value.
%Instead of setting transparency, replace pixels with values from I1.
threshold = 0.02; %Set threshold to 0.02
I2(I1 < threshold) = I1(I1 < threshold);
%Blend I1 and I2 into J.
alpha = 0.3; %Take 0.3 from I2 and 0.7 from I1.
J = I2*alpha + I1*(1-alpha);
%Display output
Adding a colorbar with ticks labels from 0 to 0.25:
Set color map to parula - it doesn't affect the displayed image, because image format is true color RGB.
Crate array of add 6 ticks from 0 to 250.
Create cell array of 6 TickLabels from 0 to 0.25.
Add colorbar with Ticks and TickLabels properties created earlier.
Add the following code after imshow(J);:
TLabels = cellstr(num2str((linspace(0, 0.25, 6))'));
T = linspace(1, 250, 6);
colorbar('Ticks', T', 'TickLabels', TLabels);
TLabels = cellstr(num2str((linspace(0, 0.25, 6))'));
T = linspace(1, 250, 6);
colorbar('Ticks', T', 'TickLabels', TLabels);

matlab plot graph of data over an image

What I would like to do is plot an image of a graph (from say a pdf file or a scanned image). Next, I would like to overlay an axis on the graph in the image, and then plot data on that axis (over the image).
Using imtool, I know the coordinates of the graph in the image (x range = ~52-355 pixels, and y range = 23(top) - 262(bottom) pixels in this case).
This is what I have tried:
I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
figure, imshow(I)
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
h1 = axes('Position',([52, 23, 355-52, 262-23] ./ [cols, rows, cols, rows] ));
set(h1, 'Color', 'none')
hold on
plot(x_data, y_data, '-rx')
Question: Knowing the pixel coordinates of the graph in the image, how do I determine the proper position of the axis in the figure, (my code fails to account for the actual size of the figure box, the gray border around the image). I have to do this for several images and sets of data, so I would like an automated method, assuming I find the coordinates of the graphs in the image ahead of time.
Thanks for your reply! (1st time posting, please be kind)
You may be able to solve your problem by forcing the image onto the same axis as the plot. Try this:
I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
h1 = axes('Position',([52, 23, 355-52, 262-23] ./ [cols, rows, cols, rows] ));
set(h1, 'Color', 'none')
hold on
image(I, 'Parent', h1);
plot(h1, x_data, y_data, '-rx')
That should at ensure that the plot axis and the image axis have the same origin, as they will be one and the same. You may need to adjust your sizing code. Let me know if that doesn't do it for you.
Good Luck!
I think I have it figured out.
It would have been easier if I could use:
figure, h1=imshow(I)
but that results in "The name 'Position' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'image'."
Instead, this appears to work:
I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
in_mag = 300;
figure, imshow(I, 'Border', 'tight', 'InitialMagnification', in_mag)
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
% Coord of graph in image pixels
x_0 = 50; x_max = 354; y_0 = 262; y_max = 23;
h1 = axes('Position',([x_0, rows-y_0, x_max-x_0, y_0-y_max] ...
./ [cols, rows, cols, rows] ));
hold on
plot(x_data, y_data, '-rx')
set(gca,'YColor', [0 0 1], 'XColor', [0 0 1])
However, if anybody has a better idea, I would be very happy to explore it!

Matlab: Something like "relative" position with uicontrol/axis; keep fixed margins when resizing

I currently have a big headache to get a small GUI working nicely which isn't being created with GUI editor but programmatically! What I have so far is something like the following:
hFig = figure();
set(hFig, 'Position', [300 200 500 400]);
plot((1:10).^2, '*-r');
% Größe des Plots so anpassen, dass links Platz für Buttons
ap = get(gca, 'TightInset');
fp = get(gcf, 'Position');
set(gca, 'Position', [160/fp(3), 30/fp(4), (fp(3)-180)/fp(3), (fp(4)-60)/fp(4)]);
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'foo', 'Position', [15 fp(4)-60 110 30]);
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'bar', 'Position', [15 fp(4)-100 110 30]);
Try to resize it: It doesn't 'look' the same, which means that the uicontrol boxes don't stay at the same relative position and the margins from the axis to the figure window get bigger. What I want to achieve is:
Have a figure window with a given position (x/y, width and height) with a plot inside. The plot will have a title and labels for x and y. Make the plot as height and width to have the TightInset plus a margin in each direction of a certain px-size (e.g. TightInset + 10px) as big as the figure window; except leave 150px of free space on the left to place some uicontrol buttons, and have them stay in the same position: This would be the same as being able to give the position from top/left (top = 20, left = 10) instead of bottom/left.
Thanks a lot!
Okay finally found a working solution I wanted it to be :-) Hopefully it is helpfull for somebody interested in it:
Main script file:
p = [300 300 1000 600];
fixedMargins = [250 0 0 0]; % [left, top, right, bottom]
f = figure('Position', p, 'Color', [0.9 0.9 0.9]);
plot(-10:10, (-10:10).^3, '*-r');
set(f, 'ResizeFcn', {#resizeCallback, gca, fixedMargins, {#myuiFunc, f, 40, 50}});
Resize Callback Function:
% Need to pass the handle of the axis to modify (hAx) AND to pass the
% desired margins as second extra callback argument:
% [left, top, right, bottom]!
function resizeCallback(hFig, ~, hAx, fixedMargins, func)
% Disable automatic rezising
set(hAx, 'Units', 'pixels');
% Figure-Size
fp = get(hFig, 'Position');
% Calculate Position of the axis
margin = get(hAx, 'TightInset') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];
% Position to fill the figure minus the TightInset-Margin
newPos = [0 0 fp(3:4)] - margin;
% Change position based on margins
newPos(1) = newPos(1) + fixedMargins(1);
newPos(3) = newPos(3) - fixedMargins(1) - fixedMargins(3);
newPos(2) = newPos(2) + fixedMargins(4);
newPos(4) = newPos(4) - fixedMargins(2) - fixedMargins(4);
% Set new position
set(hAx, 'Position', newPos);
% Call UI-Func
if(nargin == 5)
f = func{1};
args = func(2:end);
You can pass whatever function you want to be called when resizing the figure window, e.g. to update something in the figure. In my example it's the myuiFunc(), which is the following:
function myuiFunc(hFig, left, top)
persistent handles;
handles = [];
fp = get(hFig, 'Position');
h1 = uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Foo','Position', [left fp(4)-top 100 35]);
h2 = uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Bar','Position', [left fp(4)-top-50 100 35]);
handles = [h1 h2];
I like it :) Hopefully you too!
Edit: No need to edit the resizeCallback Function! Should work if you just pass your desired margins to it and if you like, additionally a function handle with arguments which will be called for each resize!
You can also use "Normalized" units.
uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'foo', 'Units','normalized','Position', [0.90 0.05 0.08 0.08] );
