Using CONCAT with Eloquent in Laravel - laravel-5

I want to use concat with eloquent , I have two tables (users) and (cars)
From users table I want to use first_name , last_name fields, and from cars table I want to use field called (vin).
$cars = Car::where(DB::raw('concat(first_name," ",vin," ",make)') , 'LIKE' , '%$search%')->paginate();
first_name field from Users table and the rest from Cars table

You can use join() for this as:
$cars = Car::join('users', 'cars.user_id', '=', '')
->where(DB::raw('concat(users.first_name," ",," ",cars.make)') , 'LIKE' , "%$search%")


How to use order by query both with current table column and relationship table column in laravel?

i am trying to fetch record with order by query but situation is this that i have to use order by both on current table column and relationship table column in laravel . I tried this
$consignments = Consignment::where('delivery_run_id', $id)->whereIn('status', [
'In Warehouse',
'With On Forwarder',
'In Transit (Warehouse->Delivery)',
'Awaiting Pickup'
])->with(['consignment_run_sheet' => function ($query) {
}])->orderBy('delivery_date', 'DESC')->get();
$deliveryRuns = DeliveryRun::all();
How I can achieve it?
it will order just the relation items in this way. solution is use subquery or joins. useing Subquery is like this if assume the modal for consignment_run_sheet relation is ConsignmentRunSheet and the relation is belongsTo:
$consignments = Consignment::where('delivery_run_id', $id)->whereIn('status', [
'In Warehouse',
'With On Forwarder',
'In Transit (Warehouse->Delivery)',
'Awaiting Pickup'
->whereColumn('', 'consignment_run_sheet.consignment_id'), 'DESC')

Eloquent: Order by sum of two columns

My working SQL query is as follows:
SELECT post_id
FROM news_tags
ORDER BY (link_clicks+views) DESC
What I've tried so far in eloquent is like this:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::
orderBy(DB::raw("`views` + `link_clicks`"), 'desc')
Newstag table has many columns and views and link_clicks are two of them. Now, I'm trying to retrieve the post_id order by desc of sum of views and link_click.
How can I do it in Laravel eloquent?
Thank you!
Do something like this:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::select(DB::raw('views + link_clicks as score'))
->orderBy('score', 'desc')
This will return just score value. If you want to return other fields, simply add them to select. As an example:
$newsTagSaved = NewsTag::select(
DB::raw('views + link_clicks as score'),
->orderBy('score', 'desc')

How to query from two columns with one string in Laravel

I have two columns in the users table: first_name & last_name. I want to query the user search john doe. I attempted it like the following.
$users = User::where('username', $request->text)
->orWhere('first_name', 'LIKE', '%'.$request->text.'%')
It searches only through john and I don't understand how to make it work
Try the following...
$users = User::where('username', $request->text)
->orWhereRaw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)
LIKE ?", ['%' . $request->text . '%'])
The whereRaw and orWhereRaw methods can be used to inject a raw where clause into your query.

how to retrieve multiple table data with multiple criteria in laravel eloquent?

I want to retrieve data from 4 different table using laravel eloquent with multiple criteria.
an Overview of my table;
table 1
table 2
table 3
table 4
below are their relations
table 1
hasMany -> table 2
table 2
belongsTo ->table1
table 3
belongsTo ->table2
table 4
belongsTo ->table3
I'd like to fetch the data by resource show with two parameters
and i tried this
$Report = Table1::whereHas('tabke1', function($query){
$query->where('year', 'like','%'.$year.'%');
->with('table2')->whereHas('table3', function($query){
$query->where('quarter', 'like', '%'.$quarters.'%');
but im receiving syntax error.
How can I retrieve the data from multiple table with multiple filter?
i tried this table query to understand more what i expect
SELECT `table1`.*, `table2`.*, `table3`.*, `table4`.*
FROM `table1`, `table2`, `table3`, `table4`
WHERE ((`table2`.* year = 2019) AND (`table4`.* quarter = 1))
I reckon there are two queries to achieve the results.
The first query is something like:
Table1::whereHas('table2', function ($query) {
$query->where('year', 2019);
->whereHas('table2.table3.table4', function ($query) {
$query->where('quarter', 1);
The second query is something like:
->join('table2', '', '=', 'table2.table1_id')
->join('table3', '', '=', 'table3.table2_id')
->join('table4', '', '=', 'table4.table3_id')
->where('table2.year', 2019)
->where('table4.quarter', 1)
Regarding performance, I prefer the second query.

get both by ID and Name in laravel?

In MySQL Database Table there are 2 columns
Order TypeID
Order Type
In Order to find a record with ID, I am using below code.
$OrderType = \App\Models\OrderType_Model::find($request->input('OrderTypeID'));
Is there any way to get both by ID and Name ?
You can use a orWhere clause
$orderType = OrderType_Model
->orWhere('OrderType', $request->input('OrderType))
$OrderType = \App\Models\OrderType_Model
::where("OrderTypeID", "!=", $request->input('OrderTypeID'))
->where("OrderType", '=', $request->input('OrderType'))->first();
