libcurl-4.dll is missing after installing curl on Windows 7 - windows

After installing curl as per this guy's instructions :
Except for Step 2: Installed Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.1u Light instead since version k is missing from the download page :
On cmd prompt I just type :
and get this error:
How do I get curl working on my computer?

After extracting the Zip file to a specific location.
You should add the file location to the PATH Environment.
Unfortunately, you would also have to copy all the dll file from the lib folder and paste in the folder that contains the executable.


How to install an ELF 64-bit LSB executable on Debian?

I'm trying to install the mips-linux-gnu-gcc Toolchain on Debian 7 from a guide, which has the instructions to install it from a directory on the machine (which I already sent in) and has the following command to do so:
export PATH=toolchain/bin/path:$PATH
and the next step is to check it's version:
mips-linux-gnu-gcc --version
But the only result I have is the "command not found result", I made sure the files are inside the folder and they are, and checking the mips-linux-gnu-gcc file I have the following result:
Am I doing something wrong? I have no experience with this kind of files and I haven't found any other way to install it, so I really need help with this :/
I solved it! the problem was the directory that I was exporting to PATH, since I installed everything on the root folder I had to put /root/ at the start of the url indicated in the instruction guide.

zip error after 7-zip install and uninstall

I am using zip in Cygwin under Windows 10 and after installing 7-Zip on my system and then uninstalling it, I get the following error when using zip on the command line in Cygwin when trying to zip any files:
zip warning: name not matched: Files\7-zip
zip warning: name not matched: testing
E.g. zipping 2 files a and b:
zip testing a b
will give the error. How do I get rid of this nuisance?
Reinstalling zip did not help.
After a further extensive search with no answers I found out what the problem was.
7-Zip sets up an environment variable ZIP=C:\Program Files\7-zip and for some reason the existence of a ZIP variable interferes with the GNU zip utility.
I unset ZIP by doing ctrl-Esc and typing env which brought up the control panel option of "Edit environment variables for your account" and removed the ZIP variable and it now works.

Install pandoc with no administrator access

I'm am using rmarkdown to generate a word output and need pandoc to do so. Unfortunately I do not have administrator access on my work computer so I can't run the installer or use the install.pandoc() option.
I have tried downloading both the .zip and .tar.gz files from the github site and tried to install them manually using the "install" tab in RStudio, but get the error:
Warning in install.packages :
cannot open compressed file 'pandoc-2.2.1-windows-x86/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Error in install.packages : cannot open the connection
Here states "If you prefer not to use the msi installer, we also provide a zip file that contains pandoc’s binaries and documentation. Simply unzip this file and move the binaries to a directory of your choice."
maybe I don't know what they mean by "move the binaries to a directory of your choice." - When I unzip the files, I still cannot access the package.
Side note - I have defined .libpaths() to allow me to install other packages, but i cannot get pandoc to work.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Pandoc is a terminal application and does not require R-Studio to install it unziping the .tar.gz file with
linux: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
for windows the binary is the program pandoc itself that is unzipped from the zip file
simply unzip the file and pandoc should already be installed in the unzipped folder
after unzipping you might want to move pandoc.exe (for windows) int the directory where the project is located so that it is recognized
So there are two steps in this process for me to get it to work.
1: Install Pandoc
First download the MSI from
If you have trouble installing the MSI by right clicking on it, try creating a batch file with the contents:
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
Then drag and drop the MSI on to this batch file and it will install without asking for any admin privileges.
You'll need to tell the script to find Pandoc if its not running in RStudio already:
if(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") != "1"){rmarkdown::find_pandoc(dir = Sys.getenv("pandoc_path"))}
For me Sys.getenv("pandoc_path") = C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/Pandoc

CLion - GDB: current version is GNU gdb (GDB) (Cygwin 7.10.1-1) 7.10.1; supported version is 7.8.x

I am trying to use CLion on Windows and I installed my environment using cygwin but I'm getting this warning in the settings. Moreover, it's almost impossible to debug because the debugger just stops showing debugger info in the middle.
I had the very same problem. I wasn't able to make CLion work with gdb 7.10.x but I was able to make cygwin install gdb 7.8-1. My method should work to install any version you want.
The following steps describe the way I managed to do it, I'm a newbie using cygwin, so maybe some of them are unnecessary.
Create a cache directory for cygwin and place the cygwin setup.exe in it (in my case C:\cygwinCache). [Source]
Execute the setup.exe and follow the usual steps for installing from Internet. Select Install from Internet, select your cygwin root directory (in my case C:\cygwin64), create and select a directory inside your cygwin cache directory (in my case C:\cygwinCache\downloaded), select the connection option your Internet connection requires, then select any server with gdb available (I selected and click Next. This will download and parse a setup.ini file that contains the available packages in the server you selected. This setup.ini file will be located in your cache directory in a sub directory named after the server you selected (C:\cygwinCache\downloaded\\x86_64).
From the link that #H. DJEMAI found (this one) download the gdb installation and source files of the version you want (I downloaded gdb-7.8-1.tar.xz and gdb-7.8-1-src.tar.xz). As a backup, I uploaded these files in here.
In the directory where the setup.ini file is located create the \release\gdb directory. In this newly created \release\gdb directory place both of the gdb files you downloaded in the last step. Now you have the gdb installation and source files in the following paths:
Open the setup.ini file, and look for a line with this string: # gdb. This section has the information of the gdb package and information about the files it may contain. It should look like this:
# gdb
sdesc: "The GNU Debugger"
ldesc: "The GNU debugger, allows you to debug programs written in C, C++,
and other languages, by executing them in a controlled fashion
and printing their data."
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libexpat1 libiconv2 libintl8 liblzma5 libncursesw10 libreadline7 python
version: 7.10.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1.tar.xz 2670932 cd1fa152888faa3e4cb8e1d075604fb2e039d73acdd159d7c9553741fd7710778c742495c93476b234e3386d54bd5bdc5275007290b6eb940d70197feb21b573
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1-src.tar.xz 18542336 758428a83148af8425cff2712ac15d842f449d824f0edc9bb8db1d1d84bf963e2f371372d0c645408c202914ffb088a9da32be5a9b62a637a71f2fe9b7d4614f
version: 7.9.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.9.1-1.tar.xz 2550148 f62f65865a11757b945f431a3662e16d0357dc9a0cbc720d16f5e99543cd3231f34bacd245daeb113ad38501358d9b1e7d128a1a45871d02c2bfb1c15891fbcb
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.9.1-1-src.tar.xz 17888340 b90d198404a0a16268b443f4a4ec9672dac1d531f3fbda848f807fee7c004f5394e1985253c64ab0cdc2dcf7c088645c60edbf8e9f39dce0f149bce4b11f5085
Now edit the file to make cygwin install the version you want. To achieve this modify the lines where it says version, install and source with the information of the files you want to install. I modified the lines after the [prev] string replacing 7.8-1 instead of 7.9.1-1 so cygwin points to the correct location. Note that the lines that start with install: and source: contain the relative location of the files you previously downloaded and placed in the \release\gdb directory. After this relative location the setup.ini file contains the byte size and SHA-512 of the specified file. You can get the bite size for your file in the file properties. To get the SHA-512 you have to use other software like this one. In the case of the 7.8-1 files I got the following:
# gdb
sdesc: "The GNU Debugger"
ldesc: "The GNU debugger, allows you to debug programs written in C, C++,
and other languages, by executing them in a controlled fashion
and printing their data."
category: Devel
requires: cygwin libexpat1 libiconv2 libintl8 liblzma5 libncursesw10 libreadline7 python
version: 7.10.1-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1.tar.xz 2670932 cd1fa152888faa3e4cb8e1d075604fb2e039d73acdd159d7c9553741fd7710778c742495c93476b234e3386d54bd5bdc5275007290b6eb940d70197feb21b573
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.10.1-1-src.tar.xz 18542336 758428a83148af8425cff2712ac15d842f449d824f0edc9bb8db1d1d84bf963e2f371372d0c645408c202914ffb088a9da32be5a9b62a637a71f2fe9b7d4614f
version: 7.8-1
install: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.8-1.tar.xz 2491984 4c8d81984fe2ccbf92614c857737a42c4ec0c4016a5f8cf1dbc0fd117a1978baa7a8eadd2415a6d52041a1eecbe6b4e1373ba6850db6584869311a5e02a6e3b2
source: x86_64/release/gdb/gdb-7.8-1-src.tar.xz 17669132 a71b6886774cb004baa7dc88ed767983a72fc94c7585bd79ff64c2bd2071c411cf0de76584c56aa3553d9541172eaf31f1dd142a6dedec50c5446ff2986c6d48
Don't forget to save the setup.ini file after you modified it.
Open the cygwin setup inside the cache directory. Now instead of selecting the install from Internet option select Install from Local Directory, then set your root directory and as local package directory select your cache directory (C:\cygwinCache\downloaded). It will parse the setup.ini file, and if you edited it successfully, it will show you the grid to install, upgrade or uninstall packages. If the parsing fails an error will be shown.
Look for the gdb package under Devel category, it should appear installed with a current version:
Click it where it says Keep until you see the version you want. Then click next, this will start the installation, when the process is done, click finish.
You're done. You can open the cygwin terminal and type gdb --version and see that the correct version is installed:
After all these steps, now you can open clion and go to Settings > Toolchains and see the result:
PS. I achieved this with cygwin setup version 2.873 (64 bits).
While LuissRicardo's answer seems like it will work, I stumbled upon a solution online that is a lot more straightforward. See:
Download gdb-7.8-2.tar.xz from and put it somewhere in your Cygwin filesystem.
Open a Cygwin terminal at that location, and run: tar Jxvf gdb-7.8-2.tar.xz. The instructions use zxvf, but that won't work for .xz archives.
cd into the folder you just extracted (for me this was just cd usr).
Run the command cp -R * /usr/ to copy this to the correct location in the filesystem.
Run gdb --version just to make sure it's set to 7.8.2. If it's not then maybe try restarting Cygwin, and if that doesn't work then maybe post on StackOverflow or something :p

How to install gokogiri on Windows?

I'm trying to install gokogiri on Windows 8 machine, and these are steps that I have done so far :
Download from here, unzip/extract, and add the bin folder to path environment variable
Donwload libxml2-2.9.2-win32-x86.7z from here, unzip to a location which path doesn't contain space(s) (otherwise gcc won't be able to find the location). Create new environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH, and add libxml's \lib\pkgconfig folder location to the env variable.
Donwload and install tdm64-gcc from here
run the following command (as suggested in the GitHub link above) : go get
but then I get this error :
What is the error message complaining about now? If I need to download icnov manually, how then I put it together with libxml2 to work properly?
