Install pandoc with no administrator access - rstudio

I'm am using rmarkdown to generate a word output and need pandoc to do so. Unfortunately I do not have administrator access on my work computer so I can't run the installer or use the install.pandoc() option.
I have tried downloading both the .zip and .tar.gz files from the github site and tried to install them manually using the "install" tab in RStudio, but get the error:
Warning in install.packages :
cannot open compressed file 'pandoc-2.2.1-windows-x86/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Error in install.packages : cannot open the connection
Here states "If you prefer not to use the msi installer, we also provide a zip file that contains pandoc’s binaries and documentation. Simply unzip this file and move the binaries to a directory of your choice."
maybe I don't know what they mean by "move the binaries to a directory of your choice." - When I unzip the files, I still cannot access the package.
Side note - I have defined .libpaths() to allow me to install other packages, but i cannot get pandoc to work.
Any suggestions on how to do this?

Pandoc is a terminal application and does not require R-Studio to install it unziping the .tar.gz file with
linux: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
for windows the binary is the program pandoc itself that is unzipped from the zip file
simply unzip the file and pandoc should already be installed in the unzipped folder
after unzipping you might want to move pandoc.exe (for windows) int the directory where the project is located so that it is recognized

So there are two steps in this process for me to get it to work.
1: Install Pandoc
First download the MSI from
If you have trouble installing the MSI by right clicking on it, try creating a batch file with the contents:
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
Then drag and drop the MSI on to this batch file and it will install without asking for any admin privileges.
You'll need to tell the script to find Pandoc if its not running in RStudio already:
if(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") != "1"){rmarkdown::find_pandoc(dir = Sys.getenv("pandoc_path"))}
For me Sys.getenv("pandoc_path") = C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/Pandoc


Installing without package manager, why does executable binary fail with "command not found" unless I make the commands start with "./"?

I'm learning to use GNU/Linux and I want to know how to install programs that cannot be installed with the package manager.
I downloaded the tarball with the Linux 64-bit Binaries (including one called "haxelib"), extracted it, changed directory in the terminal to their location (~/Downloads/things/haxe_20201231082044_5e33a78aa/), and used chmod to make them executable.
If I try a command such as haxelib list, then the terminal returns
haxelib: command not found
If I try ./haxelib list (the same command but with ./ at the start) instead, then the command works as expected.
Why can't I use it without the ./? Programs installed with the package manager can be used without the ./.
Edit: I should probably also ask: where should I put the files from the tarball? Should they all go together in the same place? I have a feeling that a folder named "things" in my Downloads folder is not the best place for them.

Downloads folder from JupyterLab

I'd like to download a folder of pickle files from Jupyterlab (running on a google cloud instance) and I'm unable to find a way to do so. Apparently, downloading individual files is permitted but I have about 500 individuals pickle files in my folder to download and so would take while to do that manually.
As you can see in the menu below (when right click on the folder I want to download) I manage to install a "download folder as archive" extension but for some reasons the resulting zip format is unreadable locally.
I'm sure there must be a way of downloading folder easily from Jupyterlab and any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
I finally find a solution by zipping the folder using the following command:
zip -r original_folder
And it worked.
On you notebook try this
!zip -r original_folder
by adding ! you tell the notebook that you wanna execute external commands
You can also open a bash terminal, pack all desired files into an archive
and then download them. It might be necessary to move the archive into your virtual home folder in order to see it in the file browser on the left side though.

zip error after 7-zip install and uninstall

I am using zip in Cygwin under Windows 10 and after installing 7-Zip on my system and then uninstalling it, I get the following error when using zip on the command line in Cygwin when trying to zip any files:
zip warning: name not matched: Files\7-zip
zip warning: name not matched: testing
E.g. zipping 2 files a and b:
zip testing a b
will give the error. How do I get rid of this nuisance?
Reinstalling zip did not help.
After a further extensive search with no answers I found out what the problem was.
7-Zip sets up an environment variable ZIP=C:\Program Files\7-zip and for some reason the existence of a ZIP variable interferes with the GNU zip utility.
I unset ZIP by doing ctrl-Esc and typing env which brought up the control panel option of "Edit environment variables for your account" and removed the ZIP variable and it now works.

Error when opening .tar.gz via Shell to install Apache Maven

Mac OSX 10.5.8 32-bit.
To install apache maven per its websites instructions, in order to install the JUNG package according to its install instructions, so I can use the JUNG classes in various Java GUIs.
What I Did:
Downloaded a .tar.gz file, and using the shell, moved it to a directory (using mv) I created for it (using mkdir), usr/local/apache-maven per the website directions
I downloaded the file apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz. Next I tried extracting the file using tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz.
I get an error message when I try to extract the apache-maven .gz (install?) file in shell.
tar: apache-maven-3.0.4/direcoryandfile: Cannot open: No such file or directory
apache-maven-3.0.4/lib/ext: Cannot mkdir: No such file or directory apache-maven-3.0.4/lib/ext/README.txt
tar: apache-maven-3.0.4/lib/ext/README.txt: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar:
Error exit delayed from previous errors
For the maven building
Extract the distribution archive, i.e. apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.tar.gz to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.0.4... The subdirectory apache-maven-3.0.4 will be created from the archive.
for the JUNG installation
Appendix: How to Build JUNG
Get Maven
Download and install maven2 from At time of writing (early June 2012), the latest version was maven-3.0.4. Install the downloaded maven2 (there are installation instructions on the Maven website).
Follow the installation instructions and confirm a successful installation by typing 'mvn --version' in a command terminal window.
Self-Rectification Attempts
From what I can tell the archive file is missing some directories or something. I tried deleting the file, redownloading the .tar.gz file from a different mirror and repeating the process. Same result. Thanks again for the help
I'm trying to install the JUNG package to my system's Java, so I can write object-oriented code using various GUIs (Ecliplse, Dr. Java) using the classes in JUNG. I don't understand how the building/installing process works, and how I can get what I build/install to work on various GUIs and the command line. I'm new to shell and the command line, and mostly have experience using a simple IDE (DrJava, Python IDLE, R GUI) to write and compile object-oriented code.
To unpack a tar.gz archive you need to do it either in two steps:
gunzip apache-maven-3.0.4.tar.gz
tar -xf apache-maven-3.0.4.tar
or you might try to do it in a single step:
tar -zxf apache-maven-3.0.4.tar.gz
Two Step Process:
1. Extract the .tar from the .tar.gz using gunzip, and -v for having gunzip print what its doing. gunzip -v apache-maven-3.0.4.tar.gz
2. Extract the .tar file using tar, -x for telling the program to do an extraction, -v for having tar print what its doing, and -f for tar to know that the following file is the archive and appending with sudo so tar has permission to create directories. sudo tar -xvf apache-maven-3.0.4.tar

How to install SWIG?

Noob question ahead...
I'm trying to install SWIG on Windows. According to the INSTALL document, I have to
cd to the directory containing the package's source code and type ./configure to configure the package for your system.
I tried the command in both the root directory and in the /CCache directory (these are the only ones that have the configure and files), however, the shell reports back that
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What am I missing?
no installation is needed. you just have to set the environment variable to point to the "swig" 's executable which is under the root directory of swig
On the SWIG site, you can download for example the swigwin-2.0.7 zip directory for windows's swig. unzip it in a directory of your choice for example on "C:\Program Files" directory if you want. After this, you have the swig executable in the "C:\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7" directory: "C\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7\swig"
you have to set now the environment variable "path" to point to this swig exec: add for this the "C:\Program Files\swigwin-2.0.7" path to the "path"variable according to my example; that is all you need to use swig on windows. You can now play with swig so, open a prompt "cmd" and just type "swig --help" on this prompt you can see a list of the differents options you can use with swig.
If you d'ont have visual c++, you can use for example codeblock, that is my case so the link below could be a help for you :
The page has a specific download for Windows with a pre-built version of swig.exe. You can download it and avoid the hassle of compiling swig by yourself.
If you really need to, you can consult the file Doc/Manual/Windows.html that contain Windows-specific instructions to build SWIG.
Finally, to answer your specific question, the syntax
is a UNIX-style command that means 'execute the program named configure in the current directory' (the dot)
On Windows, you would type
or even simpler, as all files are executable on Windows, only
... BUT this will not work as the said 'configure' script is a bash script that will not run in a Windows shell.
Download Miniconda.
Then follow this guide and do: conda install -c anaconda swig
