reading properties file into maven pom.xml not working - maven

I need to use values from properties file in maven pom.xml, so i used properties-maven-plugin to read my properties file as follows
</plugin> file contains something like this..
config.file.path = resources/python/config/
I need use this config.file.path variable in resource element of pom.xml
But the value for ${config.file.path} is not taking up from file and I couldn't find file in jar.
what I'm doing wrong in this code?
Thanks in Advance

try using version 1.0.0 and removing spaces around equal sign in properties file.

IMO, it does not matter whether you put the spaces or not around equal sign in properties file. You may need to check if the ${config.file.path} exists in the directory specified by ${basedir}/multilang
The below snippet works for me.


Maven: Filtering files from unpacked-dependencies

I have a script that is unpacked from a dependency that contains an undefined variable. My goal is to set a property in my maven project that defines the variable and filter the file so that the variable in the script is replaced by the property.
I have tried this:
However, this is called before the file is unpacked. So there is nothing to filter yet at the time this runs.
I also tried:
<id>filter script</id>
However, its looking inside of src/main/resources instead of the target directory that I provided.
The only thing I can get KINDA working is this:
<id>filter script</id>
This DOES filter the file, but now the filtered file exists in a different directory than I want it to. I've tried making the outputDirectory the same as the directory it's copying from and just overwrite the original, but it doesn't work. I feel like there is a simple way of doing this that I'm not noticing.
I'm also constrained from modifying the artifact that the dependency is coming from.
I found solution, although it is a bit messy and not my favorite.
<id>filter script</id>
<id>Create filter dir</id>
<mkdir dir="${}/filtered_files" />
<id>copy filtered files to original path</id>
<move todir="${}/dir1" >
<fileset dir="${}/filtered_files"/>
<include name="" />
This essentially creates a temp directory, uses the 3rd approach described in the original question, then moves the filtered files from the temp directory back to the original path, overwriting the unfiltered file.
Again, not my favorite approach, but it works.

Preparing Tests for upload into Appcenter does not include src classfiles

I hope someone can help. When I am trying to prepare my tests to upload into appcenter for mobile testing, the command they tell me to use to prepare the upload does not include the src class files for my tests. It only adds the test class files that are specified in the "prepare-for-upload" section in the pom file.
when I upload and run the tests, it complains that it can not find the class files in classes.
I think that is because it isn't in the upload folder.
All the things I have tried still only leaves me with the following folders and files
This is all new to me so I have read so much without success.
I have tried to add the resources to the pom.xml and it still does not package them correctly.
I added this section to the pom file in the same tag as the Appcenter stuff.
I tried the following as well to see if I can copy the resources over.
This is my section that is meant for appcenter:
<!-- Owen Added-->

Move a config file into etc folder(of Karaf) when a (Maven)bundle is deployed

I want to move a cfg file into the etc folder of karaf whenever a bundle is deployed.
the cfg file is in under src/main/resource .i tried the following in the pom but its not working.
<copy file="src/main/resources/test.cfg" tofile="${env.KARAF_HOME}/etc/test.cfg"/>
How can i do it ?
One of the solution could be:
- put your test.cfg file in a more specific folder. (eg: src/main/resources/cfg)
- use the maven resources plugin
This is a working example based on the maven phase generate-resources (replace that phase by deploy in your case):

Attaching only a contents of the folder to the jar

I am using maven-jar-plugin to generate a sources jar.
I have the following folder structure:
I want the sources jar to contain the following:
I am using the following configuration:
But this creates the jar like this:
How can i modify the code to get my desired structure in the jar?
I could not solve this with the maven-jar-plugin, i had to use maven-resources-plugin, too:

Rename directory while building war-file with Maven

Overall Goal
I want to build a Java WebApp (war file) where folders containing static content have a version number append to it for cachability. Renaming should happen automatically during build.
The WebApp is already structured in a way that all static content is grouped together inside folders:
/lib -> All JavaScript libraries, eg /lib/angular-1.0.3 (source at src/main/webapp)
/app -> My Own Code, at the moment /app/myApp (source at src/main/webapp)
/api -> all dynamic servlets (source at src/main/java)
index.jsp -> host page that bootstraps the WebApp
Everything starting with /api and index.jsp is dynamic and not cachable at all.
Everything starting with /lib is static and versioned, thus we can set an expires header of 'access + 12 month'. Content changes require a new version number. This is easy with libraries, as they don't change much an the version number is hardcoded.
Since my own app (built with AngularJS) is also static, I want to set its expires header to 'access + 12 month', too. To do so, I need to add the current version number from Maven to the end of the folder name, thus turning /app/myApp from the source directory to /app/myApp-1.2.3 in the target directory / final war file.
POM File
I am looking for a way to copy all ressources to the target-directory, run yuicompressor, update the links and rename app/myApp to app/myApp-x.y.z
Compressing and updating the links already, but I can't find a way to rename my own app at build time.
<!-- this exclude the directory to rename from the default copy resources procedure -->
<!-- this will do the renaming : i.e. we specify the source directory relative to pom.xml and the target directory relative to root -->
I think you can do it by configuring a <webResources> element in your maven-war-plugin config.
Doing something like this should work
<!-- this exclude the directory to rename from the default copy resources procedure -->
<!-- this will do the renaming :
i.e. we specify the source directory relative to pom.xml
and the target directory relative to root -->
<!-- override the destination directory for this resource -->
I'm not used to work with yucompressor plugin but it seems that you can easily change the output directory through <outputDirectory> element:
If all your code is in all.min.js (I think that's what the yucompressor do, but I'm not sure) : then you don't need the <webResources> section in the war plugin, but you have to keep <warSourceExcludes>app/myApp/**</warSourceExcludes> to avoid duplication.
As an answer to your comment.
Try the following:
use yucompressor for *.css and *.js as indicated in previous EDIT
exclude /myapp from usual war-plugin copy resources procedure using <warSourceExcludes>app/myApp/**</warSourceExcludes>
use a webResources section to include all you non *.js and non *.css to myApp-${project.version}:
<!-- override the destination directory for this resource -->
