Attaching only a contents of the folder to the jar - maven

I am using maven-jar-plugin to generate a sources jar.
I have the following folder structure:
I want the sources jar to contain the following:
I am using the following configuration:
But this creates the jar like this:
How can i modify the code to get my desired structure in the jar?

I could not solve this with the maven-jar-plugin, i had to use maven-resources-plugin, too:


Preparing Tests for upload into Appcenter does not include src classfiles

I hope someone can help. When I am trying to prepare my tests to upload into appcenter for mobile testing, the command they tell me to use to prepare the upload does not include the src class files for my tests. It only adds the test class files that are specified in the "prepare-for-upload" section in the pom file.
when I upload and run the tests, it complains that it can not find the class files in classes.
I think that is because it isn't in the upload folder.
All the things I have tried still only leaves me with the following folders and files
This is all new to me so I have read so much without success.
I have tried to add the resources to the pom.xml and it still does not package them correctly.
I added this section to the pom file in the same tag as the Appcenter stuff.
I tried the following as well to see if I can copy the resources over.
This is my section that is meant for appcenter:
<!-- Owen Added-->

How to unpack a war file copied from local directory using Maven Resources Plugin?

I am trying integrating CAS server with a Spring application. (I have configured CAS locally, in my Tomcat server and it is working properly). Using Maven Resources Plugin I copied the cas.war file to my Web app's target folder. But I need to unpack that cas.war file in order to overwrite some files that I have modified.
How can I unpack this war file which I have copied using Maven Resources Plugin`?
Here is my pom.xml
<!--Copy plugin-->
<!--copy cas.war file-->
<!--copying deployerConfigContext file-->
<!--copying web.xml file-->
<!--copying file-->
<!--unpacking plugin-->
<echo message="unpack cas.war" />
<unzip src="${basedir}/target/cas/cas.war" dest="${basedir}/target/cas" overwrite="true"/>
If you wish to override resources inside a war, you should be using the maven overlay method.

Have integration tests in jacoco-it directory

I have integration tests and they are executed fine, but Jacoco considers them as unit tests. How to tell Jacoco to see them as integration tests and display their graph coverage, not in the jacoco-ut directory, but it the jacoco-it directory ?
Here in the Maven configuration:
UPDATE: I was missing this bit in the maven-failsafe-plugin plugin:
After having added it as in:
the integration tests report shows the integration tests.
The final full configuration is:
You misunderstood the pattern for the include tag of maven-failsafe-plugin. The pattern is used for the package name of the classes within the test classpath (see also
The build-helper-maven-plugin includes all classes in src/it/java to the test classpath. Then the pattern of include tag in both test plugins (surefire, failsafe) filters the classes within this test classpath. These filtered classes are executed by the test plugins.
So the workflow is
Build-Helper-Plugin extends the set of the test classes that have to be compiled and executed. Therefore the source directive is used. The path location defined in this source directive is related to the Maven project path.
Compiler Plugin compiles the java classes.
Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with unit tests. Therefore, the normal agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. You can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
Surefire-Plugin executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.
Now the Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with integration tests. Therefore, the integration agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. And again, you can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
The same for the Failsafe-Plugin. It executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.

yuicompressor maven plugin and maven-war-plugin

I've been struggling with getting this plugin to play nicely with the maven-war-plugin for a couple of hours now and I thought it was time to ask for help. I have the plugin defined as follows:
If I remove nosuffix=true then I can see the compressed/minified -min.js files get into the war as expected, but with this flag on they are being overwritten by the maven-war-plugin (I'm assuming) when it builds the war file. I really need the file names to remain the same though ... does anyone have an idea of what I need to change in order to use the same filenames and still get the minified versions into the final war?
OK. I finally figured this out. You need to define a <webappDirectory> in the yuicompressor plugin that can then be referenced as a <resource> in the maven-war-plugin. In the example below I'm using <directory>${}/min</directory>
Just configure 'warSourceExcludes' on the WAR plugin.
I would like to add the configuration which worked for me:
First, to fix m2e complaining about the 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle' I added the following in the parent pom taken from this post:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse
m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
Then in the war pom I put:
This generates the minified css and js files in the project build target directory while excluding the original files.
I hope this saves someone time.
this is my configuration, and it works fine in my maven web project:
<!-- js/css compress -->
<!-- war -->
The approach I use is a bit different.
First, I've configured my IDE to run mvn process-resources before the compilation/packaging. This way the files are created before the war is assembled.
It is very important to set <nosuffix>false</nosuffix> and <outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> so the files can be created in the same directory without replacing your original source files.
<outputDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/resources/</outputDirectory> <!-- by default the plugin will copy the minimized version to target directory -->
As Jakob Kruse say, you must deal with the *.js, but no *.min.js, so my configurations is below, please notice the use of %regex[] :
Without pom.xml change
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress
To force compress every js and css files and fail if warning
mvn net.alchim31.maven:yuicompressor-maven-plugin:compress \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.force=true \
-Dmaven.yuicompressor.failOnWarning=true \
For more options:

maven-compiler-plugin exclude

I have a following problem.
I would like to exclude some .java files (**/jsfunit/*.java) during the test-compile phase and on the other side I would like to include them during the compile phase (id i start tomcat with tomcat:run goal)
My pom.xml
<!-- <excludes>
</excludes> -->
<!-- <execution>
But it does not work : exclude in default-testCompile execution does not filter these classes.
If I remove the comments then all classes matched **/jsfunit/*.java would be compiled but only if I touch them!
To exclude files from the default-testCompile phase, you have to use <testExcludes>. So your example above would look like so:
