Passing a bearer token in a 'Web Test' without Visual Studio? - visual-studio

I want to import a ".webtest" in Azure's Application Insights availability feature. I dont have a test edition of Visual Studio, but this MSDN article suggests using Fiddler as another option to creating web tests.
I need to perform 2 requests on a REST API:
Request a bearer token from the connect/token endpoint.
Perform a GET at api/resources with the bearer token (retrieved from the above request) in the header.
It's a typical client credentials OAuth 2 flow.
I cannot seem to figure out how to do this with Fiddler. Basically I need to extract a value from the response body of request 1 and use it as the header value in request 2.
This is what the web test looks like without passing the token:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TestCase Name="FiddlerGeneratedWebTest" Id="" Owner="" Description="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" DeploymentItemsEditable="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="" RequestCallbackClass="" TestCaseCallbackClass="">
<Request Method="POST" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
<FormPostHttpBody ContentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<FormPostParameter Name="client_id" Value="myclientid" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="client_secret" Value="password123" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="grant_type" Value="client_credentials" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="scope" Value="myscopes" UrlEncode="True" />
<Request Method="GET" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />

Assuming this comes back as the following example you can use a regex extraction to get it.
{"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"user_impersonation","expires_in":"3600 ... "access_token":"{{TOKEN}}", ...}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TestCase Name="FiddlerGeneratedWebTest" Id="" Owner="" Description="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" DeploymentItemsEditable="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="" RequestCallbackClass="" TestCaseCallbackClass="">
<Request Method="POST" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<ExtractionRule Classname="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules.ExtractRegularExpression, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" VariableName="token" DisplayName="Extract Regular Expression" Description="Extract text from the response matching a regular expression and place it into the test context.">
<RuleParameter Name="RegularExpression" Value=".*"access_token":"([^"]*)".*" />
<RuleParameter Name="IgnoreCase" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Required" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Index" Value="0" />
<RuleParameter Name="HtmlDecode" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="UseGroups" Value="True" />
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
<FormPostHttpBody ContentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<FormPostParameter Name="client_id" Value="myclientid" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="client_secret" Value="password123" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="grant_type" Value="client_credentials" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="scope" Value="myscopes" UrlEncode="True" />
<Request Method="GET" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />

To compliment James Davis's answer, if you need to login to by posting the JSON:
user: 'youruser',
password: 'yourpassword'
first base64 encode the json:
> echo "{user: 'youruser', password: 'yourpassword'}" | base64
Then pass this base64 value in a StringHttpBody tag
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebTest Name="login-healthcheck" Id="e91b6e1d-3fa0-475f-a18b-b694b463589c" Owner="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" Timeout="0" WorkItemIds="" xmlns="" Description="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="default" StopOnError="False" RecordedResultFile="" ResultsLocale="">
<Request Method="POST" Guid="ef9d1d00-5663-476a-a3cb-ccf49c4d2229" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8" ExpectedHttpStatusCode="0" ExpectedResponseUrl="" ReportingName="" IgnoreHttpStatusCode="False">
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/json" />
<ExtractionRule Classname="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules.ExtractRegularExpression, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" VariableName="token" DisplayName="Extract Regular Expression" Description="Extract text from the response matching a regular expression and place it into the test context.">
<RuleParameter Name="RegularExpression" Value=".*"access_token":"([^"]*)".*" />
<RuleParameter Name="IgnoreCase" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Required" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Index" Value="0" />
<RuleParameter Name="HtmlDecode" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="UseGroups" Value="True" />
<StringHttpBody ContentType="application/json" InsertByteOrderMark="False">e3VzZXI6ICd5b3VydXNlcicsIHBhc3N3b3JkOiAneW91cnBhc3N3b3JkJ30K</StringHttpBody>
<Request Method="GET" Guid="d566422f-af74-47bf-90aa-0c66db6ef567" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8" ExpectedHttpStatusCode="0" ExpectedResponseUrl="" ReportingName="" IgnoreHttpStatusCode="False">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />
Worked for me on Azure Application Insights Availability checking


NLog is not logging on Oracle database, Please how can I get it right

I want to log into Oracle database table using NLog but nothing gets logged. Below is NLog.config file am using. Please what am I doing wrongly?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="NLog.Web.AspNetCore"/>
<target name="database" xsi:type="Database" keepConnection="false" useTransactions="true"
dbProvider="System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection,System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
connectionString="Data Source=#####;User ID=######;password=******;Integrated Security=no;"
<parameter name="LEVEL" layout="${Level}" />
<parameter name="CALLSITE" layout="${Callsite}" />
<parameter name="DATE" layout="${date}" />
<parameter name="TYPE" layout="${exception:format=Type}" />
<parameter name="MESSAGE" layout="${exception:format=Message}" />
<parameter name="STACKTRACE" layout="${exception:format=StackTrace}" />
<parameter name="INNEREXCEPTION" layout="${exception:format=:innerFormat=ShortType,Message,Method:MaxInnerExceptionLevel=1:InnerExceptionSeparator=}" />
<parameter name="ADDITIONALINFO" layout="${Message}" />
<parameter name="USERNAME" layout="${identity}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="database" />
Without an error message (see below how to find it), it's a bit guessing. But I think it's an issue you are sending all the parameters as strings. So add the dbType to the parameters, like:
<parameter name="DATE" layout="${date}" dbType="DateTime" />
For the actual error, you should check the internal log. It should be there!
Check Logtxt.txt. See internalLogFile="Logtxt.txt". And you can't find it, change it to an absolute path, e.g. internalLogFile="C:\temp\Logtxt.txt"

how to delete all the line items from the file after the first one

I need to delete all the line items <LineItem> from the file which does not suffice with this requirements:
elements in Line Item : <LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" /> and <PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" /> have to be matched, another words in integer Line Item Number would be 10 and Purchase order number after pipe line | would be 10. we need to have only one those line Items which are matching this requirement. Sorry, i'm really bad at describing.
<InterchangeUsageIndicator V="T" />
<GroupSenderID V="CCC" />
<TotalNumberOfShipmentsInGroup V="000005" />
<InvoiceChargeType V="T" />
<DocumentType V="ORDER" />
<DocumentProcessingCode C="00" />
<BOLNumber V="BOL2309460180582136" />
<AlternateQuantity Quantity="12.0" UOM="PK" UOMType="SQ" Characteristic="" />
<Buyer Name="" Q="ZP" ID="COUSPO001">
<AlternateIDs />
<Seller Name="" Q="2" ID="CNTR">
<AlternateIDs />
<Party PartyType="SF">
<Name V="SHA" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="SHA" />
<City V="Shanghai" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="ST">
<Name V="LEB" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="LEB" />
<City V="Lebanon" />
<Country V="TN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="VN">
<LocationID Q="" ID="4100000423" />
<AlternateLocationIDs />
<City V="JIANGSU" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<DR Type="D" Q="ETA" Date="2019-12-19" />
<DR Type="D" Q="EST" Date="2019-11-28" />
<RR Type="R" Q="K6" V="86|SEAL230946" />
<RR Type="R" Q="V3" V="VYG230946|BKG230946" />
<Vessel VesselName="VSL230946" VesselNumber="" VesselCountryOfRegistration="" VesselRegistrationNumber="" />
<Equipment Initial="CNTR" Number="230946" Length="0" Type="" TotalContainerVolume="52.06" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<LineItemWeight V="0.00" />
<LineItemVolume V="0.00" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900001" /> //this one would not work,because it is 900001
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470896|001|0001" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900002" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470902|001|0002" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3.5|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
I tried to start on LINQ: this is where I got so far:
try {
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(msg.Body);
var xDocument = xDoc.Root.XPathSelectElement("Groups/Group/Documents/Document");
var xLineItems = xDocument.XPathSelectElements("LineItems/LineItem");
var poNumbers = xLineItems.Select(e => (string)e.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V")).Distinct();
foreach (var poNumber in poNumbers) {
msg.Body = xDoc.ToString();
I believe you would like to Delete all LineItem where LineItemNumber!=10 and PurchaseOrderNumber after the Pipe NOT equals 10. You could use Linq to filter the elements that match the purpose and use the Remove method to deletes the selected nodes.
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
.Where(x=> Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("LineItemNumber").Attribute("V").Value)!=10
&& Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V").Value.Split('|')[1])!=10
var result = xDoc.ToString();

Freeswitch: mod_xml_curl and call groups

I am currently switching from static configs to using mod_xml_curl and have encountered a problem with setting up call groups.
Inside my dialplan (served dynamically, working as expected) I am bridging to a group:
<action application="bridge" data="${group_call(}"/>
Freeswitch is making a request with section=directory&action=group_call to the web server, to which I respond with a chunk of the directory containing the group and all relevant users:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="directory">
<domain name="">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
<param name="password" value="1234" />
<param name="vm-password" value="1000" />
<variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local" />
<variable name="accountcode" value="1000" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="John at" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="1234567" />
<user id="lucy" number-alias="1001">
<param name="password" value="1234" />
<param name="vm-password" value="1000" />
<variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local" />
<variable name="accountcode" value="1001" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="Lucy" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="12345678" />
However, group_call() seems to fail and in the logs I get ``:
2016-02-24 10:42:14.249534 [DEBUG] mod_dptools.c:1498 SET sofia/internal/ [call_timeout]=[15]
2016-02-24 10:42:14.529107 [CONSOLE] mod_xml_curl.c:323 XML response is in /tmp/2f772a8a-4c3a-46f2-834f-b9ba2c735feb.tmp.xml
EXECUTE sofia/internal/ bridge(error/NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION)
Perhaps anyone has experience setting up group calls with mod_xml_curl and could explain what exactly Freeswitch is expecting in the response?
After a little gnashing of teeth, I got this working. The clue was here underneath the group_call description:
Please note: If you need to have outgoing user variables set in leg B,
make sure you don't have dial-string and group-dial-string in your
domain or dialed group variables list; instead set dial-string or
group-dial-string in the default group of the user. This way
group_call will return user/101 and user/ would set all your user
variables to the leg B channel.
So, when you receive an action of type group_call, move the dial-string param to the group level, so instead of
<domain name="">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
send this
<domain name="">
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
After I made that change, everything was hunky dory. Cheers!
It's related to your dialplan.It's not generated perfectly. just check the context in the dialplan.

apex 4 gantt chart task collapser missing

I used APEX 4.2 to create a Gantt chart with the AnyGantt Library.
When i use a custom XML for the Anygantt Diagram everythign works fine. As soon as i want to use custom datagrids, the collapser is missing.
My XML is the following:
<anygantt> <settings>
<navigation enabled="True" position="Top" size="30">
<editing allow_edit="true">
<date unit="Week" step="1" />
<date_time_format week_starts_from_monday="True">
<datagrid enabled="true" width="300">
<column attribute_name="Name" width="200" cell_align="Left">
<column width="40" cell_align="Left">
<label anchor="Center" valign="Center" halign="Center">
<text>{%DISPO} %</text>
<font face="Verdana" size="10" bold="true" color="White">
<period_style name="test">
<label anchor="Center" valign="Center" halign="Center">
<font face="Verdana" size="10" bold="true" color="White">
<middle shape="Full">
<fill enabled="true" type="Solid" color="DarkSeaGreen" />
<border enabled="true" color="#FF0000" />
<resource_chart><resources><resource name="AVI" id="5"/>
<resource name="CAB" id="4"/>
<resource name="Test, Test (Test)" id="3-U837751" parent="3"/>
<resource name="PL" id="3"/>
<resource name="Struktur" id="2"/>
</resources><periods><period resource_id="3-U837751" name="NAME-3-U837751" start="2015.07.28 00:00" end="2015.07.31 00:00">
<attribute name="DISPO"><![CDATA[,5]]></attribute>
You need to add cell_align="LeftLevelPadding" to the column where you want to see the collapser. Something like:
<column attribute_name="Name" width="200" cell_align="LeftLevelPadding">
This is described in KB:
You can find more info on columns at - Grid Panel via Entity with DropDowns, Dates, Pin Editing and Deletion

Title sounds like a real mouthful, so let me try to explain this. I'm very strong with grinding out Web Forms and this is my second crack at using a framework and MVC (don't ask about the first one). Start with a table like this:
Title: Milestones
Id int - Auto, PK
Project_Id int - FK, Many Milestones to One Project, Provided static for now
Number int
Name varchar(50)
Status_Id int - FK One Status to One Milestone
PlannedDate date
LatestEstimate date
MilestoneType_ID int - FK One Type to One Milestone
These all sit on an SQL server, are pulled in by an Entity and then are pulled in by an ObjectDataSource, like this:
<asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="MilestonesObjectSource" SelectMethod="GetByProject"
DeleteMethod="DeleteMilestone" TypeName="TCProjectManagement.Models.MilestonesAddition">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="6" Name="ProjectID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Number" />
<asp:Parameter Type="String" Name="Name" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Status_Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="PlannedDate" />
<asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="LatestEstimate" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="MilestoneType_ID" />
Sofar so good. Data pull seems to work out okay. I've got a couple more Object Sources that deal exclusively with the Foriegn Keys, so I'll skip those since they seem to be working.
The problems I have are attempting to stitch together many examples that don't seem to go together well. My objectives, in no paticular order:
1) Pin Editing: Click a button to edit, click it again to confirm. Rather do this than have somebody infer to double click for a change. Sofar, this sorta works.
2) Drop Downs for Foriegn Keys: While not in edit mode, should display the "Name" field of the FK. While in edit it should be a Drop Down for options (there's only three). This stays blank dispite what I do.
3) Deletion: Press a button to blow away a row. I put the button there but it's a copy of the JS for editing. What do I need to use to have it be deletion?
4) Dates: This doesn't work at all. One of the weird parts is that from the SQL server's type of Date, it gets changed to DateTime in the Entity and stays that way throughout. However, I cannot get the desired control of ext:DateField to cooperate with the provided data since it displays a time and completely blanks out when editing.. I know I'm doing something wrong here.
5) Saving Changes: Not quite sure I set it up right (or at all).
Provisions of Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var pinEditors = function (btn, pressed) {
var columnConfig = btn.column,
column = columnConfig.column;
if (pressed) {
column.showComponent(columnConfig.record, true);
} else {
var pinDeleters = function (btn, pressed) { };
And ASP Code:
<ext:GridPanel ID="MilestonesGridPanel" runat="server" Title="Milestones" Width="1000px"
<ext:Store ID="MilestonesGridStore" runat="server" DataSourceID="MilestonesObjectSource">
<ext:Model runat="server" IDProperty="Id">
<ext:ModelField Name="Id" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Number" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Name" Type="String" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Status_Id" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="PlannedDate" />
<ext:ModelField Name="LatestEstimate" />
<ext:ModelField Name="MilestoneType_ID" Type="Int" />
<ext:Column ID="IdColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Id" Text="DBID" Visible="false" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="NumberColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Number" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Number" Editor="true">
<ext:NumberField ID="NumberColumnNumberField" runat="server" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="NameColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Name" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Name" Editor="true">
<ext:TextField ID="NameColumnTextField" runat="server" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="StatusColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Status_Id" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Status" Editor="true">
<ext:ComboBox ID="StatusColumnDropDownBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false"
StoreID="MilestoneStatusStore" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="ID" EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="PlannedDateColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="PlannedDate"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Planned Date" Editor="true">
<Renderer Format="Date" FormatArgs="'m/d/y'" />
<ext:DateField ID="PlannedDateColumnTextField" runat="server" Format="MM/dd/yyyy"
EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="LatestEstimateColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="LatestEstimate"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Latest ETA" Editor="true">
<Renderer Format="Date" FormatArgs="'m/d/y'" />
<ext:DateField ID="LatestEstimateColumnTextField" runat="server" Format="MM/dd/yyyy"
EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="MilestoneTypeColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="MilestoneType_ID"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Milestone Type" Editor="true">
<ext:ComboBox ID="MilestoneTypeColumnComboBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false"
StoreID="MilestoneTypesStore" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="ID" EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="EditColumn" runat="server" Width="30" PinAllColumns="false"
AutoWidthComponent="false" OverOnly="true" Text="Edit" Sortable="False">
<ext:Button ID="EditButton" runat="server" ToolTip="Pin Editors" Icon="Pencil" AllowDepress="true"
EnableToggle="true" Width="25">
<Toggle Fn="pinEditors" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="DeleteColumn" runat="server" Width="30" PinAllColumns="false"
AutoWidthComponent="false" OverOnly="true" Text="Delete" Sortable="False">
<ext:Button ID="DeleteButton" runat="server" ToolTip="Delete Milestone" Icon="Delete"
AllowDepress="true" EnableToggle="false" Width="25">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.remove(this.parentMenu.dataRecord)" />
<ext:RowSelectionModel runat="server" Mode="Single">
<Select Handler="#{DeleteMilestoneGridButton}.enable();" />
<Deselect Handler="if (!#{MilestonesGridPanel}.selModel.hasSelection()) {
}" />
<ext:Button ID="AddtoMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Insert" Icon="Add">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.insert(0, {}); #{MilestonesGridPanel}.editingPlugin.startEditByPosition({row:0, column:0});" />
<ext:Button ID="DeleteMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Delete" Icon="Delete"
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridPanel}.deleteSelected();
if (!#{MilestonesGridPanel}.hasSelection()) {
}" />
<ext:Button ID="RefreshMilestonesGridButton" runat="server" Text="RefresH" Icon="Reload">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.load();" />
<ext:Button ID="SaveMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Save" Icon="Disk">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.sync();" />
