PDB debugger stability questions - debugging

I am using either pdb or ipdb for debugging my python code. However whenever I am using set_trace() I can typically run a handful of lines of code to test but it eventually freezes while I am typing. I kill the python process and have to re-run the entire process from the start - which usually kills about 5-10 minutes of data processing time to get back to where I was.
I am using an anaconda build with python 2.7.
The only anomaly I have is that I needed to run
conda install -c conda-forge psycopg2=2.6.2 in order to be able to use psycopg2. I have been ignoring it for the last two months but realize that it isn't an acceptable work flow.
Any thoughts to help resolve would be appreciated.

Resolved it.
I still don't know why this behavior is happening but if I press caps lock twice while it is frozen - it unlocks the set_trace. Don't ask me why but it works.


Pycharm 2019.3 runs VERY slow and takes forever to finish

I have been using Pycharm 2019.3 with Python 3.6 as the interpreter and haven't had any issues until recently. The problem that I am having is that when I run a python script it takes a long time to finish. When I tried to stop the running script it takes about 5 minutes to fully terminate (stop) so I can run it again. Also, when I "terminate" the script I get a loading window saying "waiting for process to detach" and it takes 5 minutes, after that I can run the script and it runs fine but then again takes a long time to stop terminate completely so it can run again. It's frustrating since I need to run the scrip many times and I have to wait 5 min every time to re-run it :(
My configuration: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with 16GB RAM
Any help is much appreciate it!
Thank you.
It looks like some other individuals have had similar issues with the console needing to be re-run when the stop button is used in Pycharm. Another person claims that they have to click stop twice on Ubuntu in order to get a process to terminate.
It seems like problems with terminating processes in Pycharm and other JetBrains products have been a long-standing issue that is hard to fix. Beyond, reinstalling Pycharm and possibly reinstalling your Python interpreter, this issue might just unavoidable with your specific hardware/os configuration.

New Python Install; Scripts Running very Slow

Current Python Version 2.7.10 - I have tried a straight download from python.org and the Anaconda distribution.
Previous Python Version was 2.7.x (don't remember) - I know it was an Enthought Canopy distribution.
I just 'upgraded' windows from 7 to 10pro. I reinstalled everything on my computer for a fresh start. I installed the most recent version of Python 2.7.10. I am now running a script that I was running just yesterday on my Windows 7 OS, and it is running incomprehensibly slow now, and I have no idea why. It is a script that is based on the code from a tutorial found here:
It has a lot of data that is loaded, and it wasn't running super fast before, but now it takes so long, it looks like it's frozen. Any thoughts? I thought that it had something to do with packages that I had installed on my previous Python environment, like a C-compiler or something. The output is nothing, because it just hangs for a long time and slowly moves through the script. It isn't broken, there isn't a loop it's stuck in. If I wait long enough, it will start showing me the correct output. When I hit 'Ctrl-C' this is what I get.
python -mcProfile MAIN_Tutorial_2.py
forrtl: error (200): program aborting due to control-C event
Image PC Routine Line Source
KERNELBASE.dll 00007FFB485B5674 Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL 00007FFB49412D92 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ntdll.dll 00007FFB4B819F64 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Don't think that helps, but just in case.
I've been struggling for a while with similar topic - long start up time of python scripts.
This is what I've found on python documentation site:
Why does Python sometimes take so long to start?
The problem may be caused by a misconfiguration of virus checking software on the problem machine. Some virus scanners have been known to introduce startup overhead of two orders of magnitude when the scanner is configured to monitor all reads from the filesystem. Try checking the configuration of virus scanning software on your systems to ensure that they are indeed configured identically. McAfee, when configured to scan all file system read activity, is a particular offender.
Unfortunately, I don't have a quick way to test whether disabling file system protection will help, so I hope it will solve your problem and will be glad to hear from you.

Process running when starting terminal on Mac OSX

Whenever I start terminal on my Macbook Pro it is running a process. I have to use ctrl+C to kill it. If I close the window directly it warns me that following processs are running: login, bash, bash, perl5.12.
Any idea what might be going on here and how I get back to the normal state?
I personally had this issue a while ago. First check to see if it is from one of your profiles. Assuming you are using bash, we will look at your bash profile.
First, make sure the problem is actually stemming from your bash profile. Source the scrips as follows.
source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.profile
If after running those you observe the same hanging problem where you have to cntrl+c, then you know what script has the problem.
The best way to remedy the situation is to comment out different parts of your script to figure out where the problem is. Backup your profile and then comment out half of your profile and do a
source ~/.bash_profile
and if it hangs or not will tell you what half the problem is on. Keep repeating this until you find the problem. It sounds longer than it actually is.

phantomjs exit() doesn't terminate the process

I've been using phantom.js on Windows 7 for quite some time now (I think v1.4.0 was the first version I used) and everything was always fine. But for some reason the process isn't properly terminated any longer when calling phantom.exit() and I absolutely don't know why.
The problem started to occur in v1.7.0, from one day to another. Everything once worked fine in 1.7.0 but then it did no more. Even after upgrading to 1.8.0 and now 1.9.0 it still doesnt work. The console just hangs. I can't type anything, phantomjs.exe is still listed in the list of processes in the taskmanager, even CTRL+C doesn't do anything. The whole thing is just frozen.
The underscore in the console blinks as if it expected more input but I can't type anything. The only chance I have is to close the cmd window using the [X] button which is totally dumb for automated testing.
I use the precompiled binaries I downloaded from http://phantomjs.org/ and as I said: it stopped working from one day to another. I even reinstalled it a few times, even to different folders but the process just doesn't get terminated any longer. Anyone who has an idea what the problem could be?
This is a known issue with the Nvidia drivers when you have two cards.
To resolve this issue you need to select "High-performance NVidia processor" in the NVidia control panel (NVidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Global Settings).
Read more here: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/10845

windows installation hang

How can I find what's hanging all new installations on a Windows box?
While testing an installation script on Windows (XP Pro, if it matters) I've run into a situation wherein any and all attempts to install anything on the system hang waiting on who knows what. When the system is restarted, all queued up attempts at installation then go through their exit paths with pop-ups that report the installation is being aborted due to system shutdown having been requested. Of course, reboots do not cure the problem. The system otherwise runs fine.
So... How can I determine what part of the OS I've wedged? (Something in the registry, I suppose, but I'm a real greenhorn when it comes to Windows.) Most likely, something from a preceding install attempt went awry and is now blocking even though I saw no errors reported. Once I figure this out, I want to put in a check for this sort of thing, possibly at both ends of my install scripts, if that seems reasonable.
Thanks for your input.
Unfortunately for me, rebuilding from scratch to get to the point the system's in now is about 9 hours. I'd like to unwedge it from where it is now rather than reload (again). Procmon seems great but I haven't got SP2 installed, only SP1! -frown- So, other ideas are welcome.
I assume you've tried logging the install to see where things go wrong?
Try rolling back to before things went wrong using "System Restore", if that doesn't solve it and the MSI log files show nothing useful then I'd take the plunge and reload before wasting any more time on it.
That said, if you're developing installers then taking an image of this PC in it's crappy state could be a worthwhile exercise. Some point in the future when you have more time to debug you can try and figure out what the problem is.
P.S. I'm assuming you're asking this question from the point of view of someone developing an installer and not as a tech-support question... otherwise this question should probably be closed as not-programming-related ;)
Try using Procmon to figure out where the installer is having problems, if you set a filter it will report all file and registry activity for that process.
