Archive tvOS app - xcode

I am trying to archive my tvOS app to submit it to the App Store. But I have an error:
I don't understand what is the problem because I have a valid Developer Account and I checked the case "Automatically manage signing".
I also tried to create a tvOS provisioning profile for my app but it doesn't work.
Note: I have an iOS version of my app, which is already on the App Store and I created the tvOS app as a new target, but it seems not to work in a new project.
Can you help me please?

Fastest Solution for you is to Uncheck "Automatically Manage Signing" and go to developer site and create a provisioning profile with your apps bundle id and download it and add it to Xcode. Then it will stop complaining for the second one.
When you achieve select "Generic tvOS Device"as target device then it will stop complaining for the first one.
If you have time then watch Whats new in App Signing video of wwdc 2016 - , it has more info on how to debug when these kind of error occur.


Xcode-apple developer account errors

I wanna publish a test flight on i phone that was published a few times before. when I wanna achieve the app's codes on Xcode I get that errors.
Failed to create provisioning profile. There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Select a device run destination to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for 'com.OttoTilesDesign.OttoTilesDesignVisualizer--explicit--' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.OttoTilesDesign.OttoTilesDesignVisualizer--explicit--'.
If you want to publish you need an "App Store" provisioning profile connected to the "identifier" in your app.
Use this profile in unity and xcode.
Try to create a new one. I had a similar issue and a reimport solved it.
Be sure that you select "any ios device" in the topline of xcode.
you only need a registered device when you want to deploy for internal/local testing.
if you want to do that, you need to register your devices with the uuid under:

ERROR ITMS-90283 with "Invalid '' entitlement value" when submitting Mac Catalyst app

I'm trying to submit a Mac Catalyst app for the first time, but the upload keeps failing with this error message:
ERROR ITMS-90283: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle [] is invalid. [Invalid '' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal."
This happens if I manually or automatically sign the app. With manual signing, I have a new macOS App Store provisioning profile that I created as a Mac Catalyst profile using the associated iOS app ID. This shows as valid in the provisioning portal, and I can build (archive) the app just fine with this profile selected:
When I go through the submission process in the Xcode organizer, I have to "Import" the provisioning profile every time (I downloaded the provisioning file, and just select the downloaded file here), which is odd:
But after I select the file, I can click its info icon and everything looks correct:
Then I proceed with the upload, and when the progress bar reaches the end, the error appears and the submission fails.
The error message indicates something is wrong with the application-identifier, but I've checked this everywhere I can find it and it looks correct. I'm using automatically derived bundle IDs, which prefixes "maccatalyst" onto my iOS bundle ID. In some places where this appears, the ID is also prefixed with the App ID Prefix from the apps Identifier record in the provisioning portal. The screen shot above shows the last letter of the App ID cut off, but I think that's just the display in Xcode; if I open the provisioning file, the full ID is listed.
I have another app I've been working on at the same time and I was able to submit it successfully. I opened the archived .app files for both projects and compared the embedded provisioning profiles, and the only differences are things I would expect, like the app name and export time. The application-identifers and bundle IDs are formatted the same way, with the correct app prefixes. I also compared the info.plist files for the two apps and didn't see any significant differences there, either. The other app also required me to select the profile during the submission process, so it seems like that's not a problem (although with my iOS submissions, the profile name appears there automatically).
When I turn on automatic signing, some upload steps are skipped, but I get the same error message at the end of the upload. If I use the Validate App button instead of the Distribute App button in the Xcode organizer, I go through the same steps and get the same error message.
I've compared the setup of the app IDs and profiles of both apps, the signing settings, the build settings, the App Information pages in iTunes Connect ... everything is set up the same way. Does anyone know what else I should check?
I finally got this to work by giving up on the automatically derived "maccatalyst" bundle ID and using a custom bundle ID. Here are the steps I took:
In Xcode, turn off the "Derive Mac Catalyst Product Bundle Identifier" build setting.
Edit the "Product Bundle Identifier" build setting and add a separate bundle ID for the macOS platform. (screen shot 1)
In the iOS Provisioning Portal, edit the App ID for the associated iOS app and turn off the Mac Catalyst option.
Create a new App ID for the Mac version of the app, and enter the new macOS bundle ID.
Create new development and distribution profiles using the new App ID. When creating the profiles, these must be Mac Catalyst, not Mac, profiles. Xcode would only accept Mac Catalyst profiles when validating. (screen shot 2)
In App Store Connect, edit the macOS app record and change the bundle ID from the maccatalyst ID to the custom ID. This was still editable because I hadn't yet successfully uploaded a binary.
My new profiles now appear as Eligible on the Signing & Capabilities tab in Xcode, but they do not appear as options on the validation page when submitting. However, as with my original setup, I can click the Import Profile option there and select the file downloaded from the provisioning portal.
Note that this is the setup to use if you do not want Universal Purchase. If you do want that, you would need to use the same bundle ID as for the iOS app, and you might need to wait until Xcode 11.4 is released in order to submit the app with that setup. I'm not sure about that, but I am sure that you cannot submit apps with the Xcode 11.4 beta, because I tried it. (screen shot 3)
I didn't try automatic signing with the custom bundle ID setup. I think that would work because I think somehow the problem was related to the automatically derived bundle ID. That is basically deprecated with the upcoming Xcode 11.4 and Universal Purchase capability, so I suspect that a change on Apple's end has broken the validation of that style of bundle ID, perhaps only in limited cases that affected my app due to some factor that neither I nor Apple were able to identify.
Custom bundle ID settings:
"Profile is not a 'Mac Catalyst App Store' profile":
Cannot submit from Xcode beta:
I found this document:
Technical Q&A QA1710: Why do I get an "Invalid application-identifier Entitlement" error?
It states:
In modern versions of Xcode, you don't need to supply a value for this entitlement yourself, so the error can be avoided by simply removing the application identifier entitlement from your custom Entitlements.plist.
Xcode builds the application identifier entitlement for you based on the Bundle Identifier property defined in your Xcode project's Target > Info tab, so setting the correct Bundle Identifier in Xcode is imperative.
I don't have either of those problems, but maybe it will help someone else receiving this error.

React Native. OneSignal. No profiles for 'com.myapp.ios.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' were found

I have followed OneSignal's setup instructions for React Native, but
When I try to upload app to TestFlight I get the following error 'No profiles for 'com.myapp.ios.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' were found'
My XCode is 10.0.
Anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
Below instructions assume that your app is building and you have successfully deployed TestFlight builds in the past (since that is where I started from). I had to use the below as "Automatically manage signing" resulted in a build fail in Xcode 10:
Go to
Click "+' to create a new provisioning profile
Choose the type of provisioning profile you want (I went with App Store since I use TestFlight builds to test)
for App ID choose "XC YOUR_DOMAIN_APP_ID OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension" and make sure enable the App Groups capability
after you have downloaded the provisioning profile, go into Xcode, turn off automatically signing on the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension target in General tab and import the provisioning profile you just downloaded.
Use Product > Archive as usual to create your ipa file for App Store upload as usual
I'm getting the same error on appcenter. You can temporarily workaround this problem if you create a new provision file for the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension identifier and sign your OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension with this provision.
(Your app provision should be different. your app ->

Xamarin/XCode register provisioning profile error

I have the following problem. I'm creating Xamarin iOS application(by vs for max 2017) and during a building I have this error:
No installed provisioning profiles match the installed iOS signing
As far as I can understand the solution of this problem is connected with creating provisioning profile by xCode. But when I try to generate provisioning profile(with name testtesyui) by xCode I see this error:
Failed to create provisioning profile.
There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website.
Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it.
No profiles for 'testtesyui' were found
Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'testtesyui'.
I don't have any real iOS device and I'm planning to use iOS emulator.
Below, I listed screnshoots from xCode ui(I've hid personal data):
xCode account settings,
xCode general settings
Could some one help with this problem? Please let me know if you need more details.
I opened info.plist file in vs for mac and I saw the following:
info.plist content.
I've tried to sign in in my apple account, but in the end I saw this message:
signin. As a result, I still cannot select my team.
Could you please give advice where am I wrong?
my problem was in a solution configuration. By some reason, I tryed to build my application in Debug|iPhone mode, not in Debug|iPhoneSimulator mode.
When I switched to Debug|iPhoneSimulator mode, then the build works fine.
You need to enable automatic signing to work with simulator
Once you’ve ensured you have an Apple ID connected to Visual Studio for Mac, you’re ready to enable Automatic Signing
In your iOS project, open the Info.plist file. In the Signing section, select your team from the Team dropdown:
Then, select the Automatically manage signing  checkbox.
More Info here

How to list provisioning profiles and installed iOS signing identities?

Visual Studio 2015 on PC
Visual Studio (Xamarin) on Mac
iPad is connected to Mac
My setup used to work fine. From PC, I would be able to debug iOS apps running on the iPad.
Yesterday, I updated the Mac OS as well as my iPad iOS. I may have updated a few other things too. However, now I am running into problems deploying Xamarin iOS apps on the iPad.
I can create an iOS app in xcode and deploy it successfully. However, when I try to build my Xamarin app, I get the error "No installed profiles match the installed iOS signing identities."
There are a few posts on the forum that talk about a similar problem. I have gone through all these posts. I have also downloaded (once again) my iOS certificate from Apple developer portal and added it to my keychain store.
I still don't understand why I get the error. Would appreciate if someone can tell me how I can get the list of installed iOS signing identities and compare them against the list of provisioning profiles.
Also, when I look at my file, I see that, for key CfBundleIdentifier, the value is replace_bundle_id. I am wondering how I can tie this bundle id back to my provisioning profile. On Apple's portal, I see a bunch of provisioning profiles (I am part of an enterprise team). There is no field called bundle-id on these profiles. All each of them have is an app-id. Where do I related the bundle-id to the provisioning profile? Regards.
Provisioning profiles are all inside the directory: /Users/m.piccotti/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Usually when I have these kind of problems and no time to understand what's wrong, I simply delete everything inside that directory and I download again all the profiles from Xcode. Naturally you can try this only if you are sure that you'll be able again to download all the provisioning profiles you need.
Or it could be that you have to set the right provisioning profile for the project:
This info is saved into iOS.csproj, the element CodesignProvision.
When you go to Apple Developer portal and check App IDs, you see the Name and ID of your app. The ID is your bundle ID. That you need to enter in your plist.
Based on that Xamarin will find your profiles.
Here is what I did to make it work. This is based on the feedback I received from the other two replies.
From the Apple developer portal, I looked at the ID of my app. This was in the form com.mycompany.myproduct. In my Xamarin iOS app's, the id was replace_bundle_id. I changed it to match the one from the portal.
Next, I cleaned the "Provisioning Profiles" directory on Mac and used xcode to create a test project and change the bundle id (from project options) to match the one on the portal. xcode automatically created a new profile.
This made the whole thing work. Now I am able to deploy and debug from my PC to iPad via Mac.
Our project was generated by Xamarin wizard a long time ago and used to work just fine until recently. I still do not know why replace_bundle_id worked in the past and stopped working all of a sudden. The only change I had made was that I upgraded the OSes on the Mac as well as my iPad.
