Default Customization in Epicor 10.1 - epicorerp

I'm working in Epicor 10.1 SaaS writing a customization on New PO Suggestions. The customization works and I can access it through Developer mode. I'm trying to allow users to always see this customization when they launch New PO Suggestions, but there are at least two entry points: from the Main Menu and from the Buyer's Workbench. In the past, I've created a new Main Menu Icon and made it the only visible icon for all users; however, this would not work in this case, because most users access New PO Suggestions from the Buyers Workbench. This Process calls:
Process Key: Erp.UI.POSuggEntry
Calling App: Erp.UI.BuyerWorkbenchEntry
Menu ID: PMGO2011
How can I direct users to the customization in all cases?

I was able to make other applications call the customization by:
1) Creating a customized Menu Item for New PO Suggestion with a new Menu ID
2) Opening Process Calling Maintenance, creating a new Process, and entering the Called Process Reference "Erp.UI.POSuggEntry", leaving Called From blank, and entering the new Menu ID


Changing the new context menu in Windows 11

Is it possible to add new values to the new windows 11 context menu, how does it work with the standard one? For example, by adding some entries to the registry:
Important: I don't need any third party programs, I want to write my own context menu editor.
If somehow it is possible to work with the context menu in addition to the registry, let me know, it will be very useful.
For example, I found a program that works with the new context menu, but I can't figure out how it works under the hood:
I did not find any information on the new context menu on the Internet.

Display informational message to user when installation finished for install Shield Suite project

I have created setup.exe using install Shield Suite project. I want to display informational message to user when installation finished i.e when user clicks on finish. How to achieve this?
There are few way to achieve this. For Basic MSI project, probably the simplest way is to add Custom Action (CA) which will display the dialog with information you want to show. This CA may also launch for example "Notepad" to display text or some other application. After call this CA on click of the "Finish" button. To attach your CA to this event use IDE to go to the following path ...
User Interface "Dialogs" -> SetupCompleteSuccess "Behavior" -> OK Push Button "DoAction"
Inside DoAction pick the CA you've created, add conditions if needed. Other than DoAction you may also choose to SpawnDialog which will gives you new modal dialog (Displaying Dialogs During Basic MSI Installations).
The note from myself: I don't believe this is all good idea. As the user I would expect the setup wizard to quit when I press "Finish" button. Users (including myself) don't like any popups or even worth, additional dialogs after finishing installation. On other hand, probably this is your requirements and this is what you want to do.

how to implement "show recents" item on OS 10.9 and later

I notice on Mac, every app on docker, when it's not opened and ctrl click it, there will be a pop-up menu, inside has a menu item called "show recents", when open the app this item will become "show all windows". I want to know how to make it work cuz right now, when I click it on my own app, it has nothing to show.
I have tested using doc controller and use noteNewRecentDocumentURL: method, but still, both "open recent" item in "file" and "show recents" in docker, it doesn't show my url I just added.
I do not know, where you click on the app to show the menu. The recent documents list is shown
in the app's File menu in the submenu Open Recent
in the dock menu for the app as a list with one item per document
likely at some other places related to the app
However where it is shown, the list is automatically managed by [NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController], which is added to the project template for document-based applications. If you do not have a document-based application you should re-check, whether this would be the better choice. But you can use [NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] in a non-document-based application as well:
In some situations, it is worthwhile to subclass NSDocumentController in non-NSDocument-based applications to get some of its features. For example, the NSDocumentController management of the Open Recent menu is useful in applications that don’t use subclasses of NSDocument.
There is a section Managing the Open Recent Menu containing the description of the method -noteNewRecentDocumentURL: in the documentation of NSDocumentController. You have to send this message to the shared instance,
whenever you want to add an item to the recent docs list:
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:theURLOfTheDocYourAppOpens];
Please note:
Applications not based on NSDocument must also implement the application:openFile: method in the application delegate to handle requests from the Open Recent menu command.
If you do not want to use the document controller, you have to maintain the list yourself and add it to the different locations manually. You can start here. I do not recommend that.
Here's code for use with Xamarin.Mac.
// Add the file to the menu. Note creation of file url.
void AddFileToOpenRecentMenu(string filePath)
var fileUrl = NSUrl.FromFilename(filePath);
// Open the file selected from the menu (in AppDelegate.cs)
public override bool OpenFile(NSApplication sender, string filename)
var keepFileInMenu = ProcessFile(filename);
return keepFileInMenu;

Restrict Access to just "Bugs" In Team Foundation Server 2010

I want to give access to all employees of the company to access the TFS server, but i just want to give them the right to view/edit and created Bugs, just Bugs, no access whatsoever to view tasks, source code or anything else, just bugs, how is this possible?
As an alternate option you could control all work item access on the Project-Area level.
TFS projects have "Areas". They can be setup to be what ever you want to call them. Many people organize these by feature or application "part".
You could restrict access to all working areas but leave access open to a "Triage" or "Bug Reporting" area. (Or if you just want to shut people out entirely just remove them from the root "Area" node.)
To do this right click on your project in Team Explorer and select Team Project Settings. From the sub menu select Areas and Iterations.
Set up your areas something like this:
Select the Development area then click the Security button in the bottom left corner.
In the resulting dialog you can setup permissions as needed to restrict view and edit access to work items in that area. Then when your developers make work items (tasks etc) make sure they set the area correctly. This will limit access to those work items.
Since you leave the "Bug Reporting" area open, users can still add bugs (or sadly Tasks) to that Area. Once you plan on working on the bug you can move it into the Development area.
This works, but has several drawbacks:
Users can't see the status of the Bug they reported once it goes into development. A Sharepoint dashboard report could help with allowing viewing of that status.
Users can still make non-bug work items. This means they can make tasks and such if they choose to.
An alternative is the use the Work Item Only View of TFS. This is a tfs portal that is setup automatically with TFS 2010 and can be installed in TFS 2008. It allows users to enter work items and see work items that they entered. But that is all. This is a fairly limited view, but it may work for you. (But remember, a person can only view work items that were created by them.)
The main benefit is that you don't have to purchase a CAL license for users to use the Work Item Only View (WIOV). Depending on how many users you are planning to give access to, that can save you a lot of money.
Here is a link about that:
As a side note, both WIOV and the Area security would work fine together if you want.
EDIT: After re-reading your comment I think you might have been asking how to restrict users from accessing source. To do that open the Source Control Explorer and right click on a project or the root node and select properties. From there you select the security tab and you can deny access to source control from there.
This can be done for creation, but not viewing (to my knowledge). However, this is a lot of work. To do it you have to edit the work item type templates.
Basically you would edit the non-Bug templates so that only a specific group of people have rights to all the fields. You would also have to restrict transitions (i.e. move the non-bug work item to "Created" (or what ever your "new" work item state is).
This is a lot of editing, but it could be done.
This blog post gives the basic idea:
and this is the docs for the Not parameter to deny transition permissions:
And lastly, here is the ValidUser docs:
We have two Application Tier servers, one is used by the client only, so I edited the JS source for TFS web access to not allow adding anything other than Bugs, Change Requests or Issues.
In (TFS Deploy folder)\Application Tier\Web Access\Web\Resources\Scripts, you can edit the DocumentService.js file:
//Opens new workitem editor with specified workitem type.
//workItemType: WorkItem type name.
DocumentService.newWorkItem = function(workItemType, tfsLocator)
if (JsUtility.stringIsNullOrEmpty(workItemType))
throw "Unspecified WorkItem Type Name.";
if (workItemType != 'Bug' && workItemType != 'Change Request' && workItemType != 'Issue') {
alert('Only Bugs, Change Requests and Issues can be created from this site');
else {
var _url = this.createUrl(CommonUrls.WorkItemEditor, { wit: workItemType }, tfsLocator);
return WindowHelpers.openWindow(_url, "_blank"); }


I'm new into this.. trying to create a simple app for macosx, basically I want this app to startup right after the user login with username/password..
and it's just a simple app has a window & that window displays a warning message and then have two buttons "agree" & "decline"
if the user hit agree then it will continue to the login process.. works as "LOG IN button"
if the user hit Decline then it will go back to the like "CANCEL button"
but since am new into Xcode.. I have already created the app with both buttons.. but don't know how to add IBAction and Outlets!..
Any ideas?..
This should give you an idea. Also, since you are new to ios/mac dev, I would suggest you to read the documents from Apple that will provide you with a wealth of information. Additionally, read the FAQ of the site to get a better understanding how SO functions.
