LoginWindowUI.nib - xcode

I'm new into this.. trying to create a simple app for macosx, basically I want this app to startup right after the user login with username/password..
and it's just a simple app has a window & that window displays a warning message and then have two buttons "agree" & "decline"
if the user hit agree then it will continue to the login process.. works as "LOG IN button"
if the user hit Decline then it will go back to the loginwindow..works like "CANCEL button"
but since am new into Xcode.. I have already created the app with both buttons.. but don't know how to add IBAction and Outlets!..
Any ideas?..

This should give you an idea. Also, since you are new to ios/mac dev, I would suggest you to read the documents from Apple that will provide you with a wealth of information. Additionally, read the FAQ of the site to get a better understanding how SO functions.


How to prevent Figma Agent to be added to Login Items

Every time I launch the native Figma app on macOS (macOS 13 Ventura) I get this notification:
Login Item Added: "FigmaAgent.app" will open automatically when you log in. You can manage this in Login Items Settings.
And following the instructions on the notification I can remove the Login Item as expected, but I will get the notification again next time I launch the app, and the Login Item will be added once more.
I want to remove it and never to be added again.
How can I do that?
Pd: I reached out to Figma support a few times, and they mostly ignored my messages, and when I asked why was I being ignored they gave me a rather unhelpful answer:
Hey there, sorry for the delay & confusion. We didn't reply, because the answer was in your original tweet. Sorry if it wasn't obvious, but in the screenshot, you manage it from Login Items Settings: Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then Login Items.
To be very clear, I don't want to know how to remove FigmaAgent from Login Items, I want to know how to prevent it for being added again.
From https://twitter.com/qdoug/status/1374785043504185351:
This seems to work for removing FigmaAgent:
Force Quit it in Activity Monitor
Remove it in System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Login Items
Delete ~/Library/Application Support/Figma/FigmaAgent.app
Delete /Applications/Figma.app/Contents/Library/FigmaAgent.app

Why does my Slack bot name not accept updates?

I'm at a total loss here and have nowhere to turn.
I made an app, set a name as Test App. Working fine. Update the name under Display Information to Dashboard App. Then I click Install your app to your workplace and authorize it.
And... nothing.
I've restarted slack. I've waited now 8 hours. I've tried again. I changed the Bot name itself. Yet the thing still says Test App
Found a different solution that updated immediately, which I had to do AFTER I did what was described by #plowman, to have the changes reflected in Slack:
Right click on bot name on Slack> Open App Details
In pop up, click Configuration, will redirect to browser tab
In browser, scroll down to Bot User section, find edit button
Change name and save
To edit the app name after it has been installed, you have to find the app in the "App Directory" for your Slack workspace.
First, open Slack, tap on the workspace name ("Raikes" in this case), tap "Settings & Administration", then "Manage Apps":
Next, scroll down to "Bot User" and edit the bot name to be whatever you want:
In the process of writing this I figured it out.
While you can rename the bot and save, this apparently does nothing. You must delete the bot and add it again, then reinstall the app. This creates a new auth token and bot ID, which you must also update in your app.
Only then will the name change.
previous answers only change the name of the bot in charge of acting on behalf of the app. If you want to change the name of the app itself, you could:
you gotta go to https://api.slack.com/apps
then check the app lists shown
select the app you want and go to the "Display Information" section
update the app name
in the end, click on the "save changes" bottom.

Display informational message to user when installation finished for install Shield Suite project

I have created setup.exe using install Shield Suite project. I want to display informational message to user when installation finished i.e when user clicks on finish. How to achieve this?
There are few way to achieve this. For Basic MSI project, probably the simplest way is to add Custom Action (CA) which will display the dialog with information you want to show. This CA may also launch for example "Notepad" to display text or some other application. After call this CA on click of the "Finish" button. To attach your CA to this event use IDE to go to the following path ...
User Interface "Dialogs" -> SetupCompleteSuccess "Behavior" -> OK Push Button "DoAction"
Inside DoAction pick the CA you've created, add conditions if needed. Other than DoAction you may also choose to SpawnDialog which will gives you new modal dialog (Displaying Dialogs During Basic MSI Installations).
The note from myself: I don't believe this is all good idea. As the user I would expect the setup wizard to quit when I press "Finish" button. Users (including myself) don't like any popups or even worth, additional dialogs after finishing installation. On other hand, probably this is your requirements and this is what you want to do.

Preventing the "Save on Exit" dialogue on exit of a Cocoa Document Application

I have a Cocoa document based application that I have been building, that allows you to open seperate views and interact with a webview component. However, when ever you have interacted with it, and then go to close the application, a message comes down saying:
"Do you want to save the changes you made in the document “Untitled”?
"Your changes will be lost if you don’t save them."
I wish to make it that when my application is closed, this message is not shown. I do not need any auto-saves or saving options. How do I prevent this message been shown and disable it?
Thanks in advance for any help and support.
Recently I had the exact same wish to prevent the save dialog from showing up. What I did is put the following method in my custom document class that inherits NSDocument
-(BOOL)isDocumentEdited {
return NO;

Explicit save vs. implicit save - what to prefer when?

I'm currently developing a wp7 app (don't want to tell too much ;), but I'm struggling a little with the user interaction.
The main question, I'm not sure about is: Should I offer an explicit save button in dialogs and use the phone back button as cancel, or should I save implicit the time the user taps the phone back button ...
The more I think about, the more I'm unsure about the best user experience.
I already read the user experience and interaction guide from Microsoft, but there isn't any advice in there about that issue ...
Thx alot for your suggestions.
On page 68 of the Windows Phone 7 UI Design and Interaction Guide it states:
Changes to Application Settings should be immediately implemented. This means that a "Done", "OK", or other confirming dialog is not neededd. In some cases, even though the change has happened immediately, the user may not have feedback that the change has occurred until an ongoing event is completed or a future event occurs. Examples would be joining a secure Wi-Fi network or changing the frequency of alarms.
Keeping Application Settings brief and clear should be a design goal. Complex, multi-page, multi-level Application Settings can frustrate or confuse users into thinking that they have entered another application entirely.
Although the same page also goes on to say:
Immediately implement user-selected Application Settings without a confirming dialog box and provide a feedback method to indicate that the change has occurred.
Avoid creating Application Settings that have more than 2 pages (screens). Settings that require more than a single screen should use overlying half screens to avoid losing context when
the SIP Keyboard is displayed.
If a task cannot be undone, always provide the user with an option to cancel. Text entry is an example. Actions that overwrite or delete data, or are irreversable must have a “Cancel” button.
When using additional screens with commit and cancel buttons, clicking those buttons should perform the associated action and return the user to the main settings screen.
To keep the heading of settings control panels consistent, the heading for the settings page should look as follows:
<CPL Name/ Application Name>
Applications that fetch data over the network must have an option to disable data usage.
So, I think you only get in to questions over explicit vs. implicit if you have multiple pages for settings, and if you do it sounds like the explicit would be the way to go with sub-pages, but implicit for the initial page.
You should use explicit saving of settings.
However, for data entered it will depend on the application and the data being entered.
It's typcial to include a save button (or equivalent) otherwise there's (probably) no way for the user to cancel out of a partially entered form. This can also cause issues if there are validation issues which would prevent the saving of the partially entered data.
It depends on the app though. There is no universal rule for this.
