CRUD with localization in laravel 5? - laravel-5

I want to create, read, update and destroy data with localization in laravel 5. please help me some suggestions thanks!

Localization comes build in, check out the official docs:

Honestly, for inserting and updating data, I don't think you can choose to localise your data: you have to insert ALL contents of ALL languages because you are saying you support these languages, right?
But for reading and displaying data, you can
1) Define columns with suffix. For example in post table you have columns called body_en, body_cn, body_jp etc.
2) When users choose to change languages, use a controller to respond to that action, save a language suffix like '_en' into a cookie, maybe called 'cookie_language'.
3) When users navigate in your site, for every request, use a middleware check whether there is a language cookie, get its value, save it into session, and call App::setLocale() accordingly.
4) When you retrieve data from post table, get the language value out of session, use it as suffix, like Post::select(['body'.$suffix])->get(). Localised data got!
5) Because you have set locale, now you can use trans() in all your views. View translated!
Hope this helps!


Why does Laravel group RESTful methods the way they do?

I'm brand new to Laravel and am working my way through the Laravel 6 from Scratch course over at Laracasts. The course is free but I can't afford a Laracasts membership so I can't ask questions there.
I've finished the first several sections of the course and am a little confused about some of the concepts around the whole RESTful idea. The instructor, who seems very good and experienced with Laravel, describes 7 methods that are going to be part of pretty much any CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) application (and most applications are CRUD in nature.) He says naming of these 7 methods should be consistent with this:
index - a list of all the resources in a collection e.g. all articles in a blog
show - display a specific resource from a collection e.g. a specific article in a blog
create - create a new instance of a resource e.g. add a new article to a blog
store - save a new instance of a resource to a data store like a database
edit - modify the contents of an existing resource e.g. change the title of an article
update - save the modified resource to a data store
destroy - remove a resource from a collection e.g. delete a blog article
I'm a little puzzled by this division of work into 7 separate methods. It seems to me that Create and Store belong together in a single method; ditto for Edit and Update. Creating a new record has two phases: displaying an empty form to gather up the data needed to construct a new article, then validating the data and storing it on the database. By the same token, changing an existing record consists of two phases: displaying the current data in a form and letting the user change what needs changing, then validating it and sending it to the database (or back to the user for corrections).
I would also argue that to be consistent with the approach they've used for create/store and edit/update, destroy should be divided into two methods, Destroy and Remove, where Destroy displays the full record that the user wants to remove with two buttons at the bottom: Delete and Cancel. Then, if the user clicks on Delete, they go to a Remove method that actually deletes the record f from the database.
I've been coding for a fair while and I've never seen a system where the user was allowed to delete any important record without first being shown the record and being asked if they're sure they want to delete it. Now, maybe that's fallen out of fashion and I didn't notice but it seems a pretty prudent thing to do.
So why are the methods what they are, at least as RESTful is implemented in Laravel?
It seems to me that Create and Store belong together in a single method
Well, Laravel generate all those methods thinking in a server-side rendered app. So in a SSR, before you store your data, you must be able to see a creation form.. that's why this create() function exists. The create(), normally, should return a view that will show the user the valid fields to create a resource, this is all done in a GET request. Then, when the users hit the "create"/"add" button, it will reach the store() method that will implement the logic to persist this data storing a new record in your database, this is done in a POST request.
The same goes for edit()/update().
I've been coding for a fair while and I've never seen a system where the user was allowed to delete any important record without first being shown the record and being asked if they're sure they want to delete it
That is because those validations are commonly implemented in the client-side, so, you do this with JS in your front-end, for validations of that kind you shouldn't hit the server.
So why are the methods what they are, at least as RESTful is implemented in Laravel?
Finally, for a RESTful API you don't need all of those methods. Just index, show, store, update and delete ones. If you just need this kind of methods in your controller, you could exclude the create/edit ones by adding the --api flag when creating your controller through Artisan. From the documentation:
API Resource Routes
// ...
To quickly generate an API resource controller that does not include the create or edit methods, use the --api switch when executing the make:controller command:
php artisan make:controller API/PhotoController --api

Symfony2 and filter, right strategy

I'm asking what is the best strategy for filtering with Symfony2.
I want to filter a table of entities (hotels). This filter should allow me to :
choose hotels with or whitout email, with or without web site etc.
choose hotels based on state and/or city (relation OneToMany)
choose what information I want to display on the table with checkboxs (for example display "email adress" on the hotel table, but do not display "tel" or "web site").
First I think to build the filter form on the HotelController. When the filter is submitted, I had a FlashBag for every $_POST sended, redirect to the same page, and if there are FlashBag I send cookies to the $reponse. Then I display the table filtered with data who are on the cookie.
But I dont't really like this, cause I had a very big indexAction() on the HotelController, and I think it'as not really clean to change $_POST to FlasBag to Cookie, is it ? I do this redirection, cause by refreshing the page, data are not posted again.
I'm also asking a question, to prevent a too big IndexAction() method, can I put some code to another method, for exemple a method PostToFlashBag() and another FlashBagToCookie(), or every method on a Controller has to end with the word "Action" and must be accessible with the router ?
Then, I think to another thing : had an entity "Filter", with every row I need. For exemple "WithEmail", "DisplayTel" etc.. Then I can build a FilterType easily, and update the Filter entitie, to redirect to the same page (again, to prevent reposting data if the user refreshes the page). Finally, I can display the table with the object Filter, with a method on the HotelRepository.
That seems great, but I'm a little worry because the filter entity will only have one entry, and I have to find the Filter(1). Due to MVC, is it correct to have a model with only one entry ?
What strategy would you choose (maybe another one) ? I'm interesting to learn good practice with MVC and Symfony2 devloppemnt.
Having a dedicated model class - let's call it Filter - that will receive the values input by the user, is definitely the way to go.
More over, use the Symfony2 form on this input, so you can have validation, and be sure that the withEmailis trully a boolean, etc. From you Filter, build you SQL/Doctrine query and return what your controller have to return, be it a view, or raw datas.
You can have any method you want in a controller. After all, controllers in Symfony2 are plain old PHP objects. They only have to implement ContainerAwareInterface. Usually they inherits Controller, but this inheritance only brings some proxy methods, like getDoctrine or render.
The only convention is that methods which are used as route must end with Action

Ruby on Rails using tabs

At first, I made a single form with large amount of elements: text fields, text areas and so on. When I had got the form ready, I understood that it is not so user-friendly to have such a large form to be filled-in in a row. I don't want to use the "step" system (step 1 -> step 2 -> ... -> step n), because I want for the end-user to be able to have this form filled in any order (+ User would be able to see beforehead what forms he would need to fill), so I divided the form into the several tabs.
The idea is following: once user has filled the form in some tab, he hits the "Save" button and proceeds to the next one (in arbitrary order of his choice).
The thing I wanted to know - what would be the best approach to store the intermediate data ? Should I have some hidden input for each of the tab forms with tab-id to be passed to the model, so that at each 'step' only tab relevant data was validated and stored in DB. Or, maybe, I should have a session[:object] that would contain the current object and at the very end I would store it in DB and erase from the session.
Can this idea be realised ?
Thanks in advance! :)
there's a gem called wicked, it allows you create wizards in a very simple way, check it out
I'm not a ruby ninja, but in other languages (like php) we usually use sessions to do this. Why not to do this on rails?
Also you can consider creating a table for "temporary storage rows" in addition of using sessions, so every time you change the page you could save the data to that table and, at the end, save them all to your main tables.
This is useful if you usually loose your session... you can related the temporary storage rows with the user and if he looses the session, you can restore his uncompleted forms from your database.
You could simply go the Railscasts 217 - Multistep form approach, which works fine.
However, this may not suit you as you may only store the data AFTER you have everything collected, and not step by step.
Another solution - as you mentioned - would be using e.g. jQuery tabs to create your form steps and building a little validation via AJAX / backbone.js before storing the actual record with all its data.

xss protection and html purifier

I am currently using the CodeIgniter framework, and looking to strengthen the XSS protection by using HTMLPurifier (
Is my understanding correct that you want to 'clean' data on post, so that its purified before its inserted into the Database? Or do I run it before displaying in the view?
If so, do I want to run HTMLPurifier on every single post that takes place? Since the app contains a lot of forms, I'd hate to have to selectively choose what gets cleaned and what doesnt - assuming that I can intercept all posts, is this the way to go? Of course, I validate some fields anyway (like email addresses, numeric numbers, etc)
Use $this->input->post() to get $_POST data. Codeigniter filters it automatically if global xss filter is set to true.
See the docs:
Edit: to clarify
Yes you should filter before inserting into the DB and yes you should filter all user input.
A quick google search,, led to this page: which is a helper for htmlpurifier. Regarding catching all $_POST data: you have to do something with the data, right? In your models, when you're doing that something, just make purify() part of that process:
$postdata = purify($_POST);

CakePHP Auth Loads Too Many Session Variables

Using CakePHP2.0 Beta I managed to write a custom login handler for my existing database schema. All's well, except that upon logging in I printed out the session variables stored and what Cake's Auth component did is store the entire record from the "Member" table (where my usernames+hashes come from) in session. It is storing an array with data fields that are totally irrelevant to the session. For instance it stores the date the member was created, their address, etc. All pretty useless information for me as I basically only need their ID and maybe username, name, email address.
The offending lines for me are found in: /lib/Cake/Controller/Component/AuthComponent.php line 512. It states,
$this->Session->write(self::$sessionKey, $user);
So my custom authenticate component returns $user and it throws this whole thing into the session. Now, I don't want to go about editing in the core libraries because this project is definitely going to be upgraded when 2.0 comes out. Is there any way to store less information in sessions? I want to keep this whole thing more lightweight.
Possible solution: Change my custom authentication component to only return the fields I need into the $user variable. Are there any concerns about what data I should/shouldn't be returning?
I've solved the problem using my "possible solution". In /app/Controller/Component/auth/MyController.php, I changed the "ClassRegistry::init($userModel)->find" method to have a parameter for 'fields' where I specify only the fields I need. Works like a charm.
