Symfony2 and filter, right strategy - model-view-controller

I'm asking what is the best strategy for filtering with Symfony2.
I want to filter a table of entities (hotels). This filter should allow me to :
choose hotels with or whitout email, with or without web site etc.
choose hotels based on state and/or city (relation OneToMany)
choose what information I want to display on the table with checkboxs (for example display "email adress" on the hotel table, but do not display "tel" or "web site").
First I think to build the filter form on the HotelController. When the filter is submitted, I had a FlashBag for every $_POST sended, redirect to the same page, and if there are FlashBag I send cookies to the $reponse. Then I display the table filtered with data who are on the cookie.
But I dont't really like this, cause I had a very big indexAction() on the HotelController, and I think it'as not really clean to change $_POST to FlasBag to Cookie, is it ? I do this redirection, cause by refreshing the page, data are not posted again.
I'm also asking a question, to prevent a too big IndexAction() method, can I put some code to another method, for exemple a method PostToFlashBag() and another FlashBagToCookie(), or every method on a Controller has to end with the word "Action" and must be accessible with the router ?
Then, I think to another thing : had an entity "Filter", with every row I need. For exemple "WithEmail", "DisplayTel" etc.. Then I can build a FilterType easily, and update the Filter entitie, to redirect to the same page (again, to prevent reposting data if the user refreshes the page). Finally, I can display the table with the object Filter, with a method on the HotelRepository.
That seems great, but I'm a little worry because the filter entity will only have one entry, and I have to find the Filter(1). Due to MVC, is it correct to have a model with only one entry ?
What strategy would you choose (maybe another one) ? I'm interesting to learn good practice with MVC and Symfony2 devloppemnt.

Having a dedicated model class - let's call it Filter - that will receive the values input by the user, is definitely the way to go.
More over, use the Symfony2 form on this input, so you can have validation, and be sure that the withEmailis trully a boolean, etc. From you Filter, build you SQL/Doctrine query and return what your controller have to return, be it a view, or raw datas.
You can have any method you want in a controller. After all, controllers in Symfony2 are plain old PHP objects. They only have to implement ContainerAwareInterface. Usually they inherits Controller, but this inheritance only brings some proxy methods, like getDoctrine or render.
The only convention is that methods which are used as route must end with Action


Hiding Query String Parameters

I have a GET action for creating records. Because the page is somewhat dynamic, I don't use a model to hold the data. I go off to do some OAuth, only to return to the create screen later on. In order to pass the data back, I am redirecting with a query string. I parse the query string in the GET action, and then show the view. The thing is, the query string is showing up in the browser. This displays pseudo-sensitive data.
Since I am only using the query string for transferring data, I am wondering if I can throw the query string away to prevent it from showing up on the browser.
Otherwise, is there a way to go to another action without redirecting? I've found, if I call the "other" action method directly, it tries to find the view of the original action. I can explicitly change the return View(viewModel) line to return View("create", viewModel) but that seems really dirty.
You should consider changing the action to accept POST requests. At least this will prevent the sensitive information from appearing in the browser. For extra security, your site should be served via SSL.
The other thing you can try is encrypting the sensitive values or the entire query string. The only problem is that this, too, will be preserved in the browser's history unless you require users to log in.
It looks like your action method is trying to do too much. Authentication/authorization is a separate concern which should not be part of the action method. It is better to move the authentication work in to an action filter.
Create an class that extends authorization attribute and override its OnAuthorization method to do your authorization work.
This frees your controller action method to accept POST requests.

Form from another model in a view

So I'm trying to extend the Blog tutorial adding some comments:
Post hasMany Comments
I want to display the add comment form in the same view as the 'post view'. Thing is I don't know the best way to get this approach. I thought about three ways:
Creating a function in Comments Controller to handle the data.
Creating a function in Post Controller to handle the data.
Deal with the data in the same function that deals with the post views.
The main problem with the two first 'solutions' is that the validation errors doesn't show up in the form unless I do some messy hacking of saving the invalidated field in a session variable and then parsing the variable on the beforeFilter callback, like this:
function beforeFilter () {
if ($this->Session->check('comment_error')) {
$this->Post->Comment->validationErrors = $this->Session->read('comment_error');
What I basically do is adapt the invalidated fields to the actual view and allow it to show properly. This works really well, but it seems so ugly to me. What would be the best approach?
Another related question: should a controller reflect a view? I mean on that example, I thought about only having a Comment Model and dealing with all the data in the controller where's the form to add a comment (even though it's in the Post Controller).
Sounds like you're looking for the Mutlivalidatable behaviour:
This allows you to define more than 1 validation ruleset per model. Use your controller to determine which one to apply upon posting something.
P.S. I have only ever used this on a Cake 1.3 project, not sure if it'll work on 2.0.
I see it this way:
Under every post there is an input box "Add comment" with a button to submit.
After submitting some text a form redirects to comments_controller where the comment is saved with this post_id, body, author, date etc.
After the comment is saved and all the logic is done it takes you back to the post.
Under each post there are all related comments displayed (having the same post_id sorted by date or whatever).

Codeigniter - reusing controllers?

I am trying to code my first codeigniter project. I have a login controller which basically filters the data inputed and calls a model function that checks if the user is found in the database.
What I am trying to do is reuse this controller on the index page. So basically I want to be able to do user login on the index page or on the normal controller page (index.php/login/) without code duplication.
I'm sure there is an easy way to do this, but I'm not sure what the best solution is. Make it a library?
For this I would simply make the form in your view post to the login controller.
As a more generic way to share code and logic throughout your application, take a look at this article:
CodeIgniter Base Classes: Keeping it DRY
You basically give each of your controllers a "type". Being logged in could be a criteria of one of your base controllers, which saves you trying to directly access any of your controllers which is bad mojo.
You can try creating a form on the index page and submit it to index.php/login/. This way you won't need two entry points.
Just do the same as you have done for the login View, specify the same action attribute of the form to the index View, and it will be sent to the same login controller with no need to create the two login controllers. You might want to append a query string in the action attribute of the form to distinguish from which View the request has come.

In a MVC-model, whose responsibility is it to sanitize input?

A simple question: I have a Model-View-Controller setup, with Models accessing a SQL database. In which part should I sanitize/check for malformed incoming data?
It's important to keep error handling as low as possible in the stack, but supplemental in other parts. If you keep the sanitizing in the controller, you could break the model by swapping out the controller with a looser one, but you can never break the model by being strict higher up in the stack. Keep the sanitizing low in the stack for consistency, and high in the stack for user feedback.
I'd say the Controller should sanitize input.
The model should at most decline to store invalid data.
I would say it is the responsibility of the controller to validate the input and make sure the data is valid before passing on the data to the model.
If invalid data is found, the controller should redirect back to the view and display the relevant error messages.
Having validation in the view only could be bypassed if the user doesn't have javascript enabled or posts to the url directly, however some validation in the view is better from a user experience point of view since the user does not need to wait for a return from the server in a web application.
The model will validate business logic rules, i.e. password length requirements, if a user is allowed to perform an action or not.
The model should obviously also make sure interaction with the database is done in a safe way so that SQL Injection is not possible.
The controller should handle relaying business logic errors back to the view, but can also do some basic sanity checks, i.e. a field is not empty.
I would say output sanitization should also go in the Controller before being passed to the View.
I use two levels of checking. My controller will check what is supposed to be a date is a date, an int an int and so forth. Basically ensuring they can be used to set the values on my objects.
Then my domain has validation for things such as valid values and other business rules. These are ALWAYS checked before saving or interacting with an edited object.
All errors from either level get returned to the user so they can take remedial action as necessary.
I tend to:
Put syntactic validation in the view ("this field is numeric", "that field is a date"). This is often very easy or even implicit in your choice of view design (eg: using a date picker for date fields).
Put semantic violation in a separate validator class ("this date field has to be after that date field", "this can be null if that is greater than zero") and call the validator from the controller, passing errors back to the view for display.
(for my own pseudo-correct definitions of syntax and semantics...)

where should I save a complex MVC application UI state?

I've been having a look at several MVC frameworks (like rails, merb, cakephp, codeignitier, and similars...)
All the samples I've seen are basically plain and simple CRUD pages, carrying all the infr needed in the querystring and the posted field values.
I've got a couple of apps made with some sort of framework built with classic asp.
This framework handles some CRUD stuff a little more complex than the examples I found.
Something like master-detail, filtering by example, paging, sorting and similars.
I have a controller class that it's just a finite state machine, that goes thru diferent states (like new, browse, filter, show, etc.), then performs the appropiate action depending on the event raised and finally retrieves the neede info to the calling page.
To achieve this I have several hidden inputs to keep the state of the web page (like current id, filter criterias, order criterias, previous state, previous event, well, you get the idea)
What do you think would be the finnest approach to achieve this kind of funcionality?
hidden inputs built in the view and used from the controller??? (I guess that would be the equivalent of what I'm doing right now in classi asp)
(added in response to tvanfosson)
basically, my question refers to the third category, the context-dependent setting (in respect to the other two categories I agree with you) the info I was storing in hidden fields to store them on the querystring, I guess that when you click on the "next page" you include everything you need to save in the querystring, right? so that piece of query string gets appended in each and every link that performns some kind of action...
I'm not sure, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the querystring instead of hidden inputs???
I use different strategies depending on the character of the actual data. Things that are preferences, like default page size, I keep in a Preferences object (table) that is associated with the current logged in user and retrieve from there when needed.
Persistent settings associated with the current logon, like filter settings for a page, are stored in the user's session. Generally these are things that if a user sets them in the current session they should remain sticky. I think filter settings and visibility are like this. If I filter a list, navigate away from it to drill down into a particular item, then come back to the list, I want my filter settings to be reapplied -- so I make it part of the session.
Context-dependent settings -- like the current sort column or page number, are controlled using query parameters. Paging and sort controls (links) are built with the appropriate query parameters to "do the right thing" when clicked and pass any necessary query parameters to maintain or update the current context of the control. Using the query parameters allows you to use an HTTP GET, which is bookmarkable, rather than a POST. Using hidden form parameters makes it much harder for the user to save or enter a URL that takes them directly where they want to go. This is probably more useful for sorting than it is for paging, but the principle applies equally.
