How can I lock down a Mac to exhibit one website? - macos

I'm currently working on a website that will be in an exhibition soon. Users will have a keyboard and mouse in front of them, so I need to lock down the machine to be restricted to just one website. Guided Access mode on iOS is a perfect example. I wish Apple had an OS X version for this reason.
I'm currently trying parental controls but it seems to be quite buggy/not responding to my preferences. I'd really love to just have Chrome or Safari locked to fullscreen somehow so users can't exit the browser/redirect to another website.
Thank you in advance!

I'm thinking you could put Chrome in kiosk mode(can't change website) then change the shortcut keys for exiting out of fullscreen mode if you can on a Mac, and maybe having another desktop and monitor for emergencies. I would have made this a comment but I can't :P This isn't really an answer, just a suggestion. It would really be easier on another OS to do the stuff above.

Recently used 'Web Kiosk' software for exactly this purpose:
It has a lot of options for locking down the machine, both in terms of web sites visited, and disabling key commands, preferences, switching apps, quitting apps, etc.
When searching for a solution for this, I was surprised how few options there were. That said, I would give this a look.


Macbook pro M1 max and MATLAB GUI problem

All the functions starting with ui (uigetfile, uigetdir, etc...) fail to work (and return 0). They do not even pop up a Window to select files.
This happened on OSX Monterey 12.3 with MATLAB 2019b, 2020b, 2021b, 2022b.
I realized that when the MATLAB process hangs after a ui command, a new process is created for analytics and improvement. And this process apparently crashed. I tried to kill it but it did not help. I tried to disable in the preferences > Security > Privacy tab but was not able to (the GUI was not populating).
Eventually I rebooted and was able to disable Analytics and Improvements. After that MATLAB behaved fine.
Sorry you had experienced a problem.
The UI functions in MATLAB display native macOS open/save panels - native open/save panels run out-of-process and are controlled by various system services.
Therefore, if either the QuickLook or openAndSavePanel service crashed before the panel could start (or finish) displaying, instead of a crash, you may see nothing happening. It sounds like this is probably what happened.
If that's the case, this issue has nothing to do with analytics, as macOS analytics only come into play once something crashed. Rebooting the machine is likely the thing that made the issue go away, not the disabling of analytics.
To find the root cause of the issue, the best bet is to contact MathWorks tech support and provide diagnostics, such as unified system logs, spindumps, spotlight diagnostics, quicklook database cache, native crash reports, etc.
I hope this was helpful.

Slack: change browser to open links from desktop app [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 7 months ago.
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I use two browsers on my laptop - Brave for my personal stuff (Facebook, personal email, interesting things I want to read) and Firefox for my work browsing (work email, internal webpages, work communication). Normally I like having my default browser for the computer set to Brave (personal), since most of the time I use the laptop outside of work.
I now have the Slack desktop app to keep in better communication with folks at work. But when I click on links from there, it goes to Brave where I am not logged-in to anything work related.
Is there a way to change the browser that Slack opens without changin my system wide default browser?
I'm on a Mac, Mojave, if that helps.
I tried many options; nothing worked for me.
Firfox is my default browser but slack opened links Opera. So i uninstalled Opera. Then slack opened links in Chrome.
Here is what i did that worked for me.
I use Kubuntu and firefox is already the default browser (verified from firefox's settings)
I want slack to open links in firefox
Open System Settings -> Applications -> Default Applications
Select Firefox as the default for Web Browser.
Now slack opens links in firefox.
You could use Browserosaurus or Finicky or even a combination of them.
When Browserosaurus is set up as default browser, and a link is clicked, it shows a list of installed/configured browsers in which to open that link that can be selected with a one-character shortcut.
Finicky can also be setup as a default browser and it allows me to setup rules that can launch a suitable browser based upon those rules. For example: open links in Firefox, in Safari and so on.
Browserosaurus -
Finicky -
Maybe this Firefox Workaround helps you:
Open web link in slack
In the Firefox browser instance opened by Slack write "about:profiles" in adress field
Change the profile used as default to your regular profile
found on
I'm looking to do the same thing, for the same reason.
Even though you can set the default browser system wide, there doesn't appear to be a way to set the default browser per app (e.g. for Slack). There also isn't a way to set a preference in Slack for which browser to launch.
The only option I've found so far is Choosy ( but it costs money, though you can trial it for 40 days or so.
I'm trying it out now and works nicely so far.
You can't achieve this straight forward on mac OS, but on Linux you can: Default Browser for certain application |
Considering moving to the Linux world may be one option.
EDIT: Desktop entries are not part of macOS, but maybe one can mimic it by using AppleScript and booting applications from there, or writing a shellscript and booting application from the CLI.
Default Browser for certain application
The above answer by #maxim deals with how to set default browser per app, and fortunately, it uses slack as the example.
I gave up. There's no way in Slack to specify a browser. But with the Firefox Containers extension (I have both the Facebook and Multi-account Container extensions), I can better compartamentalize how I use my tabs. So, now everything defaults to Firefox.
One alternative solution is to open Slack on your favorite browser and open links directly there.
I'm using Windows 10 and frustrated by this problem daily. Annoying as it is, instead of clicking on the item to open it, if you right-click you can copy the link and paste it into your work-related browser. I don't know how / if this would work on a mac though.
In windows 10, i solved this by doing the following:
Start > Settings > Apps > Default Apps > Web Browser -> Your browser.
If you using Ubuntu (Linux) you can just go to about:preferences and click on "make default" button.
on mac: System Preferences -> General -> Default web browser

How does Zoom Attendee Attention Tracking (Window Focus Tracking) work?

I just heard about this feature on Zoom Meeting and found it a bit puzzling. Do any of you guys have thoughts on how exactly this would work? It seems like window focus isn't something that should be shared by default. Also, it says that the feature only works in their desktop client on windows / mac, so is installation writing some registry changes? If so, any insight on how it works and why it doesn't work on linux?

Make Windows appear to have a custom OS

My company just bought some windows tablets to use. I have since designed a webpage that will be the OS. They want me lock out all of the windows features, so how would be the best way to go about doing this?
I have tried adding using kiosk mode in chrome, but the user can still use windows keys, the task bar, and use Alt+F4.
I also would like if it didn't show the windows lock screen because the employees will be in charge of powering it up. This is so complicated, there are so many things that I will have to disable. If anyone has any tips, or resources please let me know!

Screensaver to cycle through webpages?

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to create a screensaver that can cycle through some webpages? I would like to create a screensaver that displays various dashboard and statistics pages that are available in our Hudson CI server. This is a windows machine, with firefox and IE available.
Extra bonus points if I can do it in ruby! :-)
I programmed a lot of screensavers in Delphi, but I think the following should be applicable to all sorts of development environments.
You create the main form of your screensaver and put an IE-control on it (or if your development environment does not support it, an OLE-container) and then create a timer which changes the webpage shown by the IE-control.
Sorry no solution in ruby....
Ok, so after a few false starts I found a pretty simple solution. I used Visual Studio Express Edition to create a windows forms application. You just need to drag a WebBrowser control onto the form and resize to full screen at startup. Then all you have to do is hook up the event handlers to deal with the mouse and keyboard.
Some more details here:
Blog post on how I made the screensaver
Source code on github
