Macbook pro M1 max and MATLAB GUI problem - macos

All the functions starting with ui (uigetfile, uigetdir, etc...) fail to work (and return 0). They do not even pop up a Window to select files.
This happened on OSX Monterey 12.3 with MATLAB 2019b, 2020b, 2021b, 2022b.

I realized that when the MATLAB process hangs after a ui command, a new process is created for analytics and improvement. And this process apparently crashed. I tried to kill it but it did not help. I tried to disable in the preferences > Security > Privacy tab but was not able to (the GUI was not populating).
Eventually I rebooted and was able to disable Analytics and Improvements. After that MATLAB behaved fine.

Sorry you had experienced a problem.
The UI functions in MATLAB display native macOS open/save panels - native open/save panels run out-of-process and are controlled by various system services.
Therefore, if either the QuickLook or openAndSavePanel service crashed before the panel could start (or finish) displaying, instead of a crash, you may see nothing happening. It sounds like this is probably what happened.
If that's the case, this issue has nothing to do with analytics, as macOS analytics only come into play once something crashed. Rebooting the machine is likely the thing that made the issue go away, not the disabling of analytics.
To find the root cause of the issue, the best bet is to contact MathWorks tech support and provide diagnostics, such as unified system logs, spindumps, spotlight diagnostics, quicklook database cache, native crash reports, etc.
I hope this was helpful.


Weird Android Emulator and Mac tap-to-click sensitivity issue

I'm experiencing a really weird and frustrating issue with the Android Emulator on macOS Monterey.
I have "tap to click" enabled on my Macbook Pro (Mid 2015 15"), and it works fine in all other apps. But somehow, when the emulator window is active it seems to miss almost every other tap. If I click hard instead of tapping, it catches every click. The tap sensitivity in the Trackpad settings is set to "light".
So, it seems that the emulator window is somehow less sensitive to tapping than all other apps. I don't even know how this is possible, is there even such a thing as app-specific tap-sensitivity??
What's more, it's not only the emulator window itself that has this issue, but the emulator settings window as well. If I tap the "Enable clipboard sharing" toggle, it misses about 50% of the taps. If I click hard, it catches them 100%. If I try the same in some other app (tested with the "System Preferences" window), it catches 100% of the taps.
I have tested and tested this again to make sure I'm not biasing the results, but there really is a difference, and it's driving me nuts. I think it appeared after updating to Monterey, but not 100% sure of the exact timing correlation.
Any ideas??
My problem was really similar, I am using MAC with apple mouse, so I could fix it by disabling the mouse wheel on Android Emulator Extended Controls.
Hope that help
I've noticed the same issue some time ago. Unfortunately, I didn't find any solutions.
However, there are a couple of good enough workarounds:
Launch the emulator in a tool window. Anyway, this is a default approach for modern versions of Android Studio. To enable/disable it check Preferences -> Tools -> Emulator -> Launch in a tool window.
Use alt emulators. For instance, Genymotion doesn't have such an issue.
I ran into a simmiliar issue for me and the solution that i found was enabling "tap on click" to in the "system preferences" -> "trackpad".
I am new to the Android Emulator, but am experiencing the same issue in Ubuntu, even though I have tap-to-click disabled in the OS. I hate tap-to-click, so having an ultra-sensitive-to-touch Android screen emulated on my laptop is beyond frustrating.
Looking at the documentation, I came across the SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER method, which states:
The input source is a pointing device associated with a display. Examples: SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN, SOURCE_MOUSE. A MotionEvent should be interpreted as absolute coordinates in display units according to the View hierarchy. Pointer down/up indicated when the finger touches the display or when the selection button is pressed/released. Use getMotionRange(int) to query the range of the pointing device. Some devices permit touches outside the display area so the effective range may be somewhat smaller or larger than the actual display size.
In reading that, I've come to believe this may actually be the default behavior due to touchpad events being interpreted through the SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN method, rather than SOURCE_TOUCHPAD or SOURCE_MOUSE.
Unfortunately, I don't have a solution as much as a workaround:
I plugged in a mouse and tested the pointer up/down movements over the screen, which this part of the document suggests should register as a press. However, with the mouse it only responds to clicks. So it suggests to me that it is indeed properly interpreted as a SOURCE_MOUSE controlled pointer and not a SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN controlled pointer.
So unless we can find out how to make the AVD properly interpret a touchpad as a touchpad, and not a touchscreen, using a mouse seems like the best solution.
For reference, I'm including this link to the AVD manual:
UPDATE: Somehow over the period of about 18 hours and several restarts, my AVD no longer does tap-to-click on its virtual screen. It would be very hard to pinpoint exactly what changed because I've been updating packages frequently since I'm running a pre-alpha release of Ubuntu, but I think it's from using X11 instead of Wayland.
Which got me thinking, you could try changing your display server from Cocoa to X11. Thankfully, MacPorts, the MacOS version of the FreeBSD Ports Tree, makes it fairly easy to cross-compile software. It contains build recipes for multi-platform unix-like software, much like HomeBrew but often allowing for more customization.
That tap issue was annoying enough it's probably worth giving a shot.
(from macports website) The X11 windowing environment, for ports that depend on the functionality it provides to run. You have multiple choices for an X11 server:
I would build them in this order:
MacPorts: X11 - If you build it, you'll have a bunch of libraries already
MacPorts: QEMU - use make configure menu to select GTK3+, if there's no option for X11, try this build flag with make after you install X11 (pointing it at your X11's lib dir):
make -L/opt/X11/lib -lX11
Lastly, MacPorts: Android Platform tools
Related StackOverflow Q/As:
Compiling a C program that uses OpenGl in Mac OS X
Running x11 on Mac OS

How can I lock down a Mac to exhibit one website?

I'm currently working on a website that will be in an exhibition soon. Users will have a keyboard and mouse in front of them, so I need to lock down the machine to be restricted to just one website. Guided Access mode on iOS is a perfect example. I wish Apple had an OS X version for this reason.
I'm currently trying parental controls but it seems to be quite buggy/not responding to my preferences. I'd really love to just have Chrome or Safari locked to fullscreen somehow so users can't exit the browser/redirect to another website.
Thank you in advance!
I'm thinking you could put Chrome in kiosk mode(can't change website) then change the shortcut keys for exiting out of fullscreen mode if you can on a Mac, and maybe having another desktop and monitor for emergencies. I would have made this a comment but I can't :P This isn't really an answer, just a suggestion. It would really be easier on another OS to do the stuff above.
Recently used 'Web Kiosk' software for exactly this purpose:
It has a lot of options for locking down the machine, both in terms of web sites visited, and disabling key commands, preferences, switching apps, quitting apps, etc.
When searching for a solution for this, I was surprised how few options there were. That said, I would give this a look.

blank window when installing visual studio on windows 10

I have a Windows 10 64-bit PC (fresh install, not an upgrade).
When I run the setup file (web or offline alike) in order to install Visual Studio (2013 or 2015, Community edition), all I get is a small black rectangle on the screen (which I later found out that this is actually the title of the setup popup window), without the actual window of the installation.
I have tried it also after a reboot, and with various "versions" of the installation files (web, iso, standalone), but it's always the same situation.
What can I do about it? VS is my main development tool and I really need it on this computer as soon as possible.
Similar problem here. Program install ok but display blank screen after launched.
Problem solved when I changed my Nvidia graphics's global 3D setting to integrated graphics.
Right click desktop
Select Nvidia Control Panel
Select Manage 3D Settings
Under preferred graphics processor, select integrated graphics.
If you are using a laptop with an external monitor, try unplugging it and using your primary monitor to launch. This worked for me. Laptops often have dual graphics cards and I believe we're hitting some issue with the way the Installer for VS was written (likely WPF)
Once I launced it and started the installation, I could safely plug my monitor in and it kept working properly.
I'm using an AMD GPU, It was a blank white screen but when I hover the mouse over it, I can see the text events
By the way
I went to my AMD Radeon Settings and saw that vs_installershell.exe and vs_setup_bootstrapper.exe were added automatically to the Switchable Graphics list
they were with Not Assigned Option which usually is like High Performace Option
means It would run it with my ATI GPU.
So I clicked on them
Selected Power Saving Option (to work with my Intel GPU)
Which worked and I can see the window of visual studio installer back
after restarting visual studio installer for sure.
whether is your graphics card, just turn on power saving for it.
Had the same issue. Since this topic is not accept any answare, there is one from
Try to open installer as Admin.
You will probably have blank screen. Do not close it!
Open installer once more.
Hope it help other people with same issue.
the same thing happened to me, i didn't do anything i just waited for it and it started showing it's status, i suggest you close other running programs to avoid conflicts and performance hindering, and try it again.
This seems like a very shoddy issue. I've run into this problem too, and I tested all solutions that I came across online. These all work:
Running the installer as administrator, which is a blank screen. Leave it open and run a second instance of the installer, which will not be blank (doesn't need to be run as administrator the second time.
Changing screen settings so that the laptop screen is not being used.
Downloading the AMD Settings application, and setting vs_installershell.exe to run on powersaving mode. Restart the installer after saving the settings.
Use a default graphics driver instead of the AMD one.
I had the the same problem in my laptop. The temporary solution is: start the installer only without the battery, if installer starts you can connect the cable, it works fine.
I had to run integrated graphics rather than my Nvdia. That solved it for me.
Remember to change it back when programming in OpenGL and DirectX otherwise you may get a list of messages staying that nothing works.
I had the the same problem in my laptop. The work around is, in device management, remove the amd graphics or start the installer only with battery.

How to bypass “Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation.” running on Mac 10.7 with local files

I am tearing my hair out. I have a complicated Flash player application which I want to run on my local Mac, 10.7.4. I set this up a year or so ago on earlier Mac OS, with earlier Flash players, and sometimes I had to fiddle with global settings, etc, but it always worked. But now flash has decided (sensibly) to handle the security settings surrounding this use of Flash from the local System Preferences. Here's the appropriate screen which should let me tell Flash that I am opening files in the folder:
You can see my desperate attempts to get flash to let me open files in /Users/peter/BTDE2/ etc -- all failing.
Why? How do I get around this? or do I just give up on flash as a horrible bad job...
It appears from the documentation at that there should be a fix. According to this, there should be a 'Developer Tools' control on the 'Advanced' panel, which gives access to 'Trusted Location' settings. Well, here is the Advanced panel in Flash System Preferences and it shows no such choices. Looks like someone screwed up somewhere.
In the Flash Player panel are you not able to scroll down to reveal the Developer Tools?

Strange behavior in user idle detection in Adobe Air on Mac

I've got an Adobe AIR application written in pure AS3 that has some functionality that happens when the user is idle and then returns to the normal state when the user returns. I'm detecting this activity with the following code:
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.idleThreshold = 180;
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.USER_IDLE, onUserIdle);
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(Event.USER_PRESENT, onUserPresent);
The onUserIdle method is called after 3 minutes as it should be, but then the onUserPresent event is fired almost immediately afterwards. I'm talking milliseconds later. This happens without any user input whatsoever. The bizarre thing is that this does not occur on Windows - only on OSX. And it happens on all flavors of OSX going back to 10.6.3.
Adobe's documentation is incredibly vague on how those events are determined, so I'm not sure if there is something I can do at the system level to fix the problem. Does anyone have any experience with this issue, and if not, any other suggestions on how I can detect user idleness even when the app does not have focus?
Just to preempt the suggestion, I cannot use mouse/keyboard listeners to simulate the same behavior because they do not work if the application loses focus, whereas the NativeApplication events still fire. I've also used NativeProcess to get the output of ioreg to get the hardware idle time as reported by the system, but it does not appear to be affected by the mouse.
I really appreciate any assistance.
Edit: I just discovered that this does not occur when the application is run in an Administrator account on OSX. It only happens in a User account, which only serves to confuse me more.
I figured out what the issue is. When the USER_IDLE event is fired in a user account, we did several things - one of which was forcibly kill the Dock in order to make sure it was hidden from the screen. For whatever reason, this resets the internally available idleThreshold count. This was not only happening in AIR - it was also happening when monitored through Terminal and it appears there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it. The solution was to stop killing the dock. Everything magically worked after that.
