Error when installing WampServer - installation

hi i am installing wampserver3 addon php 7.0.13 in my computer. Every time i am trying to install i got the following error:-
"The installation folder chosen (%1) in not that of the Wampserver.
Select the installation folder of wampserver."
i am also attaching a screenshot of the following error. kindly help me to resolve this issue.

That's because you are NOT actually installing WampServer, but its PHP add-on.
If you used Google to find it, you probably downloaded and installed the WampServer PHP add on from Source Forge. It would be named something like wampserver3_x64_addon_php7.0.13.exe
This is NOT what you want.
You can get the actual WampServer install file from the WampServer project site... which leads you to correct file on Source Forge. It would have a name like
You want to get it from here:

The response you are getting means that you are trying to install an incomplete version of WAMPSERVER. The incomplete version could be an addon or an extension. Visit wampserver website and click on the version you would like to download. Desist from using download latest button.
Click here to download full version x64
Click here to download full version x86

Because that green button is missleading and you have not downloaded thw Wamp Installer
but the Maria DB Addon (!) check again
You must navigate in sourceforge and select the latest wamp exe and clik on that link so the download will start
Thank you

you probably downloaded the 64bit version when you need the 32bit version.


wkhtmltopdf problems again

Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this system. The PDF can not be created.
First, I download the Wkhtmltopdf
Second, Install it to Program files
Third, I add it to a variable environment for the path
Fourth, Reset everything
Still, I cannot get the PDF created. There is no parameter in Odoo settings btw.
Seems like Wkhtmltopdf not installed on your system.
Please check here for more steps, click here
You can install the latest Wkhtmltopdf version from the official website.
After the successfully installed re-start your server.

How to install TYPO3 on windows 7 with wampp

I would appreciate if someone can assist me install TYPO3 on Windows wamp server. I have worked on this for some weeks now on both Linux and Windows, but apparently this is something small I am missing.
Here is what I have done on Windows 7, following guidance given on several links I was not able to list in this post:
I have installed wamp and when I start it it shows all services running;
I created my folder "vhost1" in which I put my documents (i.e. in C:\wamp\www\vhost1).
I have copied typo3_src-6-10 (later replaced by typo3_src-8.4.0) into vhost1 and made the following links-mklink /D typo3_src C:\wamp\www\weaconsort\typo3_src\typo3_src-x.x.x \ mklink /D typo3 typo3_src/typo3 \ mklink /D index.php typo3_src/index.php
When I point to "http://localhost/vhost1" in my browser I get "Internal Server Error", but when I point to "http://locahost" I get the index page with my document folder under "Your Projects".
Clicking on my document folder gives me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
I cannot go further than this.
I have tried to change Document root to "c:/wamp/www/vhost1" in "http.conf", "httpd-ssl.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf, no avail.
Will appreciate any assistance
I have all running on windows 7 with no trouble ... I'm no wizard at all, so first change is that I have xampp installed, no symlinks, I just place in htdocs ...
If you want to go down this road I'll assist you with all questions, I've even got imagemagick up and running:
get rid of wampp (hope you're not using it for other development)
download xampp 1.8.3 and install that
download typo3 (I suggest 7.6.11, because you'll find lots more extensions and I think v8 runs on php7 !!) and place it in htdocs.
rename the folder to a testname, and save an empty file named FIRST_INSTALL in the folder. [directory structure for typo3 installation: rename typo3_src-7.6.11 to testname]
start up xampp and go to 'localhost/phpmyadmin/, create there a database 'testname' (I use collation utf8_general_ci but you can leave that)
now go to 'localhost/testname/' in your browser, and follow the instructions ... (I think you can ignore the warnings at the start), when you arrive at the database select the one just created with user 'root' and blank password.
at the end of the install you'll be asked if you want to start with an empty installation or if you want to fill with the introduction, that's where you insert the package !!
keep me posted and I update my answer to resolve where you stall
TYPO3 - inspiring people to share!

How to solve pyrocms installation issues in windows?

I recently downloaded pyrocms(it is probably the latest version). But when I try to install it I get error saying "Only variable references should be returned by reference" on "core/common.php" file on line 272. Any help will be appreciated.

Compatibility Mode error when installing Visual Studio SDK (vssdk)

Whenever I try to install the Visual Studio SDK I get the following error:
Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
I have checked and Compatibility mode is not turned on. From what I've read, renaming the installer to vssdk_full.exe should help. That hasn't had any impact.
I got the installer from Microsoft's website.
What do I need to do to get this to install?
Are you installing on Windows 10? If so, then I have the same problem and it seems as though the current SDK setup is checking the Windows version and 10 isn't currently supported. See for more info
I have managed to get it to install on windows 10, download the sdk, it will download vssdk_full.exe, run this with /layout path which will extract the actual setup file.
Then set compatibility on the new file to win 8 and it will install just fine.
You might not need to do the/layout thing but that is what I did.
I had the same problem. I downloaded .iso file with install package form the internet. Then I mounted it using PowerISO and tried to start it from virtual CD drive. It ended up in the same message as above.
I looked it up and thought that in Properties of .exe install file, it's enough to uncheck some boxes compability section. But nothing was checked.
Soon afterwards I unzipped the package to a temporary directory with PowerISO and installed Visual from there. Worked without problems.
I had this problem, I renamed the instalation file to "vssdk_full.exe" and it installed without problems.

Error in configuring ffmpeg in Windows 8 , 5.3 PHP

I am trying to configure ffmpeg using this tutorial -
but after I had done initial configuration, it is throwing error.
I copied php_ffmpeg.dll in ext folder also added it in php.ini file extension=php_ffmpeg.dll
copied other files to system32 folder. but it is throwing error while restarting apache. it is throwing below errow
httpd.exe - System Error
The program can't start because avcodec-52.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I can see that above tutorial was for PHP 5.4 and above so I found this tutorial
this is for PHP 5.3 but still it seems to show same error for me
I cant understand what went wrong can some help me please.
In the guide you are looking at it says that you need PHP 5.4 or higher. You should first have installed PHP 5.4 and then to download the files from this link and place php_ffmpeg.dll in C:/xampp/php/ext and the rest of the files in C:/windows/system32.
Also, if you are on 64-bit system try to add the files that you placed in C:/windows/system32 to be in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 too.
Then go to your Xampp Services, and click on stop Apache. When its stopped, then click start again and it should work.
