Why model validation is not working - validation

I have following Model class that is used during the Web API Post. As you can see Id field is annotated as Required.
public class Model
public Guid Id { get; set; }
The Post for API is as follows
public IActionResult Post([FromBody]Model value)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest();
Model newModel = new Model() { Id = value.Id };
return Ok(newModel);
On a sunny day, this is what I see. All good
enter image description here
On a rainy day, when Id is not provided, I get following.
enter image description here
Given that in the second example, a Required field is not provided, shouldn't a BadRequest is returned rather than a 200 with invalid id guid with 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?

Using the Required annotation
In the Web API Docs, your issue is known as 'under-posting'.
The issue is that Guid has a default value, so when no value is provided, it is initialized with the default value... which then satisfies the Required constraint.
To prevent this, counter-intuitively you make the Guid nullable using Guid?.
Then if the value is not provided, the deserializer will set the value to null, which will cause the Required constraint to be violated.
If the value is provided, it will be set, and all will be well.
See https://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/formats-and-model-binding/model-validation-in-aspnet-web-api for more details, there is an example of a similar issue for a decimal property.
The key distinction to understand is that Guid.Empty is really a valid Guid. The only way to distinguish between the user providing a Guid (which is empty) and not providing one at all is to make it nullable, so null = not provided, and Empty = the user provided the empty Guid.
Using a Custom Annotation
If you really don't want to make your Guid nullable, you need to consider what would you do for a 'normal' value type, e.g. an integer. Rather than making it required, you'd use a Range attribute and specify that it must be > 0.
Similarly for Guids, you'd ideally have an attribute that would simply test that it is != Guid.Empty
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/models/validation#custom-validation for guidance on creating a custom validation atribute.


Why is my Enitty.Contains(attributeField) returning false when I am able to set the value?

I have a block of code that is not working as I thought it would.
I have set an Entity up as follows and have a previous guid.
parentEnt = new Entity("vehicle_ent");
parentEnt.id = guid;
Now when I do a check with a statement:
if (parentEnt.Contains("attribute_field")) {
parentEnt["attribute_field"] = "test";
The above will never be called because the if statement fails.
However, if I remove the if statement. I am able to actually assign and run the code:
parentEnt["attribute_field"] = "test";
Is there something I am missing with the Contains Method? I thought it was used to check if the Entity contains the attribute?
On the Entity class, you can always assign an attribute like the example you provided whether or not it exists. If it exists, it will overwrite it (which is what you discovered).
parentEnt["attribute_field"] = "test";
Will always work, whether or not the attribute already has a value assigned.
When you run the constructor for a CRM entity object, and assign it a guid
Entity parentEnt = new Entity("vehicle_ent");
parentEnt.id = guid;
you are creating a new object of the entity type with the 'vehicle_ent' logical name and a id of 'guid' At this point all the attribute/properties that belong to an entity with that name, are not created along with the entity object, and you only have an Entity class object with a LogicalName and id set.
If you want to check if an entity record with that id contains a certain attribute, you need to fetch is from the database, using your the organization service, like
ColumnSet attributes = new ColumnSet(true);
parentEnt = _service.Retrieve("vehicle_ent", guid, attributes);
After the retrieve is called you can check if the entity record contains the attribute you need to check.
I just add a couple of things:
The syntax entity[attributename] and entity.Attributes[attributename] are equivalent, the reason can be found inside the Entity metadata:
public object this[string attributeName] { get; set; }
the method maps at entity level the Attributes property (the type of this property is AttributeCollection an inherit from DataCollection<string,object> and the base type is an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>)
DataCollection contains this method:
// Summary:
// Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.
// Parameters:
// key:
// Type: TKey. The key of the value to get or set.
// Returns:
// Type: TValue The value associated with the specified key.
public virtual TValue this[TKey key] { get; set; }
this method adds the key (our attributename) inside the collection if the key is not present before. For this you can assign a value to an attribute without using the Contains method first. Of course when you read the value you need to check if the key is present, this is the purpose of the Contains method, but to read the values the GetAttributeValue can be used as well (but it's necessary to pay attention to the default values returned when the attribute is not inside the collection)

Partial Entity Updates in WebAPI PUT/POST

Say you have a repository method to update a Document:
public Document UpdateDocument(Document document)
Document serverDocument = _db.Documents.Find(document.Id);
serverDocument.Title = document.Title;
serverDocument.Content = document.Content;
return serverDocument;
In this case, the entity has two properties. When updating a Document, both of these properties are required in the JSON request, so a request to PUT /api/folder with a body of
"documentId" = "1",
"title" = "Updated Title"
would return an error because "content" was not provided. The reason I'm doing this is because, even for nullable properties and properties that the user doesn't update, it seems safer to force the client to specify these fields in the request to avoid overwriting unspecified fields with nulls serverside.
This has led me to the practice of always requiring every updatable property in PUT and POST requests, even if it means specifying null for those properties.
Is this cool, or is there a pattern/practice that I haven't learned about yet that might facilitate partial updates by sending only what is needed over the wire?
The best practice in API design is to use HTTP PATCH for partial updates.
In fact, use cases like yours are the very reason why IETF introduced it in the first place.
RFC 5789 defines it very precisely:
PATCH is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
A new method is necessary to improve interoperability and prevent
errors. The PUT method is already defined to overwrite a resource
with a complete new body, and cannot be reused to do partial changes.
Otherwise, proxies and caches, and even clients and servers, may get
confused as to the result of the operation. POST is already used but
without broad interoperability (for one, there is no standard way to
discover patch format support).
Mark Nottingham has written a great article about the use of PATCH in API design - http://www.mnot.net/blog/2012/09/05/patch
In your case, that would be:
public Document PatchDocument(Document document)
Document serverDocument = _db.Documents.Find(document.Id);
serverDocument.Title = document.Title;
serverDocument.Content = document.Content;
return serverDocument;
Is this cool, or is there a pattern/practice that I haven't learned
about yet that might facilitate partial updates by sending only what
is needed over the wire?
A good practice of doing a POST or PUT is to only include values that you need for that specific request. In doing the UpdateDocument you should ask yourself what "really should be done here"? If you have a hundred fields on that object do you need to update all of them or only part of them. What "action" are you really trying to do?
Let's have an illustration for those questions, say we have a User object that has the following fields:
public class User {
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Username {get;set;}
public string RealName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public string Bio {get;set;}
You then have two use cases:
Update the profile of a User
Update the password of a User
When you do each of those you will not, or it's a good idea to, have one update method that will do both. Instead of having a generic UpdateUser method you should have the following methods:
Methods that accepts fields that they just need, nothing more, nothing less.
public User UpdateProfile(int id, string username, string realname, string bio) {
public User UpdatePassword(int id, string password) {
Now comes the question:
I have a use case that a "user action" allows for an update on
multiple fields where some of the fields can have "no input" from the
user but I don't want to update that field in my model.
Suppose a user updates his/her profile and provided values for Username, RealName but not for Bio. But you do not want to set Bio as null or empty if it has a value already. Then that becomes a part of your application's business logic and that should be handled explicitly.
public User UpdateProfile(int id, string username, string realname, string bio) {
var user = db.Users.Find(id);
// perhaps a validation here (e.g. if user is not null)
user.Username = username;
user.RealName = realname;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmptyWHiteSpace(bio)) {
user.Bio = bio;

MVC3 Required validation, choose value for empty

I have a hidden field which is bound to a int Id in the model, it has a required attribute and some fancy ajax code to set the id client side, the problem is that zero should be acounted as empty. Now the validation will succeed even if no Id has been selected, bow can I set which value should be counted as empty? I hope i do not need to create a custom validator for it.
It doesn't maker sense to add required attribute to a non nullable type such as Int32. Value types are always required. You could use a nullable integer instead:
public int? SomeProperty { get; set; }

.NET MVC3 Remove Currency Symbol and Commas

In my model I have the following property:
public decimal? Budget { get; set; }
When the user enters in $1,200.34, I need that value to be valid and strip out the currency symbol and comma.
In my controller I'm doing:
if (race.Budget != null)
race.Budget.ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "");
The problem is that client validation doesn't pass the value for budget into the controller. I get a value of null. How can I override the client validation so that I can strip out the currency symbol and comma?
Thank you in advance for the help.
So here's the strange thing. Let's say I want to bypass client validation all together. I added #{ Html.EnableClientValidation(false); } to my view and it's still sending a null value for Budget when I submit to the controller.
This isn't a client side validation problem. Your model has a field of type decimal? The model binder will try to bind a value of $123,456.78 into that and fail, so the value will be null. Here's one way to get around this:
Change your model to have a string property that masks your decimal:
public decimal? Budget { get; set; }
public string BudgetText {
get {
return Budget.HasValue ? Budget.ToString("$") : string.Empty;
set {
// parse "value" and try to put it into Budget
Then, just bind to BudgetText from your View. Validate it as a string with a regular expression that accepts only money input. It'll probably be the same regex you can use for your BudgetText's set method
So you can probably hook in some JQuery to pre-process the form field to strip the characters off you don't want (prior to form submission to the server). This is probably the quickest, dirtiest approach.
For something reusable, have a look into custom client validation adapters. The links aren't spot on, but should get you in the right direction. For Brad's screencast, I believe the relevant parts are fairly early on.
Check out the support for jQuery localization
cliente validation using jQuery validate for currency fields
also there is a plugin for currency validation as well
check out this recent post as well for a $ in binding
.NET MVC 3 Custom Decimal? Model Binder

Globally localize validation

I'm using System.ComponeneModel.DataAnnotations attributes such as Required and StringLength. Is it possible to localize its error messages globally?
I know I can do this
[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Validation))]
But doing this everywhere I use required attribute would be just insane. Also I'd like to avoid stuff like:
public class LocalizedRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute {
public LocalizedRequiredAttribute()
: base() {
ErrorMessageResourceName = "Required";
ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Validation);
(but if there isn't any other way, I'll settle for this)
AFAIK you need either a custom attribute or specify the ErrorMessageResourceName and ErrorMessageResourceType properties. There is another possibility detailed here:
Create a global resource class in
App_GlobalResources, and set
DefaultModelBinder.ResourceClassKey to
the name of this class (for example,
if you made "Messages.resx", then set
ResourceClassKey to "Messages").
There are two strings you can override
in MVC 2:
The string value for
"PropertyValueInvalid" is used when
the data the user entered isn't
compatible with the data type (for
example, typing in "abc" for an
integer field). The default message
for this is: "The value '{0}' is not
valid for {1}."
The string value for
"PropertyValueRequired" is used when
the user did not enter any data for a
field which is not nullable (for
example, an integer field). The
default message for this is: "A value
is required."
It's important to note
in the second case that, if you have
in your validator providers list
(which it is by default), then you
will never see this second message.
This provider sees non-optional fields
and adds an implied [Required]
attribute to them so that their
messages will be consistent with other
fields with explicit [Required]
attributes and to ensure that you get
client-side validation for required
For MVC3 see DataAnnotationsResources. It's "RequiredAttribute_ValidationError" and more.
You may solve it by installing .NET Framework language pack(s).
See also
