.NET MVC3 Remove Currency Symbol and Commas - asp.net-mvc-3

In my model I have the following property:
public decimal? Budget { get; set; }
When the user enters in $1,200.34, I need that value to be valid and strip out the currency symbol and comma.
In my controller I'm doing:
if (race.Budget != null)
race.Budget.ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "");
The problem is that client validation doesn't pass the value for budget into the controller. I get a value of null. How can I override the client validation so that I can strip out the currency symbol and comma?
Thank you in advance for the help.
So here's the strange thing. Let's say I want to bypass client validation all together. I added #{ Html.EnableClientValidation(false); } to my view and it's still sending a null value for Budget when I submit to the controller.

This isn't a client side validation problem. Your model has a field of type decimal? The model binder will try to bind a value of $123,456.78 into that and fail, so the value will be null. Here's one way to get around this:
Change your model to have a string property that masks your decimal:
public decimal? Budget { get; set; }
public string BudgetText {
get {
return Budget.HasValue ? Budget.ToString("$") : string.Empty;
set {
// parse "value" and try to put it into Budget
Then, just bind to BudgetText from your View. Validate it as a string with a regular expression that accepts only money input. It'll probably be the same regex you can use for your BudgetText's set method

So you can probably hook in some JQuery to pre-process the form field to strip the characters off you don't want (prior to form submission to the server). This is probably the quickest, dirtiest approach.
For something reusable, have a look into custom client validation adapters. The links aren't spot on, but should get you in the right direction. For Brad's screencast, I believe the relevant parts are fairly early on.

Check out the support for jQuery localization
cliente validation using jQuery validate for currency fields
also there is a plugin for currency validation as well
check out this recent post as well for a $ in binding
.NET MVC 3 Custom Decimal? Model Binder


Automatical bind of datetime fields in MVC3

I have a page with many date fields, which can be dynamically added on client side. I have a DatTime? property on editor template for this field:
[Display(Name = "Bar Admission Date")]
public DateTime? AdmissionDate { get; set; }
When I'm submitting a form I get a null data in AdmissionDate field because binder doesn't know the format of the field.
I have 2 ideas of how t oovercome this issue:
Make a string field in model and parse it on a server side. Simple and pretty quick.
Write a custom model binder for date fields. I don't like this solution because I don't know the keys for all fields that I will use.
Is there better solution? I searched how can I overload TextboxFor method in order to pass it a culture, but I didn't find
Sounds like you should use an enumerable (IList/ICollection) of DateTime?. Phil Haacked has a good article on model binding to a list (even when the number of items is dynamic).
As for the formatting problem, I would look at how to set the culture for the project/model binder.

mvc3 composing page and form element dynamically

I'm developing an MVC3 application and I have a page (well, a view) that let the users edit document's metainfo (a classic #Html.BeginForm usage). For general documents users will see standard fields to fill up, but through a dropdownlist they will be able to specify the type of the document: this, through an ajax call, will load new fields on the edit-document-form.
Whem the user submit the completed form, at last, the controller should read all the standard fields, plus all the fields loaded as being specific to the type of document selected.
Question is, how can I handle all this extra fields in a controller?
Say that I have Document class and a bunch of other classes extendinf Document, like Contract : Document, Invoice : Document, Complaint : Document and so forth, each having specific property (and this fields loaded on the form), how do I write the action in the controller?
I thought to use something like (I'll omitt all the conversions, validations, etc, for brevity)
public ActionResult Save(dynamic doc)
int docType = doc.type;
switch (docType)
case 1:
var invoice = new Invoice(doc);
invoice.amount = Request.Form["amount_field"];
invoice.code = Request.Form["code_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Invoice
case 2:
var contract = new Contract(doc);
contract.fromDate = Request.Form["fromDate_field"];
contract.toDate = Request.Form["toDate_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Contract
..... // and so forth for any document types
But it seems a very dirty approach to me. Do you have a better idea on how to achive this? Maybe there's a pattern that I don't know nothing about to approach this kind of scenario.
A second idea comes to my mind. After commenting Rob Kent's answer, I thought I could take a different approach, having just one class Document with a property like
public IEnumerable<Field> Tipologie { get; set; }
public class Field
public int IdField { get; set; }
public String Label { get; set; }
public String Value { get; set; }
public FieldType ValueType { get; set; }
public List<String> PossibleValues { get; set; } // needed for ENUMERATION type
public enum FieldType
Is this a better approach? In this case I can have just an action method like
public ActionResult Save(Document doc)
But shoud I create the fields in the view in order to make the MVC engine do the binding back to the model?
Given that the class inheriting from Document in the first approach will probably be generated at run-time, would you prefer this second approach?
To keep it all hard-typed on the server, you could use an abstract base type with a custom binder. See my answer here to see how this works: MVC generic ViewModel
The idea is that every time they load a new set of fields, you change the BindingType form variable to the instantiated type of the handler. The custom binder is responsible for creating the correct type on submission and you can then evaluate that in your action, eg:
if (model is Contract) ...
I'm not sure if you will be able to set up different actions each with a different signature, eg,:
public ActionResult Save(Contract contract) ...
public ActionResult Save(Invoice invoice) ...
Pretty sure that won't work because Mvc will have already decided which method to call, or maybe it will firstly see what type it gets back and then decides.
In my linked example, I am checking for overridden base members but if that is not an issue for you, you just need to create the correct type.

DropDownList Client Side Validation is validating when it should not be. (MVC3, Razor)

I am still learning MVC3 and Razor, so this is perhaps a simple question.
On a view I have a DropDownList whose sole purpose is to help filter (via AJAX) a second drop down list:
#Html.DropDownList("Segments", "-- select segment --")
There is a Segments property of the ViewModel that is defined as:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Segments { get; set; }
There is JavaScript that handles the change event for this DropDownList and populates another DropDownList with appropriate values. That other DropDownList is defined like this:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.fafhProdRecId, Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>(), "-- select product recommendation --")
This all works fine until I submit. When I submit, I get a validation error on the Segments drop down list!
Now -- there should be absolutely NO validation on the segments DropDownList -- there shouldn't be any client side validation on EITHER drop down list, for that matter.
But when I try to submit, I get the validation error message back:
The value '1' is invalid.
I have no idea why this is happening.
I have no idea how to decorate the Segments property to say that it is NOT required.
I have no idea how to tell the unobtrusive javascript validator that it is, in fact, being quite obtrusive.
In your ViewModel class add [Bind(Exclude = "Segments")]
From: Using Data Annotations for Model Validation
make sure that your Model has fafhProdRecId as nullable, I imagine it's declared as:
public int fafhProdRecId { get; set; }
change this to:
public int? fafhProdRecId { get; set; }
hopefully, that should resolve the issue as this effectively makes the model field nullable (assuming the db field IS nullable too of course).

How do you validate only if there's input?

Using Asp.Net MVC3, I have many steps in a wizard where after every step I do a $.post to capture what was entered. The first two steps are simple and all fields are required no matter what.
The rest of the steps are not required. However, if step 3 has 10 input fields and entered values for 5 out of 10, then validations have to kick in (just for the 5 fields and display the errors for those 5 only). So in essense, things like [Required], [StringLength] and [RegEx] should kick in only if someone actually entered anything for those 5 fields. If nothing is entered, validations should be skipped.
I was thinking of naming or prefixing each step (div) with Required or Optional as
Hope there is an answer.
If you divide each step on your wizard into a separate form, then validation can be performed when necessary on that step's form.
Please be aware that BY DEFAULT StringLength and RegEx attributes will only be validated when information is entered in that particular field. If the fields are blank, validation of those attributes will not occur.
As far as Required attributes, I am unclear what you are asking. Are you saying that there are fields in a particular step which will be required based on a condition in another field? If so, then you must implement a conditionally required validator.
You can make your viewmodel implement IValidatableObject. The interface requires one function, IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext). MVC will validate the model first from any DataAnnotations, then on the Validate function on the model (so twice, which isn't always what you want).
For example,
public class Input : IValidatableObject
public string Name { get; set; }
// ... Other fields ...
public virtual IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
// ... Validation rules ...
results.Add(new ValidationResult("Please enter a name.", new[] { "Name" }));
return results;
More information from Scott Guthrie's blog.
You could write custom a validation attribute and perform this validation logic in the IsValid method where you have access to the value and could check whether the value is not null or empty and only then proceed with the default validation.

Validating parameters passed through the URL

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC3 application and I'm having trouble understanding the "right way" to do the validation I'm looking for.
For example, consider a model that looks like this:
[StringLength(10, MinimumLength = 10)]
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
If I have an Id of "2342" and try to POST back, the model mapping kicks in and registers an error because of the length validation. However, if perform a GET against /controller/2342, then MVC seems to happily create a model with this invalid state (ModelState.Valid will be true). I could create some validations in the controller to catch this, but it seems redundant.
What is the best way to do this?
When you perform a GET, you are simply retrieving a model with a given ID. So there is no validation performed. If you really want to make sure that requested model IDs should be 10 numbers in length, you should define constraint in Global.asax:
new {controller="Product", action="Details"},
new {productId = #"[0-9]{10}" }
There is nothing in the framework that by default validates a model on a GET request as validation isn't generally required at that time. If you do want to force a validation here, this was answered in this prior question
Validate model on initial request
