how to save diff between text files as image or PDF - image

I need to save diff of two text files(and two folders with subfolders with text files) as image, or pdf.
I have read tortoisesvn and kdiff3 docs to find such info, but I have not found info about it.
Is it any tool, which could do it? Also it would be perfect, if tool will contain some couple of option, for example:
if I create diff for two folders I would like to get one diff image for all files, or one diff file for each item in folder
change colors of diff
create diff with full content of files, or set number of lines, which would be shown before and after different places


Generate single PDF from multiple Asciidoc files

I'm trying to convert my existing asciidoc documentation into pdf. Asciidoctor-pdf seems quite easy and I'm able to convert single files into pdf.
asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-theme='./theme/styles.yml' -a pdf-fontsdir='GEM_FONTS_DIR, theme/fonts/' 01-intro.adoc
But my docs are spread across many files. I want do create a single pdf from all those files. Does anyone know how to do this?
Secondly I don't want the generated pdf to be located next du the adoc file. I want to specify a target path.
I'd appreciate every hint. Thanks and best regards. Sebastian
(Dec 26, 2021)
The easiest and most convenient way is to use the VSCode editor with the AsciiDoc extension installed. This extension is developed by the same team that develops the AsciiDoctor text processor. This is a GUI-based approach to solve all your problems so I'm pretty sure u're gonna love it.
(Step 1) After the extension is installed, use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + , to go to the settings and then enter asciidoc.use_asciidoctorpdf in the search bar and tick the check box (see the demonstration below)
(Step 2) To create a single pdf file from multiple .adoc files, just simply put all of them in a single .adoc file with include::directory-to-the-adoc-file.adoc[] (see the illustration below)
(Step 3) Press F1, then type in as pdf and hit Enter to export this single .adoc file as a single PDF file, this will allow u to specify the target export directory for the PDF. Please be patient and wait for a few seconds for the export to complete, the editor will immediately inform u as soon as the export is complete (see the image at the bottom)
Have you considered to work with includes?
Just add to your document "01-intro.adoc" an any position this line:
When you build the 01-intro.adoc with your regular command, the contents of 02-next-file.adoc will be put to the position of the include line. Using this method we create a file with many includes and just build that file. We're very happy with that.

Move Specific Files From Many Folders To One Single Folder

I am wondering if I can do the following with Robocopy:
I have a folder that has hundreds of folders all labeled as folder_1, folder_12, _folder_45, folder_106, folder 700, etc.
Each of them has at least 3 pdf files in them. I know I will have to use *.pdf somewhere in my command.
I have another folder called PDFs. This folder has NO sub-folders.
I want to MOVE all the PDF files from all the folders to the PDF folder without copying the folders. I want all PDFs to end up in the root. I also want to auto-rename in the case of any duplicates. I don't expect many duplicates, but some and I don't want to lose anything.
Thank you.

How to extract images from a PSD file including images contained in a single layer

I don't have much knowledge of imaging tools but I need to extract images contained within the layers of a psd file. I tried using GIMP with a "save all layers" plugin but that is just saving the root layers so I am ending up with just two .pngs. I need every image in a separate file with the correct sizes.
The reason I need the files is that I have been asking to create an animation with CSS using the images. An example animations is at
The psd document I am trying to extract is
The problem is that these files are structured with Layer Groups (I opened just one of them).
While GIMP is supporting open the file, the "save all layers" plug-in you are using probably is not aware of layer groups.
(BTW, GIMP unstable - the 2.9 development version is likely currently broken for opening PSDs - the image opens garbled there. It opens in gimp 2.8.10, though)
It is possible to save all layers - including sublayers, as separate images with an interaction in the Python console.
With you PSD being the only image open in GIMP, go to filters->python->console and type something along this:
img = gimp.image_list()[0] # retrieves a reference to the image
folder = "/tmp/" # folder of you choice for saving the files
counter = 0
def save_recurse(item):
global counter
if hasattr(item, "layers"):
for layer in reversed(item.layers):
counter += 1
name = folder + "layer_%03d.png" % counter
pdb.gimp_file_save(img, item, name, name)
(btw, I typed it here in a way you can just copy and paste the listing above in GIMP's Python console)

Tab colors in ProdPowerTools using RegEx and full file path

I've just installed PPT on VS2010. There is ability to color tab by project and by reg.ex. (of file name). May be anyone knows is it possible to color also by full file name/path?
for example: I have two files "Index.cshml" one placed in the "User\" subfolder and one in the "Products\".
If I set up color Reg.Ex as ".User." then only those files will be colored that have "User" in their names : "Controolers\UserController.cs" but not an "Views\User\Index.cshml"
There is Settings to use full document path for regex.

InDesign to output PDF containing multiple copies in a single page of the same InDesign artwork

For example if I have a business card design done in InDesign and now I need to provide print ready PDF for printers containing multiple copies of the business card. How would you do that? Are there any specific tools?
InDesign doesn't do imposition (placing of pages on one output page in a particular order).
You have to buy/find a tool, a plugin. Like croptima dot com.
Or on this page, there's some interesting stuff:
Alternatively do it by hand, or use a pdf imposition tool.
Do an export to PDF ( with any marks you need ). Get the file path. Open a text file and type in :
Once that done. Go to Indesign, set a box that will host the pdf and run a data merge. You will get your imposition quite freely ;)
My bad, you need to specify that you are placing images files with a trailing arobase :
And specify the absolute path to the file.
How many cards do you need to layout ? If few, you could just flow the indd file into another document and duplicate boxes.
I didn't test but maybe you could draw a grid and point for the indesign file. Best scenario, if grid is selected, the file is flowed in every frame.
