I am wondering if I can do the following with Robocopy:
I have a folder that has hundreds of folders all labeled as folder_1, folder_12, _folder_45, folder_106, folder 700, etc.
Each of them has at least 3 pdf files in them. I know I will have to use *.pdf somewhere in my command.
I have another folder called PDFs. This folder has NO sub-folders.
I want to MOVE all the PDF files from all the folders to the PDF folder without copying the folders. I want all PDFs to end up in the root. I also want to auto-rename in the case of any duplicates. I don't expect many duplicates, but some and I don't want to lose anything.
Thank you.
I need to save diff of two text files(and two folders with subfolders with text files) as image, or pdf.
I have read tortoisesvn and kdiff3 docs to find such info, but I have not found info about it.
Is it any tool, which could do it? Also it would be perfect, if tool will contain some couple of option, for example:
if I create diff for two folders I would like to get one diff image for all files, or one diff file for each item in folder
change colors of diff
create diff with full content of files, or set number of lines, which would be shown before and after different places
I am creating a vb6 application now and most of my command buttons were graphical style. Do the background images still show up even if I remove them from the app folder?
This is part of what goes into .FRX, .CTX, etc. files. Those are resource files created in a private "property bag" type format and are used to hold things like binary data, images, long strings, and so on.
But don't discard your source files, because you may need them down the road. Treat such things as valuable parts of the program source. They are not needed at run time though.
As far a I know it doesn't remove the picture from the command button when you delete it from the app folder, i suggest making a copy of your image and then delete the original and see if it works in case it doesn't you have the backup image, good luck.
My question is not removing duplicated/similar images. I need a tool to process a more complex process:
Find pictures I have manually removed in a folder
Apply this removal in another folder
Replace low-resolution pictures in a folder by High-resolution ones from another folder
I use Linux, but please propose solutions compatible with several OS if possible. I would also appreciate Free/Libre/OpenSource tools.
The below three examples explain the requirements
-1- Basic example: I have an old copy of my SD card on my computer (where I have already removed failed pictures) and I want these failed pictures (worst ones) be automatically removed from my Camera's SD card.
Folder "My-Computer" Folder "SD-Card" ACTION
I23001.JPG I23001.JPG keep duplicate
I23002.JPG I23002.JPG keep duplicate
I23003.JPG remove missing
I23004.JPG remove missing
I23005.JPG I23005.JPG keep duplicate
I23006.JPG remove missing
I23007.JPG remove missing
I23008.JPG I23008.JPG keep duplicate
I23009.JPG copy new picture
I23010.JPG copy new picture
I23011.JPG copy new picture
In real life, pictures are also copied on mobile phones, web gallery, cloud, backup... and failed pictures may also be removed on different devices...
-2- More complex example: I take picture using camera/smartphone/tablet. I also manually remove failed pictures (worst ones) on computer/camera/smartphone/tablet. We want best pictures being copied an all devices to view/show them.
"My-Computer" "SD-Card" "Smartphone" ACTION
I23001.JPG I23001.JPG I23001.JPG keep duplicate
I23002.JPG I23002.JPG ask user
I23003.JPG I23003.JPG ask user
I23004.JPG remove missing
I23005.JPG I23005.JPG I23005.JPG keep duplicate
P89001.JPG P89001.JPG keep duplicate
P89002.JPG P89002.JPG keep duplicate
P89003.JPG remove missing
P89004.JPG P89004.JPG keep duplicate
I23006.JPG I23006.JPG remove missing
I23007.JPG I23007.JPG remove missing
I23008.JPG I23008.JPG I23008.JPG keep duplicate
I23009.JPG copy new picture
I23010.JPG copy new picture
I23011.JPG copy new picture
P89005.JPG P89005.JPG keep duplicate
P89006.JPG copy new picture
P89007.JPG copy new picture
P89008.JPG copy new picture
-3- Very complex: I copy pictures from my camera to my smartphone using the camera's Wi-Fi access point, but the pictures are reduced (similar image content but not exact duplicate file). I also copy pictures to my friend's smartphone. We also take photos using our smartphone and copy some ones (best ones) to the other smartphone. And we also process the same with tablets. Manual removal is done on any device.
example too messed to be displayed here!
List of duplicates finders:
Duplicate file finders on Wikipedia
Search word "duplicate" in image viewer comparison on Wikipedia
Interesting tools:
findimagedups from Jonathan H N Chin, perl script (and C lib) storing image fingerprints into a Berkley DB file and printing together filenames of images matching more than xx% similarity (pictures taken in burst mode may be flagged as similar)
findimagedupes version in Go
gThumb can also find/remove duplicates
digiKam and its Find Duplicate Images Tool
dupeGuru Picture Edition
Tools lacking of similar image recognition:
Coding a new tool
As I did not (yet) find any solution I was thinking of developing a new software:
Modify a command line tools like findimagedups in order to provide the matching distance between images (similarity percentage)
This output may be a graph
each file is a node
edges (relations between files):
content matching (similarity percentage, crop, similar region)
in same folder, in a neighborhood folder
similar filename, successive filename numbering
similar date/time
similar metadata
similar resolution
For each group of content-similar nodes
one folder = one column
one file by raw, if duplicates in same folder (e.g. burst mode)
missing file in one folder = blank
similarity of files are provided in horizontal/vertical neighborhood only
Automatically selection of:
files to be replaced (low resolution replaced by high resolution, except in folder called "small")
files to be removed
User can display pictures and check connection properties
I am trying something rather basic in Sphinx. I have some images, but I prefer to keep them pretty small, and I want to allow the user to click on them to get the larger image.
I do not find a syntactic way to combine image: or figure: with ref: or link:.
.. image:: _static/my_image_small.png
and I have in the same folder my_image_large.png.
If you come up with a solution, should the larger image just be a file with an explicit link to it or do I create a reSt file with an additional image: tag?
An alternative could be to play with the image sizes in the reSt file, but then I still do not know how to create the link from the small image to the large image.
Thank you for helping me.
Just use the target directive. You would end up with something like:
.. image:: _static/my_image_small.png
:target: _static/my_image_large.png
It is not strictly necessary to use the references to the static folder in your source. They will be copied to the _images folder anyway when you build the docs (so you will have them twice in your builds, without needing them there).
I always use a folder called figures next to the source folder where I manage the images. The my_image_large.png files, however, you would want to place in the _static folder as the contents will be copied on build.
I have users who will have 2 types of picture images, + avatar image.
Which way is better
Users/picture1,Users/picture2, Users/avatar ?
Names of images will be stored in DB anyway.
So the question is better to store all avatars in one big folder or make separate folder for each user and there inside users folder make folders for avatar, picture and etc ?
Since folders are limited to a maximum number of files (not sure the actual number) then it probably makes sense to divide up the images by user. Of course, if the number of users is very, very large then you could hit a limit on the number of sub-folders.
Can the user have multiple avatar images and/or picture images (more than 2)? If not then it may be overkill to separate the avatar and picture images. Putting them in a single "User" folder or "User/images/" folder may be easiest.