Implementation of short bubble and bubble sort - algorithm

Bubble sort
In the above URL it is clearly written that short bubble is a modification in bubble sort to reduce the number of passes.
So in my implementation of both the algorithms i have added a counter which counts the number of passes and surprisingly both are having same no. of passes.
Here is my code:
def bubbleshort(mylist):
flag= True
passnum= len(mylist) -1
counter = 0
while flag and passnum > 0:
flag = False
for element in range(passnum):
if mylist[element] > mylist[element + 1]:
flag = True
temp= mylist[element]
mylist[element]= mylist[element+1]
mylist[element + 1] = temp
counter += 1
passnum -= 1
return mylist, counter
def bubble(yourlist):
for i in range(len(yourlist)-1, 0, -1):
for swap in range(i):
if yourlist[swap] > yourlist[swap + 1]:
yourlist[swap]=yourlist[swap + 1]
yourlist[swap + 1]= temp
count+= 1
return yourlist, count
mylist = [20,30,40,90,50,60,70,80,100,110]
mylistx = [20,30,40,90,50,60,70,80,100,110]
sortedList, counter= bubbleshort(mylist)
sortList, count= bubble(mylistx)
Also if i pass same list to both the functions the the bubble function is producing zero counts but is still giving a sorted list.
So can anybody tell me what exactly is the purpose of modification when the no. of passes are same. Their maybe a chance that my implementation of counter is wrong that why i am getting wrong answers.

It really depends on the input list whether the two functions go through the same number of passes.
For example, an almost sorted list like [9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] takes only two passes for the short bubble function while it always takes 8 (n-1) passes for the regular bubble function.


How these pseudocodes for bubble sort works?

I got this pseudocode from Wikipedia:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
/* if this pair is out of order */
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
/* swap them and remember something changed */
swap( A[i-1], A[i] )
swapped = true
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
And this from a book (named Principles of Computer Science)
BubbleSort( list )
length <-- lenght of list
do {
swapped_pair <-- false
index <-- 1
while index <= length - 1 {
if list[index] > list[index + 1] {
swap( list[index], list[index + 1] )
swapped_pair = true
index <-- index + 1
} while( swapped = true )
I don't know which is better pseudocode.
The parts I don't understand is the swapped_pair <-- false part and the last lines.
In the line 4 when it's written swapped=false or swapped_pair <-- false.
Why it's set to false at the start? What would happen if it weren't set to false?
And the last lines, on the Wikipedia it's written:
end if
end for
until not swapped
end procedure
And on the pseudocode from the book it's written:
while( swapped = true )
What does these last lines mean?
The swapped variable keeps track if any swaps were made in the last pass through the array.
If a swap was made, the array is still not sorted and we need to continue.
If no swaps were made, then the array is already sorted and we can stop there. Otherwise we will do redundant iterations.
This is one of the optimizations that we ca do to make bubble sort more efficient.
If you are interested in more optimizations you can look here:
However, even optimized, bubble sort is too inefficient to be used in practice. It is an interesting case to look at, while learning, but if you need a simple sort algorithm use insertion sort instead.

best way to rewind a variable at 1?

I have an array with 12 entries.
When doing 12+1, I want to get the entry 1 of the array
When doing 12+4, I want to get the entry 4 of the array
I'm done with
cases_to_increment.each do |k|
if k > 12
k = k-12
end"case#{k}", 1)
I found a solution with modulo
k = 13%12 = 1
k = 16%12 = 4
I like the modulo way but 12%12 return 0 and I need only numbers between 1..12
There is a way to do that without condition ?
You almost had the solution there yourself. Instead of a simple modulo, try:
index = (number % 12) + 1
Edit: njzk2 is correct, modulo is a very expensive function if you are using it with a value that is not a power of two. If, however, your total number of elements (the number you are modulo-ing with) is a power of 2, the calculation is essentially free.

puzzle using arrays

My first array M + N size and second array of size N.
let us say m=4,n=5
a[ ]= 1,3,5,7,0,0,0,0,0
b[ ]= 2,4,6,8,10
Now , how can i merge these two arrays without using external sorting algorithms and any other temporary array(inplace merge) but complexity should be o(n).Resultant array must be in sorted order.
Provided a is exactly the right size and arrays are already sorted (as seems to be the case), the following pseudo-code should help:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a = [1,3,5,7,0,0,0,0,0]
b = [2,4,6,8,10]
afrom = 3
bfrom = 4
ato = 8
while bfrom >= 0:
if afrom == -1:
a[ato] = b[bfrom]
ato = ato - 1
bfrom = bfrom - 1
if b[bfrom] > a[afrom]:
a[ato] = b[bfrom]
ato = ato - 1
bfrom = bfrom - 1
a[ato] = a[afrom]
ato = ato - 1
afrom = afrom - 1
print a
It's basically a merge of the two lists into one, starting at the ends. Once bfrom hits -1, there are no more elements in b so the remainder in a were less than the lowest in b. Therefore the rest of a can remain unchanged.
If a runs out first, then it's a matter of transferring the rest of b since all the a elements have been transferred above ato already.
This is O(n) as requested and would result in something like:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10]
Understanding that pseudo-code and translating it to your specific language is a job for you, now that you've declared it homework :-)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
a[m+i] = b[i];
This will do an in-place merge (concatenation).
If you're asking for an ordered merge, that's not possible in O(N). If it were to be possible, you could use it to sort in O(N). And of course O(N log N) is the best known general-case sorting algorithm...
I've got to ask, though, looking at your last few questions: are you just asking us for homework help? You do know that it's OK to say "this is homework", and nobody will laugh at you, right? We'll even still do our best to help you learn.
Do you want a sorted array ? If not this should do
for(int i=a.length-1,j=0;i >=0; i--)
a[i] = b[j++];
You can take a look at in-place counting sort that works provided you know the input range. Effectively O(n).

Programming Interview Question / how to find if any two integers in an array sum to zero?

Not a homework question, but a possible interview question...
Given an array of integers, write an algorithm that will check if the sum of any two is zero.
What is the Big O of this solution?
Looking for non brute force methods
Use a lookup table: Scan through the array, inserting all positive values into the table. If you encounter a negative value of the same magnitude (which you can easily lookup in the table); the sum of them will be zero. The lookup table can be a hashtable to conserve memory.
This solution should be O(N).
Pseudo code:
var table = new HashSet<int>();
var array = // your int array
foreach(int n in array)
if ( !table.Contains(n) )
if ( table.Contains(n*-1) )
// You found it.;
The hashtable solution others have mentioned is usually O(n), but it can also degenerate to O(n^2) in theory.
Here's a Theta(n log n) solution that never degenerates:
Sort the array (optimal quicksort, heap sort, merge sort are all Theta(n log n))
for i = 1, array.len - 1
binary search for -array[i] in i+1, array.len
If your binary search ever returns true, then you can stop the algorithm and you have a solution.
An O(n log n) solution (i.e., the sort) would be to sort all the data values then run a pointer from lowest to highest at the same time you run a pointer from highest to lowest:
def findmatch(array n):
lo = first_index_of(n)
hi = last_index_of(n)
while true:
if lo >= hi: # Catch where pointers have met.
return false
if n[lo] = -n[hi]: # Catch the match.
return true
if sign(n[lo]) = sign(n[hi]): # Catch where pointers are now same sign.
return false
if -n[lo] > n[hi]: # Move relevant pointer.
lo = lo + 1
hi = hi - 1
An O(n) time complexity solution is to maintain an array of all values met:
def findmatch(array n):
maxval = maximum_value_in(n) # This is O(n).
array b = new array(0..maxval) # This is O(1).
zero_all(b) # This is O(n).
for i in index(n): # This is O(n).
if n[i] = 0:
if b[0] = 1:
return true
b[0] = 1
if n[i] < 0:
if -n[i] <= maxval:
if b[-n[i]] = 1:
return true;
b[-n[i]] = -1
if b[n[i]] = -1:
return true;
b[n[i]] = 1
This works by simply maintaining a sign for a given magnitude, every possible magnitude between 0 and the maximum value.
So, if at any point we find -12, we set b[12] to -1. Then later, if we find 12, we know we have a pair. Same for finding the positive first except we set the sign to 1. If we find two -12's in a row, that still sets b[12] to -1, waiting for a 12 to offset it.
The only special cases in this code are:
0 is treated specially since we need to detect it despite its somewhat strange properties in this algorithm (I treat it specially so as to not complicate the positive and negative cases).
low negative values whose magnitude is higher than the highest positive value can be safely ignored since no match is possible.
As with most tricky "minimise-time-complexity" algorithms, this one has a trade-off in that it may have a higher space complexity (such as when there's only one element in the array that happens to be positive two billion).
In that case, you would probably revert to the sorting O(n log n) solution but, if you know the limits up front (say if you're restricting the integers to the range [-100,100]), this can be a powerful optimisation.
In retrospect, perhaps a cleaner-looking solution may have been:
def findmatch(array num):
# Array empty means no match possible.
if num.size = 0:
return false
# Find biggest value, no match possible if empty.
max_positive = num[0]
for i = 1 to num.size - 1:
if num[i] > max_positive:
max_positive = num[i]
if max_positive < 0:
return false
# Create and init array of positives.
array found = new array[max_positive+1]
for i = 1 to found.size - 1:
found[i] = false
zero_found = false
# Check every value.
for i = 0 to num.size - 1:
# More than one zero means match is found.
if num[i] = 0:
if zero_found:
return true
zero_found = true
# Otherwise store fact that you found positive.
if num[i] > 0:
found[num[i]] = true
# Check every value again.
for i = 0 to num.size - 1:
# If negative and within positive range and positive was found, it's a match.
if num[i] < 0 and -num[i] <= max_positive:
if found[-num[i]]:
return true
# No matches found, return false.
return false
This makes one full pass and a partial pass (or full on no match) whereas the original made the partial pass only but I think it's easier to read and only needs one bit per number (positive found or not found) rather than two (none, positive or negative found). In any case, it's still very much O(n) time complexity.
I think IVlad's answer is probably what you're after, but here's a slightly more off the wall approach.
If the integers are likely to be small and memory is not a constraint, then you can use a BitArray collection. This is a .NET class in System.Collections, though Microsoft's C++ has a bitset equivalent.
The BitArray class allocates a lump of memory, and fills it with zeroes. You can then 'get' and 'set' bits at a designated index, so you could call myBitArray.Set(18, true), which would set the bit at index 18 in the memory block (which then reads something like 00000000, 00000000, 00100000). The operation to set a bit is an O(1) operation.
So, assuming a 32 bit integer scope, and 1Gb of spare memory, you could do the following approach:
BitArray myPositives = new BitArray(int.MaxValue);
BitArray myNegatives = new BitArray(int.MaxValue);
bool pairIsFound = false;
for each (int testValue in arrayOfIntegers)
if (testValue < 0)
// -ve number - have we seen the +ve yet?
if (myPositives.get(-testValue))
pairIsFound = true;
// Not seen the +ve, so log that we've seen the -ve.
myNegatives.set(-testValue, true);
// +ve number (inc. zero). Have we seen the -ve yet?
if (myNegatives.get(testValue))
pairIsFound = true;
// Not seen the -ve, so log that we've seen the +ve.
myPositives.set(testValue, true);
if (testValue == 0)
myNegatives.set(0, true);
// query setting of pairIsFound to see if a pair totals to zero.
Now I'm no statistician, but I think this is an O(n) algorithm. There is no sorting required, and the longest duration scenario is when no pairs exist and the whole integer array is iterated through.
Well - it's different, but I think it's the fastest solution posted so far.
Maybe stick each number in a hash table, and if you see a negative one check for a collision? O(n). Are you sure the question isn't to find if ANY sum of elements in the array is equal to 0?
Given a sorted array you can find number pairs (-n and +n) by using two pointers:
the first pointer moves forward (over the negative numbers),
the second pointer moves backwards (over the positive numbers),
depending on the values the pointers point at you move one of the pointers (the one where the absolute value is larger)
you stop as soon as the pointers meet or one passed 0
same values (one negative, one possitive or both null) are a match.
Now, this is O(n), but sorting (if neccessary) is O(n*log(n)).
EDIT: example code (C#)
// sorted array
var numbers = new[]
-5, -3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 , 12
var npointer = 0; // pointer to negative numbers
var ppointer = numbers.Length - 1; // pointer to positive numbers
while( npointer < ppointer )
var nnumber = numbers[npointer];
var pnumber = numbers[ppointer];
// each pointer scans only its number range (neg or pos)
if( nnumber > 0 || pnumber < 0 )
// Do we have a match?
if( nnumber + pnumber == 0 )
Debug.WriteLine( nnumber + " + " + pnumber );
// Adjust one pointer
if( -nnumber > pnumber )
Interesting: we have 0, 0, 0 in the array. The algorithm will output two pairs. But in fact there are three pairs ... we need more specification what exactly should be output.
Here's a nice mathematical way to do it: Keep in mind all prime numbers (i.e. construct an array prime[0 .. max(array)], where n is the length of the input array, so that prime[i] stands for the i-th prime.
counter = 1
for i in inputarray:
if (i >= 0):
counter = counter * prime[i]
for i in inputarray:
if (i <= 0):
if (counter % prime[-i] == 0):
return "found"
return "not found"
However, the problem when it comes to implementation is that storing/multiplying prime numbers is in a traditional model just O(1), but if the array (i.e. n) is large enough, this model is inapropriate.
However, it is a theoretic algorithm that does the job.
Here's a slight variation on IVlad's solution which I think is conceptually simpler, and also n log n but with fewer comparisons. The general idea is to start on both ends of the sorted array, and march the indices towards each other. At each step, only move the index whose array value is further from 0 -- in only Theta(n) comparisons, you'll know the answer.
sort the array (n log n)
loop, starting with i=0, j=n-1
if a[i] == -a[j], then stop:
if a[i] != 0 or i != j, report success, else failure
if i >= j, then stop: report failure
if abs(a[i]) > abs(a[j]) then i++ else j--
(Yeah, probably a bunch of corner cases in here I didn't think about. You can thank that pint of homebrew for that.)
[ -4, -3, -1, 0, 1, 2 ] notes:
^i ^j a[i]!=a[j], i<j, abs(a[i])>abs(a[j])
^i ^j a[i]!=a[j], i<j, abs(a[i])>abs(a[j])
^i ^j a[i]!=a[j], i<j, abs(a[i])<abs(a[j])
^i ^j a[i]==a[j] -> done
The sum of two integers can only be zero if one is the negative of the other, like 7 and -7, or 2 and -2.

Algorithm get a new list containing no duplicated item by adding any 2 elements in a big array

I can only think of this naive algorithm. Any better way? C/C++, Ruby ,Haskell is OK.
arry = [1,5,.....4569895] //1000000 elements ,sorted , no duplicated
newArray =
for (i = 0 ; i < arry.length ;i++ )
for (j = 0 ; j < arry.length ;j ++ )
elem = arry[i] + arry[j]
if (! newArray.key?(elem))
newArray [elem] = arry[i] + arry[j]
EDIT : sorry. I have discrete value in the array , instead of [1..1000000]
It would be more efficient to separate the algorithm into two distinct steps. (Warning: pseudocode ahead)
First create n-1 lists by adding the rest of the elements to the ith element. This can be done in parallel for each list. Note that the resulting lists will be sorted.
newArray = array(array.length);
for (i = 0 ; i < array.length ;i++ ) {
newArray[i] = array(array.length - i - 1);
for (j = 0; j < array.length - i; j++) {
newArray[i][j] = array[i] + array[j + i];
Second use merge sort in to merge the resulted lists. You can do this in parallel, e.g. merge newArray[0] - newArray[i], newArray[2] - newArray[1-i], ... and then again until you only have one list.
If the condition says that you should be able to add any item in the range, then the only way i can think of is to check if the sum is not yet in the result list. Since for any number x, there are x different additions that lead to x. (Or x/2 if you think that 1 + 2 and 2 + 1 is the same addition).
There is one obvious optimization: make the second loop start at the indice i, that way you will avoid having x+y and y+x.
Then if you don't want to use a set, you could use the fact that the items are sorted, so you could build N lists, and merge them while removing the duplicates.
I'm afraid the best worst-case time complexity is O(n2). For input {20, 21, 22, ...}, you won't get any duplicate adding these numbers. Assuming hash insertions are O(1), you already have the best algorithm...
