best way to rewind a variable at 1? - ruby

I have an array with 12 entries.
When doing 12+1, I want to get the entry 1 of the array
When doing 12+4, I want to get the entry 4 of the array
I'm done with
cases_to_increment.each do |k|
if k > 12
k = k-12
end"case#{k}", 1)
I found a solution with modulo
k = 13%12 = 1
k = 16%12 = 4
I like the modulo way but 12%12 return 0 and I need only numbers between 1..12
There is a way to do that without condition ?

You almost had the solution there yourself. Instead of a simple modulo, try:
index = (number % 12) + 1
Edit: njzk2 is correct, modulo is a very expensive function if you are using it with a value that is not a power of two. If, however, your total number of elements (the number you are modulo-ing with) is a power of 2, the calculation is essentially free.


Increase efficiency for following algorithm

input = n
output :-
1 2 3.......n [first row]
2n+1 2n+2 2n+3....3n [second row]
3n+1 3n+2 3n+3...4n [second last row]
n+1 n+2 n+3....2n [last row]
In the problem we have to print a square such that we have 'n' numbers of rows in our square and in every row we have 'n' numbers. We prepare rows from numbers from 1 to square(n) in such way we fill numbers for first row, then last row, second row, second last row and so on.....
for e.g. if n = 4
We start from 1 print upto 4 then print a newline, so our first row is:-
1 2 3 4
Then our last row comes in continuation
5 6 7 8
then our second row will be
9 10 11 12
few examples:
input = 1
output = 1
input = 2
output = 1 2
3 4
input = 3
output = 1 2 3
7 8 9
4 5 6
My Code:
n = int(input().strip())
lines = [i for i in range (1, n + 1)]
line_order1 = []
line_order2 = []
#Reordering lines so we know the staring element of our method
for i in lines:
if(i % 2 == 1):
// Getting the desired order of lines
// Now printing the desired square
for l in line_order1:
for i in range (1, n+1):
k = n * (l - 1)
print(k + i, end = " ")
Is there a better way to do this in terms of execution time?
While I see a few minor places you can improve your code, the performance is unlikely to be much better (my suggestions below might not make any performance difference at all). Your code will take O(n**2) time, which is the best you can do, since you need to print out that many numbers to form your square. Even if you combine some of your longer, more verbose steps into more compact versions, they'll can only possibly be better by a constant factor.
My first suggestion is to number the lines from 0 to n-1 instead of from 1 to n. This will save you some effort when you have to calculate how what multiple of n to include in the values for the row. Currently you've got an awkward l - 1 in your calculation that you could skip if you just used zero-indexed numbers for the rows. (Also l is a terrible variable name, since it looks like the digit 1 (one) in some fonts.)
My next suggestion is to simplify your code that builds the order. You don't need three lists, you can do the whole thing with one list that you feed two range objects, each counting up or down by two.
line_order = list(range(0, n, 2)) # count up by twos
line_order.extend(range(n - 1 - n%2, 0, -2)) # count down starting at either n-1 or n-2
Or, if you're willing to use a standard library module, you could import itertools and then use:
line_order = itertools.chain(range(0, n, 2), range(n - 1 - n%2, 0, -2))
The itertools.chain function returns an iterator that yields values from each of its iterable arguments as if they were concatenated together, without making any copies of the data or using significant extra memory. The difference is not likely to be a much here (since the maximum n you can usefully print out is fairly small), but if you were doing something different with the result of this algorithm and n was in the billions it would be very nice to avoid filling a list with that many values.
My last suggestion is to use a range again to generate all the numbers in each row directly, rather than explicitly looping from 1 to n and adding k each time.
for row_num in line_order:
print(*range(n * row_num + 1, n * (rownum + 1) + 1))
You can compute the start and end points with the multiples of n already included, rather than needing to do that in a separate step for each one. You certainly didn't need to be recomputing k as often as you were before. You can pass all the values from the range to print in one go using iterable unpacking syntax (*args).
Note though that unpacking the range that way is sort of the reverse of the previous suggestion regarding itertools.chain. If n is large, using a loop over the range would be more memory efficient, since you won't need all n values to exist in memory at a the same time. Here's what that would look like:
for line_num in line_order:
for value in range(n * row_num + 1, n * (rownum + 1) + 1):
print(value, end=" ")

Ruby prime number sum

I am trying to take the sum of the n first prime numbers. I found a way of showing the first 100, but I don't know how to get rid of 1 and how to make a sum with the numbers. I was thinking about storing them into an array, but I can not figure it out.
num = 1
last = 100
while (num <= last)
condition = true
x = 2
while (x <= num / 2)
if (num % x == 0)
condition = false
x = x + 1
primes = [] # Here
if condition
puts num.to_s
primes << num.to_s # Here
num = num + 1
puts primes.inject(:+) # Here
Based on what I understood from what you guys are saying I added these lines (the ones commented # Here). It still does not print the sum of them. What I meant with getting rid of 1 is that I know that 1 is not considered a prime number, and I do not get how to make it without 1. Thank you very much guys for your time and answers, and please understand that I am just starting to study this.
If you want to add a list of numbers together you can use the following:
list_of_prime_numbers.inject(0) {|total,prime| total + prime}
This will take the list of numbers, and add them one by one to an accumulator (total) that was injected into the loop (.inject(0)), add it to the current number (prime) and then return the total which then becomes the value of total in the next iteration.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by:
I don't know how to get rid of 1
but if you mean to not use the first number (which is 1 in a list of primes starting from 0)
then you could do:
inject(0) {|total,prime| total + prime}
Which would only get all the numbers except the first up to but not including the length of the array
and as for getting the number into the array you could push it into the array like so:
list_of_prime_numbers << prime_number
You can make use of Prime Enumerable in ruby
require 'prime'
((1..100).select { |number| }).inject(:+)
Hope this helps.

Comparing two Integers by their divisibility

For instance:
8 > 10 = true, since 8 is divisible by 2 three times and 10 only once.
How can I compare two integers from any range of numbers? Are the modulo and divide operator capable of doing this task?
Use binary caculate to judge it
def devided_by_two(i)
return i.to_s(2).match(/0*$/).to_s.count('0')
To make integer divisibility by 2, just transcode it to binary and judge how many zero from end of banary number. The code I provide can be more simple I think.
Yes, they are capable. A number is even if, when you divide it by two, the remainder is zero.
Hence, you can use a loop to continuously divide by two until you get an odd number, keeping a count of how many times you did it.
The (pseudo-code) function for assigning a "divisibility by two, continuously" value to a number would be something like:
def howManyDivByTwo(x):
count = 0
while x % 2 == 0:
count = count + 1
x = x / 2 # make sure integer division
return count
That shouldn't be too hard to turn into Ruby (or any procedural-type language, really), such as:
def howManyDivByTwo(x)
count = 0
while x % 2 == 0
count = count + 1
x = x / 2
return count
print howManyDivByTwo(4), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(10), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(11), "\n"
print howManyDivByTwo(65536), "\n"
This outputs the correct:
Astute readers will have noticed there's an edge case in that function, you probably don't want to try passing zero to it. If it was production code, you'd need to catch that and act intelligently since you can divide zero by two until the cows come home, without ever reaching an odd number.
What value you return for zero depends on needs you haven't specified in detail. Theoretically (mathematically), you should return infinity but I'll leave that up to you.
Notice that you will likely mess up much of your code if you redefine such basic method. Knowing that, this is how it's done:
class Integer
def <=> other
me = self
return 0 if and
return -1 if
return 1 if
while me.even? and other.even?
me /= 2
other /= 2
return 0 if me.odd? and other.odd?
return -1 if me.odd?
return 1 if other.odd? # This condition is redundant, but is here for symmetry.

Finding median for even length array in ruby

I cannot figure out why I cannot get the even length portion correct.
def median(array)
if array.length % 2 == 0 #if amount of array members is even
(array[(array.length/2) + 1] + array[array.length/2]) / 2.to_f #return average of the 2 middle array members
else #if amount of array members is odd
array[array.length/2.ceil] #return middle number
My attempt is for example, an array whose length is 6, and whose 3rd and 4th index value are 7 and 9.
array[6/3+1] + array [6/3]
(array[4] + array[3]) /2
9 + 7 / 2
I am receiving this error
median returns the correct median of an even-length array
expected: 5.5 got: 6.0 (compared using ==)
I have seen a shorter solution, but am most curious if I can make sense of the logic path I am trying to follow, thanks for playing along!
Solution I have seen:
def median(array)
sorted = array.sort
len = sorted.length
return (sorted[(len - 1) / 2] + sorted[len / 2]) / 2.0
Arrays are zero-indexed. So if the length was 4, you need to be taking average of indices 1 and 2. Your current attempt would take average of indices 3 and 2 for a length of 4. So you just need to change one small thing (plus into minus):
(array[(array.length/2) - 1] + array[array.length/2]) / 2.to_f
For an even numbered Fixnum n, this is always true: ( n - 1 ) / 2 == ( n / 2 ) - 1, which means you have figured out a similar approach to the one you found. This is not too surprising, there are a limited number of ways to calculate medians efficiently.
Here is my solution to your whole problem. you need use to -1 that's the reason "arr[(arr.length/2)-1]". Also you can use 2.0 instead of 2.to_f.
#Write a method that finds the median of a given array of integers. If the array has an odd number of integers,
# return the middle item from the sorted array. If the array has an even number of integers,
# return the average of the middle two items from the sorted array.
def find_median(arr)
if arr.length.even?
return (arr[arr.length/2] + arr[(arr.length/2)-1])/2.0
else #else odd
return arr[arr.length/2.0]
puts find_median([2,3,4,9,7,8])

Using non-continuous integers as identifiers in cells or structs in Matlab

I want to store some results in the following way:
Res.0 = magic(4); % or Res.baseCase = magic(4);
Res.2 = magic(5); % I would prefer to use integers on all other
Res.7 = magic(6); % elements than the first.
Res.2000 = 1:3;
I want to use numbers between 0 and 3000, but I will only use approx 100-300 of them. Is it possible to use 0 as an identifier, or will I have to use a minimum value of 1? (The numbers have meaning, so I would prefer if I don't need to change them). Can I use numbers as identifiers in structs?
I know I can do the following:
Res{(last number + 1)} = magic(4);
Res{2} = magic(5);
Res{7} = magic(6);
Res{2000} = 1:3;
And just remember that the last element is really the "number zero" element.
In this case I will create a bunch of empty cell elements [] in the non-populated positions. Does this cause a problem? I assume it will be best to assign the last element first, to avoid creating a growing cell, or does this not have an effect? Is this an efficient way of doing this?
Which will be most efficient, struct's or cell's? (If it's possible to use struct's, that is).
My main concern is computational efficiency.
Let's review your options:
Indexing into a cell arrays
MATLAB indices start from 1, not from 0. If you want to store your data in cell arrays, in the worst case, you could always use the subscript k + 1 to index into cell corresponding to the k-th identifier (k ≥ 0). In my opinion, using the last element as the "base case" is more confusing. So what you'll have is:
Res{1} = magic(4); %// Base case
Res{2} = magic(5); %// Corresponds to identifier 1
Res{k + 1} = ... %// Corresponds to indentifier k
Accessing fields in structures
Field names in structures are not allowed to begin with numbers, but they are allowed to contain them starting from the second character. Hence, you can build your structure like so:
Res.c0 = magic(4); %// Base case
Res.c1 = magic(5); %// Corresponds to identifier 1
Res.c2 = magic(6); %// Corresponds to identifier 2
%// And so on...
You can use dynamic field referencing to access any field, for instance:
k = 3;
kth_field = Res.(sprintf('c%d', k)); %// Access field k = 3 (i.e field 'c3')
I can't say which alternative seems more elegant, but I believe that indexing into a cell should be faster than dynamic field referencing (but you're welcome to check that out and prove me wrong).
As an alternative to EitanT's answer, it sounds like matlab's map containers are exactly what you need. They can deal with any type of key and the value may be a struct or cell.
In your case this will be:
k = {0,2,7,2000};
Res = {magic(4),magic(5),magic(6),1:3};
ResMap = containers.Map(k, Res)
ans =
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
I agree with the idea in #wakjah 's comment. If you are concerned about the efficiency of your program it's better to change the interpretation of the problem. In my opinion there is definitely a way that you could priorotize your data. This prioritization could be according to the time you acquired them, or with respect to the inputs that they are calculated. If you set any kind of priority among them, you can sort them into an structure or cell (structure might be faster).
Priority (Your Current Index Meaning) Data
1 0 magic(4)
2 2 magic(5)
3 7 magic(6)
4 2000 1:3
% Initialize Result structure which is different than your Res.
Result(300).Data = 0; % 300 the maximum number of data
Result(300).idx = 0; % idx or anything that represent the meaning of your current index.
% Assigning
k = 1; % Priority index
Result(k).idx = 0; Result(k).Data = magic(4); k = k + 1;
Result(k).idx = 2; Result(k).Data = magic(5); k = k + 1;
Result(k).idx = 7; Result(k).Data = magic(6); k = k + 1;
