In my xinitrc file, how can I execute commands after the xterm has opened so that I can use xdotool to move the mouse etc ?
xterm -geometry 132x45+0+0
xdotool windowfocus
xdotool mousemove 100 100
xdotool click 1
In this example, the xdotool command only execute when xterm quits, I can't add & to the command line for xterm as it will not remain open ?
.xinitrc is a shell script and usually exits with an exec to start your the last application or window manager. When this last application quits, the X session finishes.
Any application started before reaching the end of the script must be stated asynchronously by using a trailing &.
You could end the script with a sleep forever statement (for example this one) to keep the X session open.
Your overall plan is error prone, however, as there is no guarantee that Xterm will be fully stated before the ancillary operations are executed.
I am writing a bash script to execute 2 commands at a time on 2 different terminal & original terminal wait for both 2 terminal to finish & then continue with remaining script.
I am able to open a different terminal with required command, however the original terminal seems not waiting for the 2nd one to complete & auto close before proceeding with remaining of the script.
read -p "Hello"
read -p "Press enter to start sql installation"
for i in 1
xterm -hold -e mysql_secure_installation &
echo "completed installation"
Use the Bash wait command to cause the calling script to wait for a background process to complete. Your for loop implies that you may be launching multiple background processes in parallel even though in your question there's only one. Without any options wait will wait for all of them.
I wonder why you're launching the processes in xterm instead of directly.
I have a udev rule that calls a script whenever I insert a certain USB device. That script launches a terminal using the following command:
terminator -e "...some_program" & exit
(Could have also been xterm, doesn't matter as far as I can tell.)
Once 'some_program' finishes doing what it should, it exits (from inside that program, not the bash), but the terminator terminal remains open, unless I Ctrl+C it, in which case it closes. But I don't want to Ctrl+C it, that's the whole point.
I have another udev rule that operates when the USB device is removed. But that rule won't trigger until the terminal that was opened from the
'insert usb rule' closes (even though I used & exit after launching the script from the 'insert usb rule')
I don't have anymore ideas and I've searched high and low for a solution. But nothing worked.
I tried sending SIGINT from inside some_program instead of using exit(1), it didn't work. The program terminated, but the terminal stayed open.
I tried killing the terminal by getting its PID and killing it. It didn't work.
I tried opening another terminal and killing the PID from there, it didn't work.
You might want to try this:
terminator -e "bash -c 'yourcommand'"
At least when I call ls this way it automatically closes:
# this closes automatically:
terminator -e "bash -c 'ls'"
# to test, this closes when the less command is ended (eg. by hitting q):
terminator -e "bash -c 'ls | less'"
Apparently terminator doesn't initialize it's own shell this way and as soon as the command passed with the -c option ends, the shell is terminated and terminator automatically closes the window.
Solved it. no need use 'bash -c'.
'some_program' is a ROS node, so all i needed to do is kill the rosmaster...
$ killall -9 rosmaster
and it works now.
I type
crontab -e
my crontab looks like
*/1 * * * * /home/sara/Desktop/kioskscripts/ >> /home/sara/Desktop/kioskscripts/logfile.log
logfile is created in /kioskscripts but remains empty. looks like this
sleep 5
/usr/bin/xdotool key F5
works as expected and simulates f5 being pressed 5 seconds after execution.
The program executed by cron does not have an active window, so you would need to explicitly specify which window you want the keystroke to be sent to using the --window option.
You can get the window id of your currently active window with xdotool getactivewindow and then use that number in an xdotool command. Or you can use xdotool search with various options to find the window you want to direct the keystroke to. Read man xdotool for the various search options. (You can do that in a single command: xdotool search --name Foo key F5 will send F5 to a window with FOO in its name.)
But that will only work if the indicated window accepts the events, and many windows don't.
I have a game server running in an xterm window.
Once daily I'd like to send a warning message to any players followed after a delay by the stop command to the program inside the xterm window from a script running on a schedule. This causes the cleanup and save functions to run automatically.
Once the program shuts down I can bring it back up easily but I don't know how to send the warning and stop commands first.
Typed directly into xterm the commands are:
broadcast Reboot in 2 minutes
(followed by a 2 minute wait and then simply):
no / or other characters required.
Any help?
Do you also need to type something from the xterm itself (from time to time) or do you want your server to be fully driven from external commands?
Is your program line-oriented? You may first try something like:
mkfifo /tmp/f
tail -f /tmp/f | myprogram
and then try to send commands to your program (from another xterm) with
echo "mycommand" > /tmp/f
You may also consider using netcat for turning your program to a server:
Turn simple C program into server using netcat
Then you could write a shell script for sending the required commands to your "server".
If you know a little about C programming; I remember having once hacked the script program (which was very easy to do: code is short) in order to launch another program but to read commands from a FIFO file (then again a shell script would be easy to write for driving your program).
Something you might try is running your program inside a screen session.
You can then send commands to the session from cron that will be just
as if you typed them.
In your xterm, before launching the program do:
screen -S myscreen bash
(or you can even replace bash by your program). Then from your cron
screen -S myscreen -X stuff 'broadcast Reboot in 2 minutes\n'
sleep 120
screen -S myscreen -X stuff 'stop\n'
will enter that text. You can exit the session using screen -S myscreen -X quit
or by typing ctrl-a \.
screen is intended to be transparent. To easily see you are inside screen, you can
configure a permanent status bar at the bottom of your xterm:
echo 'hardstatus alwayslastline' >~/.screenrc
Now when you run screen you should see a reverse video bottom line. Depending
on your OS it may be empty.
I'm using Cygwin to start some servers.
Each server is launched inside an xterm with a bunch of command like this one:
xterm -e $my_cmd /C &
Is there an easy way to kill all launched children (xterm and their running commands) in a row ?
I want also to be able kill a particular launched command when I close its parent xterm.
Someone knows how to perform that ?
killall xterm? That command is in the psmisc package. Xterm will notify its child process with a SIGHUP ("hangup") before it exits. Normally that will cause the child process to exit too, although some servers interpret that signal differently.