how to add protoc.exe in path of windows 7 - windows

I tried Following :
1.D:\TestWorkSpace\protoc.exe where .exe file is residing.
1.PROTO_HOME = "D:\TestWorkSpace\"
2.Path = "%PROTO_HOME%\protoc.exe"
1.PROTO_HOME = "D:\TestWorkSpace\"
2.Path = "%PROTO_HOME%\protoc"
but still unable to add protoc.exe in class path.
I am using a project in which maven project is to be imported , before development , and pre-requisite is to add protoc.exe in class path.
Kindly provide your valuable suggestion. Thank you.

You mean you want to add protoc to the "PATH", not to the classpath?!
PROTO_HOME = "D:\TestWorkSpace\"
2.Path = "%PROTO_HOME%"
And you are able to call protoc.exe without path


Can't make code_ownership and code_teams gems to work

The gems code_teams, code_ownership should allow one to tag files/whole folders by team name but after adding them to my project, running bundle install etc, I still encounter the same error
Passed `nil` into T.must
sample team file (placed in config/teams as advised) is as following
name: Smurfs
- folder/folder2/**/*
The code where I try to use the info is :
x = CodeOwnership.for_backtrace(e.backtrace)
Turns out the path was not in the format expected.
The path should not end with /*

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ingredients'

Following the Graphene-Django basic tutorial verbatim results in this helpful situation.
Maybe there is a dir problem or something? As soon as we add the installed app, it is not found?
Tried everything here
Try to open "cookbook/ingredients/" folder and change name in IngredientsConfig to cookbook.ingredients:
class IngredientsConfig(AppConfig):
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
name = 'cookbook.ingredients'

jython zxJDBC UCanAccess Driver Class?

Trying to get the combo jython-zxJDBC-UCanAccess working on my Windows machine; been driving me nuts the entire day as I keep getting
zxJDBC.DatabaseError ( driver [net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver] not found ), and
zxJDBC.DatabaseError ( driver [ucanaccess] not found )
I had been using this sample code from Gord Thompson with my particulars - keeps failing with driver-not-found errors whatever I try:
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
#Or also import ucanaccess
jdbc_url = "jdbc:ucanaccess://Z:/Companies.accdb"
username = ""
password = ""
driver_class = "net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver"
#Or driver_class = "net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanloadDriver"
cnxn = zxJDBC.connect(jdbc_url, username, password, driver_class)
crsr = cnxn.cursor()
crsr.execute("SELECT * FROM tblSICs")
for row in crsr.fetchall():
print row[0]
Jython alone works well, I use it with the SikuliX IDE
'from ... import zxJDBC' passes without error
UCanAccess works fine from the command line (console.bat) with my MS
Access database; all 5 JARs are in and as in the CLASSPATH variable
What I don't get is what is "driver_class"?. I thought that the database-specific driver gets located by means of Jython/SikuliX looking in CLASSPATH, where the '.../ucanaccess-5.0.0.jar' is seen.
And here is where the SikuliX IDE looks for resources:
D:\Drawer 3\Sikuli\Training\UCanAccess.sikuli Z:\test.sikuli
Does anyone spot the issue?
Issue was found to be a special twist of SikuliX 2.0.4 which cannot evaluate the CLASSPATH variable. Here the workarounds / SiluliX' way to get to know the location of JARs:
Two Solutions:
Solution A
SikuliX IDE looks into the folder
<C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Extensions>; all five relevant
JAR files need to be places in that folder (no 'lib' subfolder as in
the deployment pack):
Check the extension JARs that get found by seeing
Solution B
Leave the needed JARs in their original deployment folder, and add
their path to the 'Special File'
'C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Extensions\extensions.txt' as:
ucanaccess = C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/UCanAccess/ucanaccess-5.0.0.jar
This will be evaluated, as a workaround, instead of the CLASSPATH
Thanks for your help!

conflicting issue is coming when we are adding networkmanager in yocto build

We are using yocto to build a image.
I tried to add IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "modemmanager networkmanager" in /build/conf/local.conf.
But i am getting some errors :-
package networkmanager-1.10.6-r0.aarch64 conflicts with connman provided by connman-1.35-r0.aarch64.
So I try to remove connman and ofono ,change in local.conf.
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = "connman connman-client"
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = "ofono ofono-tests"
but it is not happening , same error i am getting
how to remove connman and ofono ?
Inside networkmanager .bb file changed # RCONFLICTS_${PN} = "connman" to
RREPLACES_${PN} = "connman" , it replaces connman and install networkmanager
it works for me.

Unable to locate file 'C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\SYSTEM_[AGENT NAME] 2013-02-06 16_25_11\

I have an MSTest build step in my TeamCity build. Some of the tests are looking for a file in a relative path which they cannot find and the tests are throwing the error...
Cannot find path...
'C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\SYSTEM_[AGENT NAME] 2013-02-06 16_25_11\Documents\json.value.list.txt'
I have a PowerShell script that I want to use to create and copy the file out to the above path. However, I cant seem to figure out the appropriate TeamCity parameters to use to construct the path...
I have...\\documents
However, that gives me...
'C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp[AGENT NAME]\Documents\'
What can parameters or TeamCity variables can I use to construct...
C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\SYSTEM_[AGENT NAME] 2013-02-06 16_25_11\Documents
If your test is reading the contents of a file, this will ensure that relative paths are resolved correctly so tests can be run on TeamCity as well as locally:
string currentDir = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(true).GetFileName();
var workingFile = new FileInfo(currentDir);
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(workingFile.Directory + relativeFilePath);
relativeFilePath is the variable containing the file. fileContents will contain the contents of this file when run from TeamCity or locally.
