How to calculate an angle from a rotation matrix - matrix

I have a given 3x3 rotation matrix and I want to calculate the rotation angle around z axis. How do I get there?
For example, in this case below, how did they calculated the "-30deg rotation around the x axis"? Or how did they get to the "-74deg" value around that axis?
This is my original matrix:
Thank you!

It is simple if the rotation matrix is just a rotation matrix and there is no scaling. Here is a site that explains in more pretty terms then I am willing to diagram here. Basically the rotation matrix is composed of sinf(x) and cosf(x) of euler angles (well you can think of it like that at least). You can therefore use values within it to back calculate the euler angles.
If you have scaling involved you will need to normalize each row of the matrix first. Then apply the above method.


In ThreeJS Object3D.applyMatrix4 is not continuous

I was transforming an object with a matrix A using Object3D.applyMatrix4 and I found that at one point it didn't preserve an eigen vector's direction.
So I tried animating interpolation between Identity Matrix I and A and I found this:
How could the transformation be not continuous?
Linear interpolation of rotation matrices isn't mathematically sound. The vectors composing a rotation matrix need to be unit length.. or at least stay a consistent length.
Imagine a clock with a hand at 12, and a hand at 6.
If you Linearly interpolate the point at the tip of the 12 oclock hand, to the tip of the 6oclock hand, the point travels in a straight line from top of the clock to the bottom.
To interpolate the rotation represented by a 4x4 matrix, you can convert the rotations of the matrices, to quaternions, and .slerp (spherical linear interpolate) between those quaternions, then convert back to a matrix.
And then linearly interpolate the object.position. (although again.. this assumes linear motion between keyframes).
Now in the case that the rotation is small, you can get away with linearly interpolating the matrix, but you will need to orthonormalize it at each step, to reshape the mesh into one that has consistent length vectors that are orthogonal to each other. That isn't that hard.. you use a combination of dot products, multiplies and adds of the vectors forming the matrix rows (or columns, i forget) to orthonormalize the matrix. But its more of a pain, and less accurate than just using quaternions and .slerp.
#manthrax 's answer pointed out the fundamental problem of interpolating a matrix linearly which I wasn't aware of at the time and he was right about that. But the real problem was that Object3D.applyMatrix4 wasn't the right function for explicitly defining local matrix. I tried setting Object3D.matrix property directly and it worked. And the linear interpolation (although I shouldn't do that) became continuous.

How to undo a rotation on a matrix

Please forgive me for the naive question, I don't remember linear algebra at all.
To do that I use a matrix that is associated to an image to apply transformations,
The matrix of the image is a matrix, now I want to get the how much the matrix has been translated and scale.
It's OK when there are no rotations applied,
but rotation confuses things a lot.
Say your new matrix N = RTS, where R is a rotation, T is a translation, and S is a scaling. This means in order you scale, translate, then rotate. If you want to see the scaling and translation, left-multiply by R-inverse, which is the same as R's transpose. With respect to your original view, you will see a stretched and transformed matrix.
If instead N = TSR, you would have to right multiply by R inverse. Note: The two matrices N obtained by these operations will not in general be the same!
Alternatively you can change coordinate systems, but this is more involved as rotation and translation do not commute in general.

How to get angle rotated of a 3D object from its transform martrix

I have a 3d object which is free to rotate along x,y and z axis and it is then saved as a transform matrix. In a case where the sequence of rotation is not known and the object is rotated for more than 3 times (eg :-if i rotate the object x-60degress, y-30 degrees, z-45 degrees then again x->30 degrees), is it possible to extract the angles rotated from the transform matrix?.I know that it is possible to get angles if the sequence of rotation is known, but if I have only the final transform matrix with me and nothing else, is it possible to get the angles rotated(x,y,and z) from the transform matrix ?
Euler angle conversion is a pretty well known topic. Just normalize the matrix orientation vectors and then use something like this c source code.
The matrix is the current state of things it has no knowledge of what the transformation has been in the past. It does not know how the matrix was built. You can just take the matrix into and decompose it into any pieces you like, as long as:
The data do not overlap. For example:Two X turns after each other is indistinguishable form each other (no way to know if its 1 2 or three different rotations summed).
The sequence order is known
A decomposition can be built out of the data (for example scale can be measured)

how to Rotate about an arbitrary axis?

1- X,y,and Z the world co-ordinate system
2-i,j,k another co-ordinate system.
3-the cosines in which each of i,j, and k make with the X,Y,Z.
how to rotate the i,j,k system about i or j or k??
If you have the cosines of the angles formed by pairing each of i,j,k with each of xhat, yhat, and zhat (nine angles altogether), you have the makings for the direction cosine matrix. For example, see (or just google direction cosine matrix). The direction cosine matrix is just another name for a transformation or rotation matrix.
Be careful, though!
There is no single standard scheme. You need to know that this is the case and read the literature carefully.
Are you rotating the object or transforming coordinates? Rotation and transformation are conjugate operations. Some people (many people!) use the term 'rotation matrix' when they mean 'transformation matrix', and vice versa.
Do you represent vectors as column vectors or row vectors? Here there is a lot more consistency; most people use column vectors rather than row vectors for things like positions, velocities, etc. BUT there are very good reasons to use row vectors (or column vectors if you are one of those contrarians) for things that properly belong in the dual space.
Quaternions have even more ambiguity of representation than matrices. There's nothing wrong with that (I use quaternions all the time), but you do have to beware of these ambiguities when you read a paper or book, look at someone else's code, or exchange data.
Finally, matrices and quaternions are only two of many charts on SO(3). There are lots of ways to represent rotations in 3-space.
You can first create either a rotation matrix or a quaternion. Then you use that to transform your vectors.
You can find the code to create a rotation matrix or a quaternion in pretty much any 3d maths library.
If I recall correctly you calculated the rotation quaternion as(assuming normalized axis):

Determine transformation matrix

As a followup to my previous question about determining camera parameters I have formulated a new problem.
I have two pictures of the same rectangle:
The first is an image without any transformations and shows the rectangle as it is.
The second image shows the rectangle after some 3d transformation (XYZ-rotation, scaling, XY-translation) is applied. This has caused the rectangle to look a trapezoid.
I hope the following picture describes my problem:
alt text
How do determine what transformations (more specifically: what transformation matrix) have caused this tranformation?
I know the pixel locations of the corners in both images, hence i also know the distances between the corners.
I'm confused. Is this a 2d or a 3d problem?
The way I understand it, you have a flat rectangle embedded in 3d space, and you're looking at two 2d "pictures" of it - one of the original version and one based on the transformed version. Is this correct?
If this is correct, then there is not enough information to solve the problem. For example, suppose the two pictures look exactly the same. This could be because the translation is the identity, or it could be because the translation moves the rectangle twice as far away from the camera and doubles its size (thus making it look exactly the same).
This is a math problem, not programming ..
you need to define a set of equations (your transformation matrix, my guess is 3 equations) and then solve it for the 4 transformations of the corner-points.
I've only ever described this using German words ... so the above will sound strange ..
Based on the information you have, this is not that easy. I will give you some ideas to play with, however. If you had the 3D coordinates of the corners, you'd have an easier time. Here's the basic idea.
Move a corner to the origin. Thereafter, rotations will take place about the origin.
Determine vectors of the axes. Do this by subtracting the adjacent corners from the origin point. These will be a local x and y axis for your world.
Determine angles using the vectors. You can use the dot and cross products to determine the angle between the local x axis and the global x axis (1, 0, 0).
Rotate by the angle in step 3. This will give you a new x axis which should match the global x axis and a new local y axis. You can then determine another rotation about the x axis which will bring the y axis into alignment with the global y axis.
Without the z coordinates, you can see that this will be difficult, but this is the general process. I hope this helps.
The solution will not be unique, as Alex319 points out.
If the second image is really a trapezoid as you say, then this won't be too hard. It is a trapezoid (not a parallelogram) because of perspective, so it must be an isosceles trapezoid.
Draw the two diagonals. They intersect at the center of the rectangle, so that takes care of the translation.
Rotate the trapezoid until its parallel sides are parallel to two sides of the original rectangle. (Which two? It doesn't matter.)
Draw a third parallel through the center. Scale this to the sides of the rectangle you chose.
Now for the rotation out of the plane. Measure the distance from the center to one of the parallel sides and use the law of sines.
If it's not a trapezoid, just a quadralateral, then it'll be harder, you'll have to use the angles between the diagonals to find the axis of rotation.
