How do you dynamically control react apollo-client query initiation? - react-apollo

A react component wrapped with an apollo-client query will automatically initiate a call to the server for data.
I would like to fire off a request for data only on a specific user input.
You can pass the skip option in the query options - but this means the refetch() function is not provided as a prop to the component; and it appears that the value of skip is not assessed dynamically on prop update.
My use is case is a map component. I only want data for markers to be loaded when the user presses a button, but not on initial component mount or location change.
A code sample below:
// GraphQL wrapping
Explore = graphql(RoutesWithinQuery, {
options: ({ displayedMapRegion }) => ({
variables: {
scope: 'WITHIN',
targetRegion: mapRegionToGeoRegionInputType(displayedMapRegion)
skip: ({ targetResource, searchIsAllowedForMapArea }) => {
const skip = Boolean(!searchIsAllowedForMapArea || targetResource != 'ROUTE');
return skip;
props: ({ ownProps, data: { loading, viewer, refetch }}) => ({
routes: viewer && viewer.routes ? viewer.routes : [],

To include an HoC based on a condition affected by a props change, you could use branch from recompose.
test: (props: Object) => boolean,
left: HigherOrderComponent,
right: ?HigherOrderComponent
): HigherOrderComponent
For this specific example, would look something like:
const enhance = compose(
// evaluate condition
({ targetResource, searchIsAllowedForMapArea }) =>
Boolean(!searchIsAllowedForMapArea || targetResource != 'ROUTE'),
// HoC if condition is true
graphql(RoutesWithinQuery, {
options: ({ displayedMapRegion }) => ({
variables: {
scope: 'WITHIN',
targetRegion: mapRegionToGeoRegionInputType(displayedMapRegion)
props: ({ ownProps, data: { loading, viewer, refetch } }) => ({
routes: viewer && viewer.routes ? viewer.routes : [],
Explore = enhance(Explore);

I have a similar use case, I wanted to load the data only when the user clicked.
I've not tried the withQuery suggestion given by pencilcheck above. But I've seen the same suggestion elsewhere. I will try it, but in the meantime this is how I got it working based off a discussion on github:
Note: I'm using the skip directive:
const LOAD = `
query Load($ids:[String], $skip: Boolean = false) {
things(ids: $ids) #skip(if: $skip) {
Here I use the withState higher-order function to add in a flag and a flag setter to control skip:
import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import { withState } from 'recompose';
import LoadMoreButton from './LoadMoreButton';
import LOAD from './loadQuery';
export default compose(
withState('isSkipRequest', 'setSkipRequest', true),
name: 'handleLoad',
options: ({ids, isSkipRequest}) => ({
variables: {
skip: isSkipRequest
Here I have to manually "flip" the flag added using withState:
export default props => (
<Button onClick={
() => {
props.setSkipRequest(false); // setter added by withState
Frankly I'm a little unhappy with this, as it is introduces a new set of wiring (composed in by "withState"). Its also not battle tested - I just got it working and I came to StackOverflow to check for better solutions.


Dispatch actions from a custom hook using useQuery

I'm trying to write a custom hook that uses useQuery from react-query. The custom hook takes in the id of an employee and fetches some data and returns it to the consuming component. I want to be able to dispatch a redux action to show a loading indicator or show an error message if it fails. Here is my custom hook.
export default function useEmployee(id) {
const initial = {
name: '',
address: '',
const query = useQuery(['fetchEmployee', id], () => getEmployee(id), {
initialData: initial,
onSettled: () => dispatch(clearWaiting()),
onError: (err) => dispatch(showError(err)),
if (query.isFetching || query.isLoading) {
When I refresh the page, I get this error in the browser's console and I'm not sure how to fix this error?
Warning: Cannot update a component (`WaitIndicator`) while rendering a different component (`About`).
To locate the bad setState() call inside `About`, follow the stack trace as described in
The issue is likely with dispatching the setWaiting action outside any component lifecycle, i.e. useEffect. Move the dispatch logic into a useEffect hook with appropriate dependency.
export default function useEmployee(id) {
const initial = {
name: '',
address: '',
const { data, isFetching, isLoading } = useQuery(['fetchEmployee', id], () => getEmployee(id), {
initialData: initial,
onSettled: () => dispatch(clearWaiting()),
onError: (err) => dispatch(showError(err)),
useEffect(() => {
if (isFetching || isLoading) {
}, [isFetching, isLoading]);
return data;

Query on page not refetching once navigating back to page

In my nextjs page I have the following hook (generated by using graphql-codegen) that fetches a graphql query.
const { data, error, loading, fetchMore, refetch, variables } = useGetShortlistQuery({
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true, // updates loading value
defaultOptions: {
variables: {
offset: undefined,
filterBy: undefined,
sortBy: SortBy.RecentlyAdded,
sortDirection: SortDirection.Desc,
This is the useGetShortlistQuery hook that is generated by graphql-codegen
export function useGetShortlistQuery(
baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetShortlistQuery, GetShortlistQueryVariables>,
) {
const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions };
return Apollo.useQuery<GetShortlistQuery, GetShortlistQueryVariables>(GetShortlistDocument, options);
my component is wrapped in a HOC to enable Apollo Client
export default withApollo({ ssr: true })(Index);
The withApollo HOC uses #apollo/client and the cache property of the apollo client is as follows.
cache: new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
getShortlist: {
keyArgs: [],
merge(existing: PaginatedProperties | undefined, incoming: PaginatedProperties): PaginatedProperties {
return {
properties: [...(existing?.properties || []), ...(incoming?.properties || [])],
The problem I am having is that on this page I update the variables on the useGetShortlistQuery using refetch which, in turn, updates the data.
However, if I navigate to another page, then come back to this page using this component. It doesn't seem to retrigger the graphql query so returns the previous data.
If you are using getStaticProps (or getServerSideProps) with pre rendered pages, it is a known behavior. It is due to optimisation by Next.js not re-rendering components between page navigations, with pages like [id].js.
The trick is to have a key on components that you want to see refreshing. You have multiple ways to do so. Having a different key on components tells React that it should be re-rendering the components, and thus will trigger again the hooks.
Practical example:
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
const data = getData() //something that fetches your data here
return {
props: {
// some other data you want to return...
// some unique value that will be on each page
key: data.key
const MyPage: NextPage<InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>> = (props) => {
<div key={props.key} />

reselect across multiple comoponents work only with deepEqual check

I've tested in various ways... Still, It isn't working.
I don't seem to doing anything wrong
exactly same code as reselect doc
redux store is all normalized
reducers are all immutable
From parent component, I just pass down a prop with id and from child component, connected with redux and used selector to get that exact item by id(from parent component)
### This is what Parent components render looks like
render() {
return (
<h4>Parent component</h4>
{ =>
<ChildComponentHere key={tabId} tabId={tabId} />
### This is what Child component looks like
render() {
const { sessionTab } = this.props (this props is from connect() )
<Tab key={} tab={sessionTab} />
### Selectors for across multiple components
const getTheTab = (state: any, ownProps: IOwnProps) => state.sessionWindows.sessionTab[ownProps.tabId];
const makeTheTabSelector = () =>
(tab: object) => tab
export const makeMapState = () => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props)
return mapStateToProps
Weirdly Working solution: just change to deep equality check.(from anywhere)
use selectors with deep equality works as expected.
at shouldComponentUpdate. use _.isEqual also worked.
1. const createDeepEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(
2. if (!_isEqual(this.props, nextProps) || !_isEqual(this.state, nextState)){return true}
From my understanding, my redux is always immutable so when something changed It makes new reference(object or array) that's why react re-renders. But when there is 100 items and only 1 item changed, only component with that changed props get to re-render.
To make this happen, I pass down only id(just string. shallow equality(===) works right?)using this id, get exact item.(most of the components get same valued input but few component get different valued input) Use reselect to memoize the value. when something updated and each component get new referenced input compare with memoized value and re-render when something trully changed.
This is mostly what I can think of right now... If I have to use _isEqual anyway, why would use reselect?? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here. can anyone help?
For more clarification.(hopefully..)
First,My redux data structure is like this
sessionWindow: {
byId: { // window datas byId
"windowId_111": {
id: "windowId_111",
incognito: false,
tabs: [1,7,3,8,45,468,35,124] // this is for the order of sessionTab datas that this window Item has
"windowId_222": {
id: "windowId_222",
incognito: true,
tabs: [2, 8, 333, 111]
... keep same data structure as above
allIds: ["windowId_222", "windowId_111"] // this is for the order of sessionWindow datas
sessionTab: { // I put all tab datas here. each sessionTab doesn't know which sessionWindow they are belong to
"1": {
id: 1
title: "google",
url: "",
active: false,
...more properties
"7": {
id: 7
title: "github",
url: "",
active: true
...keep same data structure as above
1. when a small portion of data changed, It re-renders all other components.
Let's say sessionTab with id 7's url and title changed. At my sessionTab Reducer with 'SessionTabUpdated" action dispatched. This is the reducer logic
const updateSessionTab = (state, action) => {
return {
[action.tabId]: {
title: action.payload.title,
url: action.payload.url
Nothing is broken. just using basic reselect doesn't prevent from other components to be re-rendered. I have to use deep equality version to stop re-render the component with no data changed
After few days I've struggled, I started to think that the problem is maybe from my redux data structure? because even if I change one item from sessionTab, It will always make new reference like {...state, [changedTab'id]: {....}} In the end, I don't know...
Three aspects of your selector definition and usage look a little odd:
getTheTab is digging down through multiple levels at once
makeTheTabSelector has an "output selector" that just returns the value it was given, which means it's the same as getTheTab
In mapState, you're passing the entire props object to theTabSelector(state, props).
I'd suggest trying this, and see what happens:
const selectSessionWindows = state => state.sessionWindows;
const selectSessionTabs = createSelector(
sessionWindows => sessionWindows.sessionTab
const makeTheTabSelector = () => {
const selectTabById = createSelector(
[selectSessionTabs, (state, tabId) => tabId],
(sessionTabs, tabId) => sessionTabs[tabId]
return selectTabById;
export const makeMapState() => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props.tabId)
return mapStateToProps
No guarantees that will fix things, but it's worth a shot.
You might also want to try using some devtool utilities that will tell you why a component is re-rendering. I have links to several such tools in the Devtools#Component Update Monitoring section of my Redux addons catalog.
Hopefully that will let you figure things out. Either way, leave a comment and let me know.

Vuejs Unit Test - Backing Mocks with Tests

I am writing unit testing for a vuejs 2 application that uses Vuex as a store. I have the following pattern in many of my components:
example component thing.vue:
{{ thing.label }}
export default {
name: 'thing',
data() { return { } },
computed: {
thing () {
return this.$store.state.thing;
Example Store State:
export const state = {
thing: { label: 'test' }
Example Unit for Thing.vue:
describe('thing ', () => {
const storeMock = new Vuex.Store( state: { thing: { label: 'test' } } );
it('should pull thing from store', () => {
const Constructor = Vue.extend(thing);
const component new Constructor({ store }).$mount();
expect(component.thing).toEqual({ label: 'test' });
Example Unit test for Store:
import store from './store';
describe('Vuex store ', () => {
it('should have a thing object', () => {
expect(store.state.thing).toEqual({ label: 'test' });
There is a huge problem with this pattern. When another developer refractors the store state, they will see the Store test fail, but because the thing unit test is based on a mocked version of the store that test with continue to pass, even though that component will never work. There isn't a good way to know a refactor invalidated a Mock.
So how do people unit test this type of dependence?
One way would be to cheat a little on the unit test and use the real store state, but then it isn't really a unit test. The other way is rely on integration testing to catch the mock - store mismatch, but that feels like it would be painful to debug why the unit tests pass but the integration tests are failing.
What we ended up doing is using the actual store. Because the store state is just an object we figured it was acceptable.
We also use the store getters, actions and mutations as templates for jasmine spyies.
// Vuex needs polyfill
import { polyfill } from 'es6-promise';
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import test from 'app/components/test.vue';
import module from 'app/store/modules/module';
describe('Spec for Test.vue', () => {
var props;
var state;
var actions;
var mutations;
var getters;
var store;
beforeEach( () => {
props = { };
// Don't change the modules
state = Object.assign({}, module.state);
actions = Object.assign({}, module.actions);
mutations = Object.assign({}, module.mutations);
getters = Object.assign({}, module.getters);
// Add require global actions, mutations, and getters here...
actions.globalActionHere = 'anything'; // this turns into a spy
// Update State with required fields
state.defaults = { id: 1 } // default expected when the component loads
// Replace modules copies with mocks
actions = jasmine.createSpyObj('actions', actions);
mutations = jasmine.createSpyObj('mutations', mutations);
getters = jasmine.createSpyObj('getters', getters);
store = new Vuex.Store( { state: { module: state }, getters, actions, mutations } );
} );
it('should have a name of test', () => {
const Constructor = Vue.extend(thing);
const component new Constructor({ store, props }).$mount();
Note the part
jasmine.createSpyObj('actions', actions);
Jasmine spies will use the module to create spyies for each of the methods, which is very useful.

substate.get() is not a function using React Boilerplate

I have a component called Login, and these selectors:
const selectLogin = () => (state) => state.get('login');
const selectUser = () => createSelector(
(loginState) => loginState.get('user')
Here's what state looks like for the "login" component:
login: {
user: {
id: 206
In another component, I want to select the "user" object.
At the top of my file, I have
import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect';
import {
} from 'containers/Login/selectors';
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
login: selectLogin(),
user: selectUser(),
When I use "selectUser()", I get "loginState.get is not a function".
If I remove all references to "selectUser()", I can access this.props.login.user. That works for me, but I want to know why I can't select from within the "login" state. The examples use the same "substate" convention in the selector, and they work. Any ideas?
Is this another component in another route?
You have to manually inject reducers and sagas required for the page in each route.
In route.js, loadReducer and inject it to the page, something like this:
path: '/projects/add',
getComponent(nextState, cb) {
const importModules = Promise.all([
const renderRoute = loadModule(cb);
importModules.then(([projectReducer, loginReducer ...]) => {
injectReducer('projects', projectReducer.default);
injectReducer('login', projectReducer.default);
