reselect across multiple comoponents work only with deepEqual check - performance

I've tested in various ways... Still, It isn't working.
I don't seem to doing anything wrong
exactly same code as reselect doc
redux store is all normalized
reducers are all immutable
From parent component, I just pass down a prop with id and from child component, connected with redux and used selector to get that exact item by id(from parent component)
### This is what Parent components render looks like
render() {
return (
<h4>Parent component</h4>
{ =>
<ChildComponentHere key={tabId} tabId={tabId} />
### This is what Child component looks like
render() {
const { sessionTab } = this.props (this props is from connect() )
<Tab key={} tab={sessionTab} />
### Selectors for across multiple components
const getTheTab = (state: any, ownProps: IOwnProps) => state.sessionWindows.sessionTab[ownProps.tabId];
const makeTheTabSelector = () =>
(tab: object) => tab
export const makeMapState = () => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props)
return mapStateToProps
Weirdly Working solution: just change to deep equality check.(from anywhere)
use selectors with deep equality works as expected.
at shouldComponentUpdate. use _.isEqual also worked.
1. const createDeepEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(
2. if (!_isEqual(this.props, nextProps) || !_isEqual(this.state, nextState)){return true}
From my understanding, my redux is always immutable so when something changed It makes new reference(object or array) that's why react re-renders. But when there is 100 items and only 1 item changed, only component with that changed props get to re-render.
To make this happen, I pass down only id(just string. shallow equality(===) works right?)using this id, get exact item.(most of the components get same valued input but few component get different valued input) Use reselect to memoize the value. when something updated and each component get new referenced input compare with memoized value and re-render when something trully changed.
This is mostly what I can think of right now... If I have to use _isEqual anyway, why would use reselect?? I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here. can anyone help?
For more clarification.(hopefully..)
First,My redux data structure is like this
sessionWindow: {
byId: { // window datas byId
"windowId_111": {
id: "windowId_111",
incognito: false,
tabs: [1,7,3,8,45,468,35,124] // this is for the order of sessionTab datas that this window Item has
"windowId_222": {
id: "windowId_222",
incognito: true,
tabs: [2, 8, 333, 111]
... keep same data structure as above
allIds: ["windowId_222", "windowId_111"] // this is for the order of sessionWindow datas
sessionTab: { // I put all tab datas here. each sessionTab doesn't know which sessionWindow they are belong to
"1": {
id: 1
title: "google",
url: "",
active: false,
...more properties
"7": {
id: 7
title: "github",
url: "",
active: true
...keep same data structure as above
1. when a small portion of data changed, It re-renders all other components.
Let's say sessionTab with id 7's url and title changed. At my sessionTab Reducer with 'SessionTabUpdated" action dispatched. This is the reducer logic
const updateSessionTab = (state, action) => {
return {
[action.tabId]: {
title: action.payload.title,
url: action.payload.url
Nothing is broken. just using basic reselect doesn't prevent from other components to be re-rendered. I have to use deep equality version to stop re-render the component with no data changed
After few days I've struggled, I started to think that the problem is maybe from my redux data structure? because even if I change one item from sessionTab, It will always make new reference like {...state, [changedTab'id]: {....}} In the end, I don't know...

Three aspects of your selector definition and usage look a little odd:
getTheTab is digging down through multiple levels at once
makeTheTabSelector has an "output selector" that just returns the value it was given, which means it's the same as getTheTab
In mapState, you're passing the entire props object to theTabSelector(state, props).
I'd suggest trying this, and see what happens:
const selectSessionWindows = state => state.sessionWindows;
const selectSessionTabs = createSelector(
sessionWindows => sessionWindows.sessionTab
const makeTheTabSelector = () => {
const selectTabById = createSelector(
[selectSessionTabs, (state, tabId) => tabId],
(sessionTabs, tabId) => sessionTabs[tabId]
return selectTabById;
export const makeMapState() => {
const theTabSelector = makeTheTabSelector();
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, props: IOwnProps) => {
return {
sessionTab: theTabSelector(state, props.tabId)
return mapStateToProps
No guarantees that will fix things, but it's worth a shot.
You might also want to try using some devtool utilities that will tell you why a component is re-rendering. I have links to several such tools in the Devtools#Component Update Monitoring section of my Redux addons catalog.
Hopefully that will let you figure things out. Either way, leave a comment and let me know.


React component not receiving intermediate state when chaining actions in redux-saga

I have two actions TEST and TEST_DONE which both increment an id property in my redux state. I am using redux-saga to dispatch the second action TEST_DONE automatically whenever I dispatch the first action TEST from my component.
I expect the order of execution to go like this:
component renders with initial value of = 0
component dispatches TEST action
component re-renders with = 1
saga dispatches the TEST_DONE action
component re-renders with = 2
Instead my component only re-renders when is updated to 2. I can't see the 1 value in the getSnapshotBeforeUpdate function. It shows 0 as the previous prop.
Why does the prop jump from 0 to 2 without receiving 1 in between?
export function* TestSagaFunc() {
yield put({
type: actions.TEST_DONE
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
yield takeEvery(actions.TEST, TestSagaFunc),
const actions = {
callTest: (id) => ({
type: actions.TEST,
payload: {
export default actions;
const initState = {
testState: {
id: 0
export default function TestReducers ( state=initState, { type, ...action}) {
switch(type) {
return state;
case actions.TEST: {
const { id } = state.testState;
const nextId = id + 1;
return {
testState: {
id: nextId
case actions.TEST_DONE: {
const { id } = state.testState;
const nextId = id + 1;
return {
testState: {
id: nextId
console output from component getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
Summarizing my comments from the question:
The redux state is indeed being updated as you've seen, but a component is not guaranteed to render every intermediate state change based on the way react batches state changes. To test this you can try importing delay from redux-saga/effects and adding yield delay(1000); before calling yield put in TestSagaFunc so the two state updates don't get batched together.
This is just a trick to illustrate the effects of batching and almost certainly not what you want to do. If you need the intermediate state to be rendered you could dispatch TEST_DONE from the component being rendered with a useEffect (or componentDidUpdate) to ensure that the component went through one render cycle with the intermediate state. But there is no way to force your component to render intermediate reducer states that are batched together.

graphql after running mutation if I quickly goback to Previous page, occur error

after running mutation using the graphql, if I quickly goback to Previous page,
occur error : Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and
asynchronous tasks in %s.%s, a useEffect cleanup function,
I think it's because I quickly go to another page during the mutation.
If this is not the case, there is no error.
(Even if an error occurs, update succeeds. but I'm worried about errors)
Even if move to another page during mutating, I want to proceed with the update as it is
How can I proceed with the update?
if If there is no way, is there method that How to create a delay during mutating
im so sorry. my english is not good.
const CalendarTodo = ({
data,`enter code here`
}) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const monthDay = `${month + 1}월 ${day}일`;
const [createToDoMutation] = useMutation(CREATE_TODO, {
variables: {
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0].id,
monthDay: monthDay,
dayToDo: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
update: (proxy, { data: { createToDo } }) => {
const data = proxy.readQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME });
data &&
data.toDos &&
data.toDos.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0] &&
.filter(object => object.monthDay === monthDay)[0]
proxy.writeQuery({ query: SEE_TODO_OF_ME, data });
optimisticResponse: {
createToDo: {
__typename: "DayToDo",
id: Math.random().toString(),
toDoList: value,
importEvent: isImportWhether
return (
export default CalendarTodo;
As you already guessed the reason is the asynchronous request that keeps on running even after un-mounting the component due to navigating away from it.
There are many ways to solve this. One is to add a check whether or not the component you are calling the async request from is still mounted and only update its state if so, e.g.:
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
apollo.mutate({query, variables, update: {
if(isMounted) {
// update state or something
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
This way however the data might be lost. If you want to make sure that you receive and store the return value you should add the request to a higher level component or context hat will not be unmounted on navigation. This way you can trigger the async call but dont have to worry about navigating away.

How to use most recent state from useReducer before re-render

I have two reducer actions that I want to dispatch one after the other. The first one modifies the state, then the second one uses a portion of the modified state to make another modification. The difficulty is that when the second dispatch is called, it still has the old outdated state and thus doesn't update the state properly.
An example is the following (also found here - where there is a list of conversations along with a note of which one is considered the "active" conversation:
import React, { useReducer } from "react";
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "removeConversation":
return {
conversations: state.conversations.filter(
c => c.title !== action.payload
case "setActive":
return {
activeConversation: action.payload
return state;
export default function Conversations() {
const [{ conversations, activeConversation }, dispatch] = useReducer(
conversations: [
{ title: "James" },
{ title: "John" },
{ title: "Mindy" }
activeConversation: { title: "James" }
function removeConversation() {
dispatch({ type: "removeConversation", payload: activeConversation.title });
dispatch({ type: "setActive", payload: conversations[0] });
return (
Active conversation: {activeConversation.title}
<button onClick={removeConversation}>Remove</button>
{ => (
<li key={conversation.title}>{conversation.title}</li>
In here, when I click the "remove conversation" button, I want to remove the active conversation, then set the active conversation to be the one at the top of the list. However, here when the first dispatch removes the conversation from the list, the second dispatch sets active to conversations[0], which still contains the removed value (since the state hasn't updated yet). As a result, it keeps the active conversation as the one it was before, even though it's been removed from the list.
I could probably combine the logic into just one action and do it all there (remove the conversation and set active all in one), but I would ideally like to keep my reducer actions to have one responsibility each if possible.
Is there any way to make the second dispatch call have the most recent version of the state so that this kind of problem doesn't occur?
It may help if you think of useEffect() like setState's second parameter (from class based components).
If you want to do an operation with the most recent state, use useEffect() which will be hit when the state changes:
const {
} = React;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const decrement = () => setCount(count-1);
const increment = () => setCount(count+1);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect", count);
}, [count]);
console.log("render", count);
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render( < App / > , rootElement);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Some further info on useEffect()
Answering this for anyone who may come across similar issues in the future. The key to finding the solution to this is understanding that state in React is a snapshot.
You can see that in the dispatched setActive action, the value of conversations[0] of state is being passed:
dispatch({ type: "setActive", payload: conversations[0] });
Thus when the action is called before the next render, it uses the snapshotted state at the time of re-render:
// snapshot of state when action is called
conversations: [
{ title: "James" },
{ title: "John" },
{ title: "Mindy" }
activeConversation: { title: "James" }
Thus conversations[0] evaluates to {title: "James"}. This is why in the reducer, activeConversation: action.payload returns {title: "James"} and the active conversation doesn't change. In technical terms, "you're calculating the new state from the value in your closure, instead of calculating it from the most recent value."
So how do we fix this? Well useReducer actually in fact always has access to the most recent state value. It is a sister pattern to the state updater function, which also gives you access to the latest state variable even before the next render.
This means that after the first dispatch action:
dispatch({ type: "removeConversation", payload: activeConversation.title }); // first dispatch action
dispatch({ type: "setActive", payload: conversations[0] }); // second dispatch action
the next dispatch action actually has access to the latest state already. You just need to access it:
case "setActive":
return {
activeConversation: state.conversations[0]
You can verify this by logging it to the console:
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "removeConversation":
return {
conversations: state.conversations.filter(
c => c.title !== action.payload
case "setActive":
return {
activeConversation: state.conversations[0]
return state;
Also important to note that the 2 dispatch calls are batched as explained in the state updater function link mentioned above. More info on batching here too.

How do you dynamically control react apollo-client query initiation?

A react component wrapped with an apollo-client query will automatically initiate a call to the server for data.
I would like to fire off a request for data only on a specific user input.
You can pass the skip option in the query options - but this means the refetch() function is not provided as a prop to the component; and it appears that the value of skip is not assessed dynamically on prop update.
My use is case is a map component. I only want data for markers to be loaded when the user presses a button, but not on initial component mount or location change.
A code sample below:
// GraphQL wrapping
Explore = graphql(RoutesWithinQuery, {
options: ({ displayedMapRegion }) => ({
variables: {
scope: 'WITHIN',
targetRegion: mapRegionToGeoRegionInputType(displayedMapRegion)
skip: ({ targetResource, searchIsAllowedForMapArea }) => {
const skip = Boolean(!searchIsAllowedForMapArea || targetResource != 'ROUTE');
return skip;
props: ({ ownProps, data: { loading, viewer, refetch }}) => ({
routes: viewer && viewer.routes ? viewer.routes : [],
To include an HoC based on a condition affected by a props change, you could use branch from recompose.
test: (props: Object) => boolean,
left: HigherOrderComponent,
right: ?HigherOrderComponent
): HigherOrderComponent
For this specific example, would look something like:
const enhance = compose(
// evaluate condition
({ targetResource, searchIsAllowedForMapArea }) =>
Boolean(!searchIsAllowedForMapArea || targetResource != 'ROUTE'),
// HoC if condition is true
graphql(RoutesWithinQuery, {
options: ({ displayedMapRegion }) => ({
variables: {
scope: 'WITHIN',
targetRegion: mapRegionToGeoRegionInputType(displayedMapRegion)
props: ({ ownProps, data: { loading, viewer, refetch } }) => ({
routes: viewer && viewer.routes ? viewer.routes : [],
Explore = enhance(Explore);
I have a similar use case, I wanted to load the data only when the user clicked.
I've not tried the withQuery suggestion given by pencilcheck above. But I've seen the same suggestion elsewhere. I will try it, but in the meantime this is how I got it working based off a discussion on github:
Note: I'm using the skip directive:
const LOAD = `
query Load($ids:[String], $skip: Boolean = false) {
things(ids: $ids) #skip(if: $skip) {
Here I use the withState higher-order function to add in a flag and a flag setter to control skip:
import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import { withState } from 'recompose';
import LoadMoreButton from './LoadMoreButton';
import LOAD from './loadQuery';
export default compose(
withState('isSkipRequest', 'setSkipRequest', true),
name: 'handleLoad',
options: ({ids, isSkipRequest}) => ({
variables: {
skip: isSkipRequest
Here I have to manually "flip" the flag added using withState:
export default props => (
<Button onClick={
() => {
props.setSkipRequest(false); // setter added by withState
Frankly I'm a little unhappy with this, as it is introduces a new set of wiring (composed in by "withState"). Its also not battle tested - I just got it working and I came to StackOverflow to check for better solutions.

Handling JSON Objects in RxJS

I am new to cyclejs and rxjs in general and was hoping someone could help me solve my problem.
I am trying to build a demo application for my understanding and stuck with rendering JSON objects on the DOM.
My demo application calls the NASA near earth objects API for the past 7 days and tries to display them.
There is a Load More button at the bottom which on clicking will load data of the previous 7 days (Today - 7 upto Today - 14).
The response I get from the API is as follows
"links" : {
"next" : "",
"prev" : "",
"self" : ""
"element_count" : 39,
"near_earth_objects" : {
"2016-09-06" : [{
some data
some data
2016-08-31: [{...}],
I am interested in near_earth_objects JSON object but I am unable to map it beacause of it being an Object.
How do I handle such a situations? Below is the code that I have
function main(sources) {
const api_key = "DEMO_KEY";
const clickEvent$ ='.load-more').events('click');
const request$ = clickEvent$.map(() => {
return {
url: "" + api_key,
method: "GET"
url: "" + api_key,
method: "GET"
const response$$ = sources.HTTP.filter(x$ => x$.url.indexOf("") != -1).select(response$$);
const response$ = response$$.switch(); //flatten the stream
const nasa$ = response$.map(response => {
return response.body
const sinks = {
DOM: nasa$.map(nasa =>
([nasa.near_earth_objects]).map(objects => {
var vdom = [];
//I am not very happy with this part. Can this be improved?
for (var key in objects) {
if (objects.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
vdom.push(objects[key].map(obj => div([
//returning the vdom does not render on the browser. vdom is an array of arrays. How should i correct this?
return vdom;
HTTP: request$
return sinks;
Conceptually, you want to extract the entries of nasa.near_earth_objects (i.e., turn the Object into an Array), then flat map that Array into an Observable sequence.
I'll assume you're already using lodash in your project (you can do it without lodash, but you'll just need to write more glue code manually). I'll also assume you're importing RxJS' Observable as Rx.Observable; adjust the names below to suite your code.
You can accomplish the first task using _.toPairs(nasa.near_earth_objects), and the second part by calling .flatMap(), and returning Rx.Observable.from(near_objects). The resulting Observable will emit items for each key in nasa.near_earth_objects. Each item will be an array, with item[0] being the item's key (e.g., 2016-09-06) and item[1] being the item's value.
Using that idea, you can replace your DOM sink with something like:
nasa$.map(nasa => _.toPairs(nasa.near_earth_objects))
.flatMap(near_objects => Rx.Observable.from(near_objects))
.map(near_object => div([
