Custom subset not backtracking - prolog

I'm new to prolog and I've been having trouble with some homework.
On some part of my code I have to generate subsets of a given set on backtracking. Meaning, the code should try for a subset, and when it fails the next condition, try the next subset. I have done some research and the default function subset won't backtrack because as explained in this question both arguments are input arguments. So I built a custom one, which still isn't backtracking. Can you give me a hint on what I'm failing on? Here's my code:
T =< K,
L = X.
The problem is on predicate shopping(K,L). When it gets to predicate subset2, it gives the whole set, which has length 6 (not 5), then fails and doesn't backtrack. Since all previous predicates can't backtrack it just fails.
So, why doesn't subset2 backtrack?
Thank you for your time.

Primary focus: subset2/2
First, let us focus only on the predicate that shows different properties from those you expect.
In your case, this is only subset2/2, defined by you as:
subset2([], []) :- !.
subset2([X|T], [X|T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
subset2([_|T], [T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
I will now use declarative debugging to locate the cause of the problem.
For this method to apply, I remove the !/0, because declarative debugging works best on pure and monotonic logic programs. See logical-purity for more information. Thus, we shall work on:
subset2([], []).
subset2([X|T], [X|T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
subset2([_|T], [T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
Test cases
Let us first construct a test case that yields unintended answers. For example:
?- subset2([a], [a,b]).
That obviously not intended. Can we generalize the test case? Yes:
?- subset2([a], [a,b|_]).
So, we have now an infinite family of examples that yield wrong results.
Exercise: Are there also cases where the program is too general, i.e., test cases that succeed although they should fail?
Locating mistakes
Why have we seen unintended failure in the cases above? To locate these mistakes, let us generalize the program.
For example:
subset2(_, []).
subset2([_|T], [_|T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
subset2(_, [T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
Even with this massive generalization, we still have:
?- subset2([a], [a,b|_]).
That is, we have many cases where we expect the query to succeed, but it fails. This means that the remaining program, even though it is a massive generalization of the original program, is still too specific.
Correcting the program
To make the shown cases succeed, we have to either:
add clauses that describe the cases we need
or change the existing clauses to cover these cases too.
For example, a way out would be to add the following clause to the database:
subset2([a], [a,b|_]).
We could even generalize it to:
subset2([a], [a|_]).
Adding either or both of these clauses to the program would make the query succeed:
?- subset2([a], [a,b|_]).
However, that is of course not the general definition of subset2/2 we are looking for, since it would for example still fail in cases like:
?- subset2([x], [x,y|_]).
Therefore, let us go with the other option, and correct the existing definition. In particular, let us consider the last clause of the generalized program:
subset2(_, [T2]) :-
subset2(T, T2).
Note that this only holds if the second argument is a list with exactly one element which is subject to further constraints. This seems way too specific!
Therefore, I recommend you start by changing this clause so that it at least makes the test cases collected so far all succeed. Then, add the necessary specializations to make it succeed precisely for the intended cases.


What am I missing about equality and unification in Prolog?

I'm working through Clocksin and Mellish to try and finally go beyond just dabbling in Prolog. FWIW, I'm running SWI-Prolog:
SWI-Prolog version 7.2.3 for x86_64-linux
Anyway, I implemented a diff/2 predicate as part of exercise 1.4. The predicate is very simple:
diff(X,Y) :- X \== Y.
And it works when used in the sister_of predicate, like this:
sister_of(X,Y) :-
parents(X, Mum, Dad ),
parents(Y, Mum, Dad ).
in that, assuming the necessary additional facts, doing this:
?- sister_of(alice,alice).
returns false as expected. But here's the rub. If I do this instead:
?- sister_of(alice, Who).
(again, given the additional facts necessary)
I get
Who = edward ;
Who = alice;
Even though, as already shown, the sister_of predicate does not treat alice as her own sister.
On the other hand, if I use the SWI provided dif/2 predicate, then everything works the way I would naively expect.
Can anyone explain why this is happening this way, and why my diff implementation doesn't work the way I'm expecting, in the case where I ask for additional unifications from that query?
The entire source file I'm working with can be found here
Any help is much appreciated.
As you note, the problem stems from the interplay between equality (or rather, inequality) and unification. Observe that in your definition of sister_of, you first find a candidate value for X, then try to constrain Y to be different, but Y is still an uninstantiated logic variable and the check is always going to succeed, like diff(alice, Y) will. The following constraints, including the last one that gives a concrete value to Y, come too late.
In general, what you need to do is ensure that by the time you get to the inequality check all variables are instantiated. Negation is a non-logical feature of Prolog and therefore potentially dangerous, but checking whether two ground terms are not equal is safe.

Prolog parsing malfunctioning

My code takes an expression like or(lit(true),lit(X)),X) and outputs it as a list of lists.
tocnf(Tree, Expr) :-
trans(Tree ,Expr, []).
trans(lit(X)) -->bbool(X).
trans(or(lit(X1),lit(X2))) --> bconj(X1), bdisj(X2).
trans(and(lit(X1),lit(X2))) --> bbool(X1), bconj(X2).
bdisj(Conj) --> bconj(Conj).
bconj(Bool) --> bbool(Bool).
bbool(X) --> [[X]].
this code should take something like
output it as
and output it as
Question is why when I do
tocnf(or(lit(true), and(lit(X),lit(true))),X)
it outputs
First, a note on style: You should always use the phrase/2 interface to access DCGs, so write tocnf/2 as:
tocnf(Tree, Expr) :-
phrase(trans(Tree), Expr).
Further, tocnf/2 is a rather imperative name, since it implies a direction of use ("to" CNF). However, the relation also makes sense in other directions, for example to generate answers. Therefore, try to find a better name, that does justice to this general nature of Prolog. I leave this as an exercise.
Declarative debugging
Now, on to your actual question. Apply declarative debugging to find the reason for the failure.
We start with the query you posted:
?- tocnf(or(lit(true), and(lit(X),lit(true))), X).
This means that the program is unexpectedly too specific: It fails in a case we expect to succeed.
Now, we generalize the query, to find simpler cases that still fail. This is completely admissible because your program is written using the monotonic subset of Prolog, as is highly recommended to make declarative debugging applicable.
To generalize the query, I use variables instead of some subterms. For example:
?- tocnf(or(lit(_), and(lit(X),lit(true))), X).
Aha! This still fails, and therefore every more specific query will also fail.
So, we proceed like this, using variables instead of some subterms:
?- tocnf(or(lit(_), and(lit(X),lit(_))), X).
?- tocnf(or(_, and(lit(X),lit(_))), X).
?- tocnf(or(_, and(_,lit(_))), X).
?- tocnf(or(_, and(_,_)), X).
All of these queries also fail.
Now, we take it just one step further:
?- tocnf(or(_, _), X).
X = [[_G793], [_G795]].
Aha! So we have found a case that succeeds, and one slightly more specific though still very simple case that fails:
?- tocnf(or(_, and(_,_)), X).
This is the case I would start with: Think about why your relation does not work for terms of the form or(_, and(_,_)).
Automated solution
A major attraction of pure monotonic Prolog is that the reasoning above can be automated:
The machine should find the reason for the failure, so that we can focus on more important tasks.
One way to do this was generously made available by Ulrich Neumerkel.
To try it out, you need to install:
library(diadem) and
Now, to recapitulate: We have found a query that unexpectedly fails. It was:
?- tocnf(or(lit(true), and(lit(X),lit(true))), X).
To find a reason for this, we first load library(diadem):
?- use_module(library(diadem)).
Then, we repost the query with a slight twist:
?- tocnf(or(lit(true), and(lit(X),lit(true))), X).?Generalization.
That is, I have simply appended ?Generalization. to the previous query.
In response, we get:
Generalization = tocnf(or(_, and(_, _)), _) .
Thus, Generalization is a more general goal that still fails. Since the Prolog program we are considering is completely pure and monotonic, we know that every more specific query will also fail. Therefore, I suggest you focus on this simpler and more general case, which was found automatically in this case, and is the same goal we also found manually after several steps.
Unexpected failure is a common issue when learning Prolog, and automated declarative debugging lets you quickly find the reasons.

Simple Prolog program: "Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated" error

I am writing a Prolog predicate that cuts first three elements off a numbered list and prints the result. An example of a numbered list:
The original predicate for normal list looks like this:
strim([H|T],R) :-
So, since length predicate works perfectly for numbered lists as well, I only had to write predicate that appends one numbered list to another:
compose([e(F,C)|T],e(A,_),[e(F,C)|L]) :-
N is C+1,
I expected the predicate for numbered list to be a slightly modified version of predicate for normal list, so I wrote this:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T],R) :-
However, I'm getting this error:
ERROR: compose/3: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
Could somebody please explain what's causing the error and how to avoid it? I'm new to Prolog.
Instantiation errors are a common phenomenon in Prolog programs that use moded predicates: These are predicates that can only be used in special circumstances, requiring for example that some arguments are fully instantiated etc.
As a beginner, you are in my view well advised to use more general predicates instead, so that you can freely exchange the order of goals and do not have to take procedural limitations into account, at least not so early, and without the ability to freely experiment with your code.
For example, in your case, the following trivial change to compose/3 gives you a predicate that works in all directions:
compose([], L, [L]).
compose([e(F,C)|T], e(A,_), [e(F,C)|L]) :-
N #= C+1,
compose(T, e(A,N), L).
Here, I have simply replaced the moded predicate (is)/2 with the CLP(FD) constraint (#=)/2, which completeley subsumes the more low-level predicate over integers.
After this small change (depending on your Prolog system, you may have to import a library to use the more general arithmetic predicates), we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
So, we find out that the instantiation error has actually overshadowed a different problem that can only be understood procedurally, and which has now come to light.
To improve this, I now turn around the two goals of numstrim/2:
numstrim([e(X,Y)|T], R) :-
length(P, 3),
napp(P, R, [e(X,Y)|T]).
This is because length(P, 3) always terminates, and placing a goal that always terminates first can at most improve, never worsen, the termination properties of a pure and monotonic logic program.
So now we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es).
Es = [e(b, _1442), e(a, _2678), e(r, _4286)] .
That is, at least we get an answer now!
However, the predicate still does not terminate universally, because we get:
?- numstrim([e(f,1),e(o,2),e(o,3),e(b,4),e(a,5),e(r,6)], Es), false.
I leave fixing this as an exercise.

Prolog list membership, multiple results returned

I have a standard procedure for determining membership of a list:
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).
What I don't understand is why when I pose the following query:
?- member(a,[a,b]).
The result is
I would have thought that on satisfying the goal using the first rule (as a is the head of the list) True would be returned and that would be the end of if. It seems as if it is then attempting to satisfy the goal using the second rule and failing?
Prolog interpreter is SWI-Prolog.
Let's consider a similar query first: [Edit: Do this without adding your own definition ; member/2 is already defined]
?- member(a,[b,a]).
In this case you get the optimal answer: There is exactly one solution. But when exchanging the elements in the list we get:
?- member(a,[a,b]).
; false.
Logically, both are just the affirmation that the query is true.
The reason for the difference is that in the second query the answer true is given immediately upon finding a as element of the list. The remaining list [b] does not contain a fitting element, but this is not yet examined. Only upon request (hitting SPACE or ;) the rest of the list is tried with the result that there is no further solution.
Essentially, this little difference gives you a hint when a computation is completely finished and when there is still some work to do. For simple queries this does not make a difference, but in more complex queries these open alternatives (choicepoints) may accumulate and use up memory.
Older toplevels always asked if you want to see a further solution, even if there was none.
The ability to avoid asking for the next answer, if there is none, is extremely dependent on the very implementation details. Even within the same system, and the same program loaded you might get different results. In this case, however, I was using SWI's built-in definition for member/2 whereas you used your own definition, which overwrites the built-in definition.
SWI uses the following definition as built-in which is logically equivalent to yours but makes avoiding unnecessary choice points easier to SWI — but many other systems cannot profit from this:
member(B, [C|A]) :-
member_(A, B, C).
member_(_, A, A).
member_([C|A], B, _) :-
member_(A, B, C).
To make things even more complex: Many Prologs have a different toplevel that does never ask for further answers when the query does not contain a variable. So in those systems (like YAP) you get a wrong impression.
Try the following query to see this:
?- member(X,[1]).
X = 1.
SWI is again able to determine that this is the only answer. But YAP, e.g., is not.
Are you using the ";" operator after the first result then pushing return? I believe this is asking the query to look for more results and as there are none it is coming up as false.
Do you know about Prolog's cut - !?
If you change member(X, [X|_]). to member(X, [X|_]) :- !. Prolog will not try to find another solution after the first one.

Prolog - how to check if a predicate succeeds more than once

I have a database of facts like this:
I need to write a predicate more(+Let) that succeeds if it exists more than one fact li(Let,_).
For example the queries more(b) and more(d) will succeed, but more(a) and more(c) will not.
My idea was to check if li(Let,_) succeeds more than once, but I do not know how to do it.
Try findall/3:
findall(X, li(d,X), L), length(L,N), N>1.
Abstracting the d out and making a predicate is trivial. Right? :)
If you don't want to use any of the predicates like findall, you can change the representation of your knowledge - bring it down one level, so to speak:
my_knowledge(li, [a-2,b-3,b-1,c-2,d-1,d-1]).
and then you can use SWI Prolog's predicate select/3 to handle it:
select_knowledge(kn, key, R):-
select(K-X,L,L1) -> R=[X|R1], select_key(L1,K,R1)
; R = [].
You can rewrite the last predicate as basic recursion over lists, and then tweak it to stop after getting first N results.
more_than_once(Goal) :-
\+ \+ call_nth(Goal,2).
With call_nth/2 as defined in this answer.
The big advantage of this solution compared to the other solutions proposed is that it will succeed rapidly even if there is a very large sequence of answers. In fact, it will even succeed for an infinite sequence of answers:
?- more_than_once(repeat).
?- more_than_once(between(1,100000,_)).
(The implementation of call_nth/2 uses some non-standard, low-level built-ins of SWI. It is possible to avoid that, but with even more headache.)
SWI-Prolog has library(aggregate).
:- [library(aggregate)].
more(Key) :- aggregate_all(count, li(Key, _), C), C > 1.
?- more(b).
?- more(a).
It's not very easy to learn, but useful to handle such common tasks. If you have a very large code base, then findall (and aggregate as well, that uses findall inside) could be inefficient, building a list only to count its elements.
Then you could use a side effect based predicate: in this related answer you'll find such utility. For max efficiency, see the comments, where is explained how to use nb_setval/nb_getval...
