shell script does not find the directory - bash

I'm starting in the shell script.I'm need to make the checksum of a lot of files, so I thought to automate the process using an shell script.
I make to scripts: the first script uses an recursive ls command with an egrep -v that receive as parameter the path of file inputed by me, these command is saved in a ambient variable that converts the output in a string, follow by a loop(for) that cut the output's string in lines and pass these lines as a parameter when calling the second script; The second script take this parameter and pass they as parameter to hashdeep command,wich in turn is saved in another ambient variable that, as in previous script,convert the output's command in a string and cut they using IFS,lastly I'm take the line of interest and put then in a text file.
The output is:
/home/douglas/Trampo/shell_scripts/2016-10-27-001757.jpg: No such file
or directory
----Checksum FILE: 2016-10-27-001757.jpg
----Checksum HASH:
the issue is: I sets as parameter the directory ~/Pictures but in the output error they return another directory,/home/douglas/Trampo/shell_scripts/(the own directory), in this case, the file 2016-10-27-001757.jpg is in the ~/Pictures directory,why the script is going in its own directory?
First script:
arquivos=$(ls -R $1 | egrep -v '^d')
for linha in $arquivos
bash ./ $linha
second script:
checksum=$(hashdeep $1)
for i in $checksum
IFS=',' read -ra ADDR <<< "$concatenado"
echo '----Checksum FILE:' $1
echo '----Checksum HASH:' ${ADDR[4]}
echo ${ADDR[4]} >> ~/Trampo/shell_scripts/txt2.txt
I think that's...sorry about the English grammatic errors.
I hope that the question has become clear.
Thanks ins advanced!

There are several wrong in the first script alone.
When running ls in recursive mode using -R, the output is listed per directory and each file is listed relative to their parent instead of full pathname.
ls -R doesn't list the directory in long format as implied by | grep -v ^d where it seems you are looking for files (non directories).
In your specific case, the missing file 2016-10-27-001757.jpg is in a subdirectory but you lost the location by using ls -R.
Do not parse the output of ls. Use find and you won't have the same issue.
First script can be replaced by a single line.
Try this:
find $1 -type f -exec ./ "{}" \;
Or if you prefer using xargs, try this:
find $1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} ./ "{}"
Note: enclosing {} in quotes ensures that receives a complete filename even if it contains spaces.
In the parameter $1 should also be quoted "$1".
If is executable, you are all set. If not, add bash in the line so it reads as:
find $1 -type f -exec bash ./ "{}" \;, though not posted in the original question, is not executable. It has a missing execute permission.
Add execute permission to it by running chmod like:
chmod a+x


Using touch and sed within a find -ok command

I have some wav files. For each of those files I would like to create a new text file with the same name (obviously with the wav extension being replaced with txt).
I first tried this:
find . -name *.wav -exec 'touch $(echo '{}" | sed -r 's/[^.]+\$/txt/')" \;
which outputted
< touch $(echo {} | sed -r 's/[^.]+$/txt/') ... ./The_stranglers-Golden_brown.wav > ?
Then find complained after I hit y key with:
find: ‘touch $(echo ./music.wav | sed -r 's/[^.]+$/txt/')’: No such file or directory
I figured out I was using a pipe and actually needed a shell. I then ran:
find . -name *.wav -exec sh -c 'touch $(echo "'{}"\" | sed -r 's/[^.]+\$/txt/')" \;
Which did the job.
Actually, I do not really get what is being done internally, but I guess a shell is spawned on every file right ? I fear this is memory costly.
Then, what if I need to run this command on a large bunch of files and directories !?
Now is there a way to do this in a more efficient way ?
Basically I need to transform the current file's name and to feed touch command.
Thank you.
This find with bash parameter-expansion will do the trick for you. You don't need sed at all.
find . -type f -name "*.wav" -exec sh -c 'x=$1; file="${x##*/}"; woe="${file%.*}"; touch "${woe}.txt"; ' sh {} \;
The idea is the part
x=$1 represents each of the entry returned from the output of find
file="${x##*/}" strips the path of the file leaving only the last file name part (only filename.ext)
The part woe="${file%.*}" stores the name without extension, and the new file is created with an extension .txt from the name found.
Parameter expansion sets us free from using Command substitution $() sub-process and sed.
After looking at sh man page, I figured out that the command up above could be simplified.
Synopsis -c [-aCefnuvxIimqVEbp] [+aCefnuvxIimqVEbp] [-o option_name] [+o option_name] command_string [command_name [argument ...]]
-c Read commands from the command_string operand instead of from the stan‐dard input. Special parameter 0 will be set from the command_name oper‐and and the positional parameters ($1, $2, etc.) set from the remaining argument operands.
We can directly pass the file path, skipping the shell's name (which is useless inside the script anyway). So {} is passed as the command_name $0 which can be expanded right away.
We end up with a cleaner command.
find . -name *.wav -exec sh -c 'touch "${0%.*}".txt ;' {} \;

Shell script: Check if a Directory is of YYYY_MM_DD_HH this format

I have a script that creates a file list of directories available in another path.
Now, I would like to do some tasks only if the Directory is of the format "YYYY_MM_DD_HH" in this file list.
My file list has following entries:
Now I would like to move the directories with names as YYYY_MM_DD_HH to another path. I.e., only 2014_04_21_01 & 2012_01_19_10 MUST be MOVED.
Please advise.
Use bash regex pattern matching:
for dir in $list
do if [[ "$dir" =~ ^[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}$ ]]
then mv "$dir" newdir/
Assuming you have a GNU version of sed on your computer, you could use it to easily parse your directory names and execute a command.
Say we have following input file:
You can search for your regex with sed and replace it with a mv command as follows:
sed 's/^[0-9]\{4\}\(_[0-9]\{2\}\)\{3\}$/mv "&" "other_dir"/' file_list
will output:
mv "2014_04_21_01" "other_dir" # We want to run this
mv "2012_01_19_10" "other_dir" # and this
Now if you add the (GNU sed) e option at the end of sed substitution (and -n option before sed script to ensure only successul substitutions are executed), the generated command will be piped into your shell:
sed -n 's/^[0-9]\{4\}\(_[0-9]\{2\}\)\{3\}$/mv "&" "other_dir"/e' file_list
# ^^ ^
I would recommand to run it first without the e option so as to check that mv commands will be properly formatted.
Why to make separate file for file list. Just go in that directory execute following command. I have taken the destination directory as /home/newdir/
ls | grep [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[01][0-9]_[0123][0-9]_[012][0-9] | awk '{print $0" /home/newdir/"}' | xargs mv
Be Careful while working with dates. As you have mentioned that file name is in format YYYY_MM_DD_HH then we have restrictions on MM,DD and HH. If we talk about restrictions then we know how a calendar is constructed. So 9999_99_99_99 is invalid file name. It is not satisfying YYYY_MM_DD_HH.
We have to build script for restrictions or I can say whole calendar. Still working on it.
perl -nle 'system("mv $_ dir/year$1") if /^(\d{4})_\d\d_\d\d_\d\d/$' flist
would extract the year and rename dir 2014_04_21_01 to dir/year2014
This single find command with -regex option should take care of this:
cd /base/path/of/these/dirs
find . -type d -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*/[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}$' \
-exec mv '{}' /dest/dir/ \;

For loop not working to extract data from the multiple files in bash

I am trying to make the following loop to work. I can get the output which I want if I run it on the commandline with one file as input but it's not extracting with the for loop. Any help?
for file in $FILES
grep -r -i -A4 'Compliance Calculation' "$file"
Try it this way:
for file in "${FILES[#]}"; do
grep -r -i -A4 'Compliance Calculation' "$file"
See my video on bash variable expansion for an explanation.
The minimal fix is to get rid of FILES altogether.
for file in /home/dd/ff/*.txt
There are a number of problems with this script:
Avoid using bash specific features. Instead use /bin/sh not /bin/bash. If you must use bash then /usr/bin/env bash. Directly invoking /bin/bash is not portable.
$() runs a command, it does not expand a glob. It will attempt to run whatever file earliest in the expansion as en executable.
you should be using the find |xargs pattern instead of a for loop. Try find /home/dd/ff/ -maxdepth 1-name '*.txt' | xargs grep -hr -i -A4 'Compliance Calculation'
If you must use a loop you can just expand the glob directly in the loop:
for file in /home/dd/ff/*.txt

Using command line arguments when executing a BASH script

I've created a script that removes all zero-length files from a directory.
find . -size 0 -type f -exec rm -i '{}' \;
It works well, except that it only works in the directory the script is actually located in and its sub-directories. I want to be able to use a directory as a command line argument (bash scriptname dirname) while executing the script and have it only search that directory and it's sub-directories, not the actual directory the script is located in. Is there a way to do this?
With $x you can access the x-th command line argument of your bash script. So in your case this should be something like
find $1 -size 0 -type f -exec rm -i '{}' \;
In Bash you can pass argument to your script. These argument can be used using $ sign. For example:
./hello 123 abc xyz
here $0 is your program name
$1 is 123 and so on
You can pass values and use them in your program from $1 to $9.
If your version of find accepts multiple paths, you can pass all the positional parameters like this:
find "$#" -size 0...
Note: you should not use $* for file names! it expands parameters into a string, so any file names with spaces or new lines in will break the command. "$#" preserves these, so is safe to use for this. If find doesn't accept multiple paths, you can loop over the parameters like this:
for dir in "$#"; do
find "$dir" -size 0...

Move all files from subdirectory into a new directory without overwriting

I want to consolidate into 1 directory files that are in multiple subdirectories.
The following comes close except that the random string is added after the extension; I want it before the extension:
find . -type f -iname "[a-z,0-9]*" -exec bash -c 'mv -v "$0" "./$( mktemp "$( basename "$0" ).XXX" )"' '{}' \;
I've searched through dozens of other posts but nothing addressed the specifics of my situation:
I'm on OS X (so it's a BSD flavor of Bash; for ex. there's no -t option for mv)
Many of the files have identical names so I need to rewrite them during the mv (and I can't just use the -n option for mv because there too many files would thus not get moved)
The files are not all the same kind, so I need to use a find -type f
I want to exclude .DS_store files, so it seems like a good option is find -type f -iname "[a-z,0-9]*"
I want the rewritten files's names to be in the form of: (but I'm also OK with having the files being renamed as a sequential list:,, etc.)
The files are buried 4 levels down from my master directory:
Master/Top dir
Dir 2
Dir 3
Dir 4
Dir 5
For the sake of simplicity I prefer a bash command to a .sh script (but I'm happy with either)
GNU Solution
This uses basically the same command that you were using but I supply a template to mktemp so that the XXX pattern appears just before the suffix. With GNU sed:
find . -type f -iname "[a-z,0-9]*" -exec bash -c 'mv -v "$1" "./$(mktemp -u "$(basename "$1" | sed -E -e '\''s/\.([^.]+)$/.XXX.\1/'\'' -e '\''/XXX/ !s/$/.XXX/'\'')" )"' _ '{}' \;
The key addition above is the use of sed to insert XXX before the suffix in the file name:
sed -E -e 's/\.([^.]+)$/.XXX.\1/' -e '/XXX/ !s/$/.XXX/'
This has two commands. The first puts .XXX before the extension. The second command is run only if the file name has no extension in which case it adds .XXX to the end of the file name.
In the first command, the source regex consists of two parts. The first is \. which matches a period. The second is ([^.]+)$ which captures the extension into group 1. The substitution replaces this with .XXX.\1 where \1 is sed notation for group 1 which, in our case, is the file's extension.
OSX Solution
Under OSX, mktemp is not useful because it only supports templates with the XXX part trailing. As a workaround, we can use a bash script that generates non-overlapping file names:
find . -type f -iname "[a-z,0-9]*" -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' fname
new=$(basename "$fname")
[ "$fname" = "./$new" ] && continue
[ "$new" = .DS_store ] && continue
new=$(printf '%s.%03i%s' "$name" "$n" "$ext")
while [ -f "$new" ]
n=$(($n + 1))
new=$(printf '%s.%03i%s' "$name" "$n" "$ext")
mv -v "$fname" "$new"
The above uses the find command to get the file names. The option -print0 is used to assure that it works with difficult file names. The while loop reads these file names one by one, into the variable fname. fname includes the full path to the source file. The file name without the path is then stored in new. Then two checks are performed. If the source file is already in the current directory, the script continues on to the next loop. Similarly, if the file name id .DS_Store, it is also skipped. (The find command, as given, already skips these files. This line is there just for future flexibility.) Next, the file name is split into two parts: the name and ext, the extension. ext includes the leading period. Next, a loop checks for files of the form name.NNN.ext and stops at the first one that doesn't yet exist. The source file is moved to a file of that name.
Related Notes Regarding the GNU Solution and its Compatibility
Quoting in the above GNU command is complex. The argument to bash -c needs to be in single-quotes to prevent the calling bash from performing premature variable substitution. In addition, the sed commands need to be in single-quotes when executed by the bash subshell to prevent history expansion from interfering with the use of negation, !, within the sed command.
The OSX (BSD) sed does not support combining commands together with semicolons. Consequently, each command is supplied to sed via a separate -e option.
The OSX (BSD) sed seems to treat + differently from the GNU sed. This incompatibility seems to go away when using the -E (extended regex) option. (The corresponding GNU option is -r but, as an undocumented compatibility feature, GNU sed supports -E also.
