Best yeoman generator for angularjs - yeoman-generator

I am new to yeoman. I want to use angular, grunt, sass, bootstrap for my project. Which is the best yeoman generator to use for this. It should have a good build mechanism/task.


Main difference between gulp vs webpack in angular 2?

i have developed a small project for that i need to work with performance test and all,
which one is best for performance and development and testing server aswell in webpack or gulp to deploy the angular 2 app in iis, what is the major difference between gulp and webpack?
Is not that is good or better, but you don't need gulp.
Just use Angular CLI for development which uses webpack and if you need other build logic just add npm scripts.

How to integrate UIkit with Aurelia

How do I integrate UIkit 3 with Aurelia in an aurelia-cli project. What are the changes necessary in aurelia.json to achieve my purpose.
right now the uikit3 build tool generates an anonymous module which can't be used with the cli, I submitted a pull request to remedy that, until its fixed you can use the cdn version.

Testing in Nativescript Telerik Appbuider

I've searched all over and have not found anyone who has been able to test a Nativescript project built on the Telerik Appbuilder. Even if it means exporting the project externally and testing in command line, is there any way to test it with Karma and Jasmine/Mocha?
This is probably a stretch, but I'm guessing there's also no way to integrate with continuous integration, such as Jenkins?

Spring boot, maven, AngularJS 2, typescript and live reload

I am in a study phase for an application development. The server-side development has already started, with Spring boot and Maven. Now, I am studying the possible options to develop the client-side.
I'd like to use Angular 2 (I know it's still in alpha), but I'm really hesitating between its javascript and typescript version. I know the live reload with javascript version should work well with maven spring-boot run (in theory), and this is a great help for productivity. I was wondering if there was a way to have the live reload for typescript version of Angular too. Has anyone managed to implement it in its own project? If yes, how did you do?
I have not found any doc about this on maven-typescript-plugin
The build system will be Maven for client side too.
EDIT: Is there an easy way for typescript debugging, or is it a pain?
One way could be adding a watch to automatically be triggered on any file change. For example, try adding the following to your package.json file:
"scripts": {
"tsc": "tsc -p src -w"
As the Quickstart for Angular 2 (literally) states that this will be activated when you open a terminal window in the root of the application folder and enter:
npm run tsc
The script sets the compiler watch option (-w) so the compiler stays alive when it's finished. It watches for changes to .ts files and recompiles them automatically.
Considering this will spit out plain-old .js files, you can use the tooling you're comfortable with to reload the page.

Bower and Modernizr

I'm aware that I can create a custom build build of Modernizr to detect the features I care about. But is there a way to use Modernizr installed with Bower to detect a specific feature or set of features (such as SVG support) without including the entire library?
Basically when I do
bower install modernizr
I will get the entire library which is more than I need.
That's not the responsibility of Bower.
You can use grunt-modernizr to detect which tests you need and build a custom Modernizr version.
