Alternative(s) to Capital One Hygieia - dashboard

All - I have been looking at tools that would provide near real-time visibility and feedback into our entire Delivery Pipeline. The only one I found similar to what I have been looking for is by Captial One Hygieia (
Do you guys know of any alternative Dashboards available at this point in the market?
Thanks a lot in advance

I had explored the following stacks:
Elastic search stack along with
Cloudbees DevOptics
(License purchase is required).
But found Hygieia to meet all our requirements.


Reasons why reviews might not appear for certain users on Play Store

For some users in the US, my play store reviews are not visible. I've reached out to Google directly and am out of options for support, so I've come here.
Here's the official response from Google:
Please note, since it's based on Google play algorithms, we are not
able to modify in the rating&review section's result manually. Also
please understand that, since we don't have any information about
algorithms, we are not able to further investigate and provide any
information about your question at this time. I apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause.
If you have any other Console related question, please let us know.
We'll be happy to help.
Thanks for supporting Goolge Play.
Very sadly they've given me a generic response about some "algorithm" and are refusing to look into the issue further.
Again, I know this isn't a "standard" question, but I'm not sure where else to go at this point. I feel like I'm at the end of my wits. Any help is appreciated!
What are some reasons why certain users in the US wouldn't be able to see any app reviews, but other users in the US can view these reviews? And is there any reasonable way to "debug" this issue?
Edit: at least one user reports that they are using a Samsung Galaxy phone
Sometimes it takes time for new reviews to show up on google. They also have an algo to check for reviews that might be from "fake users" similar to reddit it may take a while for it to show up entirely and pass their checks.
You have no control on what they show on their App Store reviews section.
One idea to debug is by checking via different android phones using different networks. You can also check the web version App Store link to see if it shows.

What's the card-like feedback in the top or sidebar of google search?

If you search 'tomato' in google, i.e.
There will be a card-like feedback as follows.
This feature is quite useful since it's more specific and relevant, which also responds to a variety of other things.
My question is what's the name of this feature? Is there any API exposed for it?
Basically, I want to find more about it.
Okay. After digging into Google Developer Docs, I find out this is called Knowledge Graph. Wikipedia has provided a decent introduction to it. See here

Google - Project Tango - Point Cloud Extraction - Skeletal Tracking

Has anyone had any luck extracting point cloud data into the Tango File system? Also looking for anyone who's had luck with skeletal tracking via point cloud data.
Any tips or suggestions are welcomed!
Regarding extracting the point cloud data to the file system, please take a look of this post: How do I export Point Cloud Data (Project Tango)?
Thanks Jason. Point Cloud extraction was a bit more tricky on the Java side of things, but it's working!
We're noticing some pretty slow performance when exporting the point cloud data in real time. Would love to hear tips on improving the performance of the I/O!
Still no word on existing skeletal tracking engines. Is there a java based NUI out there anywhere?

How to get contributors for opensource search engine

We are a company developing opensource search engine.
It's hosted in github (
I think we need contributor globaly, but don't know where to start.
Have any good idea or strategies?
Giving it to Apache or Jboss community is good idea?
It's importance that the open-source solution is which many people need, and solution must be stable. Here's an simple strategy.
Make a stable opensource solution
Write a detail manuals online.
Promote an opensource using SNS
If online group getting larger, start to make a offline group.

need help to get started with bugzilla

I have been searching for hours for a tutorial that would clearly explain how to install and start to use bugzilla on windows 7. All tutorials I found didn't help me: links are invalid, uses old versions or tells me to modify file that doesn't exist on my system. Could anyone guide me where to search for more clear step by step information about how to start working with bugzilla? Any help would be appreciated is a good description of installing Bugzilla, Apache and MySQL on Win32 platforms.
If you're looking to use IIS instead of Apache this may help
Bugzilla is provided by volunteers, so while it's unfortunate that no one has written an up-to-date document on how to do what you want, it also reflects that there are very few people who are trying to do the same thing.
Your best course of action depends on whether you're willing to pay for support. If you are willing to pay someone to help you, you might consult this list:
If you're not willing to pay for support, there are some approaches described here:
You can always create a bug here to report that the available documentation isn't current:
