AMPL: tolerance for binary constraint seems to depend on other terms in model, how can I tell when this is going to happen? - precision

I am using AMPL to optimise a sequence of values, and I want to specify a rule that the sequence can't have more than two negative values in a row. I've implemented this by declaring a binary to flag when the sequence is negative:
var InventoriesDecrease{Years} binary;
param BigNumber := 1111112;
subject to EnforceInventoriesDecreaseFlag{y in Years}:
BalancedUse[y,"Change in Inventories"] >= (0 - BigNumber*InventoriesDecrease[y]);
Intent is that for a given year, change in inventories must be >= 0 if InventoriesDecrease flag is zero, and must be >= (large negative number) if InventoriesDecrease flag is one.
I then enforce the "no more than 2 consecutive negatives" rule with another constraint:
param MaxConsecutiveDecreasesInInventory := 2;
param NumYearsInSeries := card(Years);
subject to EnforceMaxConsecutiveDecreases
{y in Years: ord(y,Years) <= NumYearsInSeries-MaxConsecutiveDecreasesInInventory}:
sum{y2 in Years: ord(y,Years)<=ord(y2,Years)<=ord(y,Years)+MaxConsecutiveDecreasesInInventory}
When I set BigNumber to 1111111 I get the expected results - the output has no more than two consecutive negatives in Changes in Inventories. (This isn't actually a good solution for the economic problem I'm working on, but never mind that.) Checking the values for InventoriesDecrease gives me a sequence like 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 ...
But when I set BigNumber to 1111112 it gives negatives for changes in inventories every year. Looking at InventoriesDecrease, the values are either 1s or very small non-integer positives, around 1E-5 or so. This then allows changes in inventories to be negative every year (since the lower bound is now BigNumber * 1E-5 ~ 100 rather than BigNumber * 0 = 0).
If I set BigNumber to 1111111 this doesn't happen; it looks as if the binary constraint is then enforced exactly (or at least to a smaller tolerance than ~ 1E-5) so the "no more than 2 consecutive negatives" rule works as intended. Presumably something about the magnitude of BigNumber affects the tolerances that are set on InventoriesDecrease. (Solver = Gurobi, but I encountered similar problems with CPLEX.)
I expect to be working with some quite large numbers, so I'd like to have a better understanding about what triggers this behaviour. I found but there are several "to come"s and it was last updated in 1996 so I'm not holding my breath :-)
(I'm also a little surprised that decimal-1111111 is a threshold for behaviour of this sort; I would've expected something around a power of two!)


Complex Numbers Seemingly Arising from Non-Complex Logarithms

I have a simple program written in TI-BASIC that converts from base 10 to base 2
Input "DEC:",D
Repeat D=0
Disp B
This will sometimes return an the error 'ERR: DATA TYPE'. I checked, and this is because the variable D, will sometimes become a complex number. I am not sure how this happens.
This happens with seemingly random numbers, like 5891570. It happens with this number, but not something close to it like 5891590 Which is strange. It also happens with 1e30, But not 1e25. Another example is 1111111111111111, and not 1111111111111120.
I haven't tested this thoroughly, and don't see any pattern in these numbers. Any help would be appreciated.
The error happens because you round the logarithm to one decimal place before taking the integer part; therefore, if log(D)/log(2) is something like 8.99, you will round E up rather than down, and 2^9 will be subtracted from D instead of 2^8, causing, in the next iteration, D to become negative and its logarithm to be complex. Let's walk through your code when D is 511, which has base-2 logarithm 8.9971:
Repeat D=0 ;Executes first iteration without checking whether D=0
log(D)/log(2 ;8.9971
round(Ans,1 ;9.0
int(Ans ;9.0
round(Ans)->E ;E = 9.0
B+10^E->B ;B = 1 000 000 000
D-2^E->D ;D = 511-512 = -1
End ;loops again, since D≠0
---next iteration:----
log(D ;log(-1) = 1.364i; throws ERR:NONREAL ANS in Real mode
Rounding the logarithm any more severely than nine decimal places (nine digits is the default for round( without a "digits" argument) is completely unnecessary, as on my TI-84+ rounding errors do not accumulate: round(int(log(2^X-1)/log(2)) returns X-1 and round(int(log(2^X)/log(2)) returns X for all integer X≤28, which is high enough that precision would be lost anyway in other parts of the calculation.
To fix your code, simply round only once, and only to nine places. I've also removed the unnecessary double-initialization of E, removed your close-parens (it's still legal code!), and changed the Repeat (which always executes one loop before checking the condition D=0) to a While loop to prevent ERR:DOMAIN when the input is 0.
Input "DEC:",D
While D
B ;on the last line, so it prints implicitly
Don't expect either your code or my fix to work correctly for D > 213 or so, because your calculator can only store 14 digits in its internal representation of any number. You'll lose the digits while you store the result into B!
Now for a trickier, optimized way of computing the binary representation (still only works for D < 213:
Input D
.1sum(Ans10^(cumSum(1 or Ans

Random Numbers based on the ANU Quantum Random Numbers Server

I have been asked to use the ANU Quantum Random Numbers Service to create random numbers and use Random.rand only as a fallback.
module QRandom
def next
RestClient.get(''){ |response, request, result, &block|
case response.code
when 200
if _json["success"]==true && _json["data"]
_json["data"].first || Random.rand(65535)
Random.rand(65535) #fallback
puts response #log problem
Random.rand(65535) #fallback
Their API service gives me a number between 0-65535. In order to create a random for a bigger set, like a random number between 0-99999, I have to do the following:
This strikes me as the wrong way of doing, since if I were to use a service (quantum or not) that creates numbers from 0-3 and transpose them into space of 0-9999 I have a choice of 4 numbers that I always get. How can I use the service that produces numbers between 0-65535 to create random numbers for a larger number set?
Since 65535 is 1111111111111111 in binary, you can just think of the random number server as a source of random bits. The fact that it gives the bits to you in chunks of 16 is not important, since you can make multiple requests and you can also ignore certain bits from the response.
So after performing that abstraction, what we have now is a service that gives you a random bit (0 or 1) whenever you want it.
Figure out how many bits of randomness you need. Since you want a number between 0 and 99999, you just need to find a binary number that is all ones and is greater than or equal to 99999. Decimal 99999 is equal to binary 11000011010011111, which is 17 bits long, so you will need 17 bits of randomness.
Now get 17 bits of randomness from the service and assemble them into a binary number. The number will be between 0 and 2**17-1 (131071), and it will be evenly distributed. If the random number happens to be greater than 99999, then throw away the bits you have and try again. (The probability of needing to retry should be less than 50%.)
Eventually you will get a number between 0 and 99999, and this algorithm should give you a totally uniform distribution.
How about asking for more numbers? Using the length parameter of that API you can just ask for extra numbers and sum them so you get bigger numbers like you want.
You can use inject for the sum and the modulo operation to make sure the number is not bigger than you want.
json["data"].inject(:+) % MAX_NUMBER
I made some other changes to your code like using SecureRandom instead of the regular Random. You can find the code here:
Think of the individual numbers you are getting as 16 bits of randomness. To make larger random numbers, you just need more bits. The tricky bit is figuring out how many bits is enough. For example, if you wanted to generate numbers from an absolutely fair distribution from 0 to 65000, then it should be pretty obvious that 16 bits are not enough; even though you have the range covered, some numbers will have twice the probability of being selected than others.
There are a couple of ways around this problem. Using Ruby's Bignum (technically that happens behind the scenes, it works well in Ruby because you won't overflow your Integer type) it is possible to use a method that simply collects more bits until the result of a division could never be ambiguous - i.e. the difference when adding more significant bits to the division you are doing could never change the result.
This what it might look like, using your method to fetch bits in batches of 16:
def QRandom.rand max
max = max.to_i # This approach requires integers
power = 1
sum = 0
loop do
sum = 2**16 * sum +
power *= 2**16
lower_bound = sum * max / power
break lower_bound if lower_bound == ( (sum + 1) * max ) / power
Because it costs you quite a bit to fetch random bits from your chosen source, you may benefit from taking this to the most efficient form possible, which is similar in principle to Arithmetic Coding and squeezes out the maximum possible entropy from your source whilst generating unbiased numbers in 0...max. You would need to implement a method QRandom.next_bits( num ) that returned an integer constructed from a bitstream buffer originating with your 16-bit numbers:
def QRandom.rand max
max = max.to_i # This approach requires integers
# I prefer this: start_bits = Math.log2( max ).floor
# But this also works (and avoids suggestions the algo uses FP):
start_bits = max.to_s(2).length
sum = QRandom.next_bits( start_bits )
power = 2 ** start_bits
# No need for fractional bits if max is power of 2
return sum if power == max
# Draw 1 bit at a time to resolve fractional powers of 2
loop do
lower_bound = (sum * max) / power
break lower_bound if lower_bound == ((sum + 1) * max)/ power
sum = 2 * sum + QRandom.next_bits(1) # 0 or 1
power *= 2
This is the most efficient use of bits from your source possible. It is always as efficient or better than re-try schemes. The expected number of bits used per call to QRandom.rand( max ) is 1 + Math.log2( max ) - i.e. on average this allows you to draw just over the fractional number of bits needed to represent your range.

"interval is empty", Lua math.random isn't working for large numbers?

I didn't know if this is a bug in Lua itself or if I was doing something wrong. I couldn't find anything about it anywhere. I am using Lua for Windows (Lua 5.1.4):
>return math.random(0, 1000000000)
This returns a random integer between 0 and 10000000000, as expected. This seems to work for all other values. But if I add a single 0:
>return math.random(0, 10000000000)
stdin:1: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty)
Any number higher than that does the same thing.
I tried to figure out exactly how high a number has to be to cause this and found something even weirder:
>return math.random(0, 2147483647)
If the value is 2147483647 then it gives me negative numbers. Any higher than that and it throws an error. Any lower than that and it works fine.
That's 0b1111111111111111111111111111111 in binary, 31 binary digits exactly. I am not sure what that means though.
This unexpected behavior (bug?) is due to how math.random treats the input arguments passed in Lua 5.1. From lmathlib.c:
case 2: { /* lower and upper limits */
int l = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
int u = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
luaL_argcheck(L, l<=u, 2, "interval is empty");
lua_pushnumber(L, floor(r*(u-l+1))+l); /* int between `l' and `u' */
As you may know in C, a standard int can represent values -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Adding +1 to 2,147,483,647, like in your use-case, will overflow and wrap around the value giving -2,147,483,648. The end result is negative since you're multiplying a positive with a negative number.
Furthermore, anything above 2,147,483,647 will fail the luaL_argcheck due to overflow wraparound.
There are a few ways to address this problem:
Upgrade to Lua 5.2. That one has since fixed this issue by treating the input arguments as lua_Number instead.
Switch to LuaJIT which does not have this integer overflow issue.
Patch the Lua 5.1 source yourself with the fix and recompile.
Modify your random range so it does not overflow.
If you need a range that is larger than what the random function supports (32 bit signed integers or 2^31 due to sign bit, because math.random is at C level), but smaller than the range of Lua "number" type (based on What is the maximum value of a number in Lua?, 2^52, or maybe even 2^53), you could try generating two random numbers: scale the first to the range desired; add the second to "fill the gap". For example, say you want a range of 0 to 2^36. The largest from math.random is 2^31. So you could do:
-- 2^36 = 2^31 * 2^5 so
scale = 2^5
baseRand = scale * math.random(0, 2^31)
-- baseRand is now between 0 and 2^36 but there are gaps of 2^5 in the set
-- of possible values; fill the gaps with second random number:
fillGap = math.random(0, 2^5)
randNum = baseRand + fillGap
This will work as long as the desired range is less than the Lua interpreter's maximum for Lua numbers, which is a configurable compile time parameter but if you use stock build it is 2^52, a very large number (although not as large as largest long integer, 2^63).
Note also that largest positive N-bit integer is 2^N-1 (not 2^N), but the above technique can be applied to any range, you could have for instance scale = 10^6 then randNum = 10^6 * math.random(0, 10^8) + math.random(0, 10^6).

How to compute the "15% of the time" randomness?

I'm looking for a decent, elegant method of calculating this simple logic.
Right now I can't think of one, it's spinning my head.
I am required to do some action only 15% of the time.
I'm used to "50% of the time" where I just mod the milliseconds of the current time and see if it's odd or even, but I don't think that's elegant.
How would I elegantly calculate "15% of the time"? Random number generator maybe?
Pseudo-code or any language are welcome.
Hope this is not subjective, since I'm looking for the "smartest" short-hand method of doing that.
Solution 1 (double)
get a random double between 0 and 1 (whatever language you use, there must be such a function)
do the action only if it is smaller than 0.15
Solution 2 (int)
You can also achieve this by creating a random int and see if it is dividable to 6 or 7. UPDATE --> This is not optimal.
You can produce a random number between 0 and 99, and check if it's less than 15:
if (rnd.Next(100) < 15) ...
You can also reduce the numbers, as 15/100 is the same as 3/20:
if (rnd.Next(20) < 3) ...
Random number generator would give you the best randomness. Generate a random between 0 and 1, test for < 0.15.
Using the time like that isn't true random, as it's influenced by processing time. If a task takes less than 1 millisecond to run, then the next random choice will be the same one.
That said, if you do want to use the millisecond-based method, do milliseconds % 20 < 3.
Just use a PRNG. Like always, it's a performance v. accuracy trade-off. I think making your own doing directly off the time is a waste of time (pun intended). You'll probably get biasing effects even worse than a run of the mill linear congruential generator.
In Java, I would use nextInt:
myRNG.nextInt(100) < 15
Or (mostly) equivalently:
myRNG.nextInt(20) < 3
There are way to get a random integer in other languages (multiple ways actually, depending how accurate it has to be).
Using modulo arithmetic you can easily do something every Xth run like so
(6 will give you ruthly 15%
if( microtime() % 6 === ) do it
other thing:
if(rand(0,1) >= 0.15) do it
boolean array[100] = {true:first 15, false:rest};
while(array.size > 0)
// pop first element of the array.
if(element == true)
// redo the whole thing again when no elements are left.
Here's one approach that combines randomness and a guarantee that eventually you get a positive outcome in a predictable range:
Have a target (15 in your case), a counter (initialized to 0), and a flag (initialized to false).
Accept a request.
If the counter is 15, reset the counter and the flag.
If the flag is true, return negative outcome.
Get a random true or false based on one of the methods described in other answers, but use a probability of 1/(15-counter).
Increment counter
If result is true, set flag to true and return a positive outcome. Else return a negative outcome.
Accept next request
This means that the first request has probability of 1/15 of return positive, but by the 15th request, if no positive result has been returned, there's a probability of 1/1 of a positive result.
This quote is from a great article about how to use a random number generator:
Note: Do NOT use
y = rand() % M;
as this focuses on the lower bits of
rand(). For linear congruential random
number generators, which rand() often
is, the lower bytes are much less
random than the higher bytes. In fact
the lowest bit cycles between 0 and 1.
Thus rand() may cycle between even and
odd (try it out). Note rand() does not
have to be a linear congruential
random number generator. It's
perfectly permissible for it to be
something better which does not have
this problem.
and it contains formulas and pseudo-code for
r = [0,1) = {r: 0 <= r < 1} real
x = [0,M) = {x: 0 <= x < M} real
y = [0,M) = {y: 0 <= y < M} integer
z = [1,M] = {z: 1 <= z <= M} integer

What is a good non-recursive algorithm for deciding whether a passed in amount can be built additively from a set of numbers?

What is a non recursive algorithm for deciding whether a passed in amount can be built additively from a set of numbers.
In my case I'm determining whether a certain currency amount (such as $40) can be met by adding up some combination of a set of bills (such as $5, $10 and $20 bills). That is a simple example, but the algorithm needs to work for any currency set (some currencies use funky bill amounts and some bills may not be available at a given time).
So $50 can be met with a set of ($20 and $30), but cannot be met with a set of ($20 and $40). The non-recursive requirement is due to the target code base being for SQL Server 2000 where the support of recursion is limited.
In addition this is for supporting a multi currency environment where the set of bills available may change (think a foreign currency exchange teller for example).
You have twice stated that the algorithm cannot be recursive, yet that is the natural solution to this problem. One way or another, you will need to perform a search to solve this problem. If recursion is out, you will need to backtrack manually.
Pick the largest currency value below the target value. If it's match, you're done. If not, push the current target value on a stack and subtract from the target value the picked currency value. Keep doing this until you find a match or there are no more currency values left. Then use the stack to backtrack and pick a different value.
Basically, it's the recursive solution inside a loop with a manually managed stack.
If you treat each denomination as a point on a base-n number, where n is the maximum number of notes you would need, then you can increment through that number until you've exhausted the problem space or found a solution.
The maximum number of notes you would need is the Total you require divided by the lowest denomination note.
It's a brute force response to the problem, but it'll definitely work.
Here's some p-code. I'm probably all over the place with my fence posts, and it's so unoptimized to be ridiculous, but it should work. I think the idea's right anyway.
Denominations = [10,20,50,100]
Required = 570
Denominations = sort(Denominations)
iBase = integer (Required / Denominations[1])
BumpList = array [Denominations.count]
iTotal = 0
for iAdd = 1 to Bumplist.size
iTotal = iTotal + bumplist [iAdd] * Denominations[iAdd]
if iTotal = Required then exit true
//this bit should be like a mileometer.
//We add 1 to each wheel, and trip over to the next wheel when it gets to iBase
finished = true
for iPos from bumplist.last to bumplist.first
if bumplist[iPos] = (iBase-1) then bumplist[iPos] = 0
else begin
finished = false
bumplist[iPos] = bumplist[iPos]+1
exit for
until (finished)
exit false
That's a problem that can be solved by an approach known as dynamic programming. The lecture notes I have are too focused on bioinformatics, unfortunately, so you'll have to google for it yourself.
This sounds like the subset sum problem, which is known to be NP-complete.
Good luck with that.
Edit: If you're allowed arbitrary number of bills/coins of some denomination (as opposed to just one), then it's a different problem, and is easier. See the coin problem. I realized this when reading another answer to a (suspiciously) similar question.
I agree with Tyler - what you are describing is a variant of the Subset Sum problem which is known to be NP-Complete. In this case you are a bit lucky as you are working with a limited set of values so you can use dynamic programming techniques here to optimize the problem a bit. In terms of some general ideas for the code:
Since you are dealing with money, there are only so many ways to make change with a given bill and in most cases some bills are used more often than others. So if you store the results you can keep a set of the most common solutions and then just check them before you try and find the actual solution.
Unless the language you are working with doesn't support recursion there is no reason to completely ignore the use of recursion in the solution. While any recursive problem can be solved using iteration, this is a case where recursion is likely going to be easier to write.
Some of the other users such as Kyle and seanyboy point you in the right direction for writing your own function so you should take a look at what they have provided for what you are working on.
You can deal with this problem with Dynamic Programming method as MattW. mentioned.
Given limited number of bills and maximum amount of money, you can try the following solution. The code snippet is in C# but I believe you can port it to other language easily.
// Set of bills
int[] unit = { 40,20,70};
// Max amount of money
int max = 100000;
bool[] bucket = new bool[max];
foreach (int t in unit)
bucket[t] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Length; i++)
if (bucket[i])
foreach (int t in unit)
if(i + t < bucket.Length)
bucket[i + t] = true;
// Check if the following amount of money
// can be built additively
Console.WriteLine("15 : " + bucket[15]);
Console.WriteLine("50 : " + bucket[50]);
Console.WriteLine("60 : " + bucket[60]);
Console.WriteLine("110 : " + bucket[110]);
Console.WriteLine("120 : " + bucket[120]);
Console.WriteLine("150 : " + bucket[150]);
Console.WriteLine("151 : " + bucket[151]);
15 : False
50 : False
60 : True
110 : True
120 : True
150 : True
151 : False
There's a difference between no recursion and limited recursion. Don't confuse the two as you will have missed the point of your lesson.
For example, you can safely write a factorial function using recursion in C++ or other low level languages because your results will overflow even your biggest number containers within but a few recursions. So the problem you will face will be that of storing the result before it ever gets to blowing your stack due to recursion.
This said, whatever solution you find - and I haven't even bothered understanding your problem deeply as I see that others have already done that - you will have to study the behaviour of your algorithm and you can determine what is the worst case scenario depth of your stack.
You don't need to avoid recursion altogether if the worst case scenario is supported by your platform.
Edit: The following will work some of the time. Think about why it won't work all the time and how you might change it to cover other cases.
Build it starting with the largest bill towards the smallest. This will yeild the lowest number of bills.
Take the initial amount and apply the largest bill as many times as you can without going over the price.
Step to the next largest bill and apply it the same way.
Keep doing this until you are on your smallest bill.
Then check if the sum equals the target amount.
1. Sort currency denominations available in descending order.
2. Calculate Remainder = Input % denomination[i] i -> n-1, 0
3. If remainder is 0, the input can be broken down, otherwise it cannot be.
Input: 50, Available: 10,20
[50 % 20] = 10, [10 % 10] = 0, Ans: Yes
Input: 50, Available: 15,20
[50 % 20] = 10, [10 % 15] = 15, Ans: No
