Complex Numbers Seemingly Arising from Non-Complex Logarithms - debugging

I have a simple program written in TI-BASIC that converts from base 10 to base 2
Input "DEC:",D
Repeat D=0
Disp B
This will sometimes return an the error 'ERR: DATA TYPE'. I checked, and this is because the variable D, will sometimes become a complex number. I am not sure how this happens.
This happens with seemingly random numbers, like 5891570. It happens with this number, but not something close to it like 5891590 Which is strange. It also happens with 1e30, But not 1e25. Another example is 1111111111111111, and not 1111111111111120.
I haven't tested this thoroughly, and don't see any pattern in these numbers. Any help would be appreciated.

The error happens because you round the logarithm to one decimal place before taking the integer part; therefore, if log(D)/log(2) is something like 8.99, you will round E up rather than down, and 2^9 will be subtracted from D instead of 2^8, causing, in the next iteration, D to become negative and its logarithm to be complex. Let's walk through your code when D is 511, which has base-2 logarithm 8.9971:
Repeat D=0 ;Executes first iteration without checking whether D=0
log(D)/log(2 ;8.9971
round(Ans,1 ;9.0
int(Ans ;9.0
round(Ans)->E ;E = 9.0
B+10^E->B ;B = 1 000 000 000
D-2^E->D ;D = 511-512 = -1
End ;loops again, since D≠0
---next iteration:----
log(D ;log(-1) = 1.364i; throws ERR:NONREAL ANS in Real mode
Rounding the logarithm any more severely than nine decimal places (nine digits is the default for round( without a "digits" argument) is completely unnecessary, as on my TI-84+ rounding errors do not accumulate: round(int(log(2^X-1)/log(2)) returns X-1 and round(int(log(2^X)/log(2)) returns X for all integer X≤28, which is high enough that precision would be lost anyway in other parts of the calculation.
To fix your code, simply round only once, and only to nine places. I've also removed the unnecessary double-initialization of E, removed your close-parens (it's still legal code!), and changed the Repeat (which always executes one loop before checking the condition D=0) to a While loop to prevent ERR:DOMAIN when the input is 0.
Input "DEC:",D
While D
B ;on the last line, so it prints implicitly
Don't expect either your code or my fix to work correctly for D > 213 or so, because your calculator can only store 14 digits in its internal representation of any number. You'll lose the digits while you store the result into B!
Now for a trickier, optimized way of computing the binary representation (still only works for D < 213:
Input D
.1sum(Ans10^(cumSum(1 or Ans


Early termination of fractional exponent calculation?

I need to write a function that takes the sixth root of something (equivalently, raises something to the 1/6 power), and checks if the answer is an integer. I want this function to be as fast and as optimized as possible, and since this function needs to run a lot, I'm thinking it might be best to not have to calculate the whole root.
How would I write a function (language agnostic, although Python/C/C++ preferred) that returns False (or 0 or something equivalent) before having to compute the entirety of the sixth root? For instance, if I was taking the 6th root of 65, then my function should, upon realizing that that the result is not an int, stop calculating and return False, instead of first computing that the 6th of 65 is 2.00517474515, then checking if 2.00517474515 is an int, and finally returning False.
Of course, I'm asking this question under the impression that it is faster to do the early termination thing than the complete computation, using something like
print(isinstance(num**(1/6), int))
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I would also be interested in answers that are generalizable to lots of fractional powers, not just x^(1/6).
Here are some ideas of things you can try that might help eliminate non-sixth-powers quickly. For actual sixth powers, you'll still end up eventually needing to compute the sixth root.
Check small cases
If the numbers you're given have a reasonable probability of being small (less than 12 digits, say), you could build a table of small cases and check against that. There are only 100 sixth powers smaller than 10**12. If your inputs will always be larger, then there's little value in this test, but it's still a very cheap test to make.
Eliminate small primes
Any small prime factor must appear with an exponent that's a multiple of 6. To avoid too many trial divisions, you can bundle up some of the small factors.
For example, 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23 = 223092870, which is small enough to fit in single 30-bit limb in Python, so a single modulo operation with that modulus should be fast.
So given a test number n, compute g = gcd(n, 223092870), and if the result is not 1, check that n is exactly divisible by g ** 6. If not, n is not a sixth power, and you're done. If n is exactly divisible by g**6, repeat with n // g**6.
Check the value modulo 124488 (for example)
If you carried out the previous step, then at this point you have a value that's not divisible by any prime smaller than 25. Now you can do a modulus test with a carefully chosen modulus: for example, any sixth power that's relatively prime to 124488 = 8 * 9 * 7 * 13 * 19 is congruent to one of the six values [1, 15625, 19657, 28729, 48385, 111385] modulo 124488. There are larger moduli that could be used, at the expense of having to check more possible residues.
Check whether it's a square
Any sixth power must be a square. Since Python (at least, Python >= 3.8) has a built-in integer square root function that's reasonably fast, it's efficient to check whether the value is a square before going for computing a full sixth root. (And if it is a square and you've already computed the square root, now you only need to extract a cube root rather than a sixth root.)
Use floating-point arithmetic
If the input is not too large, say 90 digits or smaller, and it's a sixth power then floating-point arithmetic has a reasonable chance of finding the sixth root exactly. However, Python makes no guarantees about the accuracy of a power operation, so it's worth making some additional checks to make sure that the result is within the expected range. For larger inputs, there's less chance of floating-point arithmetic getting the right result. The sixth root of (2**53 + 1)**6 is not exactly representable as a Python float (making the reasonable assumption that Python's float type matches the IEEE 754 binary64 format), and once n gets past 308 digits or so it's too large to fit into a float anyway.
Use integer arithmetic
Once you've exhausted all the cheap tricks, you're left with little choice but to compute the floor of the sixth root, then compare the sixth power of that with the original number.
Here's some Python code that puts together all of the tricks listed above. You should do your own timings targeting your particular use-case, and choose which tricks are worth keeping and which should be adjusted or thrown out. The order of the tricks will also be significant.
from math import gcd, isqrt
# Sixth powers smaller than 10**12.
SMALL_SIXTH_POWERS = {n**6 for n in range(100)}
def is_sixth_power(n):
Determine whether a positive integer n is a sixth power.
Returns True if n is a sixth power, and False otherwise.
# Sanity check (redundant with the small cases check)
if n <= 0:
return n == 0
# Check small cases
if n < 10**12:
# Try a floating-point check if there's a realistic chance of it working
if n < 10**90:
s = round(n ** (1/6.))
if n == s**6:
return True
elif (s - 1) ** 6 < n < (s + 1)**6:
return False
# No conclusive result; fall through to the next test.
# Eliminate small primes
while True:
g = gcd(n, 223092870)
if g == 1:
n, r = divmod(n, g**6)
if r:
return False
# Check modulo small primes (requires that
# n is relatively prime to 124488)
if n % 124488 not in {1, 15625, 19657, 28729, 48385, 111385}:
return False
# Find the square root using math.isqrt, throw out non-squares
s = isqrt(n)
if s**2 != n:
return False
# Compute the floor of the cube root of s
# (which is the same as the floor of the sixth root of n).
# Code stolen from
a = 1 << (s.bit_length() - 1) // 3 + 1
while True:
d = s//a**2
if a <= d:
return a**3 == s
a = (2*a + d)//3

Prove XOR doesn't work for finding a missing number (interview question)?

Interview question: you're given a file of roughly one billion unique numbers, each of which is a 32-bit quantity. Find a number not in the file.
When I was approaching this question, I tried a few examples with 3-bit and 4-bit numbers. For the examples I tried, I found that when I XOR'd the set of numbers, I got a correct answer:
a = [0,1,2] # missing 3
b = [1,2,3] # missing 0
c = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] # missing 7
d = [0,1,2,3,5,6,7] # missing 4
functools.reduce((lambda x, y: x^y), a) # returns 3
functools.reduce((lambda x, y: x^y), b) # returns 0
functools.reduce((lambda x, y: x^y), c) # returns 7
functools.reduce((lambda x, y: x^y), d) # returns 4
However, when I coded this up and submitted it, it failed the test cases.
My question is: in an interview setting, how can I confirm or rule out with certainty that an approach like this is not a viable solution?
In all your examples, the array is missing exactly one number. That's why XOR worked. Try not to test with the same property.
For the problem itself, you can construct a number by taking the minority of each bit.
Why XOR worked on your examples:
When you take the XOR for all the numbers from 0 to 2^n - 1 the result is 0 (there are exactly 2^(n-1) '1' in each bit). So if you take out one number and take XOR of all the rest, the result is the number you took out because taking XOR of that number with the result of all the rest needs to be 0.
Assuming a 64-bit system with more than 4gb free memory, I would read the numbers into an array of 32-bit integers. Then I would loop through the numbers up to 32 times.
Similarly to an inverse ”Mastermind” game, I would construct a missing number bit-by-bit. In every loop, I count all numbers which match the bits, I have chosen so far and a subsequent 0 or 1. Then I add the bit which occurs less frequently. Once the count reaches zero, I have a missing number.
The numbers in decimal/binary are
1 = 01
2 = 10
3 = 11
There is one number with most-significant-bit 0 and two numbers with 1. Therefore, I take 0 as most significant bit.
In the next round, I have to match 00 and 01. This immediately leads to 00 as missing number.
Another approach would be to use a random number generator. Chances are 50% that you find a non-existing number as first guess.
Proof by counterexample: 3^4^5^6=4.

How many times does a zero occur on an odometer

I am solving how many times a zero occus on an odometer. I count +1 everytime I see a zero.
10 -> +1
100-> +2 because in 100 I see 2 zero's
10004 -> +3 because I see 3 zero's
So I get,
1 - 100 -> +11
1 - 500 -> +91
1 - 501 -> +92
0 - 4294967295-> +3825876150
I used rubydoctest for it. I am not doing anything with begin_number yet. Can anyone explain how to calculate it without a brute force method?
I did many attempts. They go well for numbers like 10, 1000, 10.000, 100.000.000, but not for numbers like 522, 2280. If I run the rubydoctest, it will fail on # >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 500)
# doctest: algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 10)
# => 1
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 1000)
# => 192
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 10000000)
# => 5888896
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 500)
# => 91
# >> algorithm_count_zero(0, 4294967295)
# => 3825876150
def algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)
power = Math::log10(end_number) - 1
if end_number < 100
return end_number/10
end_number > 100
count = (9*(power)-1)*10**power+1
answer = ((((count / 9)+power)).floor) + 1
end_number = 20000
begin_number = 10000
puts "Algorithm #{algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)}"
As noticed in a comment, this is a duplicate to another question, where the solution gives you correct guidelines.
However, if you want to test your own solution for correctness, i'll put in here a one-liner in the parallel array processing language Dyalog APL (which i btw think everyone modelling mathemathics and numbers should use).
Using you'll be able to get a correct answer for any integer value as argument. Tryapl is a web page with a backend that executes simple APL code statements ("one-liners", which are very typical to the APL language and it's extremely compact code).
The APL one-liner is here:
{+/(c×1+d|⍵)+d×(-c←0=⌊(a|⍵)÷d←a×+0.1)+⌊⍵÷a←10*⌽⍳⌈10⍟⍵} 142857
Copy that and paste it into the edit row at, and press enter - you will quickly see an integer, which is the answer to your problem. In the code row above, you can see the argument rightmost; it is 142857 this time but you can change it to any integer.
As you have pasted the one-liner once, and executed it with Enter once, the easiest way to get it back for editing is to press [Up arrow]. This returns the most recently entered statement; then you can edit the number sitting rightmost (after the curly brace) and press Enter again to get the answer for a different argument.
Pasting teh code row above will return 66765 - that many zeroes exist for 142857.
If you paste this 2 characters shorter row below, you will see the individual components of the result - the sum of these components make up the final result. You will be able to see a pattern, which possibly makes it easier to understand what happens.
Try for example
{(c×1+d|⍵)+d×(-c←0=⌊(a|⍵)÷d←a×+0.1)+⌊⍵÷a←10*⌽⍳⌈10⍟⍵} 1428579376
0 100000000 140000000 142000000 142800000 142850000 142857000 142857900 142857930 142857937
... and see how the intermediate results contain segments of the argument 1428579376, starting from left! There are as many intermediate results as there are numbers in the argument (10 this time).
The result for 1428579376 will be 1239080767, ie. the sum of the 10 numbers above. This many zeroes appear in all numbers between 1 and 1428579376 :-).
Consider each odometer position separately. The position x places from the far right changes once every 10^x times. By looking at the numbers to its right, you know how long it will be until it next changes. It will then hold each value for 10^x times before changing, until it reaches the end of the range you are considering, when it will hold its value at that time for some number of times that you can work out given the value at the very end of the range.
Now you have a sequence of the form x...0123456789012...y where you know the length and you know the values of x and y. One way to count the number of 0s (or any other digit) within this sequence is to clip off the prefix from x.. to just before the first 0, and clip off the suffix from just after the last 9 to y. Look for 0s n in this suffix, and measure the length of the long sequence from prefix to suffix. This will be of a length divisible by 10, and will contain each digit the same number of times.
Based on this you should be able to work out, for each position, how often within the range it will assume each of its 10 possible values. By summing up the values for 0 from each of the odometer positions you get the answer you want.

Scope of variables and the digits function

My question is twofold:
1) As far as I understand, constructs like for loops introduce scope blocks, however I'm having some trouble with a variable that is define outside of said construct. The following code depicts an attempt to extract digits from a number and place them in an array.
n = 654068
l = length(n)
a = Int64[]
for i in 1:(l-1)
temp = n/10^(l-i)
if temp < 1 # ith digit is 0
a = push!(a,0)
else # ith digit is != 0
# update n
n = n - a[i]*10^(l-i)
# last digit
The code executes fine, but when I look at the a array I get this result
julia> a
0-element Array{Int64,1}
I thought that anything that goes on inside the for loop is invisible to the outside, unless I'm operating on variables defined outside the for loop. Moreover, I thought that by using the ! syntax I would operate directly on a, this does not seem to be the case. Would be grateful if anyone can explain to me how this works :)
2) Second question is about syntex used when explaining functions. There is apparently a function called digits that extracts digits from a number and puts them in an array, using the help function I get
julia> help(digits)
Base.digits(n[, base][, pad])
Returns an array of the digits of "n" in the given base,
optionally padded with zeros to a specified size. More significant
digits are at higher indexes, such that "n ==
sum([digits[k]*base^(k-1) for k=1:length(digits)])".
Can anyone explain to me how to interpret the information given about functions in Julia. How am I to interpret digits(n[, base][, pad])? How does one correctly call the digits function? I can't be like this: digits(40125[, 10])?
I'm unable to reproduce you result, running your code gives me
julia> a
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
There's a few mistakes and inefficiencies in the code:
length(n) doesn't give the number of digits in n, but always returns 1 (currently, numbers are iterable, and return a sequence that only contain one number; itself). So the for loop is never run.
/ between integers does floating point division. For extracting digits, you´re better off with div(x,y), which does integer division.
There's no reason to write a = push!(a,x), since push! modifies a in place. So it will be equivalent to writing push!(a,x); a = a.
There's no reason to digits that are zero specially, they are handled just fine by the general case.
Your description of scoping in Julia seems to be correct, I think that it is the above which is giving you trouble.
You could use something like
n = 654068
a = Int64[]
while n != 0
push!(a, n % 10)
n = div(n, 10)
This loop extracts the digits in opposite order to avoid having to figure out the number of digits in advance, and uses the modulus operator % to extract the least significant digit. It then uses reverse! to get them in the order you wanted, which should be pretty efficient.
About the documentation for digits, [, base] just means that base is an optional parameter. The description should probably be digits(n[, base[, pad]]), since it's not possible to specify pad unless you specify base. Also note that digits will return the least significant digit first, what we get if we remove the reverse! from the code above.
Is this cheating?:
n = 654068
nstr = string(n)
a = map((x) -> x |> string |> int , collect(nstr))
6-element Array{Int64,1}:

How to compute one's complement using Ruby's bitwise operators?

What I want:
assert_equal 6, ones_complement(9) # 1001 => 0110
assert_equal 0, ones_complement(15) # 1111 => 0000
assert_equal 2, ones_complement(1) # 01 => 10
the size of the input isn't fixed as in 4 bits or 8 bits. rather its a binary stream.
What I see:
v = "1001".to_i(2) => 9
There's a bit flipping operator ~
(~v).to_s(2) => "-1010"
sprintf("%b", ~v) => "..10110"
~v => -10
I think its got something to do with one bit being used to store the sign or something... can someone explain this output ? How do I get a one's complement without resorting to string manipulations like cutting the last n chars from the sprintf output to get "0110" or replacing 0 with 1 and vice versa
Ruby just stores a (signed) number. The internal representation of this number is not relevant: it might be a FixNum, BigNum or something else. Therefore, the number of bits in a number is also undefined: it is just a number after all. This is contrary to for example C, where an int will probably be 32 bits (fixed).
So what does the ~ operator do then? Wel, just something like:
class Numeric
def ~
return -self - 1
...since that's what '~' represents when looking at 2's complement numbers.
So what is missing from your input statement is the number of bits you want to switch: a 32-bits ~ is different from a generic ~ like it is in Ruby.
Now if you just want to bit-flip n-bits you can do something like:
class Numeric
def ones_complement(bits)
self ^ ((1 << bits) - 1)
...but you do have to specify the number of bits to flip. And this won't affect the sign flag, since that one is outside your reach with XOR :)
It sounds like you only want to flip four bits (the length of your input) - so you probably want to XOR with 1111.
See this question for why.
One problem with your method is that your expected answer is only true if you only flip the four significant bits: 1001 -> 0110.
But the number is stored with leading zeros, and the ~ operator flips all the leading bits too: 00001001 -> 11110110. Then the leading 1 is interpreted as the negative sign.
You really need to specify what the function is supposed to do with numbers like 0b101 and 0b11011 before you can decide how to implement it. If you only ever want to flip 4 bits you can do v^0b1111, as suggested in another answer. But if you want to flip all significant bits, it gets more complicated.
Here's one way to flip all the significant bits:
def maskbits n
while (mask!=prev)
def ones_complement n
This gives
p ones_complement(9).to_s(2) #>>"110"
p ones_complement(15).to_s(2) #>>"0"
p ones_complement(1).to_s(2) #>>"0"
This does not give your desired output for ones_compliment(1), because it treats 1 as "1" not "01". I don't know how the function could infer how many leading zeros you want without taking the width as an argument.
If you're working with strings you could do:
s = "0110"
s.gsub("\d") {|bit| bit=="1"?"0":"1"}
If you're working with numbers, you'll have to define the number of significant bits because:
0110 = 6; 1001 = 9;
110 = 6; 001 = 1;
Even, ignoring the sign, you'll probably have to handle this.
What you are doing (using the ~) operator, is indeed a one's complement. You are getting those values that you are not expecting because of the way the number is interpreted by Ruby.
What you actually need to do will depend on what you are using this for. That is to say, why do you need a 1's complement?
Remember that you are getting the one's complement right now with ~ if you pass in a Fixnum: the number of bits which represent the number is a fixed quantity in the interpreter and thus there are leading 0's in front of the binary representation of the number 9 (binary 1001). You can find this number of bits by examining the size of any Fixnum. (the answer is returned in bytes)
1.size #=> 4
2147483647.size #=> 4
~ is also defined over Bignum. In this case it behaves as if all of the bits which are specified in the Bignum were inverted, and then if there were an infinite string of 1's in front of that Bignum. You can, conceivably shove your bitstream into a Bignum and invert the whole thing. You will however need to know the size of the bitstream prior to inversion to get a useful result out after it is inverted.
To answer the question as you pose it right off the bat, you can find the largest power of 2 less than your input, double it, subtract 1, then XOR the result of that with your input and always get a ones complement of just the significant bits in your input number.
def sig_ones_complement(num)
significant_bits = num.to_s(2).length
next_smallest_pow_2 = 2**(significant_bits-1)
xor_mask = (2*next_smallest_pow_2)-1
return num ^ xor_mask
