Xamarin forms iCloud drive delete an item - xamarin

I am developing a Xamarin forms application.User can save images from the app to iCloud.Is it possible to delete a document by it's name in the iCloud drive from an app.

Yes it should be possible according to Apples Documentation on iCloud API on iOS only.
See Xamarin's introduction to developing with iCloud on iOS. Note that this will only work with iOS since the API is designed around the Mac and iOS APIs. Since you said this is a Forms application, you will have to figure something else out for the other platforms. There are many options and that is up to you to decide (OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox etc.).
Disclaimer: I work for Xamarin/Microsoft


Wear OS - Problems with app releasing on playstore

I have developed an app for wear os, I tested on my GW5 and all worked pretty well.
I release the app on Playstore. At the time I did the procedure as I always did with regular phone apps. But turns out that it as a bit different. my app is "released", but it shows "Your device isn't compatible with this version", doesn't matter if I try to access it from playstore app or the browser.
So my "questions" are:
How to release a wear os app on playstore?
What should I set on Google Play Console, what data, what fields?
Is there anything extra I should do on my project on android studio, besides the settings that already come with the project when I create one?
I have already read a lot of Google docs, but they are confusing and I don't find any guide or similar online for wear os.

How can I see the view hierarchy in any app download from appstore while using Xcode?

I download and installed some great app from App Store. And I like to see the view hierarchy of the app just for studying.
Is it possible?
How about using a jailbreak iPhone?
It's not possible with Xcode.
But with a jailbroken iPhone you might be able to use Reveal. But I haven't tested it.

Xcode iOs Simulator - native websites check before going online

I am downloading the Xcode from the app store to check how my websites will look on different devices. I know how to use the iOS simulator but for websites that are already online. Is there a way to check how a website looks like when i have it native on my mac? I mean when i am at the development stage of the website before put it online, is there a way to check it on the iOs simulator?
The simulator contains a version of Safari that can access the outside world via your Mac's network connection. So you don't have to do anything — just type in the address as with any other browser.
You can also drag and drop local HTML content (or anything else the simulator's miniaturised suite of apps can handle) directly onto the simulator to preview without uploading anywhere.

OSX Today Extension without containing app

I'm not understanding if a containing app is needed alongside a Today Extension for OSX. I have a very simple and straightforward widget, it does not need nor rely on a main or containing app. With that said, how can I create an Today Extension without a containing app.
What I have so far is that I have a blank app with a today extension.
You cannot create a today extension without having an app. They don't work that way. All iOS app extensions are just that-- extensions to an app. There must be an app, and it must do something to be accepted into the app store (Apple rejects apps for "minimal functionality"). Extensions cannot exist on iOS outside of an app bundle, until or unless Apple decides to change things in the future.
A container app is not needed. Read up the Apple documentation on it. It says:
To deliver an OS X app extension, it’s recommended that you submit your containing app to the App Store, but it’s not required.

Writing files to an iOS device from a MacOS app

I'd like to be able to transfer files from a MacOS app to a connected iOS devices, so a related iOS app can open them - effectively replicating iTunes music functionality, but not for musc. Is this possible? I know you can set an iOS app to have file sharing enables so you can drop files into it with iTunes, but I'd prefer to do it in my own app.
This library came up in another question on SO recently: https://bitbucket.org/tristero/mobiledeviceaccess/ - I don't know anything about it but it sounds like it might do what you want ?
