Windows Octave fails to paste text from clipboard? - windows

I am just install Octave 4.2.0 in Windows 10 and try to do some Machine Learning exercises. I notice that I can't paste the normal clipboard content to the Octave.
Does anyone else have this issue? If so, any work around? Or is it just bug in the program?

Although your description doesn't indicate the exact place you're trying to paste contents into, there were a couple bugs around the time of Octave 4.2 specifically related to this problem. See:
bug #51095: editor doesnt allow paste of exisiting clipboard data
bug #52361: Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V only works reliably if executed as very first action
both bugs have since been patched and closed (around version 4.4), and reports seem to indicate that the problem has not resurfaced in later versions. Anyone experiencing similar issues in a recent version of Octave (v5.2.1 as of today) should either comment on one of those closed bug reports or create a new one at

Run >> preferences, and in the Shortcuts tab, untick the option at the top "Disable global shortcuts when Command Window has focus". (I don't know since what version it is there.)
If you disable global shortcuts, Ctrl-V (for paste) is disabled because it is a Windows thing.
If you do not disable them, Ctrl-V will work. So will Ctrl-C to copy text, but it will also still work to abort an execution.

If you click on the icon in the title bar on the top left corner of the
window, you'll get an edit option, and you can choose to mark (choose
the text to copy), copy, and paste from there.


How do you add the cmd+backspace functionality on VSCode's Integrated Terminal to the Mac's

I've been dying to get this working on the default terminal on the mac, this feature is really useful when you write something wrong, and can just cmd + backspace to delete all the lines.
I googled online several times but I couldn't find anything related to this.
Well, the functionality is already there: ⌃+U will delete everything left to your cursor to the beginning of the line. You cannot, however, change this keyboard shortcut.
You can change application-specific keybindings by installing additional tools like, for example, Karabiner.
Alternatively, you can install iTerm2 as a Terminal replacement. That will allow you to enable this - and many other text editing keybindings - with one click in the settings.

How do I build an Xcode shortcut for frequently used code snippet? [duplicate]

When I follow all the instructions (including apple's video) to drag text to create a code snippet in xcode, I get a different system behavior: all I see is the selection ibeam... I can't drag. It just ends up selecting text again. Am i missing some obvious Apple-ism?
Yes, I ran into the same problem, and Apple-ism seems to be a good term for this issue :)
It works this way:
Select (or highlight) the code your want to turn into a snippet
EDIT: Click and hold (do not drag!) on any part of the selected text for a short moment (like 2 seconds, sometimes 8 seconds)
EDIT: The mouse cursor will change icon (not on El Capitan).
Now you can drag the code over the snippets library, where a green + icon will appear. EDIT: On El Capitan the green icon does not appear, but the frame of the code snippets window will become thinner.
This happened to me as well. The given solution didn't work but still needed to create snippets.
This is a workaround although not the best option, it works.
From Xcode, select the snippet window, and leave it selected.
Open a text editor app.
From Xcode, select and copy the code you want to use to create your snippet.
Paste it into your text editor and then select all of it.
Now drag&drop normally from the text editor into the snippets window in Xcode.
As said, not the best option but it works.
(Note for Xcode 8.1) Sometimes selecting the text and maintain the mouse button clicked for 3..8 seconds the cursor turns into an arrow and it's possible to D&D. Too bad it only works sometimes...
On High Sierra 10.13.3 and XCode 9 I faced the same problem. The decision that works for me is selecting code on a blank space before the first symbol and then dragging it to the snippets library.
Important: you need to drag only from the blank space (look at the screenshot below). Otherwise you will reselect your code again.
The cursor changes only when you start dragging, so don't be confused and don't wait until it changes.
I've run into this problem with Xcode 7.2 on Mac OS X 10.11.2 (El Capitan). Click and hold on the selection and the cursor never changes from the I-beam to the arrow for dragging.
Although MLBDG's answer is a usable workaround, I found that quitting and restarting Xcode fixed the problem. This might not work for everyone, but it's worth a try if you're having difficulty.
just highlight your text
copy in filter text field that u can see on your bottom of snippet library
paste the text
now select the text and drag from there to snippet library
The answer is really !undisobvious. You need to select a chunk of text. Then click on actual text characters, but without moving the mouse. Only then will the gods of XCode bequeath unto you a draggable snippet of code to do with as you please. Should you dare to miss the text and click in empty but selected space, the demons of XCode will strike down your selection and make you start from scratch. The unfortunate will not even realise this feature actually exists.
Hold option to duplicate it. For instance to make a duplicate case statement without destroying your copy buffer, then replace the case you cleverly have ready to paste during your search.
As a UI designer it is not obvious to me why this has such an unreliable twitchy implementation.

CLion does not paste the correct snippet from clipboard

while having used Java and PHP most of the time in my programming "carreer", I am now trying to learn C++ more in-depth. For that, I am using CLion as my IDE - mostly because I am very familiar with phpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA and I don't want to "learn" a new IDE in addition to learning a new language.
Now, I have hit the problem, that CLion does not take my current Clipboard content when pressing Ctrl + V. The snippet was copied from the Browser (Firefox 41.0.1) and it neither works with code copied by Ctrl + C nor with code copied by rightclicking and then selecting Copy.
It seems like the IDE has problems with getting the Clipboard content from the outside, because when copying and pasting inside the IDE, it works perfectly fine. Only when trying to paste something from another program, it ignores it and pastes something that I copied inside the IDE before.
Do you have any clues on how to fix that? Is it a bug or did I mess up something in my settings or somewhere else?
Clearing "Paste from History" (Ctrl + Shift + V) worked for me.
Same issue with Chrome version 47.0.2526.106.
It seems like that the problem happens when more then one Clion project window is open. After resetting the clion clipboard the problem will not occur during the session again. But after starting a new Clion session the bug is back in place.
Added on 27th december: It also happens when you are only working with one window and stored 5 values in the clion clipboard.
For me works only using middle mouse button for paste.
There sometimes is a notification when you try to use several shortcuts that this is already taken by some VIM Commands and if you want to disable this. Selecting yes didn't change a thing for me.
But using that hint, going to File>Settings>Plugins, disabling IdeaVIM and than restarting did the job.
Fabrizios answered on the duplicate item something, that was partly helpful for me: Ctrl+Shift+V brings up the clipboard history)
This still left me with the actual problem (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and more not working).

Xcode 6.3 shows random files instead of counterparts in assistant editor

I always have my Xcode assistant editor open with counterparts option. It's very handy to have an *.m file opened at standard editor while having corresponding *.h file in assistant editor.
After recent update to version 6.3 Xcode started to show random instead of corresponding headers quite often. Several clicks to "four squares" icon and mode usually brings it back (but it's very annoying).
Do you experience this too? How to fix it?
Note: deleting DerivedData didn't helped
As a workaround, one could use the Reset Editor command with the keyboard shortcut Command+Option+Shift+Z (US keyboard layout). If your keyboard layout doesn't match, you can see the key binding in View->Assistant Editor->Reset Editor. A word of caution, though, this will close any additional Assistant Editors you may have opened (the ones that open by clicking "+").
Another thing I noticed is the bug happens when you are switching Xcode windows or tabs but not when you are switching files within the same tab.
It looks like it's a just bug after all. I filed a bug report rdar://20684654. For a workaround see the accepted answer.
UPDATE: it's fixed in Xcode 6.4 beta

Sublime Text 2 file associations on Windows Vista

I want .js, .css, .html, etc. files to be associated with Sublime Text 2. I tried to associate the file type with the Sublime Text program, but the Open With dialog wont let me select sublime_text.exe. When I browse to the sublime_text.exe and click Open, (under Program Files, not Program Files x86; I have ST 64bit version installed) nothing happens; the browse window closes and I'm back to the stupid Open With dialog, but sublime_text.exe isn't selected and within the list available programs, and the OK button is disabled because I have nothing selected.
I'm sure there's someone out there that's more familiar with how Windows works internally and would be able to shed some light on what could be going wrong.
This all started when I installed Sublime Text 2 official release. At the time, I had Sublime Text 2 32bit beta installed, when I installed the official release, I decided to go with 64bit. After I installed the new version, I had two versions on my computer, a 32bit version and 64bit version. All my file associations were using the 32bit version, so after I uninstalled the old 32bit version (using Revo Uninstaller), all my file associations broke, and I haven't been able to fix this sense then.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Maybe this will help
In case the link will die, here is content
This actually isn't a problem with Sublime text, it's a generic quirk
introduced in Vista and left lingering in W7. I actually recently made
a blog post about this very issue, you can find it at but I'll detail it here since it's
generally considered bad form to drop an url and leave.
Open regedit.
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\sublime_text.exe\shell\open\command
Verify that the path is accurate, correct it if it is not. Exit regedit.
Open task manager via ctrl+alt+del, kill explorer.exe, go to run and type explorer.exe (or skip this step and simply reboot).
Now attempt the same thing, right click a text file, open with, navigate to sublime, and it should now appear in the list of available
Disclaimer; My post above uses another application as an example and
it's not guaranteed to fix your problem, but it's likely to be the
same as I've encountered it countless times when installing /
uninstalling / reinstalling an application, or just updating one, in
