Need a simple guide on how to integrate the adobecreativesdk on an Ionic multi platform app - adobecreativesdk

I am working on a multi platform application on Ionic, and would like to integrate the adobecreativesdk. I have not found that much information in how to achieved this and was hoping for some guidance.

You might have a look at the Creative SDK plugins for PhoneGap, which should be compatible with Ionic.
The instructions themselves are for PhoneGap, but there may be enough info in the READMEs to help you get going.


Hosting native window views in Flutter app with Platform Views?

I am working on plugin which require native view. I done the changes for android and ios with help of platform integration. Now I am trying with window support and I could't find any official support. Is there any third party library or any progress on window support?
There is already an open issue for this #31713. You can upvote this issue.

Xamarin Forms with Touch ID Fingerprint Authentication

I am developing a multi-platform app with Xamarin Forms. I need to support Touch ID/fingerprint authentication for both the iOS and Android platforms. How can I do this? I am new to Xamarin.
I've developed a Plugin for this. It's available on NuGet, too. Feel free, to drop an issue, if you miss something, or found an error.
In general: There are alot of Plugins that abstract platform specific behavior. Before you write something on your own, just google for "<feature> xamarin plugin". It will safe much time.
You will need to use a Dependency Service for platform-specific behavior. Look to the linked guide as a starting point.

Can I create an app for Google Play Store in C++?

I need to know whether I can create an app for Google Play Store in C++, or whether I have to use Java.
I don't have a JDK, so if I can use C++, then that would make things easier and cheaper.
You can look at the Qt library at
From the Tools and Versions page for the latest version (5.5) it states:
Android NDK r10c r10c r10c
Android SDK r24.0.2 r24.0.2 r24.0.2
And in the Play Store there are a few Qt example applications:
Introduction to Qt 5
Qt 5 Everywhere
You can download an open source version of Qt from here
There are also some steps on the Getting Started with Qt for Android documents page.
I have not attempted to use Qt for Mobile (Android, Win Phone, iPhone) development but I am planning to test this sometime this year.
Edit: I see you do need the Android SDK, NDK and Java JDK but at least you don't need to code in Java if that helps.
Thank you everyone for you quick replies!
Based on your answers, it looks like it's time to give me laptop new life so I can use pure Java.
Thanks again!

mGWT debugging on Android emulators

I’m developing with MGWT 2.0.1 for iOS and Android platforms.
I need to debug my application on Cordova emulators and I read the article for using Super Dev Mode with MGWT. I followed all instructions until the end of the article, so I can view the choice “Super Dev Mode: On” that you display as the latest image.
Now, how can I insert a breakpoint on app client-side and track the execution on Java source code?
To complete my question, I report you that I connected a Cordova-Android emulator with the remote debugger in Developer Chrome Tools.
I uploaded two snapshots here to explain better my situation: I cannot see Java sources:
How can I solve this issue?
Thank you very much,
best regards,
The blog post you linked is a bit outdated, maybe the mgwt wiki is more helpful.
As for the Java sources, the tricky bit on Android is when you try to load the source maps. If you try to load them from localhost, this will be interpreted as the Android emulator's localhost (which is You can check if this is happening in the network tab.
Can you provide more information, which GWT version are you using? 2.7.0? What value did you give the -bindAddress parameter?

Common coding language for Sphero developers?

I just discovered Sphero and I love this little ball, so I want to develop apps!
Is there a common coding language that most of Sphero's app developers use so that I can learn it and start building?
From glancing over this page You can use Java for developing on the Android platform and Objective-C for iOS. Looks like there is also a plugin for Unity that uses C#.
That webpage also contains guides for the individual platforms and examples.
You could also use ruby with artoo framework: or javascript with cylon framework: or even go, with framework too.
If you want to use Python, there are 2 options beyond the ROS Python plugin currently listed on the developer page.
SpheroNav was written by Simon Nistad for his master's thesis in 2014, designed to support the control of multiple Spheros. I have forked his code, and will be extending it in upcoming months.
This is a project by Karol Szuster, aimed at new programmers. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get his example code to work on my windows laptop, but maybe you'll have better luck.
