Microsoft Bing speech recognition, What is Cliend-id and Client secret? - client

I'm sorry to ask you such an idiot question, but a read all the post about this topic, and I'm still stuck with my problem. I'm using pyoxford because I want to use microsoft bing speech recognition. But each time I try to use my program, the response is:
HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Access Denied
Here is my program:
import pyoxford
api=pyoxford.speech("client id","Client secret")
with open("voice.wav","wb") as f:
recognized =api.speech_to_text("voice.wav")
if text==recognized:
and here the documentation of pyoxford.
I think the problem come from my id_client or my client secret. I tried:
(id_client=Bing speech preview key1 / client_secret=bing speech preview key 2)
(id_client=Bing speech preview key2 / client_secret=bing speech preview key 1)
(id_client=my name / client_secret=bing speech preview key 1)
(id_client=microsoft data market account id / client_secret=bing speech preview key 1)
thanks for the help!

thank you for your inquiry. The client-id can be your appname and client key is the subscription key you got during registration.


How to get Microsoft Team's account status in Visual studio 2010

Thanks in Advance,
My requirement is need to get status of each email which user provided from Visual studio 2010. The status like "away","available", "busy" , "presence unknown" ...
Through this I can identify the "Presence unknown" emails, so we can conclude those emails are inActive
is it possible? Can I get sample program like web app / windows app. ?
You could get the presence status of a user in Teams using Get presence graph api. You will need to get an access token with required permissions to call this API.

Microsoft Bot Framework - Email channel - Unable to save email

The Microsoft bot framework channel "Email" is not working. I tried to add different emails including Office 365, ,, none of them working, The screen showing an error status "Unable to save email".
It seems this was working earlier. My email is accessible via email/password and office 365 enabled , but from bot framework email channel - its returning an error "Unable to save email". Could anyone please help on this.
Email channel can only be used with Office 365 accounts as described in the documentation here:
The Email channel currently works with Office 365 only. Other email
services are not currently supported.
So it will not work with accounts.
I checked again 2 minutes ago and from my side I also have the problem of getting Unable to save error during registration of the email (with an email that was previously working).
When having a look to the console of my navigator, I see that there is an internal server error (error 500) for POST
=> I will log an issue on Github Bot framework's project

Bot framework + messenger + image exception

I have a very simple bot made using ms bot framework and luis that's connected to Facebook messenger.
It works ok with text but when i send only an image with messenger i get "Sorry, my bot code is having an issue." I tried debugging but can't find the problem. When i send an image to the bot in the emulator i get "Exception: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: stringToEscape
Anyone had a similar issue? How do you receive an image to your bot from messenger?
I searched every resource i could find but didn't find anything that solved the issue for me.
I found the problem: When you use LUIS you need to always pass an activity where the text property is not null if it is null it throws an exception, and that's what was happening in my case since when you send an image or w/e the activity text is null and those files are in activity.attachments. I hope this help someone who struggled with the same issue.

Azure Bot Service Error Message

I am having a problem trying to create a Microsoft App ID and password for my Bot. After creating a bot on Bot Service on the Azure portal I try to create a Microsoft App ID.
When I click the Create Microsoft App ID and password button as shown on the image above, it opens a new tab and I get this error message:
I'm also having problems with a previously created bot. When I go to All Resources on the Azure portal and click on that previously created bot I get the following error message:
Unable to find the specified id
I thank you in advance for your time and help :)
I definitely saw this happening on some MSA accounts, it's not a Bot Framework or Azure Bot Service issue. Two things you might try:
try creating MSA AppId and Password directly from
If this doesn't work, do you have another MSA account you could try with?
Hope this helps
I've seen this error before. Retrying fixed the issue for me (click Create Microsoft App ID and password button again). Please try again. You might need to sign out, clear your cookies, and sign back in.

Markdown is not working in the Bot Framework Twilio channel

I am trying to create a simple bot that sends images and hyperlinks by SMS using Twilio (trial account).
I do get the reply from the bot , but none of the markdown is working, even simple markdown elements like text or bing
Sample code I am using to send the message through Twilio SMS channel:
public async Task<Message> Post([FromBody]Message message)
if(message.Text == "Hello")
string messageText = "![Sample Image](";
return message.CreateReplyMessage(messageText);
Am I missing something? The emulator displays the image and other markdown properly, but when I test using my android phone and text the Twilio number to connect to the bot, it delivers raw HTML and not the rich content.
Twilio developer evangelist here. As pointed our earlier SMS is text only, so markdown or any other formatting will not work.
I just tried sending a message from a bot, and while I get the image correctly on the emulator or webchat, on SMS I only get the URL of the image (i.e.
According to the documentation, this is the expected behavior as it states:
Not all channels can represent all markdown fields. As appropriate
channels will fallback to a reasonable approximation, for example,
bold will be represented in text messaging as bold
So I guess for images, it will always fallback to the URL of the image.
As for sending MMS, it appears right now the botframework doesn't support it. To be clear, Twilio itself does support MMS for US and Canada, but it seems Microsoft's implementation didn't take advantage of that right now.
Hope this helps you.
I did this when I was first trying out the framework. Sorry but I don't have that code anymore however I don't recall having to do anything special. I simply sent a picture from my phone to my twilio number and then in the message properties for the message received by the bot there was an attachment field with a URL pointing to the image sent from my phone. Then I used a regular web request to pull down the image.
The details for the attachment objects and content url fields are outlined here.
Because there's no way to emulate the SMS channel you'll have to publish the code live to be able to test it out.
Have fun!
