Azure Bot Service Error Message - botframework

I am having a problem trying to create a Microsoft App ID and password for my Bot. After creating a bot on Bot Service on the Azure portal I try to create a Microsoft App ID.
When I click the Create Microsoft App ID and password button as shown on the image above, it opens a new tab and I get this error message:
I'm also having problems with a previously created bot. When I go to All Resources on the Azure portal and click on that previously created bot I get the following error message:
Unable to find the specified id
I thank you in advance for your time and help :)

I definitely saw this happening on some MSA accounts, it's not a Bot Framework or Azure Bot Service issue. Two things you might try:
try creating MSA AppId and Password directly from
If this doesn't work, do you have another MSA account you could try with?
Hope this helps

I've seen this error before. Retrying fixed the issue for me (click Create Microsoft App ID and password button again). Please try again. You might need to sign out, clear your cookies, and sign back in.


Unable to click on Manage option of "Microsoft App ID" in Azure Bot channel registration

I have created a Azure Bot threw bot channel registration but when i click on Setting -> (Microsoft App ID) Manage link, it always show "Not Found" page.
can any one help to resolved this issue.
There is a bug that prevents MSA accounts from navigating to their App Registration from the bot settings blade if they didn't make their own app registration when creating the bot. I am working on a fix right now, but in the mean time you can go to{insert app id here}/isMSAApp/true or{insert app id here} to manage your app registration.
July 29th edit: A fix for this has been rolled out and it should be fixed for MSA accounts.

microsoft bot framework - skype for business - error

I am using Microsoft Botframework to publish a bot (Channel Registration). When I try enabling the channels , I see the bot to be working in Slack , Skype, MS Teams & Web chat . However (despite following the steps to enable bot in SFB) I could not get the bot working in Skype for Business. I keep getting the error.
"Sorry, we ran into a problem at our end."
Neither do I see any log to debug.
Waited more than 24 hrs to ensure it is not the sync issue. But issue still remains. Any help appreciated !!
I am not clear with the error as to from which end it is being thrown.
I need you to follow the below steps:
Publish Bot in azure as an app service, through VS if you are coding through c#.
Create a "Bot channel registration" in azure and connect the above app service and Bot channel registration(simple use the URL of the app service append it with /api/messages and insert the same as messaging endpoint in Bot channel registration).
use the app id and app secret in bot solution and republish the app service.
Inside Bot channel registration click on channel and enable it for Skype for business(you will find your BOT in SFB using the credentials you have used to create the bot channel registration).
Finally got it working. What i noticed is the following
I faced the issue when I used the SIP URI as to register the bot in my tenant.
And i got it working when I used the SIP URI as
Unsure on the reasoning though :)
And btw thanks #Tanmoy for your answer aswell !!

Tried code from Microsoft.Bot.Sample.AadV2Bot but even locally get AADSTS50011 (reply url doesn't match)

I've integrated the Code from Microsoft.Bot.Sample.AadV2Bot in my own bot but the GetTokenDialog call always results in error "AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: 'MYBOTSAPPID'"
As far as I understood, I do not have to register my bot in Azure Portal under "Azure Active Directory" but setup the Reply URL in the application registration Portal ( - Correct?
But whatever values I enter here, it won't work, neither locally via Emulator nor via Web. Furthermore, in MS Teams the signin Dialog does not work at all.
I've already tried these reply URLs without success:, http://localhost:3978 and https://localhost:44362
I also tried to extend these with /api/messages, /signin-oidc and several other combinations, all without success.
The mentioned sample solution also does not include more keys than ConnectionName, MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword in web.config, so I haven't got a clue which redirect URI is taken on runtime.
In Azure Portal I've created an Azure Active Directory V2 Connection on my bot and entered my bot's Microsoft App ID in the field "Client ID" and Microsoft App Password in the field "Client Secret" - is this correct?
Any hint what I might have done wrong is VERY welcome!!
I finally could solve the Reply URL mismatch problem myself. Had to enter this Reply URL on my app in the application Registration Portal to make it work locally, via Emulator:
Still, the authentification Dialog (GetTokenDialog class from Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs) doesn't popup when I use MS Teams as channel.
Does anyone have an idea what could help?

Debugging published bot

I'm trying to find out what is wrong with my bot. This is a bot meant as back-end for a Cortana skill. The bot is built with the bot framework version 3.8.0. I'm running it on an Azure Bot Service instance (Azure Function).
Locally, everything works as expected. I'm using the bot framework emulator to test everything; all great. Now I publish the bot to Azure and invoke it using Cortana. Cortana replies there's an issue with the bot.
When I check the diagnotics log in Azure, I see the following:
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Exception while executing function: Functions.messages
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Executed 'Functions.messages' (Failed, Id=e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed)
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Function had errors. See Azure WebJobs SDK dashboard for details. Instance ID is 'e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed'
2017-07-18T08:11:34.272 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.315 {"id":"6f095c10-d9e8-4ad0-a6a8-caf052288f8b","requestId":"2f4c950c-2459-4467-8579-4f3b5bc45e6b","statusCode":500,"errorCode":0,"messsage":"An error has occurred. For more information, please check the logs for error ID 6f095c10-d9e8-4ad0-a6a8-caf052288f8b"}
2017-07-18T08:11:34.315 Invalid channel data.
2017-07-18T08:11:34.194 Function completed (Failure, Id=e5eae9f5-97e4-4a35-aa5f-5c7d58a63aed, Duration=4626ms)
2017-07-18T08:11:34.252 Exception while executing function: Functions.messages. Microsoft.Bot.Connector: Invalid channel data.
So "invalid channel data" seems to be the main error here, but that doesn't tell much. I enabled all logging on the server and downloaded + inspected these; there's nothing more useful in there.
I also attached a debugger to the remote process. I see my dialog method being called and finished without any problem. So the issue doesn't appear to be in my code, but in the framework somewhere? But I have no idea on where to go next.
BTW I also tried updating to the latest version of the SDK (3.8.5) but it appears that Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure has a dependency on version 3.8.0 cause it won't run after upgrading due to a assembly load error (it's trying to load 3.8.0).
You can debug your Azure published BOT locally. This will help you to find the real issue.
I am adding the steps how to debug Azure published BOT in locally.
Enable Debug in Azure Application setting:
Open Azure Portal.
Click on Azure Web Bot.
Click on Application Settings, In the Debugging section On Remote Debugging and select your Visual Studio Version.
enter image description here
Get Publish Settings:
Click on All App service Settings
Click on Get publish profile to get the publish setting with all user name and paths. It will download the settings.
enter image description here
Click on the Attach to process ..
enter image description here
In the Connection target: type your bot url without http://.
--Click on Find Button.
--This is asking you to give username and password. You need to get your azure username and password from publish file.
enter image description here
Now run your Web App or Cortana to debug your BOT and the get real Error.

Creating a chat connector for communicating with the Bot Framework Service

I am trying to implement a bot in my website using the botbuilder framework for node.js. The function builder.ChatConnector() get the parameters appId and appPassword, does any one knows where can i found these appId and appPassword? It isn't clear for me in the microsoft documentation. The function is shown above:
function builder.ChatConnect
BotFramework documentation
You can find this information when you create your bot in Azure Bot Service, or when you proceed to register your bot at the dev portal.
Here's a brief walkthrough for registering through the dev portal with the minimum requirements. You'll need to fill out the name, bot handle and description for the bot as indicated below:
After this, you can scroll down and click on the button that says "Create Microsoft App ID and password".
Once you click on the button you'll be taken to a page with your bot name, your newly-generated App ID, and another button that allows you "Generate a password to continue".
After you click the button a small window will pop up with your password which you need to keep track of as it is only shown once!
NOTE: For developing and testing using the Emulator, you don't need this information just yet. You only need the AppID and password when you are making your bot public facing/deploying it.
You need to register your bot in and there you will get those values. Check this article that explains how to do that.
