how to open Spotfire web player in first page? - tibco

is there a way to open spotfire web player in first page always.
My web player link is opening analysis in different pages not on the home page.
Much appreciated

Create one Document Property "OnOpenAnalysis" with DateTime:-
Write ironpyton script to that document property
Write below line in Script
Document.ActivePageReference = Document.Pages[0]
Add DataFunction using Open R,
use below code
input <- systime()
assign output as document property and select document property "OnOpenAnalysis"
you are done.

Make sure that when you save your analysis, you save it showing the first page.
Then modify so that state isn't kept per user. Go to Edit -> Document Properties -> Library tab, and uncheck "Remember personalized view for each Web Player user":


Export to csv/excel from kibana

I am building a proof of concept using Elasticsearch Logstash and Kibana for one of my projects. I have the dashboard with the graphs working without any issue. One of the requirements for my project is the ability to download the file(csv/excel).
In kibana the only option i saw for downloading the file is by clicking on edit button on the visualization created. Is it possible to add a link on the dashboard that would allow users to download the file without going into the edit mode. And secondly I would like to disable/hide the edit mode for anyone other than me who views the dashboard.
To export data to csv/excel from Kibana follow the following steps:-
Click on Visualize Tab & select a visualization (if created). If not created create a visualziation.
Click on caret symbol (^) which is present at the bottom of the visualization.
Then you will get an option of Export:Raw Formatted as the bottom of the page.
Please find below attached image showing Export option after clicking on caret symbol.
FYI : How to download data in CSV from Kibana:
In Kibana-->
1. Go to 'Discover' in left side
Select Index Field (based on your dashboard data)
(*** In case if you are not sure which index to select-->go to management tab-->Saved Objects-->Dashboard-->select dashboard name-->scroll down to JSON-->you will see the Index name )
left side you see all the variables available in the data-->click over the variable name that you want to have in csv-->click add-->this variable will be added on the right side of the columns avaliable
Top right section of the kibana-->there is the time filter-->click
-->select the duration for which you want the csv
Top upper right -->Reporting-->save this time/variable selection with a new report-->click generate CSV
Go to 'Management' in left side--> 'Reporting'-->download your csv
In Kibana 6.5, you can generate CSV under the Share Tab -> CSV Reports.
The request will be queued. Once the CSV is generated, it will be available for download under Management -> Reporting
I totally missed the export button at the bottom of each visualization.
As for read only access...Shield from Elasticsearch might be worth exploring.

Changing the BIRT hyperlink at run time

Is my expectation valid? If yes, please guide me.
Local machine->local server process-> I generate Birt report-> which contain hyperlinks hard coded for example: is fine and points to another report and get me the report also when I hit the Url from inside the generated pdf report).
Now, what I need is to change ip_one to suppose ip_two once I hit the hyperlink which is inside the pdf(on the fly) keeping all the other parts of the url intact.
I am using birt-rcp-report-designer-4_2_2.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you are trying to dynamically create a hyperlink at report run time.
In the properties editor of the report item that has your link (i.e. label), edit the hyperlink. In the Hypelink Options (pop-up) to the left of "Location" field is the button ab| select 'JavaScript' Syntax.
You will be able to create the URL using JavaScript.

Magento move search result

For some reason when somebody performs a search on my site the search results do not display underneath the search box, they appear on the far left of the screen.
Any ideas of what file this would be configured in?
Let me correct myself it's not the search results but the search suggestions
I can't offer a direct solution to your problem, but turning on template hints might point you in the right direction. In the Admin, go to System > Configuration, Select your store view from the scope drop down at the top left. Unless you're running multi-store, or have changed the name of the default store it'll be called "Default Store View". Then scroll down to "Developer" and open up the "Debug" section. Turn on both Template Path Hints" and "Add Block Names to Hints". This will add a div with a red border around each template in your layout and a heading which includes the name of the template. It will liklely completely screw up your page layout, but will show you which template generated every tag on the page and help you track down the issue.
The DeveloperToolbar extension makes turning this on/off quickly much easier, but I wouldn't recommend deploying it to a production site.
Alan Storm's indispensable CommerceBug is another tool which is very handly for tracking down front end issues. CommerdeBug can show you the layout handles and the aggregate layout XML used to generate the current page. Both of which are useful for determing why a specific block was (or wasn't) included.
So in case anybody else runs into this or wants to move where their search suggestions display it is in styles.css under .searchautocomplete.

How to I put time in my website's tab?

I was wondering if any of you can tell me how I can put the time in my website's tab. Heres an example:
As you can see on the top (where the title is), it says "Build - We do Print - 22.10"
I am using DreamWeaver to design this website.
Thanks in advance!
You have to use JavaScript to modify document.title to dynamically alter the page's title. If you want to insert the date/time you can use JavaScript's Date object.

Magento - adding a new field to the product options in admin

I'd like to add a new tab to the 'catalog->manage products->product information' page in the admin. Underneath the 'images' tab, I'd like to add a new tab for video, with a simple text input for adding a video url, which I can then grab for the frontend.
Anyone any ideas where the files are that I need to edit? I've been looking for the last couple hours with no joy. I found the list of current options in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup but can't figure out how to add to them...
Seems it gets some from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs. If I copy one of the tab sections here and change the title to Video, I can get it to display in the tabs on the left. But how do I then add the options for it?
What you are trying to do, from the sounds of it, is to create a custom field and add it to your catalog data. The good news is that you don't need to muck around in the PHP for that.
Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes and create a new attribute for yourself called "Video URL" (or something to that effect). This will probably be a text field, and you may want to hide it from comparison on the frontend of the site (select "No" for all those boxes at the bottom of the form).
Once you've created an attribute, you will need to add it to an attribute set. If all your products are of one "type", and if you didn't create any other attribute sets, this should be only one step. Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets and create a "New Group" called "Video" and drag your new video url attribute into it. Save the attribute set and you should now have your new tab.
The only complication from what I read in your post could be positioning it underneath the images tab. Magento adds several tabs statically (the long way, in the PHP) and doesn't generally obey ordering of the tab groups. Consider the time tradeoff.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
Per your other comments, for the URLs a simple attribute would work but files would tend to be more difficult. To add a custom tab, as you said, you can edit (or in the case of a plugin, override) Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs::_prepareLayout and add your tab. You'll need to add a block or template to display your tab contents.
After that, you'll need to store the data somewhere. Looking in Adminhtml/controllers/ProductController, you should be able to hook into the catalog_product_prepare_save event to get data from $event->getRequest() and push it onto the product or save another entity as necessary.
I'm not sure how well file saving semantics would work on a product, so you may want to do your own data storage in the extension and then provide something like a getVideoForProduct method to retrieve it.
Then the only thing left to do is modify the catalog/product/view.phtml template file to include your thumbs and create a controller in your extension to provide a modal w/ the video (or do it in JS).
I know that's a bit of a general answer, but it's the rough path you would need to take for tabs. Let me know if any specific part of that is unclear.
