Safely Making Minor Postgres Upgrade - macos

I currently have postgres 9.5.2 installed on my Mac OSX machine. I want to upgrade it to postgres 9.5.4 (which is not the latest 9.5.X version). What is the best way of doing this? I installed Postgres initially via homebrew.

Shutdown the database, upgrade the software, start the database with the new software. The documentation will tell you that minor upgrades are binary compatible.


Do I need MAMP or can do it manually?

do I need to install MAMP on the MAC to run a local web server / be able to develop sites locally?
Or can I install everything manually? I went through Homebrew and it has MySQL, Apache and PHP. So the question is, can I install and run it manually without installing the mamp? Even if it were 'more complicated'?My primary goal is to learn, so I don't like installing a package (mamp) that seems to solve everything for me.
You don't need mamp. All those packages are independent programs that can be installed and configured separately and on their own as you wish.
I ran all those on FreeBSD in the same way you are wanting

How to install SQL Developer on macOS Catalina 10.15?

I've downloaded and unpacked Oracle's SQL Developer 19.4 on macOS 10.15 Catalina. During the first start up, the usual warning appears, which I clicked away as I do since a number of years:
SQL Developer starts ok. When creating a new connection to an Oracle database, I enter all the detail and it works fine (the 'Test' button says it's ok), but I cannot save the connection.
JeffSmith said in a comment that SQL Developer needs JCE jars, which are not in older JDKs, version jkd8u200+ should be fine. To get a newer JDK, I tried homebrew (as this was the only way I could get sqlplus to work on catalina):
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
This works, /usr/libexec/java_home -V shows now /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home, and I can create and save connections (Yeah!). However, on start up, SQL Developer complains that JavaFX is missing:
So I've followed the instructions on Using Java SE on macOS Catalina, which installs a JRE in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home!
Pointing .sqldeveloper/19.4.0/product.conf to that JRE causes SQL Developer not starting up at all.
I'm pretty sure that this is not the fault of the SQL Developer team, rather a fight between Apple and Oracle, but why on earth is this such a mess?
Can anybody help here with a clean install instruction?
To summarize the comments, both Oracle JDK 8 and Amazon Corretto 8 seem to work. Corretto is easier to install, but not supported. Oracle's JDK is a bit more difficult to install, but there is a page explaining how to do it.
I couldn't get SQL Developer to pick up the right Java version, but an entry in .sqldeveloper/19.4.0/product.conf got everything working
SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_251.jdk/Contents/Home
Thanks for the help!

Can I run two versions of XAMPP (not at once) on Windows?

I am currently running a 5.x version of XAMPP on a Windows 10 box, which has been working really well.
However I think it is time I look at upgrading to version 7.x to test my sites before I get my production VPS server to run php 7 etc
Can I install the new version in a separate directory (e.g. xampp7) and choose what xampp to run as needed via its control panel? Will each install know what version of php etc to load and use while that version is operating?
I have not tested this yet, I didn't want to risk stuffing up my existing install :)

Mac OSX Sierra Upgrade to latest Apache version

I would like to be running the latest version of Apache on my MacBook PHP dev machine.
Since the upgrade to Sierra it is now at 2.4.23 which seems to be the most current. But that will likely change. When it does, is it possible to upgrade to the newest on the Mac? If so, how please?
Update will come with the next upgrade of Mac OS. In this case, you can see this page:
Apache is part of the OS and updates of this will be provided by App store of with software upgrades.
Alternative is using MacPorts.
If you only want to stay up to date with the PHP part (and not Apache itself), you could take a look here:

PostgreSQL (EnterpriseDB) on a Mac with OS X El Capitan

I recently installed PostgresSQL on my laptop and have a weird problem with the shell/terminal. I can create a database and table with pgAdmin III, but entering commands in the terminal doesn't accomplish anything.
One weird thing is that when I double click on the PostgreSQL shell icon, it opens APPLE's terminal.
I just discovered that PostgreSQL is already installed on Mac's, apparently as part of the serve. If I understand correctly, you still have to install it independently if you want to work with it database (I think).
Anyway, I'm thoroughly confused. I'm not sure if I need to tinker with some files to "separate" the PostgreSQL and Apple terminals or if I need to uninstall PostgreSQL. And if I uninstall it, how do I do it without installing the PostgreSQL files associated with Apple's server.
Then again, I don't really use Apple's serve - unless it serves some function I'm not aware of.
I'm snowed. In summary, if you've installed PostgreSQL EnterpriseDB on a Mac running OS X El Capitan and had similar problems, how did you fix them?
