PostgreSQL (EnterpriseDB) on a Mac with OS X El Capitan - macos

I recently installed PostgresSQL on my laptop and have a weird problem with the shell/terminal. I can create a database and table with pgAdmin III, but entering commands in the terminal doesn't accomplish anything.
One weird thing is that when I double click on the PostgreSQL shell icon, it opens APPLE's terminal.
I just discovered that PostgreSQL is already installed on Mac's, apparently as part of the serve. If I understand correctly, you still have to install it independently if you want to work with it database (I think).
Anyway, I'm thoroughly confused. I'm not sure if I need to tinker with some files to "separate" the PostgreSQL and Apple terminals or if I need to uninstall PostgreSQL. And if I uninstall it, how do I do it without installing the PostgreSQL files associated with Apple's server.
Then again, I don't really use Apple's serve - unless it serves some function I'm not aware of.
I'm snowed. In summary, if you've installed PostgreSQL EnterpriseDB on a Mac running OS X El Capitan and had similar problems, how did you fix them?


How to install SQL Developer on macOS Catalina 10.15?

I've downloaded and unpacked Oracle's SQL Developer 19.4 on macOS 10.15 Catalina. During the first start up, the usual warning appears, which I clicked away as I do since a number of years:
SQL Developer starts ok. When creating a new connection to an Oracle database, I enter all the detail and it works fine (the 'Test' button says it's ok), but I cannot save the connection.
JeffSmith said in a comment that SQL Developer needs JCE jars, which are not in older JDKs, version jkd8u200+ should be fine. To get a newer JDK, I tried homebrew (as this was the only way I could get sqlplus to work on catalina):
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
This works, /usr/libexec/java_home -V shows now /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home, and I can create and save connections (Yeah!). However, on start up, SQL Developer complains that JavaFX is missing:
So I've followed the instructions on Using Java SE on macOS Catalina, which installs a JRE in /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home!
Pointing .sqldeveloper/19.4.0/product.conf to that JRE causes SQL Developer not starting up at all.
I'm pretty sure that this is not the fault of the SQL Developer team, rather a fight between Apple and Oracle, but why on earth is this such a mess?
Can anybody help here with a clean install instruction?
To summarize the comments, both Oracle JDK 8 and Amazon Corretto 8 seem to work. Corretto is easier to install, but not supported. Oracle's JDK is a bit more difficult to install, but there is a page explaining how to do it.
I couldn't get SQL Developer to pick up the right Java version, but an entry in .sqldeveloper/19.4.0/product.conf got everything working
SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_251.jdk/Contents/Home
Thanks for the help!

Cannot install ibm db2 express-c V10.1 on mac

I am new to db2 10.1, i have used an older version of it before so, i am unfamiliar with the installation.
I searched online how to install it and followed this site
but when i try to run 'db2setup' inside expc i get these errors.(i uploaded it to google drive so it would be easier to download and view externally)
I noticed that all these errors are from Xcode; i have Xcode installed and updated to the latest version , and yes i have also tried to use 'db2_install', it gave me the same errors but after them it installed normally in '/opt/IBM/db2/V10.1', i also used sudo before each one of them, so when i gave up i searched the internet, but i couldn't find an answer, then i tried to delete it using 'db2_deinstall' but it didn't work at all, so i don't know how to reinstall.
Right now i have 'IBM' folder, but i don't even know how to start it to see if it works or not, and i don't know how to open 'db2 first steps' or where is it.
Thank you in advance.
Edit: i am trying to install db2 express-c and the only version available for mac is 10.1 .
If you are trying DB2-Express-C V10.1 on a Mac, then why not try instead
the "DB2 Developer Community Edition" which is supported on "Mac OS: 10.12 (Sierra) +", a free download. It contains DB2 V11.1.2.2 at today's date.
If you need V10.1 for some reason, check out the IBM express-c forum which also has some troubleshooting questions regarding Mac support.

Setting up the Oracle database on Macbook Pro (OS X Yosemite)

I see that Oracle 11g or 12c doesn't have the download files for OS X. However, there is a version of the SQL Developer available for OS X. What's the point of the SQL Developer when you don't have a database?
How do I install the Oracle database (preferable 12c or 11g Express Edition) on OS X?
You can't install the database server software directly on OS X1. Oracle made a decision some time ago not so support it any more, presumably because it wasn't used enough to justify the costs involved. I seem to recall its demise roughly coincided with Apple dropping their Xserve line, but I may have imagined that.
A client like SQL Developer is a very different proposition from a support perspective. SQL Developer is a Java application, and requires a JVM/JDK to be installed. Java's write-once-run-anywhere may not be entirely true, but it's still likely to be rather less work to support a relatively small Java application than a natively-compiled beast like an full RDBMS. They obviously have to do some work to have a .app bundle and there are some application difference from the Windows version, but they don't have to worry about different architecture, system libraries, etc. as that's the JVM's problem.
You can use SQL Developer on a Mac to connect to a database running on Windows or Unix/Linux etc., so it still has a place; the fact you can't have a local server running on the same hardware isn't really relevant for most people. It just allows developers to use a Mac instead of forcing them on to a Windows or Linux PC.
If you only have access to a Mac then the simplest route is still as noted before, to install VirtualBox and one of the pre-built VM images Oracle provides.
You can also install Windows or Linux on Bootcamp or in your own VM in Virtualbox, Parallels or VMWare; and then install Oracle natively. Using a pre-built image saves you needing to learn how to install the database server software, and also makes it easier to go back - if you really mess something up you can trash it and start again fairly simply.
If you're worried about performance or power use I'd suggest you start with a VM and see how you get on; you can always add Bootcamp later and even move the data across if you want to go down that route.
1 You could try to hack something together of course; it's been done before with 10g but I haven't seen anyone trying it recently so it may not be as easy on Yosemite and 11g/12c.
I ran Oracle Database 12c in my Mac via Docker by this way for development and testing
Hope that is useful for you.

pgAdmin III installed after postgres - how do I view/connect to existing databases?

I'm so new to this I'm not even sure I know how to ask the question, but hopefully it makes sense:
I installed postgres on OS X Yosemite (following these instructions: and have made some databases.
Having used Microsoft SQL Server in the past, I wanted a GUI with which to view the databases so I downloaded and installed pgAdmin III (using the first link on Unfortunately, it seems like pgAdmin III has just installed a new instance of postgres, as it doesn't show any of the databases I made (within Terminal) in the original postgres installation.
Does anyone know how to amend my settings in pgAdmin III so that it just acts as a 'screen' for the existing postgres installation?

Glassfish v4.0 cannot work on Mac OSX 10.6.8 + JDK 7.0 U40

I had been using 2010 Macbook Pro for a while and had updated the Mac OSX to the latest version, and I had been suffering the slow speed for a long time. So last night I googled and do some cleanup , such as fix disk permissions, but the Mac was still slow. And someone suggest to re-install MacOSX.
I was thinking it was the new version of Mac OSX's problem, I had the same kind of problems happen on the 1st version IPad either.
After I reinstalled, the computer became much more faster. But I encountered the following problems:
JDK 7 DMG does not support OSX 10.6.8, but ONLY OSX 10.7+
Github official client does not support OSX 10.7+
Gooooooogled again and again, to solve the 1st problem, there are mainly to suggestions:
A. Using PackageMaker to remove the OSX version condition.
B. Using a tool Pacifist to open the pkg file inside the DMG file downloaded from official.
Since I have PackageMaker installed on Mac OSX, so I choosed A.
Open it with PackageMaker, remove the limitation, and build it again, I installed with the new pkg file successfully at:
And then set JAVA_HOME on ~/.bash_profile.
Then I download the glassfish 4.0 multi-language version, unzipped, and start-domain successfully. and finally the problem killed me for now.
After glassfish v4 started, I try to login into web console at:
then glassfish server instance "dies", the java process of glassfish is still there, but without any response, the web console starting icon keeps rolling all the time. And there are no error logs created, and the "generated" directory is not generated.
2013-10-15 14:05:20.928 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
2013-10-15 14:05:20.930 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Command start-domain failed.
That is the 1st problem.
The 2nd problem is about github. Since github official does not support OSX 10.6.8, I found an old installer with version 1.0.3. I installed this version, with one ONLY problem for now, I cannot login into github with username and password,no error responses, just no responding, I suffered this once I was on Windows. But I can work with clicking the "Clone into Desktop" button on
Can someone help me out? I am working on JDK7 based projects.
Why everybody is leaving Snow Leopard, and does not support it anymore, but old Mac computers should be die without working software after 2~3 years, just 2~3 years. And OS upgrade to nex t level will DOWNGrade the performance. Why this things happen?
Is it the oracle from god?
I had the same error (NSInvocation...), on my 2006 Macbook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), onto which I had installed JDK7 to develop a Java/GWT application in Eclipse Kepler. After searching around, I learned that one possible solution was to downgrade to JDK 1.7.0u25 (instead of update 40 or higher), so I installed that version alongside 1.7.0u45 (which I already had), and that fixed the problem. So I would recommend installing that version of the JDK and see if that fixes your problem.
