How do i know the service status in ansible? - ansible

In my ansible coding i want to know the status of the service like service httpd status (service is runngin or not) the result would be store in to variable. Using that status i will use some other code in ansible.
I am using ansible service module there is no option for status. If i use the shell module i got this warning
[WARNING]: Consider using service module rather than running service
so is it any other module doing to get service status?

No, there is no standard module to get services' statuses.
But you can suppress warning for specific command task if you know what are you doing:
- command: service httpd status
warn: false
I've posted a quick note about this trick a while ago.

You can use the service_facts module.
For example, say I want to see the status of Apache.
- name: Check for apache status
- debug:
The output is:
ok: [192.168.blah.blah] => {
"": "running"
If you would like to see all of them, you can do that by just going two levels up in the array:
The output will list all the services, and will look like this (truncated for the sake of brevity):
"apache2": {
"name": "apache2",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
"apache2.service": {
"name": "apache2.service",
"source": "systemd",
"state": "running"
"apparmor": {
"name": "apparmor",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
I am using Ansible 2.7. Here are the docs for that module: Click here

here is an example of starting a service and then checking status using service facts, in my example you have to register the variable then output it using debug var and pointing to the correct format in the json chain resulting output:
## perform start service for alertmanager
- name: Start service alertmanager if not started
become: yes
name: alertmanager
state: started
## check to see the state of the alertmanager service status
- name: Check status of alertmanager service
register: service_state
- debug:

Hopefully service: allow user to query service status #3316 will be merged into the core module soon.
You can patch it by hand using this diff to system/
Here's my diff using ansible I've run this on my mac/homebrew install and it works for me.
This is the file that I edited: /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/
## -36,11 +36,12 ##
- Name of the service.
required: false
- choices: [ started, stopped, restarted, reloaded ]
+ choices: [ started, stopped, status, restarted, reloaded ]
- C(started)/C(stopped) are idempotent actions that will not run
- commands unless necessary. C(restarted) will always bounce the
- service. C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
+ commands unless necessary. C(status) would report the status of
+ the service C(restarted) will always bounce the service.
+ C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
and enabled are required.)
required: false
## -1455,7 +1456,7 ##
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True),
- state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
+ state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'status', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
sleep = dict(required=False, type='int', default=None),
pattern = dict(required=False, default=None),
enabled = dict(type='bool'),
## -1501,6 +1502,9 ##
+ if module.params['state'] == 'status':
+ module.exit_json(state=service.running)
# Calculate if request will change service state


Multiple ports and mount points in AWS ECS Fargate Task Definition using Ansible

I went through the documentation provided here
It gives me nice examples of setting of Fargate task definition. However it showcases example with only one port mapping and there is no mount point shown here.
I want to dynamically add port mappings ( depending on my app) and volume/mount points
For that I am defining my host_var for app as below ( there can be many such apps with different mount points and ports)
task_count: 4
task_cpu: 1028
task_memory: 2056
app_port: 8080
My Task definition yaml file looks like below
- name: Create/Update Task Definition
aws_access_key: "{{....}}"
aws_secret_key: "{{....}}"
security_token: "{{....}}"
region: "{{....}}"
launch_type: FARGATE
network_mode: awsvpc
execution_role_arn: "{{ ... }}"
task_role_arn: "{{ ...}}"
- name: "{{...}}"
environment: "{{...}}"
essential: true
image: "{{ ....}}"
logConfiguration: "{{....}}"
- containerPort: "{{app_port}}"
hostPort: "{{app_port}}"
cpu: "{{task_cpu}}"
memory: "{{task_memory}}"
state: present
I am able to create/update the task definition.
New requirements are that
Instead of one port, now we can have multiple(or none) port mappings.
We will have multiple (or none) mount points and volumes as well
Here is what I think the modified ansible host_var should look like below for ports
[container_port1:host_port1, container_port2:host_port2, container_port3:host_port3]
task_count: 4
task_cpu: 1028
task_memory: 2056
#[container_port1:host_port1, container_port2:host_port2, container_port3:host_port3]
app_ports: [8080:80, 8081:8081, 5703:5703]
I am not sure what to do in ansible playbook to run through this list of ports.
Another part of the problem is that, although I was able to achieve creating volume and mouting in container thorough aws console, I was not able to do same using ansible.
here is the snippet of json for the AWS fargate looks like ( for volume part). There can be many such mounts depending on the application. I want to achieve that dynamically by defining mount points and volumes in host_vars
"mountPoints": [
"readOnly": null,
"containerPath": "/mnt/downloads",
"sourceVolume": "downloads"
"volumes": [
"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
"transitEncryptionPort": ENABLED,
"fileSystemId": "fs-ecdg222d",
"authorizationConfig": {
"iam": "ENABLED",
"accessPointId": null
"transitEncryption": "ENABLED",
"rootDirectory": "/vol/downloads"
"name": "downloads",
"host": null,
"dockerVolumeConfiguration": null
I am not sure how to do that.
Official documentation offers very little help.

How do I make that my hasura actions are ready to be used for my ci / cd tests?

I have started building up a backend with hasura. That backend is validated on my CI / CD service with api tests, among other things.
Within my hasura backend, I have implemented openfaas functions. I am deploying everything on a kubernetes cluster. Before running the tests, I wait until all jobs and all deployments are done. I am deploying with devspace which deploys everything through helm charts. So, at the end of the deployment, I am dead-sure the deployments are all done (ultimately, I've checked directly on the k8s cluster). Even the openfaas functions are deployed and ready to use.
Yet, when I run my acceptance tests, I run into issues. If I don't wait long enough, then my actions are not working properly. They return some strange errors that e.g. the response returned invalid json
Error: GraphQL error: not a valid json response from webhook
or the mutation is not in the mutation root
Error: GraphQL error: field "login" not found in type: 'mutation_root'
However, the openfaas functions themselves log only success. There is no error there. They are called and they apparently throw no error.
Waiting 3-5 minutes after hasura deployment or trying to call the actions until they return something relevant works fine, however. My current work-around is to wait an additional 5 minutes after my deployments have been done and only then run my api tests.
Is that normal? Is there a more efficient way to get feedback on when hasura really is ready to accept calls to its actions? I am currently working with version 1.2.1.
After re-verification, waiting "long enough" does not help. What, however, helps, is calling some actions until they return successful answer. Currently, what I am doing is
#! /bin/sh
if [ "$#" -lt "3" ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 <hasura-endpoint> <profile> <auth-app-id> [<timeout-in-sec> <deltat-in-sec>]"
exit 1
username=$(jq -r '.[1].email' $FIXTURES_FILE)
password=$(jq -r '.[1].password' $FIXTURES_FILE)
user_id=$(jq -r '.[1].id' $FIXTURES_FILE)
echo "Trying to login with $username / $password / $AUTH_APP_ID"
for iteration in `seq 1 $TIMEOUT`; do
result=$(gq $ENDPOINT -q 'mutation($username: String!, $password: String!, $appId: uuid!) { login(username: $username, password: $password, appId: $appId) { userId }}' -v "username=$username" -v "password=$password" -v "appId=$AUTH_APP_ID" | jq -r '.data.login.userId')
if [ "$result" == "$user_id" ] ; then
exit 0
sleep $DELTA_T
echo "Hasura actions availability timed out" && exit 1
That performs logins with valid credentials until the action returns the right user id, and not an error. The log of this script on my ci / cd is something like
$ ./scripts/ ${API_ENDPOINT}/v1/graphql $PROFILE $AUTH_ADMIN_APP_ID
Trying to login with / yl2YOuSrz_ / [MASKED]
Executing query... error
Error: ApolloError: GraphQL error: not a valid json response from webhook
at new ApolloError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:92:26)
at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1297:31)
at notifySubscription (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:135:18)
at onNotify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:179:3)
at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:235:7)
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1102:36
at Set.forEach (<anonymous>)
at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1101:21)
at notifySubscription (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:135:18)
at onNotify (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/graphqurl/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:179:3) {
graphQLErrors: [
extensions: [Object],
message: 'not a valid json response from webhook'
networkError: null,
message: 'GraphQL error: not a valid json response from webhook',
extraInfo: undefined
Executing query... done
Notice that the second query, 5 seconds after the first, is successful. My action is defined as follows:
- args:
enums: []
input_objects: []
- description: null
- description: null
name: token
type: String!
- description: null
name: refreshToken
type: String!
- description: null
name: userId
type: uuid!
name: LoginResponse
scalars: []
type: set_custom_types
- args:
comment: null
- description: null
name: username
type: String!
- description: null
name: password
type: String!
- description: null
name: appId
type: uuid!
forward_client_headers: false
handler: http://gateway.openfaas:8080/function/login.{{FUNCTION_NAMESPACE}}
headers: []
kind: synchronous
output_type: LoginResponse
type: mutation
name: login
type: create_action
- args:
action: login
filter: {}
role: incognito
type: create_action_permission
When you deploy via Helm, it creates the Deployments and everything else you've defined and tells you it's done. That doesn't mean that whatever you deployed is ready to serve requests. That's because each service may have its own boot time, especially the services who advertise High Availability.
Kubernetes is designed to address this issue with the help of "liveness/readiness probes". Basically, in your yaml/helm files you instruct K8s what it needs to check before it returns that a pod is ready. This could be for example a 200 HTTP status code from /live endpoint in your app or whatever.
Check this out:

ansible use of wild card in with_items and loop

Using single full defined string in with_item I have my task running fine. However, at scale i would like to loop with string inside with_items changing. any hints?
- name: "Fetch all CPU nodes from clusters using K8s"
kind: Node
- ""
verify_ssl: no
register: cpu_class_list
failed_when: cpu_class_list == ''
ok: [localhost] => {
"nodes_class_label": [
"instanceType": "e1.xlarge,
"nodeType": "cpu",
"node_name": "hostA"
"instanceType": "e1.xlarge,
"nodeType": "cpu",
"node_name": "hostB"
I would like to pull all the nodes matching any name with wildcard.
- ""
- ""
- ""
expected output:
list all e1 label nodes output
list all f1 label nodes output
list all g1 label nodes output
my attempted solution:
- name: "Fetch all CPU nodes from clusters using K8s"
kind: Node
- "*.xlarge"
verify_ssl: no
register: cpu_class_list
failed_when: cpu_class_list == ''
Unfortunately this is not possible. It is a limitation based on the implementation of the Kubernetes API, unrelated to Ansible or the k8s_facts module.
There are a couple of workarounds, but ultimately I think using a set-based selector is your best option. This would look similar to:
- k8s_facts:
kind: Node
- " in (e1.xlarge, f1.xlarge, g1.xlarge)"
You should also be able to pull the instance types out into a variable for code readability and maintenance purposes.
The other option is to just loop over the k8s_facts task for each instance type, which I'm guessing you have already considered: "{{ item }}".
Finally, one of your examples in the question will not work:
- ""
- ""
- ""
This is looking for nodes that meet all of those criteria (i.e. e1.xlarge && f1.xlarge && g1.xlarge), which will always be none.

Getting exception while running SaltStack function with name dsc.apply_config

I'm getting the following error while trying to state.apply sls on windows machine.
ID: ProvisionADDC
Name: dsc.apply_config
Result: False
Comment: Module function dsc.apply_config threw an exception. Exception: No JSON results from powershell. Additional info follows:
Started: 12:06:08.044000
Duration: 2684.0 ms
Since win_dsc is execution module, then I'm forced to use state.module module to run this function on minion:
- makedirs: True
- name: 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
- source: salt://windows/dsc/
- name: AD-Domain-Services
- restart: True
- require:
- file: CopyDSCModules
- name: dsc.apply_config
- path: C:\DSC\
- source: salt://windows/mof
- require:
- file: 'C:\DSC'
- file: CopyDSCModules
- win_servermanager: InstallADDomainServices
Anybody have experience with win_dsc and SaltStack ?
I think it's a case of the documentation lacking a bit, but you need to actually run the configuration in the same ps1 file, eg.
Configuration myconfig {
Node 'localhost' {
WindowsFeature 'DNS' {
Name = 'DNS'
Ensure = Present
I'm playing with this a litle at the moment and hopefully I can come up with a helpful issue/PR because it is lacking a bit (even if just for better error logging).
I'm not sure how this works in terms of determining a specific config as I'e not tested that yet (using the config_name param).

Ansible Dict and Tags

I have a playbook creating EC2 by using a dictionary declared in vars: then registering the IPs into a group to be used later on.
The dict looks like this:
name: tag1
type: t2.small
region: us-west-1
image: ami-****
name: tag2
type: t2.medium
region: us-east-1
image: ami-****
I would like to apply tags to this playbook in the simplest way so I can create just some of them using tags. For example, running the playbook with --tags tag1,tag3 would only start EC2 matching serv1 and serv3.
Applying tags on the dictionary doesn't seem possible and I would like to avoid doing multiplying tasks like:
Creatinge EC2
Register infos
Getting private IP from previously registered infos
adding host to group
While I already have a working loop for the case I want to create all EC2 at once, is there any way to achieve that (without relying on --extra-vars, which would need key=value) ? For example, filtering out the dictionary by keeping only what is tagged before running the EC2 loop ?
I doubt you can do this out of the box. And not sure this is good idea at all.
Because tags are used to filter tasks in Ansible, so you will have to mark all tasks with tags: always.
You can accomplish this with custom filter plugin, for example (./filter_plugins/
from __main__ import cli
except ImportError:
cli = False
def apply_tags(src):
if cli:
tags = cli.options.tags.split(',')
res = {}
for k,v in src.iteritems():
keep = True
if 'name' in v:
if v['name'] not in tags:
keep = False
if keep:
res[k] = v
return res
return src
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
'apply_tags': apply_tags
And in your playbook:
- debug: msg="{{ servers | apply_tags }}"
tags: always
I found a way to match my needs without touching to the rest so I'm sharing it in case other might have a similar need.
I needed to combine dictionaries depending on tags, so my "main" dictionary wouldn't be static.
Variables became :
- serv1:
- name: tag1
type: t2.small
region: us-west-1
image: ami-****
- serv2:
- name: tag2
type: t2.medium
region: us-east-1
image: ami-****
- serv3:
So instead of duplicating my tasks, I used set_fact with tags like this:
- name: Combined dict
# Declaring empty dict
servers: []
tags: ['always']
- name: Add Server 1
servers: "{{ servers + serv1 }}"
tags: ['tag1']
- name: Add Server 2
servers: "{{ servers + serv2 }}"
tags: ['tag2']
20 lines instead of multiply tasks for each server, change vars from dictionary to lists, a few tags and all good :) Now if I add a new server it will only take a few lines.
