Getting exception while running SaltStack function with name dsc.apply_config - windows

I'm getting the following error while trying to state.apply sls on windows machine.
ID: ProvisionADDC
Name: dsc.apply_config
Result: False
Comment: Module function dsc.apply_config threw an exception. Exception: No JSON results from powershell. Additional info follows:
Started: 12:06:08.044000
Duration: 2684.0 ms
Since win_dsc is execution module, then I'm forced to use state.module module to run this function on minion:
- makedirs: True
- name: 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
- source: salt://windows/dsc/
- name: AD-Domain-Services
- restart: True
- require:
- file: CopyDSCModules
- name: dsc.apply_config
- path: C:\DSC\
- source: salt://windows/mof
- require:
- file: 'C:\DSC'
- file: CopyDSCModules
- win_servermanager: InstallADDomainServices
Anybody have experience with win_dsc and SaltStack ?

I think it's a case of the documentation lacking a bit, but you need to actually run the configuration in the same ps1 file, eg.
Configuration myconfig {
Node 'localhost' {
WindowsFeature 'DNS' {
Name = 'DNS'
Ensure = Present
I'm playing with this a litle at the moment and hopefully I can come up with a helpful issue/PR because it is lacking a bit (even if just for better error logging).
I'm not sure how this works in terms of determining a specific config as I'e not tested that yet (using the config_name param).


sap-cf-mailer VError: No service matches destination

I have a SAP CAP Nodejs application and I'm trying to send emails from the CAP application using sap-cf-mailer package.
I've created a destination service in the BTP as mentioned in the sample and when I'm trying to deploy the application to BTP it failed.
When I run the application locally using cds watch, it gives following error
VError: No service matches destination
This is my mta.yaml
## Generated mta.yaml based on template version 0.4.0
## appName = CapTest
## language=nodejs; multitenant=false
## approuter=
_schema-version: '3.1'
ID: CapTest
version: 1.0.0
description: "A simple CAP project."
enable-parallel-deployments: true
- builder: custom
- npm install --production
- npx -p #sap/cds-dk cds build --production
# --------------------- SERVER MODULE ------------------------
- name: CapTest-srv
# ------------------------------------------------------------
type: nodejs
path: gen/srv
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
# Resources extracted from CAP configuration
- name: CapTest-db
- name: captest-destination-srv
- name: srv-api # required by consumers of CAP services (e.g. approuter)
srv-url: ${default-url}
# -------------------- SIDECAR MODULE ------------------------
- name: CapTest-db-deployer
# ------------------------------------------------------------
type: hdb
path: gen/db
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
# 'hana' and 'xsuaa' resources extracted from CAP configuration
- name: CapTest-db
# services extracted from CAP configuration
# 'service-plan' can be configured via 'cds.requires.<name>.vcap.plan'
# ------------------------------------------------------------
- name: CapTest-db
# ------------------------------------------------------------
service: hana # or 'hanatrial' on trial landscapes
service-plan: hdi-shared
hdi-service-name: ${service-name}
- name: captest-destination-srv
type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
This is the js file of the CDS service
const cds = require('#sap/cds')
const SapCfMailer = require('sap-cf-mailer').default;
const transporter = new SapCfMailer("MAILTRAP");
module.exports = cds.service.impl(function () {
this.on('sendmail', sendmail);
async function sendmail(req) {
try {
const result = await transporter.sendMail({
to: '',
subject: `This is the mail subject`,
text: `body of the email`
return JSON.stringify(result);
I'm following below samples for this
Send an email from a nodejs app
Integrate email to CAP application
Did you create your default-.. json files? They are required to connect to remote services on your BTP tenant. You can find more info about this on SAP blogs like this one:
You could also use the sap-cf-localenv command:
This tool is experimental,a s far as I know, this only works for the CF CLI V6. Higher version are fetching the service keys in another format, which leads to the command to fail.
Kind regards,

How can I fix yaml error: Block mapping value not allowed here

I copied Semaphore's config of GoReleaser and saved it as .semaphore/semaphore.yml but when I run it on Semaphore, I can see:
Unprocessable YAML file.
Error: {{:throw, {:yamerl_exception, [{:yamerl_parsing_error, :error, 'Block mapping value not allowed here', 30, 20, :block_mapping_value_not_allowed, :undefined, []}]}}, "# .semaphore/semaphore.yml.\nversion: v1.0\nname: Build\nagent:\n machine:\n type: e1-standard-2\n os_image: ubuntu1804\n\nblocks:\n - name: \"Test\"\n task:\n prologue:\n commands:\n # set go version\n - sem-version go 1.11\n - \"export GOPATH=~/go\"\n - \"export PATH=/home/semaphore/go/bin:$PATH\"\n - checkout\n\n jobs:\n - name: \"Lint\"\n commands:\n - go get ./...\n - go test ./...\n\n# On Semaphore 2.0 deployment and delivery is managed with promotions,\n# which may be automatic or manual and optionally depend on conditions.\npromotions:\n - name: Release\n pipeline_file: goreleaser.yml\n auto_promote_on:\n - result: passed\n branch:\n - \"^refs/tags/v*\"\n"}
How can I fix it?
In this last part:
- name: Release
pipeline_file: goreleaser.yml
- result: passed
- "^refs/tags/v*"
The indentation of pipeline_file and auto_promote_on is wrong – both need to be at the same level as name.

YAML Can local variables be mixed with group-variables AND have their naming simplified?

This is my first time working with YAML, but I am running into an issue where it seems like if I want to include a variable-group (i.e., signing certificate password) with local pipeline-related variables then I cannot use the simplified naming convention where the variable's name and value can both be defined and set on the same line.
For example, wat I want is something similar to this (I made sure spacing is correct in the YAML):
solutionName: Foo.sln
projectName: Bar
buildPlatform: x64
buildConfiguration: development
major: '1'
minor: '0'
build: '0'
revision: $[counter('rev', 0)]
vhdxSize: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
signingCertPwd: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
But, this results in a parsing error. As a result, I have to use a denser, but more bloated looking, format of:
- name: solutionName
value: Foo.sln
- name: projectName
value: Bar
- name: buildPlatform
value: x64
- name: buildConfiguration
value: development
- name: major
value: '1'
- name: minor
value: '0'
- name: build
value: '0'
- name: revision
value: $[counter('rev', 0)]
- name: vhdxSize
value: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
- name: signingCertPwd
value: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
It seems like the simplified naming format is only available if I use it for local variables, but if I add a variable-group then the simplified format goes away. I have tried searching the web for a solution for this, but I am not able find anything useful for this. Is what I am trying to achieve possible or no? If yes, how can it be done?
Unfortunately mixing the styles is not possible, but you can work around that using templates:
# pipeline.yaml
- stage: declare_vars
- template: templates/vars.yaml
- group: my-group
- template: templates/inline-vars.yaml
inline_var: yes!
and_more: why not
- job:
- pwsh: |
echo 'foo=$(foo)'
echo 'bar=$(bar)'
echo 'var1=$(var1)'
echo 'inline_var=$(inline_var)'
# templates/vars.yaml
foo: bar
bar: something else
# templates/inline-vars.yaml
- name: vars
type: object
default: {}
${{ each var in parameters.vars}}:
${{var.key}}: ${{var.value}}
templates/vars.yaml is just simply moving variables to another file.
templates/inline-vars.yaml lets you define inline variables using the denser syntax together with referencing groups, but there's additional ceremony of writing template:, parameters:, vars:.

Accessing Ansible variables in molecule test, TestInfra

I picked up molecule while researching around inspec and how to use it in ansible. I found molecule very cool and adopted it. I wanted to use it in 2 ways.
1- When developing a role or playbook
2- After a particular playbook have been run on production.
On number 1: I found this very useful question/ressponse on stackoverflow and that has helped me shape my thinking.I put my variable file for the role kafka under group_vars/all as suggested in the stackoverflow post
- kafka
- - molecule
- - - default
- - - - molecule.yml
- - - - playbook.yml
- - - - ...
- - - - group_vars
- - - - - all.yml
- - - - tests
- - - - -
- - tasks
- - - main.yml
- - ....
import os
import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
import pytest
testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
def AnsibleVars(host):
all_vars = host.ansible.get_variables()
return all_vars
def test_hosts_file(host):
f = host.file('/etc/hosts')
assert f.exists
assert f.user == 'root'
assert == 'root'
def test_downloaded_binary(host, AnsibleVars):
# arch = host.file(AnsibleVars['kafka_archive_temp'])
result = host.ansible('debug','var=kafka_archive_temp')
arch = host.file(result['kafka_archive_temp'])
assert arch.exists
assert arch.is_file
def test_installation_directory(host,AnsibleVars):
# dir = host.file(AnsibleVars['kafka_final_path'])
result = host.ansible('debug','var=kafka_final_path')
dir = host.file(result['kafka_final_path'])
assert dir.exists
assert dir.is_directory
assert dir.user == AnsibleVars['kafka_user_on_os']
assert == AnsibleVars['kafka_group_on_os']
def test_user_created(host,AnsibleVars):
user = host.user(AnsibleVars['kafka_user_on_os'])
assert == AnsibleVars['kafka_user_on_os']
assert == AnsibleVars['kafka_group_on_os']
kafka_version: "2.2.1"
kafka_file_name: "kafka_2.12-{{ kafka_version }}.tgz"
kafka_user_on_os: kafka
kafka_group_on_os: kafka
kafka_zookeeper_service: zookeeper
kafka_service: kafka
kafka_log_folder: /var/log/kafka
kafka_zookeeper_port: 2181
kafka_archive_temp: "/tmp/{{ kafka_file_name }}"
kafka_final_path: "/usr/local/kafka/{{ kafka_version }}"
- {
dest: "{{ kafka_archive_temp }}",
url: ""
molecule verify
molecule verify
--> Validating schema /Users/joseph/Engineering/configuration-management-ansible/roles/kafka/molecule/default/molecule.yml.
Validation completed successfully.
--> Test matrix
└── default
└── verify
--> Scenario: 'default'
--> Action: 'verify'
--> Executing Testinfra tests found in /Users/joseph/Engineering/configuration-management-ansible/roles/kafka/molecule/default/tests/...
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.4, pytest-5.1.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.12.0
rootdir: /Users/joseph/Engineering/configuration-management-ansible/roles/kafka/molecule/default
plugins: testinfra-3.1.0
collected 8 items
tests/ ........ [100%]
============================== 8 passed in 18.34s ==============================
Verifier completed successfully.
However the method host.ansible.get_variables() could not resolve a variable inside another variable like : kafka_final_path: "/usr/local/kafka/{{ kafka_version }}".
I ended up using the following:
result = host.ansible('debug','var=kafka_final_path')
dir = host.file(result['kafka_final_path'])
to get the value of kafka_final_path.
Question 1.1: Looking at how there is a need of a little manipulation before a variable of a variable get be retrieved with all needed interpolation, I am wondering there is any better way of writing these tests?
Question 2.1: On number 2, I would like to create a different scenario for testing like for EC2 on AWS. On those playbooks, I use external variable files passed to ansible-playbook since they have higher precedence. I am wondering in that case how I would access those variables from the external vars_files in testinfra?

How do i know the service status in ansible?

In my ansible coding i want to know the status of the service like service httpd status (service is runngin or not) the result would be store in to variable. Using that status i will use some other code in ansible.
I am using ansible service module there is no option for status. If i use the shell module i got this warning
[WARNING]: Consider using service module rather than running service
so is it any other module doing to get service status?
No, there is no standard module to get services' statuses.
But you can suppress warning for specific command task if you know what are you doing:
- command: service httpd status
warn: false
I've posted a quick note about this trick a while ago.
You can use the service_facts module.
For example, say I want to see the status of Apache.
- name: Check for apache status
- debug:
The output is:
ok: [192.168.blah.blah] => {
"": "running"
If you would like to see all of them, you can do that by just going two levels up in the array:
The output will list all the services, and will look like this (truncated for the sake of brevity):
"apache2": {
"name": "apache2",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
"apache2.service": {
"name": "apache2.service",
"source": "systemd",
"state": "running"
"apparmor": {
"name": "apparmor",
"source": "sysv",
"state": "running"
I am using Ansible 2.7. Here are the docs for that module: Click here
here is an example of starting a service and then checking status using service facts, in my example you have to register the variable then output it using debug var and pointing to the correct format in the json chain resulting output:
## perform start service for alertmanager
- name: Start service alertmanager if not started
become: yes
name: alertmanager
state: started
## check to see the state of the alertmanager service status
- name: Check status of alertmanager service
register: service_state
- debug:
Hopefully service: allow user to query service status #3316 will be merged into the core module soon.
You can patch it by hand using this diff to system/
Here's my diff using ansible I've run this on my mac/homebrew install and it works for me.
This is the file that I edited: /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/
## -36,11 +36,12 ##
- Name of the service.
required: false
- choices: [ started, stopped, restarted, reloaded ]
+ choices: [ started, stopped, status, restarted, reloaded ]
- C(started)/C(stopped) are idempotent actions that will not run
- commands unless necessary. C(restarted) will always bounce the
- service. C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
+ commands unless necessary. C(status) would report the status of
+ the service C(restarted) will always bounce the service.
+ C(reloaded) will always reload. B(At least one of state
and enabled are required.)
required: false
## -1455,7 +1456,7 ##
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True),
- state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
+ state = dict(choices=['running', 'started', 'stopped', 'status', 'restarted', 'reloaded']),
sleep = dict(required=False, type='int', default=None),
pattern = dict(required=False, default=None),
enabled = dict(type='bool'),
## -1501,6 +1502,9 ##
+ if module.params['state'] == 'status':
+ module.exit_json(state=service.running)
# Calculate if request will change service state
