maven pom - define a profile to customize plugin configuration - maven

I have the following plugin in pom:
I'd like to define a new profile to customize the plugin configuration:
<defaultGoal>clean verify cargo:run</defaultGoal>
Where the only difference is that <skip>${skipTests}</skip>
Now I'd like to run mvn -PenduserTest but the configuration doesn't get overriden.
Any advice? is there a better solution to do this? is it the correct strategy?

If the desired behavior is that tests get skipped when running the profile, so your logic is not wrong. to verify i test this code and this is work as expected (it skip tests with -PenduserTest) :
<source />
<target />
<defaultGoal>clean verify cargo:run</defaultGoal>


how to maven script to gradle?

I've been researching the script for a day, but gradle doesn't have enough documentation to find an answer. Any help would be appreciated.
this is pom.xml

Maven-dependency-plugin (unpack-dependencies) ignores configuration

The following problem occurred:
There is a dependency in the project. The dependency contains .js and .css files (essentially they will be used as resources). I need to extract and put these files in a certain place. I thought to use maven-dependency-plugin for this, but it does not use the configuration I specified (use defaults). Please tell me where I could be wrong.
You are declaring your plugin execution inside a <pluginManagement> section. This section is great for putting configuration in one place and reusing it later, but it won't execute your plugin.
Try this:
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <!-- your example contained a typo. -->
<overwriteIfNewer>true</overwriteIfNewer> <!-- Typo in your POM here as well -->

Cannot run tests with build-helper-maven-plugin on a groovy project

I have a groovy project in Eclipse. I have to change from Gradle to Maven and now I cannot run the tests that exist in it.
Here is the structure of the project:
Here are the contents of the pom.xml:
<indy />
<!-- optional; supported by batch 2.4.12-04+ -->
However, if I do a mvn clean install, the tests are not being ran.
Here is the output of the console:
The test cases we have are called Spec and not Test, this is fixed like this:

maven toolchain in profile

If I define toolchain plugin in activated by default profile it's not working for some plugin such as maven-javadoc-plugin(for maven-compiler-plugin it is working) :
In other case it work perfect for all plugin:
Why is this happening?
you have to bind the execution of your plugin into validate phase:

Spreading flyway profiles over phases

I'm trying to create separate profiles which using flyway-maven-plugin, but phase definition doesn't work properly. Which mean that when i use both profiles i have an error on execution because i guess "drop-create-database" using configuration from "migrate-database" thus it`s failed. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?
<!-- Need to garantee order of execution -->
You have to specify the configuration per execution instead of per plugin. Otherwise a later configuration for the same plugin will overwrite previous ones.
This means your pom.xml should look something like this:
<!-- Need to garantee order of execution -->
