Implementation of brush with x-axis zoom with nvd3 - d3.js

I need help in implementing dynamic x-axis with time range in nvd3.
I am using "line with finder chart" shown in the following examples. I have date plotted on my x-axis. When I reduce the finder window, I want to change the date format.
Following is the implementation with d3, The same behaviour I want to implement with finder. Here you can see when finder window changes, date format in main chart also changes. for smaller finder window date format becomes hourly.

I could manage to get the solution from following stack overflow link. I added my answer there for latest nvd3 version.
NVD3 time formatting , line with focus chart


`.tickFormat(d3.format("s"))` error: y-axis tick labels don't display

I was trying Curran's splitting charts examples and noticed that all charts starting from the 4th one don't display y-axis tick texts.
I have updated my chrome to the latest version(Version 51.0.2704.106 (64-bit)). but still could not see the y-axis tick texts as the following picture demonstrated:
I think it was due to .tickFormat(d3.format("s")) as when comment out this line of code, we can see y-axis tick texts.
Was this error due to my Chrome browser? or something is changed in the version of d3.js or something else?
Could anyone give me some idea on how to solve it?

Birt: Formatting chart tooltip and adding aggregation to a chart tooltip?

I have three questions regarding Birt Tooltip
1) How do I format the number in the default tooltip (If I am not adding anything to the tooltip text). I tried to change the format of tooltip of Y Value Series but I realized that only works if I have put an expression in the tooltip of the Y Value series. I have not edited the tooltip of Y Value series, the chart will show the default data label instead and I am not sure how to format the default tooltip
2) I have plotted sum(revenue) on Y axis and months on x axis. I wanted a custom tooltip so I edited the tooltip expression of the Y Value series in chart. What I found was that the default tooltip was showing correct value but If I put the same expression row["revenue"] in the tooltip, the tooltip shows a data value that is much less than sum(revenue) that is plotted in the bar. I believe that this is because the tootltip is not aggregating the revenue? If Yes, then how do I put the sum(revenue) in the expression?
3) I wanted to add another information (count of units sold) so I created an aggregation count(unitssold). I called this cnt_unit_sold and added this to the tooltip of chart. The problem is that if I put my mouse over a month bar, the tooltip shows aggregated count for all months rather than that specific month. How can I add grouping to the aggregation so that it shows the aggregated count for each month rather than for all months
OK, so in case if someone has not found an answer to this question, here is the answer. In order to add aggregation to the tooltip, you need to create aggregate outside the chart's contains (for example create aggregation inside a grid). Then you can use that aggregation in the tooltip
I someone is still trying to achieve this, now you can use "valueData" instead.
row["dim1"]+" for "+row["period"]+" : "+valueData
in my example (the code goes in the tooltip expression) I asm using a stacked barchart, dim1 is the series used to stack values and period is the X series. Valuedata is the Y value (aggregated)

parameters passed when clicking a point on a NVD3 line chart or a slice in a pie chart

I have just started using NVD3 for drawing simple charts such as line/pie/bar and such.
I would like to add some mouse interactivity to these charts but cannot find specific documentation nor example code:
allow user to click a specific line point, pie slice, bar component
receive in my program notification of the click with details of the series and point/data row pertinent to the click.
E.g., if I drew sales versus years, I would like user to be able to drill down to sales of a particular year. The line graph onclick example I have seen here are way too coarse for such detailed interaction.
Is there a relevant page(s) that documents the mouse click specifications for these types of charts?
Is it even possible with NVD3?
here you can see the plunker example ,may be you can get some help .
this example is for the pie chart drill down using angularjs and Nvd3 charting lib.

BIRT - How to add a dynamic marker?

I have one dataset and create from this set an area chart. In this case no problem.
But now I have the requirement to add dynamic markers to the chart.
So, this is the example:
Data Set:
date | workload | type
The report renders a chart, which displays the date on the x-Axis and the workload on the y-Axis. The Type shows the different areas in the chart.
Now I need an marker (line marker) which doesn't have a linear value, but therefore a value for each date which is displayed on the x-Axis.
On Birt-Exchange ( is only a tutorial for static markers. So if anyone has an idea how to script this kind of marker, please feel free to answer ;-)
Thanks in advance!

Extending chart functionality in SSRS

The default chart object in the SQL Server (2005) Business Intelligence Development Studio doesn't seem to some have formatting options like :
specifying the text direction of labels in the x and y axis
adding a trendline to a bar chart
arbitrarily resizing items in a chart - for example, if I resize the chart object, everything gets resized accordingly but I can't keep the size of the chart the same while extending the area of the legend for instance.
multiline chart labels
So what I want to know is
is there any easy answer to the formatting problems mentioned above?
what websites/books/resources/examples would you recommend I look
into for extending the functionality of the chart object?
Some colleagues of mine gave up on the stock control and bought Dundas charts
The stock charts are cut down versions of Dundas.
yes you can specify the text direction of labels in the x and y axis
Go to chart properties and in the tab x and y axis enter the chart title and in the title align use the combination like left/right/center align.
you can change the legend line go to the chart properties click legend tab inside this
there is an option for "display legend inside plot area" and you can include the trendline there
you can use multiline text labels when the text limits extends
I don't see how you can resize the legend, puting inside the plot area looks ugly for pie-chart
I'd recommend go with the dundas chart components gbn suggested.
If that's not possible at least this article should solve issue 1.
