`.tickFormat(d3.format("s"))` error: y-axis tick labels don't display - d3.js

I was trying Curran's splitting charts examples and noticed that all charts starting from the 4th one don't display y-axis tick texts.
I have updated my chrome to the latest version(Version 51.0.2704.106 (64-bit)). but still could not see the y-axis tick texts as the following picture demonstrated:
I think it was due to .tickFormat(d3.format("s")) as when comment out this line of code, we can see y-axis tick texts.
Was this error due to my Chrome browser? or something is changed in the version of d3.js or something else?
Could anyone give me some idea on how to solve it?


Adding adapter with html content for axis labels on category axis of amcharts is causing flickering on the chart

I have use case where I need custom labels on the axis, And as per amcharts we need to use adapters for that.
So when I tried using adapters(with html as key) on the category axis it is causing the chart to flicker.
Reproduction steps:
Go to the demo link
open it in either code pen or jsFiddle which is shown in
Then in the Js file add the highlighted code in grey for the adapter usage as shown in image.
Now you can see that the chart is flickering.
Please help on the issue? Thanks :)

Issue rendering a line chart (Microcharts)

I am working on aligning a LineChart (from Microcharts library) in a xamarin forms application. As this chart does not have obvious properties for customization (or perhaps I am not aware of those right now), I am wondering how to achieve the following functionalities:
How to remove gaps around the chart?
How to give color to the point, I do not want to color a line?
How to remove the shaded area below the line (I just want a line and the points displayed on the chart)?
Code sample
Thank you

OBIEE 12c : Overlapping labels in pie chart

I've created 2 pie charts in an analysis and one of them seems to have its labels overlapping while the other has callouts and prevents any overlaps. I have created them in the exact same way and they both have the same properties.
Another strange thing is, this doesn't occur all the time. sometimes when I open an analysis/dashboard, both the pie charts look fine and when I refresh the page or come back to it later, then one of the chart has overlapping labels. Can anyone help me fix this.
Check out MOS Doc ID Doc ID 2260470.1 - you'll have to live with it at the moment

Kendo UI Waterfall chart negative data handling issue

Is there any way to draw x-axis at the bottom the chart in case or negative data provided to chart. Please have a look at attached screenshot.
I think Kendo has an option to set axisCrossingValue which may help you to achieve this.
Try the example: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/chart#configuration-categoryAxis.axisCrossingValue
Set some very high negative value to valueAxis.axisCrossingValue.

JQplot- Editing built in Axis Values

I tried Implementing Line Graph using JQPLOT. i want to disable the X-AXIS values which are dynamically built up in the code. I was able to hide the Y-Axis in Jqplot.min.css and I want to do the same for the X-axis .. Can someone please suggest something?
Any other logic to give our own X-axis values is much appreciated.
here the link where you can get your answer:
Jqplot Docs
Look at the options for axes, ticks[] can contain your own x-axis values.
different show options can hide your x-axis or just the tixks also.
