Android studio takes too long to open - performance

When I click the android studio icon on my desktop, its takes more than 5-10 minutes or even more to open android studio window.
Then the Gradle build also takes too long to refresh although I have set offline mode 'on'. and if i sync the project it takes way too long again
I have i5 processor with 6gb RAM running windows 10 and I use Genymotion as online device to debug and run my application.
Please help, it takes way too long and a lot of time is wasted

This is happening in Android Studio 2.0 or > 2.1. As mentioned in this answer you need to uncheck the Instant Run option.
Settings/Preferences(Mac) → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Instant Run


Issues debugging Tizen .NET app on Samsung Tizen 5.5 TV Emulator

It seems that there are issues with running and debugging Tizen .NET (Xamarin Forms) apps on Tizen emulators.
My environment is a Windows 10 machine, with the latest 2004 version. For development I tried both Visual Studio Professional 2019 (v16.6.2) and VS Professional 2017 (v15.9.24) with the VS Tools for Tizen extension.
I am able to deploy the application on the emulator however cannot debug, VS fails with the message Unable to start debugging. The system cannot find the specified file and in the console output I can see an the message [StdErr] error: cannot remove forward listener.
Does anyone have any idea? Is there some magical software combination that I can use to make this work or am I missing something?
I've experienced no end of troubles with Visual Studio Tools for Tizen. I nearly gave up today completely, I've spent weeks just getting it to partially work, and only a day or two of actual development, but finally figured out a few things that might be unique to my system or most likely are just missing in the documentation (which is not rare for Samsung at all).
First up, the emulator issue. I'm assuming you've been through the certificate manager and generated a Samsung certificate (make sure to have installed the extensions in the package manager, Samsung wearable extensions and Samsung certificate extensions then run through and create your Samsung certificate in certificate manager).
So now in the emulator manager try "right" clicking the specific emulator and select allow to install applications. It might now indicate it has installed a certificate. This is a good sign. Also i assume you know not to use HyperV (you can look up how to create a bootloader that can enable you to dual boot windows where HyperV can be disabled in one and enabled in your default).
Assuming that worked and you still can't debug i found that you may need to build the application (clean the build for good measure first - remember this - it can save you often if things don't work when you change something), then click Start without Debugging from visual studio. This should install the application to the device and launch it, fingers crossed. Now if that worked, and your application is now running in emulator or on device, you may find that future attempts now to debug it will work.
The final thing which has nearly made me give up is the update to my watch. It recently updated and i noted the new tizen version reported by the watch is 5.5. So naturally i went ahead and changed the api level to 5.5 and hey presto it all just seemed to work and i could continue as before, debugging and changing things happily. Then i uninstalled the application for a dry run and since then I spent a week trying to figure out why it will not reinstall the application on the emulator or the watch ( (it was a week ago i upgraded to api 5.5 and there were no issues, so that was way down the list of anything that could go wrong). I reinstalled etc, did the whole gamut of things all to no avail. At some point i got it working on the emulator but not the watch, finally today i have it working on both and don't wish to develop anything, i'm spent.
So that final issue was resoled by moving the projects back to api 4.0 and they would now reinstall on my watch and my emulator (use the Start without Debugging trick as well to install it first). Also (my fault - why it worked on emulator but not watch at some point) beware if you have one that is api 4 and one is api 5.5 - which i did while i was testing the above (one is a service the other the ui - they were at different api levels - that will not work on a device - but was happy on the emulator).
If none of that works for you, i'd advise give up, life is too short.

can't debug mobile native app with tizen studio ide

I have tizen studio ide v1.0.2 installed. I created a new project from one of the samples (sensors). It builds ok. But I can't debug or run it. When I start either run or debug, the emulator window shows up, and eventually it says "Starting the kernel". The ide shows "Launching Sensor Debug", and gets to 81%, then it times out making a connection to the emulator - an error box pops up. Closing it leaves the emulator window open and I have to use the task manager to end it the emulator.
Any pointers, etc. will be greatly appreciated.
Try This:
Open Emulator Manager (alt+shift+e) under Tools. Check HD Mobile (assuming that is your platform), Click Edit, Under device uncheck all the sensors that you DON'T NEED.
Click Confirm.
Now LAUNCH EMULATOR...... WAIT! I have an i7, 16 gb or RAM, SSD Hard drive, nothing else running except Tizen Studio AND it still takes A LONG TIME to load the emulator (like 30 + seconds).
Wait until you see the Tizen Home screen
THEN, Go to Build Project
THEN, Right click on Project File (Left/Top in Project Explorer window) and choose "Run As" Tizen Native Application.
Works every time for me. Ignore error that says cant open emulator because it is already running.
Hope this helps.

Appcelerator studio won't start (no loading screen)

I'm trying to run appcelerator studio in my Desktop.
AMD Athlon II x4 640 3.00 GHz
Ram 4gb
64bit win 8.1
120Gb SSD Samsung 840 EVO
so, in my laptop i7 8gb ram etc.. run smoothly.
When I'm trying to start the studio doesn't respond, not even in task manager.
I'm using CLI and work fine..
I can't find any log file. Which appc studio keep in workspace which one I have no create yet because I can't open the studio.
I run the command appc platform to start the studio from the CMD but nothing happens and this message appears:
{"success":false,"description":"platform command usage: appcelerator platform <api> <method/arguments>"}
I uninstalled AVAST and check first the blocked programs, but nothing..
I disabled Windows firewall too.
Reinstalled the studio many times using different versions of node. But nothing.
And of course I tried to come in contact with the appc team but I can't....
I'm thinking about 4Gb ram limitation; if that blocks the program from starting.
I also try to open the program logged in and logout from CLI.
Any idea? any one with the same problem?
I am not stuck in loading screen the studio try to verify my account and communicate with server.
Studio just won't start at all.
I'm sorry for my bad English.
sorry for your issue.
First - I am assuming your running Windows (Linux is no longer supported)
The CLI command your using appc platform does not launch studio. That is used for accessing platform APIs and thus requires you to provide an API to use.
To launch studio from the CMD line on Windows you would need to cd into your Appcelerator Studio directory and run the associated program. When installing studio, we do put an icon on the desktop, which is by far the easiest way to start it up.
Your right about your RAM limitation. While you'll find that studio does "run" it will be extremely slow, especially once you start using the Android / Windows emulators etc. Windows takes up 1-2GB of Ram on its own, leaving very little for any development tools.
Our recommended configuration for Windows machines is:
* Windows 8.1 or higher
* 16GB of RAM
I would also think about a faster proc as well.
We are in the process of updating our documentation on the pre-reqs' as its a bit misleading. While we say 4GB of RAM is suitable, what we are talking about is 4GB of 'free memory' on top of everything else you have running, not 4GB of total system memory.

Why does windows mobile 6 emulator restart after each new deploy?

When I stop and re-run the debugger in Visual Studio against a Windows Mobile 6 device, the emulator restarts each time making the debugging experience extremely slow. I could understand if I made changes to the code, but this is happening regardless of whether changes are made.
Is there any reason why Visual Studio would restart a new emulator each time? How can I ensure that the debugger uses the same instance of the emulator that is already running?
I figured it out. I had multiple projects within the solution for various assemblies and the emulator type set for each project was sometimes different and thus causing multiple emulators to fire up. When I closed the multiple emulators Visual Studio would then re-start them all next time I went to debug.

Visual Studio 2010 causing computer to lock up

When running the debugger about 50% of the time, Visual Studio 2010 freezes and also locks up my entire machine. I can't even get to Task Manager. Nothing works except my mouse will still move. The only way to recover is to hard boot the machine which takes about 15 minutes each time. I don't have anything else running on my machine at the time except VS, IE 8 (sometimes) and Outlook.
I am running Windows XP on a Lenovo T400 with 3G RAM
Has anyone seen this behavior? If so, how did you fix it?
You don't mention what language your app is but I have run into this with our C++/CLI application on occasion. To avoid it, I changed the Project properties / Debugger and specify "Native" or "Managed" explicitly for the debugger type. The default of "Auto" can get confused.
Also, if you use Application Verifier from Microsoft, I have had VS hang while AV was configured to verify our .exe. To avoid this, we have to launch the app under the debugger as "Native".
